My response to Jonathan Jefferies and Rob Leger Form 11 July 7th 2023 regarding PC-23-0049

Release Date: April 5th 2024
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Scott Jewers>

Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 1:20 PM

To: "Jefferies, Jonathan">

Hi Jonathan,

Now Jonathan.... this is going to bias what you think of me however I need to be fully honest with you as it's the right thing to do... These people set you up to fail... this is only a small portion of the evidence, maybe 1% and what these people are exposing you to and who is very serious. Please read this several times. Watch a Video on Cambridge Analytica - These are not good people and Cases have been opened with RCMP and CSIS while I've also engaged elections Canada and all Levels of Government. I will also be sending you the Copy of the Security and Ethical Review of NSHA, HRP and RCMP on March 13th 2023 when NSHA retalitated because they knew they were caught, while I suspect NSHA will retaliate again so I have to prepare.

On March 29th 2023, for the first time I just read through the Freedom of Information request provided by HRP about the day I was arrested, August 2nd and 3rd 2022 and then through August 16th and 17th 2022. I had made the request on September 2nd 2022 to which I received the response on October 13th 2022. It was pretty obvious they lied and there was little I could do to change it so why look? And SURPRISE it's a complete lie and fabrication. I was completely calm the entire time. I was sitting inside HRP because it was raining out, and the internal doors were locked as I suspect COVID protocols were in place. So I asked if it was okay to sit while I waited, and the staff said yes. I had a towel, because it was raining, so I sat on that. When the officer asked if we could go elsewhere I did, we went outside and it was respectful, there was never any issues or disagreement, just discussion. I stated it's a lot of evidence and I understand that so I wanted to file a complaint or get a statement. And I offered twice to search my bag in case it made them uncomfortable and was dressed very lightly. I asked those Officers to clarify Citizens Arrest Laws, in context of property. Which is my right and it literally says it within the law, to speak to an Officer for clarification and so I did. That is my legal right to ask and assert that right. And to that Point I said to the HRP Officers, I'm not saying it was Dan Kinsella but asked about JDIrving. And given the evidence, Dan Kinsella must know something while at the very least it looks like someone set Dan Kinsella up to fail and I think he would want to know about it. While Dan Kinsella said November 29th 2019 - Dan Kinsella - "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case.' . And this email thread had been going for about a Year at that stage. So where is that in the report? HRP lied while never focused on Dan Kinsella, I was never adamant about arresting him. I came to discuss evidence, and file a complaint or get a statement on what to do as per legal guidelines given such incredible evidence. I came prepared, asking valid questions, Advising party's well in advance of where I was going, the topics and when. Even gave up to the minute updates on my location. While I had submitted the Research Tool, The Wolf and the Neural Network, containing all of These Dates and Relationships which was submitted to the large DL, HRP, RCMP...ect on on July 11th 2022, 22 Days before I went down to HRP (3 weeks and 1 day) Prior to going to Halifax Regional Police. Proving every single date and fact that I was discussing existed and was supported by massive amounts of public data. But also, because I compiled the data it became clear my best bet was to go into Police and be completely honest. And, I was clear, I was there to file a complaint or get a statement and I would leave. The Officers asked for dates and evidence, they asked questions when they could have just let me file a complaint and leave. I have many witnesses from before I went to HRP proving I was absolutely calm and rational. Joking and laughing, I had even dropped evidence off to CSIS just before. While I also I had mentioned about making the freedom of information request about my wallet and how the case is locked due to someone else's privacy, which they themselves thought was weird and could have checked but didn't... While I also noted that the day I got FOIPOP Back from HRP, the CEO of Irving Shipbuilding, Kevin Mooney stepped down... June 23rd 2022 Irving Shipbuilding president Kevin Mooney resigns . That's a fact. Where is that in this report? While you know what else conveniently isn't in the report that was discussed with those Officers? Stephen McNeil ad Robin McNeil... But also the HRP Officers In their report left out an important and obvious part... the Part about Me, Jim Perrin, HR Directors and HR VP Doing and Investigation at JDIrving. And so, the part with McNeil, linking back to Robin McNeil. While they also didn't record me asking them if not Dan Kinsella, then to investigate JDIrving... because remember, there can't be records on these "right kind of white":

August 5th 2020 - Link to letter (Skip PIPDA as that was refined into a Cleaner Doc, Just read general and Personal Letters. You'll see the entry of "person right at the top", but also the one directed to the defense minister. Something had to happen...)

August 6th 2020 - Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil resigns, says he is leaving politics

1. The announcement caught many off guard as McNeil previously said he expected to attempt a third term. McNeil only advised the caucus of his decision earlier in the day.

Like 5 of Stephen McNeil's and Robin McNeil's (Police Chief) family was in HRP Alone with Multiple in RCMP .

May 29th 2019 Just 2 Days after my Wallet was stolen - China's ambassador makes second trip to Nova Scotia, calls Premier McNeil a 'great friend'

But also, they conveniently left out TorStar and Postmedia.

Dan Kinsella States there will be an apology for the Black Community

 I get a Job Email for Capital Health for a Job.

Jim Perrin Gets Transferred to JDIrving - ( just 12 days after i got my wallet back)

Postmedia Gets their journalistic accreditation (Remember Postmedia and TorStar were under investigation for collusion)

TorStar Shuts down there Halifax Office (Remember Postmedia and TorStar were under investigation for collusion)

November 29th 2019 - Dan Kinsella - "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case.'

This while the supervisor continued to lie and said HRP officers don't file complaints against themselves. As per HRP website:

"Do I have to contact Professional Standards to make a complaint? "No. You may make your complaint to any of the following: any member of the Halifax Regional Police ''

"Who can make a complaint? You can make a complaint against any Halifax Regional Police officer, including the Chief of Police." . She absolutely lied.

 Department of Justice - What You Need to Know About Making a Citizen's Arrest

1. I asked valid, legal questions and had sent them through email days before. I never made a threat, never loitered or caused any issues with Officers. As stated and requested, I discussed the issue with Law Enforcement for clarification as the evidence was incredible. So in terms of my property, there being no limiting timeline and the fact that these parties would be actively benefiting from that theft as if this became public they would face consequences. Then I asked for this to be clarified by an Officer. Never, ever, ever said I was ever going to touch anyone, and have never made a threat or have ever suggested violence.

 November 29th 2019 - Dan Kinsella - "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case.'

Given this, Consider the HRP accusations of me being Manic. Here is a bit where the Psychologist screwed me over because she knew they messed up badly, and there were serious complaints made. She tried to play "Plausible Deniability"... but she was anticipated. This will be covered in the Relationships to "Moby Dick", Pegasus, AI, and some really fun easter eggs.

(Recording | Rough Transcript).

IPTA - (h) any declaration of involuntary admission or declaration of incapacity is made on the basis of evidence. 2005, c. 42, s. 2. -

Doctor Holmes (Psychologist) - It wasn't about your behavior , it was about what you were talking about.

Doctor Holmes (Psychologist) - I know. And I you know, and I respect you, I see that you were able to remain calm and that you're like a very kind genuine guy. I do see that. I just want you to live your best life. And I think that this is impairing your ability to live your best life.

Scott - (13:25) "What could you give me a definition of psychosis? I won't argue with I just want to know what"

Doctor Holmes (Psychologist ) (13:30) I think that you're experiencing delusions which are fixed false beliefs,

Scott - specifically in relation to McNeil?

Doctor Holmes (Psychologist ) - (13:38) "McNeill, and how things that you have done have influenced other things happening... those connections that you're making..."

Scott - "Okay, so you don't think that that was related? "

Doctor Holmes (Psychologist ) - I don't think that those really are connected

Scott - With Jim Perrin?

Doctor Holmes (Psychologist ) - I think that you have inferred a lot of things are happening.

o Personal Note: This a disgusting human being who can't face its own fixed delusions about its own over inflated sense of self-worth and importance. This thing did not respect me. This best life bullshit was for them, not for me. It's sick and this level of cognitive dissonance from a Psychologist is horrifying. Forcing drugs into me under threat of severe violence that have a 46% Chance of Erectile Dysfunction because she doesn't want to fact check herself is absolutely Coercive Torture. Basically she is a dick hating nightmare monster... But digress...

I have all this evidence and I absolutely won. So why would I go down to HRP and act weird or manic? Just one video would prove me wrong and ruin my entire case, while I specifically tried to stay in view of security cameras because it makes sense for me to go down and be completely calm, rational and cooperative. I have requested this video but HRP and NSHA are refusing. While my vitals from QEII through Mount Hope and with Police reports showing this consistent behavior even after being terrorized, framed and tortured. I was still consistent, even after having RCMP sent here like 6 times to further harass me. Even after all the damage HRP and NSHA caused my family, the damage they caused in the last few months with my mother and now with This recent arrest of March 13th 2023 - absolutely cool, calm and collected. Neither RCMP, CSIS nor HRP stopped me, in fact RCMP refused to arrest me but were forced by NSHA (A massive conflict of interest). During August 2nd and 3rd 2022 I sat at QEII in handcuffs for 10 Hours and was still consistent. But to take this further... On the Main thread I repeatedly stated I would take a Public Polygraph for Parliament, but I also agreed to a PUBLIC psychological audit. So why would I lie? And why would I walk down to HRP if I was worried about the Police stalking me? It makes no sense. The fact is HRP lied to cover up for these "right kinds of white"... anyone can see it. Providing significant evidence that lying, cheating and stealing for the "right kind of white" is an expected everyday function of Halifax Regional Police.

Let's add context to Jim Perrin Because HRP and Doctor Holms Obviously Lied to cover up for each other

But also we need to address the lies in the Police report regarding Jim Perrin.... I never said that on November 19th 2019 Jim Perrin did anything or denied me clearance. The fact is the record will show I didn't know he existed until January 14th 2020 when JDIrving says something like "Our Investigator Jim Perrin will be in contact with you". What I did say is once my wallet was at Halifax Regional Police, and when I went to pick it up on June 5th 2019, The Officer who gave my wallet Back, wouldn't answer questions even though I was showing concern. The Officer asked at least twice "You're sure you don't know where your wallet was found"... I was like no, I'm shocked, I figured it was gone and I reported the cards immediately while thinking it was strange they didn't take change, and told them I have witnesses. They asked again, this time stressing "You're sure you don't know where your wallet was found"... I stuck with my story and then asked where it was found but the HRP Officer wouldn't tell me saying it's a part of something "Ongoing". While logically if it got turned in under lost and found, as stated in the report I received then why would it be part of something ongoing? It doesn't make any sense. It's strange... but I was just happy to have it back while I trusted HRP which turned out to be a big mistake. But regardless, Whether or not something suspicious was happening, or any involvement of JDIrving the fact is that as a function and consequence of Jim Perrin being the Superintendent and Commander of the Criminal Investigation unit means he would objectively have control over any case, including the one regarding my wallet. It is a fact. If Jim Perrin says to open as case, then it gets open without question and why would anyone question it. Which would normally not mean anything. However, in my case, an open case means I automatically cannot get security clearance with CSIS, Which I need to renew or accept a new contract at JDIrving or for any other Position that might require clearance. This would allow JDIrving to deny a job, and it would not look like JDIrving. But also allow JDIrving to use Police as a Proxy, where the Police could then use another Proxy. That's basic criminology... you don't shit where you eat.

So then any rational person would be curious about the fact that I picked up my wallet at HRP on June 5th 2019 and then Jim Perrins Job Posting at JDIrving gets posted Jun 17, 2019 - Physical Security Manager which is just 12 Days later. This date of which, on August 2nd 2022 the HRP Supervisor seemed to confirm this date and said something like "Well you got that one right on the head" showing more situational awareness. While it's clear she must have known the dates about the Wortley report and Apology. While I never said that Jim Perrin denied me clearance neither will you find that anywhere here in any documentation. What I said was my last day at Irving Shipbuilding was July 26th 2019 while Jim Perrin, as per his own LinkedIn, did not move to JDIrving until November 2019. Meaning, Jim Perrin was absolutely still at HRP until July 26th 2019 (39 Days), and seems that he would have been until His Transfer in November 2019 (per his own LinkedIn) and so would have had consistent access up to and including on the exact same day I got an Interview... YEAH. While the only time I mentioned Jean Michael Blaise was when I said, The Wortley report was released March 27th 2019, and then, as a standard organization change, 4 days later the chief stepped down... While the only I ever talked about Jean Michael Blaise, in any of these emails and when I did was Sat, Sep 18, 2021 - (approx. date) I was extremely respectful, and apologized if there was confusion, and discussed his unfortunate diagnosis of PTSD as I directed all of them to contact CSIS to clear themselves before this got bad. That's it...

Now, in this investigation with JDIrving, after learning of Jim Perrin, by January 20th 2020 - I submitted a very long detailed review, of Jim Perrin and Irving Shipbuilding, showing the incredible mistakes they have already made, and directly question the suspicious nature and data associated with this "Jim Perrin", and asking about the appropriateness given the Reason for the Move, especially given the diversity of their employees. This could objectively get them sued just because. While literally begging them to stop this... even said I would sign an NDA and walk away... but I needed to know it was dealt with. And this is what eventually led to:

August 5th 2020 - Link to letter (Skip PIPDA as that was refined into a Cleaner Doc, Just read general and Personal Letters. You'll see the entry of "person right at the top", but also the one directed to defense minister. Something had to happen...)

August 6th 2020 - Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil resigns, says he is leaving politics

1. The announcement caught many off guard as McNeil previously said he expected to attempt a third term. McNeil only advised the caucus of his decision earlier in the day.

Regardless, it's all logically connected. See HRP knew they had to open a case so better me than them.

Let's Introduce Postmedia, TorStar and David Pugliese and Bring JDIrving into the mix...

March 2019 - Now Postmedia have a direct avenue of attack, through Chronicle Herald and Saltwire right in Halifax (saltwire) the company terminated its affiliation with the Canadian Press newswire service, opting instead to become a client of Postmedia and Reuters.[10]

When they did, a reported David Pugliese continued his attack on JDIrving, DND and Liberal Government. Interestingly enough, there was a huge gap in his posting. But on November 8th 2018, just 1 day after my job got posted with JDIrving, David Pugliese started an all-out attack on JDIrving, DND and the Government of Canada... This is laid out in the SW Posting Habits of the "Wolf and the Neural Network" research tool.

It was so bad that after March 2019 when Postmedia became the providers for SaltWire and Chronicle Herald, that JDIrving issues a public statement that they would SUE if Postmedia, or anyone if they wrote any stories, This is while the Government also felt something was wrong so they gave the reporter's name to JDIrving. This ultimately triggered a Case with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC). The Privacy Commissioner sided with David Pugliese, and So indirectly Postmedia. While the NDP were actively questioning Postmedia's motives and questioning if they are a Propaganda engine. And so, it's logical to look at this person's Posting Habits from a general statistical point of view, and upon a closer look at this person's articles, the timing and who it was directed at is extremely suspicious. And then the correlation with dates associated with me... If I were an Agent or Officer, this would have been flagged. And really suggests that the Position I ultimately took at JDIrving may have been created as a False Flag or specifically to be framed. Seriously, check the correlations of David Pugliese with Days relevant to me, it's SPOOKY. (For reference Postmedia -> National Post -> SaltWire -> AMI)

IPTA - (h) any declaration of involuntary admission or declaration of incapacity is made on the basis of evidence. 2005, c. 42, s. 2. -

    1. The bureau announced it was proceeding only with its criminal investigation in November 2018
  2. November 8th 2019 - (START OF AGGRESSIVE POSTING BY DAVID PUGLIESE, there seems to be a BIG gap of almost a year of him not mentioning JDIrving...) "Twice the price and just as nice: Irving's Arctic patrol ship double the cost of previous five"
    1. November 7th 2018 - The Job I applied for gets posted by JDIrving. I applied on November 13th 2018.
  3. December 5th 2018 - "Near total power failure': Questions about propulsion system on new Canadian warship"
    1. (Personal) Job Interview at JDIrving
    2. December 5th 2018 - Further, on December 4, 2018, the Competition Bureau obtained an order from the Ontario Superior Court to advance its investigation, which requires one former and five current employees of Torstar to be interviewed under oath by bureau investigators.
    3. No other David Pugliese Posts between now and February 8th 2019
  4. February 4th 2019 - (Personal) Started at JDIrving
    1. February 8th 2019 - Warship rejected by DND years ago will now be the backbone of Canada's future navy
  5. March 2019 - Now Postmedia have a direct avenue of attack, right in Halifax (saltwire) the company terminated its affiliation with the Canadian Press newswire service, opting instead to become a client of Postmedia and Reuters.[10]
  6. March 2019 - "Irving briefed top federal officials on plans to sue Postmedia after government shared reporter's questions" - David Pugliese called the Canadians Government asking about Welds or something...They posted this on National Post, but now, in their Halifax Newspapers Postmedia even back dated articles to make a Point against JDIrving.
  7. April 18th 2019 - (Personal) I Get My Speeding Ticket
    1. Toronto Star seems to gets their hands on documents sent Between HRP, Robin McNeil, RCMP and Board of Police Commissioners (Posts May 13th 2019) - Halifax police say it would 'appear disingenuous' to apologize after street checks report
  8. May 27th 2019 - My Wallet gets Stolen

1. May 7th 2019 - (David Pugliese)Charge being dropped against Mark Norman would be major victory for senior naval officer

2. May 8th 2019 - Vice-Admiral Mark Norman | Jason Kenney

3. May 8th 2019 - Vice Admiral Mark Norman vindicated as Crown stays breach of trust charge against him

4. May 13th 2019 - (TorStar) Halifax police say it would 'appear disingenuous' to apologize after street checks report

5. May 15th 2019 - Trump grants full pardon to former media baron Conrad Black (Canada -> National Post -> Postmedia -> AMI)

  1. July 26th 2019 - (Personal) My Last Day
    1. July 26th 2019 - (David Pugliese) Irving briefed top federal officials on plans to sue Postmedia after government shared reporter's questions
  2. February 17th 2023 - Well jump ahead to make the general Point... JDIrving sells their media business Brunswick News Inc. to Postmedia. And now, Jamie Irving soon becomes the new Executive Director and now sits on the Board of Directors with Daniel Rotstein, a supposed long time Trump ally and friend who supposedly helped facilitated Hush Payments for Trump. ...
    1. Oh, and they got 16 million dollars... And seems like there may have been some Debt repayment.... Motive, Opportunity and Means.

Now, check the Wolf and the Neural Network... There you can check David Pugliese Postings Habits and articles yourself (SW Posting Habits). This pattern is way too specific and matches other Parallel events occurring at the same time, with Postmedia Executives, and Members of their Parent companies (But also side goons), state Actors. If I had to guess I'd say it might go something like the events with Mark Norman were embarrassing but RCMP and Government refused to drop it so reasonably to make it less embarrassing RCMP needed a new "Lead", Postmedia and these other goons would think the same thing and so reasonably could have put these people on my Tail so RCMP wouldn't look bad. In fact, I remember my boss saying they were looking for an exchange student or something for the role and how they almost never hire someone who only applies once, as I did. They said it's usually only if you apply multiple times, consistent with what others have told me... everything supports that someone intended to frame whoever took that position.

While factoring in the other events around November 2018 in the Wolf and the Neural Network and then work out the relationships between these people. It is chilling.

Let's Discuss Police Stalking or paranoia that police are following me. HRP lied.

Why would I walk into HRP if I was worried about the police stalking me? It's stupid... they obviously lied. While the wolf and the Neural Network shows reported Police stalking events, none of which were directly recent and my own bias completely covered in each event. HRP Lied.

June 5th 2019 - First, the issue with my Wallet, fully quantified. Multiple FOIPOP requests exist...

December 10th 2019 - When HRP conveniently showed up and seemingly threatened my mother,

December 12th 2019 - When an SUV stalking my cousins and their neighbor's kids, they were confronted, they got out shaking and said they were a private investigator and sped away. It was reported to RCMP by these non-affiliated 3rd parties twice and RCMP didn't contact them back.

June 10th 2020 - The next event was June 10th 2020 when I was raising awareness about Racism in Ecum Secum, after the events with George Floyd... As it's very racist out here. I was 40KM from a police station. RCMP drove back and forth, then one went and parked at the top of the hill pointing down at me, the other kept driving back and forth, Locals were so concerned they refused to leave me... Asking why they were doing that... Here is a Map. There was a Newspaper article on the event (Front and Story) and the police aggression was casually mentioned. (June 17th 2020 - Oh and the Day my face popped up in this Newspaper, one of the only ones they don't own, my internet got cut for 2 days)

March 24th 2021 to August 16th 2021 -The last event ever mentioned was between these dates when RCMP very reasonably stalked me to the local store and were hiding behind a sign like goons. There were 3 witnesses, asking why they were doing that. The Wolf and the Neural Network will confirm this...

Along with some other historical reported events with RCMP Sheet Harbour... (these weren't talked about, but were added to the thread late 2022)

Everything HRP wrote was a lie.

Let's discuss and include Cambridge Analytica, EMIC and Target Audience Analysis

Cambridge Analytica Wikipedia - "A firm called Emic, set up by staff from the original SCL defence contractor were revealed in 2020 by Emma Briant to be continuing to work for governments. [10] "

Right during the "investigation", I noticed my GPS location got set directly to a residence over 40KM away from my house at Residence A. Confirmed in multiple maps applications. Upon buying the land records and doing some digging of the ownership information, I found pictures of that individual at Irving Shipbuilding, but also of a Signed Certificate from the Prime Minister in 2016. Now, upon reviewing David Pugliese articles, there was a large gap and then he published one October 13th 2020 regarding Cambridge Analytica and a Company Called EMIC. Linking to a contract within the Government site for EMIC. Interestingly enough, this was around the same time a letter from ESDC went missing from my mailbox...

Checking the EMIC Contract Dates, it matches the exact date of the Mortgage Land Events for that property where my GPS was set to.

EMIC Contract 1 - July 5th 2019

Image Map Linking EMIC contract, Owner and Postmedia

Notice: Target Audience Analysis (TAA) - Has been and is usually considered a Weapon by the UK government. And NATO considers it Psychological Warfare or PsyOps. These folks have been authorized to engage however they see fit and lie to whomever they see fit including to Police under National Defense and Security. And they have massive amounts of Data on how to manipulate people on a micro scale and they specifically know what colors to add to an image to trigger you specifically, but also large parts of the population. Their methodology seems Mostly driven by fear. These people and actors also have direct access to the most technologically sophisticated software available for accessing your digital life, including Phone. But also direct Physical surveillance. So please use discretion Jonathan.

EMIC Contract 2

Image linking EMIC to my ESDC Letters September 15th 2020.

Notice: But also directly to Land Events within 300 Meters of my House. Matching when Stephen McNeil and Kevin McKoy of Irving Shipbuilding Stepped down as I had given them 6 months to implement Policy.

Basically, these people came after me while this is only 1% of the evidence I have. I was literally targeted by "THEM" up to and including state actors. For reference it seems there was a global spyware epidemic relating to the idea, or directly to Pegasus spyware but this was not discussed with those Officers, Only the events with My Wallet, JDIrving, the Dates and then McNeil. ALl l

So why would I go down to Halifax Regional Police and to lie or present as Manic? I went to do the right thing and it's based on incredible evidence that was submitted in The Wolf and The Neural Network. Supported by detailed technical, ethical and security reviews. Surely you see how detailed I am... And I have to be detailed here so I can prove if you did or didn't do your Job Jonathan. As to judge your own Prejudice and Bias for the final report.

QEII - Officer 4 and 5. Then the Two HRP Officers who seem to have gotten my book bag

Anyway, while at QEII, two Unaffiliated HRP Officers overheard me and Officer 4 speaking... I asked "how much do you think JDIrving pays to stay out of Jail...1MIL, 10MIL, 100MIL?" I saw those officers' faces turn red and they were clearly listening, and this becomes EXTREMELY important later on.

Now, Officer 4 was a good cop, they had their opinions and I liked that. And I've never asked anyone to just believe me while the thread shows I've asked everyone to be critical. And with every Officer I was respectful the entire time. While waiting for the Admitting Doctor, Officer 4 even came into the room just before the psychologist to tell me how he hoped I could trust someone someday. Finally The Doctor Came, after 10 -11 hours waiting, I just said I was falsely arrested, discussed the conflict of interest and said I want to go home. She wanted to talk, and I asked about Privacy. She assured me that everything is private. So I said I was basically forced into a Machine, forced to give blood and was denied contacting a lawyer... I told her incredible evidence was submitted, and HRP said they were getting information to file a complaint and then just came back and arrested me. I told her I had money, places to stay and I'm expected (I care for my disabled mother, and have a dog). I said I can provide evidence of everything... to which the admitting doctor literally said "I'm not here to fact check you"... Check IPTA - (h) any declaration of involuntary admission or declaration of incapacity is made on the basis of evidence. 2005, c. 42, s. 2. - The admitting doctor then lies and says I have nowhere to go, which was a lie I had friend's waiting for me, money for cab, $40 cash in my wallet for food and drives back to Ecum Secum. The Admitting Doctor then lied and said and said I'm paranoid about police following me when I have never said that especially to this Doctor or their staff but Just like the false statements from HRP. Think about it, why would I walk down to HRP if I was worried about the Police stalking me? This is while there nothing in the documentation or the email chain supports that. While then for them claiming I think this is all about me doesn't make sense because I clearly said in all my emails this wasn't about me, I wasn't the protagonist. I got caught up in something which is extremely rational and directly supported by incredible evidence. While like I said to Doctor Holms and others I don't believe in ghosts, demons, angels, aliens, god or religion. To me that nonsense is delusional and I believe in data. And I made it clear I only assigned 1% to each event and used Public data to inflate it and that's what the Wolf and the Neural Network is. It's literally direct proof of what I'm saying... While to further evidence that I was always calm you can hear in the recording with the Psychologist, again how calm I was.

(Recording | Rough Transcript).

Doctor Holmes (Psychologist) - It wasn't about your behavior, it was about what you were talking about.

 Doctor Holmes (Psychologist) - I know. And I you know, and I respect you, I see that you were able to remain calm and that you're like a very kind genuine guy. I do see that. I just want you to live your best life. And I think that this is impairing your ability to live your best life.

Now, when first speaking to the Admitting doctor. I asked about Privacy, The Admitting Doctor assured me anything I had said was between them and me. However, In the middle of discussion, Officer 5, who I had never met, and was under the impression I would be with Officer 4 until 6 am. This new Officer just walks into the room, says Scott and just stands there. But then awkwardly then goes into the room beside us, and sits right by the door with Officer 4. I simply asked how appropriate it was for that to occur, and that given they are right outside the door while given the complaint against them then I don't really feel comfortable discussing anything. The doctor said "That's kind of paranoid isn't it"... I said no, you're asking me questions that implicate these police and their superiors and given I'm saying they falsely arrested me, It's a rational thought while you (The doctor) said I should have a reasonable expectation of Privacy... This is where she says she is going to admit me... I was shocked. But then it gets much worse.

The Admitting doctor then goes to open it half way and straddles it. They LAUGH OUT LOUD and say to the two Officers sitting there "HAHAHAH HE THINKS YOU CAN HEAR HIM".... "HERE SCOTT TEST IT AND WELL SEE HAHAHAHA"... When I just asked how appropriate it was. But now Officer 4 and 5 were laughing. Officer 5 LOVED IT. Officer 5 and the Admitting Doctor were literally getting off on humiliating me, it brought them sincere Joy. I didn't not get that impression from Officer 4... But it's interesting seeing this police report, and knowing he said I hope I can "Trust" someone someday... But I remained cool, calm, collected and kind... I looked at her and calmly said "this is really inappropriate", I again asked for a lawyer, she lied and said I was never denied a lawyer, when, how could she know about the last 10 Hours. She said I could call one, I said okay then, for privacy I'd wait until the Officers and Her left, she said okay. Officer 5 then got up, came over to take my cuffs off and asked "do you have any questions for me", I looked in his eyes and shook my head no and softly said "man this isn't right". Officer 5 then YELLED IN MY FACE - "I ASKED DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR ME"... I said no, and Officer 5 took the cuffs off. No other Officer did anything like that. That person immediately degraded me as a human being while that Monster of an Admitting Doctor made it okay... I was just some retard. Think about this... the Officer was just told I was considered a Vulnerable Person and look how Officer 5 acted when they thought I was less than human they could get away with the abuse. I then went and asked for a Phone to contact a Lawyer, again Staff told me "Honey there is no phone".

IPTA - - "(a) persons of all ages with mental disorders are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect;"

Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law

o "15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability." -

10. Everyone has the right on arrest or detention:

o "b) to retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informed of that right; and" -

But it gets worse, much worse. Remember how I asked about Privacy? Well, then Under NSHA, HRP and that Admitting Doctors care, my book bag, which again had my wallet in it and had a giant sticker saying SCOTT, it appears to have ended up in custody of those two nonaffiliated HRP Officers who heard me ask "how much do you think JDIrving pays to stay out of Jail...1MIL, 10MIL, 100MIL?" And it made it to Mount Hope before I had even seen a Doctor... Nobody told me what happened. But In the Morning, the person who was in custody of those two nonaffiliated HRP officers came to me and said something like:

"DUDE YOU CAN'T SPEAK AROUND POLICE LIKE THAT... I woke up messed up hugging your stuff and they went all through it... Do you want to rock paper scissors for one of the $20's"? (I had 2 $20's to which I obviously said no.)

This was reported immediately and to Doctor Holms. While that morning, as proof, on that large email thread I have going, I sent it out directly:

 August 3rd 2021 - "I had to sleep in a bed with shit on the blankets, they gave my book bag to a random man who himself said he was high on drugs who woke up hugging it, went through my wallet , seen money and felt bad.... I then woke up to a man standing over me.... I never did anything wrong. "

Now, Both NSHA and HRP will not respond to privacy requests regarding what occurred with my book bag. While neither NSHA nor HRP reported it and neither will clarify who was responsible. It was reported directly to Doctor Holms but again not reported.

Officer 5 cannot and should not be trusted to have anyone in their custody. While any complaints about this Officer should be treated as serious and this Officer should be relieved of their duties at HRP immediately as to avoid liability issues. While these two other HRP Officers should absolutely be investigated. While it's my recommendation to CSIS and RCMP that these individuals are never allowed to hold security clearance again for the rest of their lives. They should absolutely be terminated with Cause. If they're found to even joke about retaliation. They should be charged with Domestic Terrorism offences. If they lie, they should be tried for the maximum sentences.

This has been my direct recommendation to CSIS and RCMP.

After My False Arrest and Illegal Captivity

August 12th 2022 - When released from my illegal captivity we found out my mother got diagnoses of a mass in her stomach (Turned out to be a large Cyst, half Cancer). I was already her primary caretaker and now it was much worse and I had to stop to care for her. Because of the negligence of HRP and Doctor Holms, by the time I got home mom was full of bruises, she crushed the garbage can and she was so confused she thought I was only in the hospital for 3 days when it was 10. It turns out the tumor / cyst was leaking puss into her body causing delirium. Upon brain scan, they found restricted blood vessels indicating onset of dementia. I begged Doctor Holms to not do this but look what these fucking Monsters did and the damage they caused our relationship especially in our final months together. And for what? For who? It was for these "right kinds of white" AGAIN.

Anyway... approx. 1. 5 Months later November 2nd 2022 HRP Held a Historic, unprecedented Vote of No Confidence in their Chief. 96% voted no Confidence. I can't really know but perhaps as individuals they knew they would be targeted by these Monsters. They knew how corrupt certain parts of RCMP and HRP are and as individuals they knew they were screwed had they filed complaints individually. This same concern of retaliation was also highlighted in the Wortley Report. And realistically solidarity is the only way to try to fix it. That's why the HRP Officers lied, basically it's better me than them. But it doesn't fix that forcing me to take drugs that have a 46% Chance of Erectile Dysfunction is absolutely Coercive Torture. They destroyed my life so they didn't have to file a complaint... so to them I am not a person. They fabricated a complete false record to specifically justify serious prejudice, bias and Police Harassment and so Unquestioned Violence. When incredible proof of Abuse from RCMP and HRP was submitted and consistently reported. And as direct proof RCMP didn't take it seriously because HRP said I was retarded which obviously links to HRP and Doctor Holm's fabricating false records that will haunt me the rest of my life. Its Criminal Negligence. Sending Police here is further Criminal Harassment. Dozens of Criminal Code infractions. Why didn't they report my Book Bag?

But do you know the worst part? Dan Kinsella didn't come forward and take responsibility while now his Officers will have to face it while he hides from it and tries to claim "Plausible Deniability" while pretending he is the Victim. This is Dan Kinsella spitting in the face of his Officers, the Law, Minorities, and Our National Security and Defense.

The facts are HRP and NSHA have embarrassed Canada on a Global Scale. The Damage they have caused to the reputation of Mental Health Services and IPTA is irreparable. The Damage done to Doctor Holm's career, and now this Young Psychologist on March 13th 2023 is irreparable. But the facts are they made bad choices when presented with Candor and incredible public evidence. And now March 13th 2023, they dragged those other NSHA workers into this and now compromised their careers and exposed them to all of these Global Monsters. All while stealing a Historic apology for Racism all so Racists, Misogynists, Homophobes and the "right kind of white" get what they want.... This is a National and Global disgrace.

November 29th 2019 - Dan Kinsella - "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case.'

November 19th 2019

1. Dan Kinsella States there will be an apology for the Black Community

2. I get a Job Email for Capital Health for a Job.

3. Jim Perrin Gets Transferred to JDIrving - ( just 12 days after i got my wallet back)

4. Postmedia Gets their journalistic accreditation (Remember Postmedia and TorStar were under investigation for collusion)

5. TorStar Shuts down there Halifax Office (

6. November 2018 - Remember Postmedia and TorStar were under investigation for collusion since November 2018...

1. December 4th 2017 - Postmedia CEO Paul Godfrey - "....Look we understand the rules, the legal rules involving collusion..."

May 29th 2019 Just 2 Days after my Wallet was stolen - China's ambassador makes second trip to Nova Scotia, calls Premier McNeil a 'great friend'


The fact that the police Report says they are trying to find violations of the criminal code, basically a reason to charge me while ignoring that evidence is disgusting and terrifying. This is a complete breakdown of our Policing, Legal, and Health Care System. The prejudice and bias is incredible. While considering this kind of evidence, the seriousness, the fact national Security is directly in question... I'd ask what this authorizes me to do as a Canadian Citizen. And then ask yourself if some emails are not a Very direct and safe way to deal with this? Of course it is. And who else would I take this to if not the Police? Of course it's the Police. While NSHA wouldn't answer this basic question... But that's what I did August 2nd 2022 while I was extremely responsible. Forthcoming, calm, cool, collected and cooperative. To which there is much more evidence of.

While any Language was directly discussed on the Main thread just before August 2nd 2022. What is worse, what they did or some contextual language? It shows that system wanted me to be just some retarded little faggot dog and so the severe systemic abuse come out, the true side of these Monsters and that's what they don't want to face ... the basic question of who they really are when it comes down to it. While this behavior isn't a one off with Halifax Regional Police this is the everyday day expected operations of Halifax Regional Police which has been tested and reproduced. They are bought, sold and traded to protect the "right kind of white".

They targeted Minorities, Disabled women, Children, Cancer Patients. They have terrorized, degraded and demeaned. They compromised our National Security and Defense while degrading trust in our institutions. They have used Systems and Weapons of Terror to Hunt me and my family like animals. While everyone knows If I did even .0000000000001% of what these Monsters said they would lock me away for the rest of my Life while they took pictures calling themselves heroes. It's disgusting. Look what they tried to do because of some contextual words, directed at "Leadership" where I have shown no Political Preference. While you now watch all of them try to pretend to be the Victims... It's disgusting. It's the perfect example of why society does not trust these People or Systems... And don't make any mistake about what occurred here... they chose to Target me, they specifically wanted to ruin my life and they figured I would take flight but I chose to fight... Thats right, They chose to come after the wrong father fucker at the wrong father fucking time in his Life and they are not the Victims because of it. It's disgusting.

While let's be clear - they chose to associate me with The Wortley Report and their Identity Politics, Their Racism, Hate and Neglect. They chose to associate me with their failures as self-proclaimed "Big Men" to face their own fixed delusions and over inflated sense of self-worth and self-importance. And the fact is I didn't want to make this about my identity as a Gay Man and the facts are I showed Police an incredible amount of respect and trust that was absolutely not reciprocated. While to be clear at one point I had sincerely believed in reconciliation...but you know what? By getting so see what these Monsters really are first hand... I couldn't be happier knowing they got Dry Mounted and Dominated by someone they think is just some retarded little faggot dog from the Sticks and I'm glad they are going to have to taste my spicy, long, hard, and slightly full of sea men take on Moby Dick for the rest of their lives.


"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"