Review of when NSHA had me arrested after i filed my complaint (Form 5) with HRP Professional Standards at HRP HQ on March 13th 2023

Release Date: April 8th 2023
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NSHA States they will just have me arrested if I send another email.

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: "freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication." -

(IPTA - (h) any declaration of involuntary admission or declaration of incapacity is made on the basis of evidence. 2005, c. 42, s. 2. -)

Cases Opened Against NSHA, HRP, And RCMP (As NSHA is clearly going to retaliate again to cover up what they did)

  • 2023-03-23 - RCMP (External Review) - R2023-001567
  • 2023-03-23 - HRP (External Review) - - PC-23-0049
    • Link to the detailed complaint filed with HRP.
  • 2023-03-23 - Ombudsman - PDF saved as proof.
  • 2023-03-23 - Human Rights Nova Scotia - PDF saved as proof.
  • 2023-03-24 - College of Physicians & Surgeons of Nova Scotia
  • 2023-03-26 - Human Rights Commission Canada - 100015719.
  • 2023-03-26 - Privacy Commissioner Of Nova Scotia
  • 2023-03-26 - Privacy Commissioner of Canada - PA-064879
  • 2023-03-26 - Elections Canada - EC-000177569
  • 2023-03-27 - NSHA (Privacy)
  • 2023-03-29 - RCMP. (Gave all Printed Material)

NSHA States they will just have me arrested if I send another email. NSHA is clearly the aggressor. The facts are NSHA is fabricating their own evidence to support their own fixed delusions where they are the victims. It's disgusting, it's horrifying and it's a National and Global embarrassment. And I consider it serious criminal abuse by NSHA and absolutely assert this was done to further cover up for their incredible failures, Systemic violence,their Criminal Activity and Systemic Discrimination. And the evidence that follows absolutely supports that assertion. And I absolutely, whole heartedly consider the Actions of NSHA, HRP and RCMP as Criminal Negligence and a Hate Crime.

I am asking NSHA, RCMP and HRP to investigate this as Hate Crimes committed towards me and my family. While again asking RCMP to pursue criminal investigations and charges against NSHA Directors, Doctor Holms, Admitting Doctor, and HRP. All parties have been engaged and requested to investigate the same.

March 13th 2023 - NSHA has me Arrested and Tortured as Retaliation for exposing thier Systemic Violence and Criminal Negligence.

Events to start the day - I had told everyone exactly what I was going to be doing, when and where. I had carried a Sign with me stating "JDIrving, Postmedia, HRP Framed and Tortured Me" - I parked about half a KM away, then I walked down to CSIS to drop off some evidence, then I walked down to HRP to file my complaint. I bothered no one, engaged with no one. It did not appear RCMP, HRP or CSIS had an issue or felt I was a threat. All parties have my email and were given my Phone number, and asked to call if they had any problems. I let everyone clearly know what I was going for, when I was going and where I was at each stage. All parties were provided with Technical, Ethical and Security reviews as well as incredible evidence. I even stated this was a Memory Overflow Exploit and NSHA was clearly not going to read any evidence as to claim Plausible Deniability which is exactly what they did. The record will show I had begged and pleaded with NSHA to be reasonable, provided incredible Technical, Security and Ethical reviews. All hyperlinked and cited coming from a Subject Matter Expert. While NSHA was well aware of the existing complaints against NSHA and knew they were extremely serious and very well founded. So really, at this stage NSHA knows they are facing multi-million dollar litigation. They know Doctor Holm's career is over. They know thier employees are going to face charges and lose thier jobs and the Media is going to eat them alive... So clearly they were going to retaliate. So, what's really important is to step back, and check out the Security Review submitted February 17th 2023 and compare it to what they did March 13th 2023 as It's basically exactly what they tried the Morning of January 29th 2023 when my mother died... They couldn't even wait for her body to get cold before they tried to frame me - Remember This is after NSHA and HRP terrorized and abused my mother, me and my family while they acted with extreme Prejudice, Bias and Systematic Violence. They knew they were facing multi-million dollar litigation and would have to face these "right kinds of white". And what these "Heroes" then proceeded to do, is nothing less than Pathetic, Criminal and Shocking:

RCMP arrested me - The Commander of RCMP Sheet Harbour called me, I was a bit annoyed but always respectful. And as soon as they told me I could be arrested under IPTA and asked for my location I immediately gave my location. RCMP advised they refused to arrest me but were being forced by NSHA. But what's important here is understanding this was reasonably always a Play at Plausible Deniability for all parties at the leadership levels. This doesn't mean Sheet Harbour RCMP, or those HRP Officers knew and in fact is reasonably why their "Leadership'' did not educate them as they wanted those Officers to fail. Think about it, RCMP had all of this for over a year while NSHA was aware of the complaints and serious evidence against them. This "Leadership" figured by not educating thier Officers their Prejudice and Bias would cause the Officers to Buy in. And through attrition alone would slowly craft a fabricated record against me. RCMP Leadership literally bet against thier Own Officers while putting me in incredible danger. These people were desperate. And given the histories with RCMP, HRP and CSIS it's extremely reasonable to suggest they used NSHA as a proxy to Attack and retaliate with Severe Systemic Violence. And then used that opportunity to fabricate further records and to slander and defame me on record. With thier ultimately goal being to publicly slander and defame me. It's actually not even that complicated. It's basic criminology.

But now, from the back of the Police car, I had seen the RCMP screen and what NSHA wrote about me and it was clearly done to specifically Bias and Prejudice these Parties. It was literally a hit piece. NSHA and these Parties knew it was Dangerous and reckless slander and that It was Judge, Jury and Executioner. It was Poison, they specifically poisoned the record. And as proof, as to specifically slander, defame and terrorize me further, NSHA paraded through the QEII Emergency like a criminal in handcuffs while I did nothing wrong and was completely cool, calm and collected. This is all while NSHA is fully aware of how that is going to bias and prejudice their staff, the public and these employees. While NSHA and these Directors are 100% aware that those HRP and NSHA employees would now have to complain or go against the Director who ordered this blatant hit piece. And if they complained, or pushed back they would absolutely face personal retaliation from this director and board within thier Jobs and careers. As it's clear those Directors are protecting the right kind of white. This was one of the key concerns in the Wortley Report with HRP that if they report abuse they will be targeted. Exactly what NSHA tried to do. While the fact is this behavior is one of the biggest drivers of Systemic Violence associated with Systemic Homophobia, Systemic Misogyny and Systemic Racism. And these people are Psychologists. They know this. So why do this? It's simple... Prejudice, Bias and Fear. This was never about me... this was always about thier inability to face thier own fixed delusions about thier own over inflated sense of self worth and self importance. These people were well aware of what they were doing, they knew they were doing something bad. But it was either them or me, so they targeted the "retarded little faggot dog". And really, at this stage it could easily be reasoned NSHA tricked RCMP into Basically kidnapping me while NSHA had RCMP target and terrorize me with thier Weapons and Systems of Terror hoping it would elicit some response so they could justify further violence:

At QEII Emergency - NSHA had me paraded into QEII Emergency like a criminal in Handcuffs. They could have done this elsewhere, they could have called me, they could have answered the complaints but no NSHA knew they were in a lot of trouble and they needed to go for Maximum Damage so they needed to Parade me, degrade me and humiliate me like a criminal to specifically slander and terrorize me. First, I spoke with a Younger Guy. I told them it's inappropriate and they shouldn't be evaluating this and that this should be with the Police and that I had tried to open cases. And RCMP agreed this should be with Police and were now agreeing to open cases. I advised RCMP that they had refused to arrest me, and have stated I have done nothing wrong.While NSHA couldn't tell me what I did wrong aside from sending a few emails which are actions well within my chartered rights while NSHA or any party can block them, which means they could have only pick and chosen what they wanted, they cherry picked. While now NSHA insisted we speak about it, or I'd be automatically admitted and so they literally forced me, under threat of Severe Violence and false imprisonment, to speak about it. As I'm telling them how inappropriate that is, and the Police are literally saying this should be with them. So because NSHA already chose to screw me it didn't matter what I had to say so I told them everything, starting at the relevant part with HRP, McNeil, JDIrving, Postmedia and included my own bias while always maintaining how inappropriate it was they were forcing me. Due to how IPTA is written, i had no choice because:

Now, near the end I informed this person about me Recording the Psychologist on August 3rd 2022. The person then ended the session. While what's really important here is that they seemed a bit uncomfortable thinking they might be recorded and that they would now be held accountable for what they were saying. I was now sent back with the two Officers. This person then came back and asked me how I felt our meeting went and now seemingly nervous thinking it could have been recorded because they knew I was calm, cool, collected, articulate, kind and rational. Next, Two NSHA employees approached and stated I was not allowed to audio record the 1 on 1 sessions in closed rooms because of THIER PRIVACY. Now imagine Professionals being nervous about recording, which would simply hold them professionally accountable to a standard which they are being paid to meet. And these people are victims while I'm going to be tortured, terrorized, defamed for what I say when everything I say is backed by serious evidence and NSHA is forcing me to say it. But NSHA are the victims!? No. NSHA are Monsters. NSHA was not the victims and NSHA absolutely saw me as less of a human being. Anyways I advised yes I am allowed to record, and it's called the One Party Consent Law, I advised it might be an issue in the common area but should be allowed in closed rooms. While the Main email thread shows I was well aware of the One Party Consent exemption. So now NSHA then made me wait, in handcuffs like a criminal for 6 hours while waiting to see someone. Here I discussed the basic, public and direct evidence with Officers. But general human conversation. It was respectful while anyone who listened for 5 minutes would see I am making good points, articulate and prepared. While Both Officers, including RCMP agreed this 100% should be with Police and NSHA should not be evaluating evidence in any way shape or form. Any slightly intelligent or educated person would know this. I explained to the Officer exactly what NSHA were going to do and how they would play it. The Officer rightfully stated, I understand but you can't know that to which I stated you are right, and I'm not asking you to just believe me or anything like that, I'm asking you to remain critical.. I told them that I basically wrote up exactly what they were going to do, and included me and you (the Officer) basically having this very discussion and stated NSHA was never going to read the emails because they are facing multi-million dollar lawsuits and if they read them they couldn't claim plausible deniability. Which is also reasonably why they are taking away my ability to record... It then unfolds like a horror Movie...

NSHA then took me into Room 2 with two cameras in the top corners of the room. Here they literally threatened me with Physical Violence, Torture and False Imprisonment If I didn't put my phone aside or speak about it. Those same people then literally made me talk about the issue. Again as with the first person i stated how inappropriate this was, and that this should be with police especially given the complaints against NSHA and knowing RCMP refused to arrest me. This NSHA staff member then literally fabricated their own list of made up Dates, ideas and connections and then blamed me for it when they forced me to speak about it or I would just be admitted. It was a blatant Phishing Expedition - while I was calm, cool, collected, kind and able to articulate everything. While remember IPTA clearly states:

NSHA didn't let me record because they knew that the Public would hear how calm, cool and collected I was and the evidence was clear and concise. This person stops me, then says "We're going to come up with a "Plan for you" as they then went and "phoned" a Psychologist "upstairs" as to now again claim Further "Plausible Deniability". And I will tell you something... the way this person looked at me they are not a good human being and that kind of failure should never be rewarded. Seriously think about the massive conflict of interest here, NSHA knows full well that this NSHA Staff member would have to file a complaint against their Management and this Director who slandered, defamed and issued this incredibly prejudiced and biased Hit Piece on me. Ayway, I asked the Officer to stay in the room while I waited. This NSHA Staff member came back to the room and said I was making up dates and connections and they were admitting me. I was completely calm. This is a Monster and the cognitive dissonance is terrifying and NSHA allowing this is absolutely Criminal Negligence. But even then I remained cool, calm and collected and I smiled and calmly said to the Officer something like I told you so... The Officer then said to the NSHA Staff person "Can I talk to you outside" As any decent person would have an issue with what occurred. This was a perfect example of the Stanford Prison Experiment - This NSHA Staff member was the perfect example of a human devolving into a complete Monster while they assume they are just superior because they were told that and assumed someone else would stop them. And now these Monsters, Just like Doctor Holms, will pretend they are the Victims and already tried to be the Victims in terms of privacy. It's disgusting and terrifying to see that level of cognitive dissonance, criminality and Violence from these so-called "professionals" . This is the exact mechanism that leads to Systemic Violence that manifests itself as Systemic Homophobia, Systemic Misogyny and Systemic Racism.

But it gets much worse while the true intentions of NSHA Directors and these Special interests become clearer... For the next 24 Hours at QEII Emergency NSHA then made me sleep and stay in that same small room, maybe 10 feet by 15 feet with two Video Cameras running constantly for 24 Hours. I had to sleep, fart, dream, and get boners there. While reasonably assuming everything I said and did was recorded, not just audio but also video which included my contacts talking to me, my phone calls and so to any counsel.It seems like NSHA recorded Private Conversations (Including Electronic) that they were not Party too when there should have been a reasonable expectation of Privacy as per their own Policies - . But NSHA is the victim!? It's disgusting. I suspect they wanted to get Video and Sound clips to use against me. While I wonder now will NSHA claim the Video was off the entire time and will NSHA deny that putting me in a room like that could easily be seen as intimidation, a trap or tactic to isolate me and try to break me down? Or try to claim that asking basic questions about Privacy is paranoid like Admitting Doctor did August 3rd 2022 for asking a simple question about Privacy!? Dont fool yourselves here... These people are Monsters and NSHA are not the victims. The fact is, NSHA knows they are the perpetrator and It's disgusting. And as direct evidence of this intention to isolate me and claim "Plausible Deniability", NSHA clearly assumed I had no support as they never even asked me. But then, just after Family Visited on March 14th 2023, and NSHA saw I had support and people to prove how calm, cool and collected I was. While people saw the room and suspicious conditions I was being kept in. So, now within a few Hours NSHA changed course and sent me to Yarmouth, in the middle of a Snow Storm, which is a 11 Hour round trip away from friends or family to a Black Psychologist. Basically, it looks like to claim this couldn't be to protect the "right kind of white" they sent me to their Token Black Friend (Psychologist) - I couldn't make this up if I tried!

Yarmouth, Nova Scotia - ( IPTA - (g) persons with mental disorders should have access to mental health services as close to the person's home as practicable;) - . I was supposed to go "Upstairs", I guess to Abby Lane. But just after my Contacts Visited, NSHA now quickly decided to transfer me from QEII Halifax to Yarmouth Regional Hospital, in the middle of a snowstorm which is a 7 hour round trip from Halifax on a good day, Reasonably a 11 hour Round Trip for My family or Friends, like $100 in gas. Here they took my cell phone, and only allowed me to call out on what I suspect is a Monitored Line (Given the facility type). While if you take a look at the NSHA board of directors, All 11 appear to be white - and now they are suspiciously sending to Yarmouth to a Token Black Psychologist -". While it's also important to note here, 9 of the 11 are Female which may explain why this tasted so much like Poison. This is all while NSHA knew that because of their Negligence that I didn't have a Jacket or change of clothes meaning I stank for 4 days before I got access to Lost and Found and had to wear giant clothes that made me look and feel like a giant flying squirrel. All while NSHA made me abandon my car, it in a Walmart parking lot to be towed and impounded. I had to leave my dog and my sick aunt who was being stalked by a dog murderer, and had recent rape calls and who then missed Doctor Appointments because NSHA framed me. This was reasonably psychological isolation and serious abuse of someone NSHA THEMSELVES considered a "vulnerable person". Multiple vulnerable people, including my late mother. NSHA wanted to hurt me as a human being. They didn't care about me at all, it was all about them not wanting to face these "right kinds of white":

But get this... this Token Black Psychologist - made sure to proactively,and unprompted mentioned how they send people for Gender reassignment surgeries so of course they like gay people. While this Token Black Psychologist now says it's not about the facts and evidence but how I'm dealing with it. The complete opposite of Doctor Holms which is incredible evidence they are in a Phishing Expedition - Doctor Holmes (Psychologist) - "It wasn't about your behavior, it was about what you were talking about" Recording (August 3 2022) - Rough Transcript (August 3 2022) -

So now think about this... NSHA is claiming this is about behavior but they can't even tell me who I'd report this to or explain what to do, what to do about the Police, what to do about NSHA's role in it and how to deal with this. NSHA can't tell me what was wrong with the emails, or what would be appropriate. NSHA can tell me Nothing. Theyc ant at all explain how i met IPTA Admitting Criteria. NSHA can't and won't comment on the Damage NSHA has caused, and the massive conflict of interest. While now it's not facts, evidence or discussion It's nothing tangible but instead is now Genetics and past Cannabis use. Stripping my freedom of association from Disabled Mother, and removing any ability I have to reasonably defend myself. While they try to blame Cannabis which i could easily lie about. NSHA was clearly engaged in a Phishing Expedition -

While this Token Black Psychologist - basically asked if I would stop mentioning JDIrving, Which i hadn't even brought up but they personally couldn't hide thier true motivations and what their true goals were. Because if not, this Token Black Psychologist - would have to complain about everyone before him, including their NSHA director. And set off a chain reaction of complaints and then lawsuits and negatively affect his own Career because he already made serious mistakes. Now, if this "Token Black Psychologist" plays the game in thier favor then they will get whatever they want from NSHA Directors but also can objectively extort them if not. It's clearly a trade and a massive conflict of interest.

But it gets even worse... My Doctor was religious which means they believe in the ideas of Angels, Ghosts, Demons, Magic, and Reincarnation which is basically full blown Delusional Psychosis. Which is fine, I don't normally care but the reality is this person knows there are Hundreds, if not thousands of Religions but of course theirs is right because the world must revolve around them. It's that or the Doctor must be aware they are taking part of a mass fixed delusions where they can directly measure the Death, Violence and Destruction caused by the cognitive dissonance associated with these shared delusions. While here again, this Token Black Psychologist - is engaging in this exact same cognitive dissonance of having no evidence of anything they are saying, while even going so far as to claim my DNA must just be damaged as to justify them inflicting Severe Systemic Violence on someone because they themselves don't face their own fixed delusions and cognitive dissonance. They can't even answer basic simple questions, and they know this but It must be some invisible factor affecting me because it can't possibly be them. While I have admitted my bias from the start, and clearly said this wasn't all about me and I got caught up in something and I only aimed for 70%. - All while I'm sitting there calm, cool and collected and am basing my reality and argument on tangible Facts and Evidence while I have never threatened anyone, have no history or record and have never suggested violence and I am requesting due process for everyone. While this person is basing thier Views on and justifying thier violence by inferring Invisible and intangible things and pure speculation while they can't answer even a single question on how to deal with this. But I'm the delusional one? No. These are real Monsters and I couldn't make this up if I tried.

While as further proof of NSHA retaliation, threats and attempts to cover this up. NSHA told me if I send another email then NSHA will just have me arrested and locked up. When literally my chartered rights, give me the right to communicate through email. That's right, it's all to protect these "right kind of white" and fabricate a false record as to frame me:

Every bit of evidence directly and overwhelmingly suggests NSHA was clearly engaged in a Phishing Expedition - where their whole game was to claim "Plausible Deniability". And at its core I absolutely believe this was Blatant Discrimination and a Hate Crime committed against me and my family. But also, a Serious Set of Criminal Code violations that were intentionally committed by Nova Scotia Health Authority, RCMP and Halifax Regional Police. Which includes a conspiracy to then cover up thier blatant Criminal Negligence so they didn't have to face these "right kinds of white" or the damage they caused to thier own employees' careers and the public's trust in these Systems.


NSHA - You have failed, you have scored 1/10. You are a National and Global embarrassment. You failed both the Evidence And the Behavioral. All I was calm, cool and collected each step of the way while NSHA made the choice to walk me in there like a Trojan horse while they terrorized me, framed me and then blamed me all while NSHA literally claimed to be the Victims. It's disgusting. And I suspect the public, and NSHA staff are going to see right through your whole Token Black Psychologist gambit and this charade. To be quite frank It's disgusting, highly offensive and from where I'm sitting it is blatantly Racist and a Hate Crime. This is all while, the record clearly shows I literally begged and pleaded for NSHA to prepare and be reasonable. I gave NSHA incredible evidence, time and education while I was always kind to the NSHA employees and never tried to trick them. While in contrast, that same record proves and clearly shows NSHA and HRP has chosen to degrade the reputation of its employees, IPTA and Mental Health initiatives. It shows NSHA and HRP absolutely weaponized IPTA for arbitrary detention, and use it as a tool of Terorr where they used IPTA as to engage in coerive torture as to specifically try to discredit, humiliate, slander, defame, terrorize and commit severe violence against me, the Public, or peple in general as to specifically protect these "right kind of white" and their own personal special interests. The record clearly shows NSHA used thier authority to lie too and mislead these Officers while specifically hoping these Officers would use thier Systems and Weapons of Terror against individuals as a form of Systemic Violence and Coercion. NSHA has proven well beyond any reasonable doubt that NSHA does not base thier choices on Facts or Evidence. But instead base it on the "right kind of white" and thier own fixed delusions regarding thier own overinflated sense of self worth and self importance. And NSHA themselves have proven they cannot and should not be trusted.

Think about this NSHA... Even though I'm being terrorized, framed, slandered and defamed by NSHA, HRP, and Police and even while having RCMP show up here literally threatening me and performing illegal searches I'm still calm, cool, collected, articulate and kind to Your Staff and these Officers while I never lied to them or tried to trick them, I gave them a choice and treated them with kindness and decency. Even when you hear Doctor Holms is literally going to torture me, after everything with the admitting Doctor, and me being terrorized and falsely arrested by HRP I was completely calm. All my vitals will confirm. The fact is NSHA did not base thier actions on evidence and the fact is they jumped straight to Prejudice, Bias and Severe Systemic violence As to protect this "right kind of white".

The reality and fact is NSHA absolutely slandered, defamed, tortured and retaliated against me because they know they are facing a multi-million dollar suit and Criminal Liability. There were many other ways for NSHA to deal with this but NSHA chose severe Systemic Violence. The facts are, NSHA and HRP know they screwed over their employees' careers and now face serious litigation and felony charges. NSHA, and these other parties knew that the recording with Doctor Holms shows she completely lied and fabricated a false record to cover up what she, HRP and NSHA staff did. And her sole mandate was to cover this up so NSHA didn't face liability. While if you take a look at the NSHA board of directors, All 11 appear to be white - While the main topic directly involves the Wortley Report, Racism, Hate and Harassment linking back to JDirving, Postmedia and HRP and how they stole a Historic Apology so that a bunch of White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Racists, Homophobes, Misogynists, Non Canadians, Corrupt Cops and Corrupt Bigot Billionaires got what they wanted. Exactly what NSHA just did themselves. As again, a bunch of straight white people don't question it, while the fact is NSHA helped them cover it up for these Special Interests did. And just as the special interests did NSHA literally used the Police as a Proxy to frame and terrorize me. And this is exactly why NSHA sent me 11 hours away to a "Token Black Psychologist". Its extreamly reasonable to assert that they needed a Black Man to say thier Violence and Failure was warranted while they needed them to fudge the record as to make me look like im just some "retarded little faggot dog" because nobody would believe it if thearrest and slander came from Police or another Straight White Person. While now as a reward this "Token Black Psychologist" can get whatever they want, or use this to extort these Directors. Basically they all bet against me because if not it would mean that NSHA, HRP and RCMP would have to face these "right kinds of white'' and felony charges. Which means if they all don't frame me then they would also have to face these Special interests and JDIrving who is also a large Financial Donor. So make no mistake here, this was always to protect these "right kinds of white".

But now the reality is NSHA and these Parties just basically ensured I can subpoena multiple NSHA Directors, NSHA Staff, HRP Officers, RCMP Officers, Doctor Holms, Dan Kinsella, Jim Perrin, Stephen McNeil, JDIrving, Billionaires, Executives, Postmedia, TorStar, Top Government Officials, "Daddy", CSIS, RCMP, DND, EMIC And these other Players as all the connections are well detailed and logical. But as a Cherry on top and for posterity they are all connected through Bill C-18 "The Online News Act" -, connecting HRP, JDirving, TorStar and Postmedia to all these people through a secondary path. Meaning we don't even need to talk about Irving Shipbuilding, the Quantified Harassment and Police cover up and there will still be a really good public interest case against these Players, and my complaint to HRP absolutely valid especially As the Majority of Canadians already want a Public inquiry - While I can now make them all these Players testify against each other which would play out in the Public on a National and Global Stage.

So, I am giving the NSHA Board of Directors and HRP 1 Week to take responsibility for what they did and provide a written statement. That is until April 24th 2023. If I receive any type of push back whatsoever or If I do not receive a formal written response from HRP, CSIS, RCMP, NSHA, Government of Canada, and the Government of Nova Scotia about how to resolve this by April 24th 2023. Then I will simply be starting a GoFundMe and releasing recordings and educational videos. It's that simple.


*** I Richard Scott Jewers agree to full public disclosure of this Email. While any further actions or retaliation from NSHA, or claims of IPTA applicability are to be seen as Domestic Terrorism, Criminal Assault, Criminal Negligence, Breach of Trust, Fraud, Hate Crimes and Criminal Conspiracy committed by NSHA, RCMP and HRP. While given the relationships to National Security this should be absolutely investigated by CSIS as a Seditious Conspiracy facilitated by NSHA and HRP as to specifically cover up for Non Canadians, Corrupt Cops and Bigot Billionaires. If NSHA has me arrested under IPTA, or sends anyone then I believe RCMP has a responsibility to charge and arrest NSHA Staff and Directors for Criminal Harassment because RCMP (given a full debriefing over 2 weeks ago) or any reasonable person would know the evidence directly and overwhelmingly supports that NSHA is lying, cheating and stealing as to specifically cover up for this "right kind of white". Anyone can see that the Actions of NSHA and HRP are suspicious. and if RCMP do not act, they will only cause further mistrust with RCMP, Policing and the public. While if NSHA say, or even elude to the idea that this wasn't to protect the "right kind of white" because they used a Token Black Psychologist - then this by default MUST be treated as blatant Racism and a clear Hate Crime committed against me**

Review of when NSHA had me arrested after i filed my complaint (Form 5) with HRP Professional Standards at HRP HQ on March 13th 2023

Release Date: April 8th 2023

Original Document Link Tiny URL:


NSHA States they will just have me arrested if I send another email.

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: "freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication." -

(IPTA - (h) any declaration of involuntary admission or declaration of incapacity is made on the basis of evidence. 2005, c. 42, s. 2. -)

Cases Opened Against NSHA, HRP, And RCMP (As NSHA is clearly going to retaliate again to cover up what they did)

  • 2023-03-23 - RCMP (External Review) - R2023-001567
  • 2023-03-23 - HRP (External Review) - - PC-23-0049
    • Link to the detailed complaint filed with HRP.
  • 2023-03-23 - Ombudsman - PDF saved as proof.
  • 2023-03-23 - Human Rights Nova Scotia - PDF saved as proof.
  • 2023-03-24 - College of Physicians & Surgeons of Nova Scotia
  • 2023-03-26 - Human Rights Commission Canada - 100015719.
  • 2023-03-26 - Privacy Commissioner Of Nova Scotia
  • 2023-03-26 - Privacy Commissioner of Canada - PA-064879
  • 2023-03-26 - Elections Canada - EC-000177569
  • 2023-03-27 - NSHA (Privacy)
  • 2023-03-29 - RCMP. (Gave all Printed Material)

NSHA States they will just have me arrested if I send another email. NSHA is clearly the aggressor. The facts are NSHA is fabricating their own evidence to support their own fixed delusions where they are the victims. It's disgusting, it's horrifying and it's a National and Global embarrassment. And I consider it serious criminal abuse by NSHA and absolutely assert this was done to further cover up for their incredible failures, Systemic violence,their Criminal Activity and Systemic Discrimination. And the evidence that follows absolutely supports that assertion. And I absolutely, whole heartedly consider the Actions of NSHA, HRP and RCMP as Criminal Negligence and a Hate Crime.

I am asking NSHA, RCMP and HRP to investigate this as Hate Crimes committed towards me and my family. While again asking RCMP to pursue criminal investigations and charges against NSHA Directors, Doctor Holms, Admitting Doctor, and HRP. All parties have been engaged and requested to investigate the same.

March 13th 2023 - NSHA has me Arrested and Tortured as Retaliation for exposing thier Systemic Violence and Criminal Negligence.

Events to start the day - I had told everyone exactly what I was going to be doing, when and where. I had carried a Sign with me stating "JDIrving, Postmedia, HRP Framed and Tortured Me" - I parked about half a KM away, then I walked down to CSIS to drop off some evidence, then I walked down to HRP to file my complaint. I bothered no one, engaged with no one. It did not appear RCMP, HRP or CSIS had an issue or felt I was a threat. All parties have my email and were given my Phone number, and asked to call if they had any problems. I let everyone clearly know what I was going for, when I was going and where I was at each stage. All parties were provided with Technical, Ethical and Security reviews as well as incredible evidence. I even stated this was a Memory Overflow Exploit and NSHA was clearly not going to read any evidence as to claim Plausible Deniability which is exactly what they did. The record will show I had begged and pleaded with NSHA to be reasonable, provided incredible Technical, Security and Ethical reviews. All hyperlinked and cited coming from a Subject Matter Expert. While NSHA was well aware of the existing complaints against NSHA and knew they were extremely serious and very well founded. So really, at this stage NSHA knows they are facing multi-million dollar litigation. They know Doctor Holm's career is over. They know thier employees are going to face charges and lose thier jobs and the Media is going to eat them alive... So clearly they were going to retaliate. So, what's really important is to step back, and check out the Security Review submitted February 17th 2023 and compare it to what they did March 13th 2023 as It's basically exactly what they tried the Morning of January 29th 2023 when my mother died... They couldn't even wait for her body to get cold before they tried to frame me - Remember This is after NSHA and HRP terrorized and abused my mother, me and my family while they acted with extreme Prejudice, Bias and Systematic Violence. They knew they were facing multi-million dollar litigation and would have to face these "right kinds of white". And what these "Heroes" then proceeded to do, is nothing less than Pathetic, Criminal and Shocking:

RCMP arrested me - The Commander of RCMP Sheet Harbour called me, I was a bit annoyed but always respectful. And as soon as they told me I could be arrested under IPTA and asked for my location I immediately gave my location. RCMP advised they refused to arrest me but were being forced by NSHA. But what's important here is understanding this was reasonably always a Play at Plausible Deniability for all parties at the leadership levels. This doesn't mean Sheet Harbour RCMP, or those HRP Officers knew and in fact is reasonably why their "Leadership'' did not educate them as they wanted those Officers to fail. Think about it, RCMP had all of this for over a year while NSHA was aware of the complaints and serious evidence against them. This "Leadership" figured by not educating thier Officers their Prejudice and Bias would cause the Officers to Buy in. And through attrition alone would slowly craft a fabricated record against me. RCMP Leadership literally bet against thier Own Officers while putting me in incredible danger. These people were desperate. And given the histories with RCMP, HRP and CSIS it's extremely reasonable to suggest they used NSHA as a proxy to Attack and retaliate with Severe Systemic Violence. And then used that opportunity to fabricate further records and to slander and defame me on record. With thier ultimately goal being to publicly slander and defame me. It's actually not even that complicated. It's basic criminology.

But now, from the back of the Police car, I had seen the RCMP screen and what NSHA wrote about me and it was clearly done to specifically Bias and Prejudice these Parties. It was literally a hit piece. NSHA and these Parties knew it was Dangerous and reckless slander and that It was Judge, Jury and Executioner. It was Poison, they specifically poisoned the record. And as proof, as to specifically slander, defame and terrorize me further, NSHA paraded through the QEII Emergency like a criminal in handcuffs while I did nothing wrong and was completely cool, calm and collected. This is all while NSHA is fully aware of how that is going to bias and prejudice their staff, the public and these employees. While NSHA and these Directors are 100% aware that those HRP and NSHA employees would now have to complain or go against the Director who ordered this blatant hit piece. And if they complained, or pushed back they would absolutely face personal retaliation from this director and board within thier Jobs and careers. As it's clear those Directors are protecting the right kind of white. This was one of the key concerns in the Wortley Report with HRP that if they report abuse they will be targeted. Exactly what NSHA tried to do. While the fact is this behavior is one of the biggest drivers of Systemic Violence associated with Systemic Homophobia, Systemic Misogyny and Systemic Racism. And these people are Psychologists. They know this. So why do this? It's simple... Prejudice, Bias and Fear. This was never about me... this was always about thier inability to face thier own fixed delusions about thier own over inflated sense of self worth and self importance. These people were well aware of what they were doing, they knew they were doing something bad. But it was either them or me, so they targeted the "retarded little faggot dog". And really, at this stage it could easily be reasoned NSHA tricked RCMP into Basically kidnapping me while NSHA had RCMP target and terrorize me with thier Weapons and Systems of Terror hoping it would elicit some response so they could justify further violence:

At QEII Emergency - NSHA had me paraded into QEII Emergency like a criminal in Handcuffs. They could have done this elsewhere, they could have called me, they could have answered the complaints but no NSHA knew they were in a lot of trouble and they needed to go for Maximum Damage so they needed to Parade me, degrade me and humiliate me like a criminal to specifically slander and terrorize me. First, I spoke with a Younger Guy. I told them it's inappropriate and they shouldn't be evaluating this and that this should be with the Police and that I had tried to open cases. And RCMP agreed this should be with Police and were now agreeing to open cases. I advised RCMP that they had refused to arrest me, and have stated I have done nothing wrong.While NSHA couldn't tell me what I did wrong aside from sending a few emails which are actions well within my chartered rights while NSHA or any party can block them, which means they could have only pick and chosen what they wanted, they cherry picked. While now NSHA insisted we speak about it, or I'd be automatically admitted and so they literally forced me, under threat of Severe Violence and false imprisonment, to speak about it. As I'm telling them how inappropriate that is, and the Police are literally saying this should be with them. So because NSHA already chose to screw me it didn't matter what I had to say so I told them everything, starting at the relevant part with HRP, McNeil, JDIrving, Postmedia and included my own bias while always maintaining how inappropriate it was they were forcing me. Due to how IPTA is written, i had no choice because:

Now, near the end I informed this person about me Recording the Psychologist on August 3rd 2022. The person then ended the session. While what's really important here is that they seemed a bit uncomfortable thinking they might be recorded and that they would now be held accountable for what they were saying. I was now sent back with the two Officers. This person then came back and asked me how I felt our meeting went and now seemingly nervous thinking it could have been recorded because they knew I was calm, cool, collected, articulate, kind and rational. Next, Two NSHA employees approached and stated I was not allowed to audio record the 1 on 1 sessions in closed rooms because of THIER PRIVACY. Now imagine Professionals being nervous about recording, which would simply hold them professionally accountable to a standard which they are being paid to meet. And these people are victims while I'm going to be tortured, terrorized, defamed for what I say when everything I say is backed by serious evidence and NSHA is forcing me to say it. But NSHA are the victims!? No. NSHA are Monsters. NSHA was not the victims and NSHA absolutely saw me as less of a human being. Anyways I advised yes I am allowed to record, and it's called the One Party Consent Law, I advised it might be an issue in the common area but should be allowed in closed rooms. While the Main email thread shows I was well aware of the One Party Consent exemption. So now NSHA then made me wait, in handcuffs like a criminal for 6 hours while waiting to see someone. Here I discussed the basic, public and direct evidence with Officers. But general human conversation. It was respectful while anyone who listened for 5 minutes would see I am making good points, articulate and prepared. While Both Officers, including RCMP agreed this 100% should be with Police and NSHA should not be evaluating evidence in any way shape or form. Any slightly intelligent or educated person would know this. I explained to the Officer exactly what NSHA were going to do and how they would play it. The Officer rightfully stated, I understand but you can't know that to which I stated you are right, and I'm not asking you to just believe me or anything like that, I'm asking you to remain critical.. I told them that I basically wrote up exactly what they were going to do, and included me and you (the Officer) basically having this very discussion and stated NSHA was never going to read the emails because they are facing multi-million dollar lawsuits and if they read them they couldn't claim plausible deniability. Which is also reasonably why they are taking away my ability to record... It then unfolds like a horror Movie...

NSHA then took me into Room 2 with two cameras in the top corners of the room. Here they literally threatened me with Physical Violence, Torture and False Imprisonment If I didn't put my phone aside or speak about it. Those same people then literally made me talk about the issue. Again as with the first person i stated how inappropriate this was, and that this should be with police especially given the complaints against NSHA and knowing RCMP refused to arrest me. This NSHA staff member then literally fabricated their own list of made up Dates, ideas and connections and then blamed me for it when they forced me to speak about it or I would just be admitted. It was a blatant Phishing Expedition - while I was calm, cool, collected, kind and able to articulate everything. While remember IPTA clearly states:

NSHA didn't let me record because they knew that the Public would hear how calm, cool and collected I was and the evidence was clear and concise. This person stops me, then says "We're going to come up with a "Plan for you" as they then went and "phoned" a Psychologist "upstairs" as to now again claim Further "Plausible Deniability". And I will tell you something... the way this person looked at me they are not a good human being and that kind of failure should never be rewarded. Seriously think about the massive conflict of interest here, NSHA knows full well that this NSHA Staff member would have to file a complaint against their Management and this Director who slandered, defamed and issued this incredibly prejudiced and biased Hit Piece on me. Ayway, I asked the Officer to stay in the room while I waited. This NSHA Staff member came back to the room and said I was making up dates and connections and they were admitting me. I was completely calm. This is a Monster and the cognitive dissonance is terrifying and NSHA allowing this is absolutely Criminal Negligence. But even then I remained cool, calm and collected and I smiled and calmly said to the Officer something like I told you so... The Officer then said to the NSHA Staff person "Can I talk to you outside" As any decent person would have an issue with what occurred. This was a perfect example of the Stanford Prison Experiment - This NSHA Staff member was the perfect example of a human devolving into a complete Monster while they assume they are just superior because they were told that and assumed someone else would stop them. And now these Monsters, Just like Doctor Holms, will pretend they are the Victims and already tried to be the Victims in terms of privacy. It's disgusting and terrifying to see that level of cognitive dissonance, criminality and Violence from these so-called "professionals" . This is the exact mechanism that leads to Systemic Violence that manifests itself as Systemic Homophobia, Systemic Misogyny and Systemic Racism.

But it gets much worse while the true intentions of NSHA Directors and these Special interests become clearer... For the next 24 Hours at QEII Emergency NSHA then made me sleep and stay in that same small room, maybe 10 feet by 15 feet with two Video Cameras running constantly for 24 Hours. I had to sleep, fart, dream, and get boners there. While reasonably assuming everything I said and did was recorded, not just audio but also video which included my contacts talking to me, my phone calls and so to any counsel.It seems like NSHA recorded Private Conversations (Including Electronic) that they were not Party too when there should have been a reasonable expectation of Privacy as per their own Policies - . But NSHA is the victim!? It's disgusting. I suspect they wanted to get Video and Sound clips to use against me. While I wonder now will NSHA claim the Video was off the entire time and will NSHA deny that putting me in a room like that could easily be seen as intimidation, a trap or tactic to isolate me and try to break me down? Or try to claim that asking basic questions about Privacy is paranoid like Admitting Doctor did August 3rd 2022 for asking a simple question about Privacy!? Dont fool yourselves here... These people are Monsters and NSHA are not the victims. The fact is, NSHA knows they are the perpetrator and It's disgusting. And as direct evidence of this intention to isolate me and claim "Plausible Deniability", NSHA clearly assumed I had no support as they never even asked me. But then, just after Family Visited on March 14th 2023, and NSHA saw I had support and people to prove how calm, cool and collected I was. While people saw the room and suspicious conditions I was being kept in. So, now within a few Hours NSHA changed course and sent me to Yarmouth, in the middle of a Snow Storm, which is a 11 Hour round trip away from friends or family to a Black Psychologist. Basically, it looks like to claim this couldn't be to protect the "right kind of white" they sent me to their Token Black Friend (Psychologist) - I couldn't make this up if I tried!

Yarmouth, Nova Scotia - ( IPTA - (g) persons with mental disorders should have access to mental health services as close to the person's home as practicable;) - . I was supposed to go "Upstairs", I guess to Abby Lane. But just after my Contacts Visited, NSHA now quickly decided to transfer me from QEII Halifax to Yarmouth Regional Hospital, in the middle of a snowstorm which is a 7 hour round trip from Halifax on a good day, Reasonably a 11 hour Round Trip for My family or Friends, like $100 in gas. Here they took my cell phone, and only allowed me to call out on what I suspect is a Monitored Line (Given the facility type). While if you take a look at the NSHA board of directors, All 11 appear to be white - and now they are suspiciously sending to Yarmouth to a Token Black Psychologist -". While it's also important to note here, 9 of the 11 are Female which may explain why this tasted so much like Poison. This is all while NSHA knew that because of their Negligence that I didn't have a Jacket or change of clothes meaning I stank for 4 days before I got access to Lost and Found and had to wear giant clothes that made me look and feel like a giant flying squirrel. All while NSHA made me abandon my car, it in a Walmart parking lot to be towed and impounded. I had to leave my dog and my sick aunt who was being stalked by a dog murderer, and had recent rape calls and who then missed Doctor Appointments because NSHA framed me. This was reasonably psychological isolation and serious abuse of someone NSHA THEMSELVES considered a "vulnerable person". Multiple vulnerable people, including my late mother. NSHA wanted to hurt me as a human being. They didn't care about me at all, it was all about them not wanting to face these "right kinds of white":

But get this... this Token Black Psychologist - made sure to proactively,and unprompted mentioned how they send people for Gender reassignment surgeries so of course they like gay people. While this Token Black Psychologist now says it's not about the facts and evidence but how I'm dealing with it. The complete opposite of Doctor Holms which is incredible evidence they are in a Phishing Expedition - Doctor Holmes (Psychologist) - "It wasn't about your behavior, it was about what you were talking about" Recording (August 3 2022) - Rough Transcript (August 3 2022) -

So now think about this... NSHA is claiming this is about behavior but they can't even tell me who I'd report this to or explain what to do, what to do about the Police, what to do about NSHA's role in it and how to deal with this. NSHA can't tell me what was wrong with the emails, or what would be appropriate. NSHA can tell me Nothing. Theyc ant at all explain how i met IPTA Admitting Criteria. NSHA can't and won't comment on the Damage NSHA has caused, and the massive conflict of interest. While now it's not facts, evidence or discussion It's nothing tangible but instead is now Genetics and past Cannabis use. Stripping my freedom of association from Disabled Mother, and removing any ability I have to reasonably defend myself. While they try to blame Cannabis which i could easily lie about. NSHA was clearly engaged in a Phishing Expedition -

While this Token Black Psychologist - basically asked if I would stop mentioning JDIrving, Which i hadn't even brought up but they personally couldn't hide thier true motivations and what their true goals were. Because if not, this Token Black Psychologist - would have to complain about everyone before him, including their NSHA director. And set off a chain reaction of complaints and then lawsuits and negatively affect his own Career because he already made serious mistakes. Now, if this "Token Black Psychologist" plays the game in thier favor then they will get whatever they want from NSHA Directors but also can objectively extort them if not. It's clearly a trade and a massive conflict of interest.

But it gets even worse... My Doctor was religious which means they believe in the ideas of Angels, Ghosts, Demons, Magic, and Reincarnation which is basically full blown Delusional Psychosis. Which is fine, I don't normally care but the reality is this person knows there are Hundreds, if not thousands of Religions but of course theirs is right because the world must revolve around them. It's that or the Doctor must be aware they are taking part of a mass fixed delusions where they can directly measure the Death, Violence and Destruction caused by the cognitive dissonance associated with these shared delusions. While here again, this Token Black Psychologist - is engaging in this exact same cognitive dissonance of having no evidence of anything they are saying, while even going so far as to claim my DNA must just be damaged as to justify them inflicting Severe Systemic Violence on someone because they themselves don't face their own fixed delusions and cognitive dissonance. They can't even answer basic simple questions, and they know this but It must be some invisible factor affecting me because it can't possibly be them. While I have admitted my bias from the start, and clearly said this wasn't all about me and I got caught up in something and I only aimed for 70%. - All while I'm sitting there calm, cool and collected and am basing my reality and argument on tangible Facts and Evidence while I have never threatened anyone, have no history or record and have never suggested violence and I am requesting due process for everyone. While this person is basing thier Views on and justifying thier violence by inferring Invisible and intangible things and pure speculation while they can't answer even a single question on how to deal with this. But I'm the delusional one? No. These are real Monsters and I couldn't make this up if I tried.

While as further proof of NSHA retaliation, threats and attempts to cover this up. NSHA told me if I send another email then NSHA will just have me arrested and locked up. When literally my chartered rights, give me the right to communicate through email. That's right, it's all to protect these "right kind of white" and fabricate a false record as to frame me:

Every bit of evidence directly and overwhelmingly suggests NSHA was clearly engaged in a Phishing Expedition - where their whole game was to claim "Plausible Deniability". And at its core I absolutely believe this was Blatant Discrimination and a Hate Crime committed against me and my family. But also, a Serious Set of Criminal Code violations that were intentionally committed by Nova Scotia Health Authority, RCMP and Halifax Regional Police. Which includes a conspiracy to then cover up thier blatant Criminal Negligence so they didn't have to face these "right kinds of white" or the damage they caused to thier own employees' careers and the public's trust in these Systems.


NSHA - You have failed, you have scored 1/10. You are a National and Global embarrassment. You failed both the Evidence And the Behavioral. All I was calm, cool and collected each step of the way while NSHA made the choice to walk me in there like a Trojan horse while they terrorized me, framed me and then blamed me all while NSHA literally claimed to be the Victims. It's disgusting. And I suspect the public, and NSHA staff are going to see right through your whole Token Black Psychologist gambit and this charade. To be quite frank It's disgusting, highly offensive and from where I'm sitting it is blatantly Racist and a Hate Crime. This is all while, the record clearly shows I literally begged and pleaded for NSHA to prepare and be reasonable. I gave NSHA incredible evidence, time and education while I was always kind to the NSHA employees and never tried to trick them. While in contrast, that same record proves and clearly shows NSHA and HRP has chosen to degrade the reputation of its employees, IPTA and Mental Health initiatives. It shows NSHA and HRP absolutely weaponized IPTA for arbitrary detention, and use it as a tool of Terorr where they used IPTA as to engage in coerive torture as to specifically try to discredit, humiliate, slander, defame, terrorize and commit severe violence against me, the Public, or peple in general as to specifically protect these "right kind of white" and their own personal special interests. The record clearly shows NSHA used thier authority to lie too and mislead these Officers while specifically hoping these Officers would use thier Systems and Weapons of Terror against individuals as a form of Systemic Violence and Coercion. NSHA has proven well beyond any reasonable doubt that NSHA does not base thier choices on Facts or Evidence. But instead base it on the "right kind of white" and thier own fixed delusions regarding thier own overinflated sense of self worth and self importance. And NSHA themselves have proven they cannot and should not be trusted.

Think about this NSHA... Even though I'm being terrorized, framed, slandered and defamed by NSHA, HRP, and Police and even while having RCMP show up here literally threatening me and performing illegal searches I'm still calm, cool, collected, articulate and kind to Your Staff and these Officers while I never lied to them or tried to trick them, I gave them a choice and treated them with kindness and decency. Even when you hear Doctor Holms is literally going to torture me, after everything with the admitting Doctor, and me being terrorized and falsely arrested by HRP I was completely calm. All my vitals will confirm. The fact is NSHA did not base thier actions on evidence and the fact is they jumped straight to Prejudice, Bias and Severe Systemic violence As to protect this "right kind of white".

The reality and fact is NSHA absolutely slandered, defamed, tortured and retaliated against me because they know they are facing a multi-million dollar suit and Criminal Liability. There were many other ways for NSHA to deal with this but NSHA chose severe Systemic Violence. The facts are, NSHA and HRP know they screwed over their employees' careers and now face serious litigation and felony charges. NSHA, and these other parties knew that the recording with Doctor Holms shows she completely lied and fabricated a false record to cover up what she, HRP and NSHA staff did. And her sole mandate was to cover this up so NSHA didn't face liability. While if you take a look at the NSHA board of directors, All 11 appear to be white - While the main topic directly involves the Wortley Report, Racism, Hate and Harassment linking back to JDirving, Postmedia and HRP and how they stole a Historic Apology so that a bunch of White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Racists, Homophobes, Misogynists, Non Canadians, Corrupt Cops and Corrupt Bigot Billionaires got what they wanted. Exactly what NSHA just did themselves. As again, a bunch of straight white people don't question it, while the fact is NSHA helped them cover it up for these Special Interests did. And just as the special interests did NSHA literally used the Police as a Proxy to frame and terrorize me. And this is exactly why NSHA sent me 11 hours away to a "Token Black Psychologist". Its extreamly reasonable to assert that they needed a Black Man to say thier Violence and Failure was warranted while they needed them to fudge the record as to make me look like im just some "retarded little faggot dog" because nobody would believe it if thearrest and slander came from Police or another Straight White Person. While now as a reward this "Token Black Psychologist" can get whatever they want, or use this to extort these Directors. Basically they all bet against me because if not it would mean that NSHA, HRP and RCMP would have to face these "right kinds of white'' and felony charges. Which means if they all don't frame me then they would also have to face these Special interests and JDIrving who is also a large Financial Donor. So make no mistake here, this was always to protect these "right kinds of white".

But now the reality is NSHA and these Parties just basically ensured I can subpoena multiple NSHA Directors, NSHA Staff, HRP Officers, RCMP Officers, Doctor Holms, Dan Kinsella, Jim Perrin, Stephen McNeil, JDIrving, Billionaires, Executives, Postmedia, TorStar, Top Government Officials, "Daddy", CSIS, RCMP, DND, EMIC And these other Players as all the connections are well detailed and logical. But as a Cherry on top and for posterity they are all connected through Bill C-18 "The Online News Act" -, connecting HRP, JDirving, TorStar and Postmedia to all these people through a secondary path. Meaning we don't even need to talk about Irving Shipbuilding, the Quantified Harassment and Police cover up and there will still be a really good public interest case against these Players, and my complaint to HRP absolutely valid especially As the Majority of Canadians already want a Public inquiry - While I can now make them all these Players testify against each other which would play out in the Public on a National and Global Stage.

So, I am giving the NSHA Board of Directors and HRP 1 Week to take responsibility for what they did and provide a written statement. That is until April 24th 2023. If I receive any type of push back whatsoever or If I do not receive a formal written response from HRP, CSIS, RCMP, NSHA, Government of Canada, and the Government of Nova Scotia about how to resolve this by April 24th 2023. Then I will simply be starting a GoFundMe and releasing recordings and educational videos. It's that simple.


*** I Richard Scott Jewers agree to full public disclosure of this Email. While any further actions or retaliation from NSHA, or claims of IPTA applicability are to be seen as Domestic Terrorism, Criminal Assault, Criminal Negligence, Breach of Trust, Fraud, Hate Crimes and Criminal Conspiracy committed by NSHA, RCMP and HRP. While given the relationships to National Security this should be absolutely investigated by CSIS as a Seditious Conspiracy facilitated by NSHA and HRP as to specifically cover up for Non Canadians, Corrupt Cops and Bigot Billionaires. If NSHA has me arrested under IPTA, or sends anyone then I believe RCMP has a responsibility to charge and arrest NSHA Staff and Directors for Criminal Harassment because RCMP (given a full debriefing over 2 weeks ago) or any reasonable person would know the evidence directly and overwhelmingly supports that NSHA is lying, cheating and stealing as to specifically cover up for this "right kind of white". Anyone can see that the Actions of NSHA and HRP are suspicious. and if RCMP do not act, they will only cause further mistrust with RCMP, Policing and the public. While if NSHA say, or even elude to the idea that this wasn't to protect the "right kind of white" because they used a Token Black Psychologist - then this by default MUST be treated as blatant Racism and a clear Hate Crime committed against me**

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"