Email / Letter released August 5th 2020 the Day Before Stephen McNeil Resigned (IGNORE PIPEDA STUFF, GO TO PERSONAL LETTERS)

Release Date: August 5th 2020
Original Document: Link
Document Tiny URL:


Institution / Company |Statements of Interest | Persons Name | Date (And days between) | File Name (Number of words) |Important Points

1. General statement

a. I have not sought legal assistance or outside assistance aside from contacting the ESDC and Privacy Commissioner.

2. To Everyone - I'm back. Did you all miss me? I missed you!

a. This investigation will be re-opened!

2.a.i. Another PIPEDA Request - I'd suggest everyone read this!

2.a.ii. Jim past with Systemic Racism and Systemic Harassment

2.a.iii. Legal, Security, Jodi, Jordan, Jim Rennie, HR, Jimmy P - As for what you can all do right now - if you know of ANY of my personal information, emails, or recordings were sent outside of the province in any way, this includes to the Government - through any type of Mirroring, or through any form outlined in "Another PIPEDA Request - I'd suggest everyone read this!" - you now have a legal responsibility and clear legal justification to inform the Privacy Officer:

3. Another PIPEDA Request - I'd suggest everyone read this!

a. Out of good faith I give Legal Full permission to view my PIPEDA complaint!

b. Privacy Sections Why the Canada Labour Code is applicable:

3.b.i. Applicable Subsections - A dogs point of view.

3.b.i.1. Legal can you argue otherwise? Time is ticking

c. Any Personal data that crosses Provincial Borders is subject to PIPEDA even if you aren't in a "Federally regulated industry" or subject to the Canada Labor Code!

d. Is JD Irving not subject to PIPEDA?

3.d.i. They have this information now, can't my personal data be requested through them?

e. What you need to know about mandatory reporting of breaches of security safeguards

3.e.i. Who is responsible for reporting the breach?

3.e.i.1. "In so doing, the principal organization will need to ensure there are sufficient contractual arrangements in place with the processor to address compliance with the breach provisions set out in PIPEDA. The same would be true for notification and record-keeping obligations."

3.e.i.2. "Contractual Agreements in Place?"

3.e.i.2.a. How is the transferring personal Data between Irving Shipbuilding and JD Irving not between Provinces? What contractual agreements were made?

3.e.i.2.b. How is transferring personal data between JR Irving in New Brunswick and Jodi Posavad? What contractual agreements were made?

f. Definition of Digital Data and its relation to Interprovincial Actions: (What I want)

4. Personal Letters (Hyperlinked)

a. Jim Perrin

b. Jim Rennie


d. Jordan / HR

e. Irving's

f. Person right at the top

g. Jodi

h. Security

i. Legal

j. Harjit

k. Audra

5. The Technical - For all those following from previous documents

General Statement

This is and has always been of my own volition.

Including this letter, were on the better side of 100,000 words.

I have not sought legal assistance, or outside assistance except the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada, much later in the process.

As I stated it is not my intention to cause any harm directly to the Shipyard, and as I clearly stated all of my steps were taken to minimize damage, right up until this point.

Also, this is a lot to read and proof. So yes some is redundant, other stuff is copied and pasted and moved. This processes is not easy.

As always, please question everything I say, this document is clearly biased towards my point of view.

I maintain my right to individual impact of Harassment, Privacy and Breach of Trust by any and all individuals involved.

I maintain my right to individual impact of Harassment, Privacy and Breach of Trust by Irving Shipbuilding and JD Irving as Companies.

To Everyone - I'm back. Did you all miss me? I missed you!

""I told you folks I will not back down and I will not accept your narrative nor will I accept this silly little picture you think you might be coercing me into

… Just consider this. …

If Jim is the one running this - is it at all surprising that based on his past behaviors that I would literally have to beg for my basic rights - fair representation as a human? When it's also a blatant violation of my rights?...There is a clear public answer to that…… it's to be expected, institutionally defended and not apologized for by this person!

(I'm sorry Jim - it's nothing personal - it's a good, fair and applicable question and if I don't ask it, someone will eventually - work it out now (You would ask it as a cop if you were questioning someone)

" - Monday January 20th 2020 7:27AM - jordan5.docx (12390)

And now…..Do you all think I was distasteful for mentioning Jims Questionable Past Involving Systemic Racism and Systemic Harassment?

Would you try to argue they weren't good applicable questions first outlined in Monday January 20th 2020 7:27AM - jordan5.docx (12390) and do you still think that nobody should be asking them?

Our own Prime Minister is asking the same questions, globally people are screaming these same questions! - We want these very questions asked!

And where do you think Jim is right now? Do you think he went out and stood for people's rights?

Do you think he told the new Police Chief all of the instances of Racial Profiling, minority harassment and negative sentiments?

No. Jim protected himself and his interests then and now. He can't help it.

But also, don't be ashamed if you didn't see this at first you had to meet him to confirm it, just try to use it as motivation for your next encounter!

And now, another free lesson, the Privacy Laws and PIPEDA!

If I'm right about the Canada Labor Code, which I'm quite confident that I am - Do you know how big of a screw up that is? It's a colossal and catastrophic failure.

It's legendary!

And I would like you to all reflect on this:

Friday December 20 2019 1:05 AM - jordan2.docx (3323) " But maybe, it was also important for me to personally see this happen and what will happen? We just watched literal systemic failure occur and I sit here wondering:

· What will you all do when someone gives you a bunch of tools and justification to correct something we all know was wrong and shouldn't have happened?

· I wonder what people will do to protect themselves ahead of others? What will you let each other do? What will you learn about each other?

· I wonder what you collectively and individually will choose for me.

· I wonder what fate you'll think my conscience deserves? What is your judgement?

· I wonder what this person "right at the top" and others will allow to happen to me? I wonder what they would suggest right now and I wonder how you all would feel about it? Would you want them to be able to enforce their direct will if they could?

· I wonder if your legal team is only arguing one side when they know this isn't one sided. Do we choose technicalities or Human Decency? Humans make the arguments in this type of scenario, its non-binary reasoning. And the educated ones can make a huge difference with little effort. Technicalities by their nature exist for all sides.

· What do you all think is better for the Shipyard? Was this the best we can do for Canada?

· If this was someone other than this person "right at the top" do you think that makes my request of them resigning any more or any less reasonable?

· Given my request of this person resigning. If you had a button in front of you that would allow you to all anonymously vote without any repercussion to yourselves - what would choose here? Now would you be hesitant to make that same decision if you didn't have that anonymous button?

· What would you have done here?

This is a collective effort, collective response and collective responsibility.

These are the questions you folks are both asking and answering here.

And how you answer these questions will have very serious impacts on my life.

So I sincerely hope you all give this some real consideration.

I promise you all I will continue to."

So far, you collectively chose to make me a target of your own prejudice, ignorance, and fear!

All while submitting employees, you and me to another substantial Real Risk of Significant Harm.

All after the technical failures while I was there, as well as the HR and Management issues? And the Obviously National Security issues with having such an ethically compromised system and person?

Do you all finally understand why this kind of Failure cannot be tolerated in Canada, Especially when it comes to our defense?!

Know this - If I can own you- someone much smarter and much more prepared could do much worse.

And, as for me - do you know what would happen to Irving if they tried to sue me right now? That would be the worst decision they could possibly make after everything they've done, that would be such a direct attack!

It's quite unlikely they will come at me directly and since I'm clearly no longer the weakest link then they will go after anyone they can! Meaning you. And this also means they will not hold back trying to scare you at this point.

Because if you flipped, then the whole foundation of their delusion will crumble!

And on top of this - are you all really willing to bet the Government isn't watching? Especially now?

And do you think this person "right at the top" and these other "leaders" aren't wondering the same thing?

So what about going forward?

Also - the HR, security and legal processes have major legal ramifications regarding the trust between Irving Shipbuilding and the Government of Canada.

Meaning at this point you may incur personal liability for certain actions right or wrong.

But that also means, if anyone pressures you from doing what is ultimately found to be the right thing, as in trying to protect that Trust on behalf of the Shipyard and Canada then that can be seen as direct intimidation against you.

And if they try to Slander you or intimidate you?

Well… what do you think will happen to a billion dollar company who tries to knowingly slander and use intimidation tactics on Canadians just doing their Jobs? I think you can be financially creative?

And I personally promise that if anyone attacks you because of you doing the right thing then I'll be there to help you as much as I can. So,

Legal, Security, Jodi, Jordan, Jim Rennie, HR, Jimmy P - As for what you can all do right now - if you know of ANY of my personal information, emails, or recordings were sent outside of the province in any way, this includes to the Government - through any type of Mirroring, or through any form outlined in "Another PIPEDA Request - I'd suggest everyone read this!" - You now have a legal responsibility and clear legal justification to inform the Privacy Officer:

"All businesses that operate in Canada and handle personal information that crosses provincial or national borders are subject to PIPEDA regardless of which province or territory they are based in."


I maintain my right to individual impact of Harassment, Privacy and Breach of Trust by any and all individuals involved.

I maintain my right to individual impact of Harassment, Privacy and Breach of Trust by Irving Shipbuilding and JD Irving as Companies.

Another PIPEDA Request - I'd suggest everyone read this!

<Please also forward this to your Privacy Officer as per law >

Dear Privacy Officer,

Under section 4.9 of Schedule 1 of Canada's federal privacy legislation — The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act — I am requesting a copy of my personal information described below.

I made my first PIPEDA request at Friday February 21st 2020 3:45 AM - Jordan 9 Request for Privacy Officer.docx(1486), this PIPEDA request was sent to Jodi Posavad, Jim Perrin, Jordan Jakubowski and Directly referenced and acknowledged by the VP Of Human Resources Jim Rennie on Thursday March 5th 10:18A.

I would like that PIPEDA request included!

I also submit that anyone involved in this case, including Employees,<NAME REMOVED FOR PRIVACY>, Audra, Investigators, Directors, VP's and myself were subjected to a very serious RROSH as defined by PIPEDA:

Part 1 - Your obligations for reporting breaches

· What is real risk of significant harm (RROSH)?

And I want to be clear on something else clear before we start!

I have been told by Irving's Privacy Officer that they won't answer my questions about PIPEDA. Including just generally on providing resources!

When the fact is -if the privacy officer cooperated - they would have known all of this as well - they just straight up denied me! No discussion - nothing!

And I believe this is because Jim Rennie / Jim Perrin / this person "right at the top" pressured the Privacy Officer, thus Obstructing the legal process - intentionally.

That privacy Officer had no right to deny working with me, there is no legal proceeding against me and I asked a logical, relevant question. They didn't even provide resources.

All while this was completely within the scope of the privacy officers expected function by law!

As far as I'm concerned it was clear obstruction and submission tactics on behalf of Irving Shipyard. And I believe this should be seriously investigated!

· So let's start this, the first Legal Argument (to give every employee their Privacy Rights!):

PIPEDA is directly Applicable to Any Company to which the Canada Labour Code applies.

Canada Labour Code:

Please see the direct quoted sections from "Definitions"

"federal work, undertaking or business means any work, undertaking or business that is within the legislative authority of Parliament, including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing,"

(a) " a) a work, undertaking or business operated or carried on for or in connection with navigation and shipping, whether inland or maritime, including the operation of ships and transportation by ship anywhere in Canada,"

a. They are working on Ships in general and allow ships to dock, this is only limited to ships in Nova Scotia? What about the Ships they have already repaired? They all stay in Nova Scotia?

b. Government Ships travel through Provincial Waters and International (AOPS and CSC Definitely will)

c. Irving Shipyard is directly involved in the Transport of ships anywhere in Canada by definition of being a Shipbuilder and Repair Port!

b) " h) a work or undertaking that, although wholly situated within a province, is before or after its execution declared by Parliament to be for the general advantage of Canada or for the advantage of two or more of the provinces

d. The "before" part is applicable - it's inherent in nature. The undertaking or work - is inherently applicable to this subsection. Meaning this was always applicable.

e. Although situated in Nova Scotia, the Work and Undertaking after its execution is for the General Advantage of Canada - Our Patrol and Defense! These ships are owned By Canadian provinces equally as a Federal Canadian Asset.

f. Irving Shipyard is designated Canadians "National Shipbuilder" - Not Nova Scotia's Provincial shipbuilder or Ottawa's Provincial Shipbuilder. This is a direct designation as for the advantage of two or more provinces! They quote this on their LinkedIn Page as well!

a.f.i. This is a special Designation by the Canadian Government - it is a direct admittance to their work, being for the General Advantage of Canada or two or more provinces! That's why they gave them that title specifically. And it's per their own admittance, Irving Shipyard uses this in their memos and Ads.

g. The ships and work cannot be regulated by Nova Scotia!

h. The 3D model that I directly worked on is owned by Canada and is given back to Canada (To distinguish Private Ownership from Government Undertaking)

i. This 3D Model cannot be regulated by Provinces and is for the general Advantage of Canada - The 3D model literally has to be given back to Canada when it's all done. Not a single province. In fact, I believe its mirrors to the Canadian Government and Is Backed up with them?

j. I also believe this 3D Model contains Restricted Goods which are not provincially regulated? Thus the Model is Federally Regulated.

(b) " i) a work, undertaking or business outside the exclusive legislative authority of the legislatures of the provinces, and"

a. Provinces Do not have Legislative Authority over CSC or AOPS - This is the Shipyards Primary work - they are our "National Shipbuilder"

b. Provinces to do not have legislative authority over the 3D Model or Any restricted goods within.

c. To take that a step further, The Province of Nova Scotia has absolutely no legislative authority over how Irving Shipyard does any of their documentation for these ships, nor can the regulate the security requirements required to gauge the information, or access the Shipyard! These are Federally Legislated requirements.

b.c.i. And to this what about engineering requirements? Are they simply provincially regulated? It would seem to be federally based?

Oh and I wonder where Irving Shipbuilding makes most of its money and work? The Canadian Government!

So by any common sense and reasonable interpretation - without some clear legal Exception then the Canada Labour Code is by legal definition Applicable to Irving Shipbuilding. And thus PIPEDA is inherently applicable to all employees. Even retroactively!

You see, the way these laws are written, those definitions are not Determined by Irving Shipbuilding or The Government, but by that set of legal Definitions. That's to protect all Canadians interests and rights, from Businesses to Government to Citizens.

And from what I understand, it's now up to Irving Shipbuilding to provide a legal reason as to why they are not subject to the Canada Labor Code.

· For posterity, as you will likely try to slow this down with Legal technicalities:

"All businesses that operate in Canada and handle personal information that crosses provincial or national borders are subject to PIPEDA regardless of which province or territory they are based in."

Jim Perrin, their Investigator made it clear that he was from JD Irving, Not Irving Shipbuilding. JD Irving is located in New Brunswick. That means it's VERY likely that data was sent across Provincial Borders and inherently falls under PIPEDA and fell under PIPEDA at the time of the request.

· For posterity, as you will likely try to slow this down with Legal technicalities:

What you need to know about mandatory reporting of breaches of security safeguards:

Who is responsible for reporting the breach?

"In so doing, the principal organization will need to ensure there are sufficient contractual arrangements in place with the processor to address compliance with the breach provisions set out in PIPEDA. The same would be true for notification and record-keeping obligations."

I believe this means that the Shipyard has a responsibility to ensure this transaction of data between Irving Shipyard and JD Irving is done accordance with Federal Privacy Law and PIPEDA Principles and this agreement must be filled by a contractual agreement that's actually required by law?

JD Irving, as its Based in New Brunswick would also need a similar contract with Jodi?

Now I highly doubt Irving Shipbuilding was handling this interprovincial data based on PIPEDA principles, in fact I can prove definitively they did not.

Consider the reply from Jim Rennie (Director of VP) Tuesday February 25, 6:53 PM:

"For clarity, there is no legal requirement in Nova Scotia to provide this information"

When PIPEDA was directly applicable at that time!

Now - Jim clearly didn't know PIPEDA, Jim Rennie made the official statement, backed by legal sign off!

So how could this transaction of Data, Between Irving Shipbuilding and JD Irving have been based on contractual agreement or PIPEDA principles?

And if all parties (Irving Shipbuilding (Halifax) - JD Irving, JD Irving - Jodi, Irving Shipbuilding (Halifax) - Jodi) say they do have contract, then they violated PIPEDA principles knowingly and intentionally!

Remember any data transactions between Jodi and JD Irving / Jim are interprovincial right? Jim made sure to remind me he was From JD Irving, not Irving Shipbuilding and Jim made it clear well after our meeting that Jodi was never representing me, stating clearly I never had consent in those relationships or data sharing. But by legal definition - they did require a contract!?

Regardless I think there is a fair argument that at no time could any transfer or handling of any data, about me, other employees, or generally anyone involved in this have been done in line with PIPEDA principles and federal law, when it should have been.


Do you have a form I can use to report one of these breaches?

Yes. See the PIPEDA breach report form.

Who has to notify individuals?

Either JD Irving or Irving Shipyard (Figure it out Guys)

When do I notify individuals?

"Unless otherwise prohibited by law, anytime you determine that a breach of security safeguards poses a real risk of significant harm to an individual, you must notify the individual(s) concerned. The notification must be conspicuous and must be given directly to the individual, except in certain circumstances described in the regulations where indirect notification is permitted.

The law requires that notification to individuals be given as soon as feasible after you have determined that a breach of security safeguards involving a real risk of significant harm has occurred."

So it would appear JD Irving would have to notify everyone involved that their Privacy Was breached and why and soon, it's been awhile since you've been informed!

· For posterity, as you will likely try to slow this down with Legal technicalities:

If the argument is that JD Irving as the Parent company does not require a "contract" is JD Irving not subject to PIPEDA on its own? And they would have my data and that recording!?

Regardless, the Data almost definitely Traveled interprovincial and objectively wasn't handled in accordance with PIPEDA Principles.

Now - Definition of Digital Data and its relation to Interprovincial Actions: (What I want)

You may try arguing that me sending you an Email does not inherently count, but say in the beginning you folks sent this out of Province - I wasn't sending it out directly, I sent it to Audra whom is specifically in Halifax Nova Scotia and requested the Government investigate, Not JD Irving.

But regardless anything transferred to non-intended recipients, forwarded or sent after the fact absolutely is covered here. Including any internal Auto Forwarding. (So if say, if Jim, Jodi, Jordan (anyone) or IT set a rule that if they received an email, Auto Forward to a Source outside the Province) that counts as being delivered to the Destination province first! Meaning Auto Forward would be Irving Shipbuilding's direct choice to send it out of province.

This also includes any deliberate or intentional storage of the information after the fact - such as in a Custom System. This includes "copy and paste", downloading attachments, saving files to network drives etc. Generally, any action after your SMTP server accepts it would be considered intentional action on Behalf of Irving Shipbuilding.

But also understand this - the law covers the Data in general, if it ever travelled across a Border in even the most general of ways meaning even if someone stepped one foot over a provincial line with a digital copy this law is applicable.

So, to clarify again, if any of My Data ever crossed a provincial Border, or Multiple Provincial borders - PIPEDA is directly applicable regardless of "federally regulated industry" status.

And I want to know who seen all of my information, every bit!

This includes any Phone Recordings Made (Of any meetings I had while at the Shipyard), any files what so ever used in determining anything about me or my character as I have a right to defend myself and character!

Even notifying me that a file did exist but no longer exists, the type, date it was created and intention!

Essentially - I want every single little piece of information that exists or has existed on or about me, and the information about who accessed it, when and why.

I want it detailed and I want clear written reasons as to why something cannot be provided.

This is also not some "explicit list". This is a base request.

If you reason you cannot provide names of people whom accessed my information based on privacy and provide a good reason for such, then I will accept a redacted list while we work out further details on the detailed list.

I make this request of Irving Shipbuilding, JD Irving and any other Subsidiaries that may have accessed my data. As well as 3rd Parties (More specifically, but not explicitly Jodi Posavad).

I expect this data to be in full digital format.

I also expect you to fully submit this Privacy breach to the Privacy Commissioner. As well as reporting any pressuring that may have occurred as this also means PIPEDA applies to everyone's data would was involved in this Case!

Even just Names, statements, HR records ETC would have to have been handled in accordance with Federal Privacy Law / PIPEDA and I've proven they weren't handled properly and were subjected to a serious RROSH, so that breach has to be reported!

Remember, I provided very limited names and only much later on! Which means any names listed were by choice of Irving. I made it clear I didn't want to involve anyone or intrude on their Privacy or Expose them to unreasonable harm here and can prove that easily!


In general, PIPEDA requires organizations to provide individuals with access to their personal information at free or minimal cost within 30 days. For details about organizations' responsibilities under PIPEDA's access provision see the Office of the Privacy Commissioner's guidance at What businesses need to know.

If you do not normally handle these types of requests, please forward this letter to the person in your organization responsible for privacy compliance.

Please contact me at 9022209106 if you require additional information from me before you proceed.

Here is information that may help you identify my records:

Full Name: Richard Scott Jewers



Ecum Secum, Nova Scotia


Thank you and Have a good day Jill / Privacy Officer

Personal Letters

Jim Perrin - You messed up bad. And I mean really bad in some of the worst ways that a human can mess up. Over and over.

And the fact is, and I know you know this - We could have solved this very easily but you couldn't help yourself could you!

As soon as you felt a bit challenged and seen someone weak enough to exploit look at what you did. And then pretended you aren't accountable again.

As Even here you told me that I'm just creating some Narrative - You think I created all of this? All of your personal and professional failures, all of the failures when I was there and all the failures through this investigation you blame that on me? And that its part of some Narrative that I'm creating and not real?

All this makes me wonder…Have you been running from you failures your whole life? Is that why you ran towards your false Authority with no accountability? It's a serious and honest question!

And now - as a "Leader" would you say my approach was wrong, given all the technical details and given the Global response to what police have been doing, what your leadership allowed?

You know the Answer - I did everyone's job for them here including yours.

You are welcome!

And I wonder as the "Supreme Leader you are", did you mention your own Conflict of Interest before I did? I bet not!

And the worst part here is I gave you choices as a Human! I gave you information, trust and my support - and you chose to turn your back on me and lie to my face. And then cry about being asked why you lied - when you did.

So Remember and reflect here, throughout this process you won't have a badge, gun or Hidden Authority to hide behind when you try to "explain it all away".

And if you failed here, and I have every indication you have then there will be nothing silent about your next "Shuffle".

And… one last rhetorical question here… do you still want to wager the Government isn't watching this whole situation James?

You still have a chance to do the right thing, this isn't over.

Jim Rennie -You are a VP - and you didn't know this about Jim, or you didn't care? You don't think these are good questions? As a HR Director - you personally would not ask the same questions I asked?

And then you didn't know Privacy Laws? You can't hide it …"Mr. provincially regulated"

Then think about this, PIPEDA was detailed so clearly by some dog in the woods and you are a VP of Human Resources, with Billions of Dollars of Resources, working for our "National Shipbuilder" And you didn't know and couldn't eventually come to the conclusion that maybe you were in a federally regulated industry? Well, don't worry, I'll make sure it's investigated for everyone's "Clarity".

Regardless look at the other provisions?

And what about Jim? You couldn't reason he is a serious Conflict Of Interest? Do you like them not having any questions for me, or how about Jim never contacting me?

And Then if anyone pressured the Privacy Officer…

Just Wowwwwwwwww.

As a fellow human, I'd recommend you take the time now to recognize the fact that you and I are just cogs, expendable, replaceable objects to these people. And do you really believe these people and this person "right at the top" would give up their continued comfort for yours?

I think you know better and if there is something you can do - now is the time to do it.

CSIS - So did you look into everyone else here? They broke the law, abused Canadians, Lied About it, stripped a Canadian of their Rights, trampled a Canadians chartered rights, Completely Ignored Canadian Law and made massive amounts of money from it.

Oh and they created horrible quality of work and then it looks like there is strong evidence to suggest they then sent it out of the country - to hide that poor quality.

All to protect abusive and narcissistic behavior! They chose Systemic Failure over hard working Canadians efforts and capabilities.

And you think having people and a system this compromised, doesn't compromise our National Security? It absolutely does and I know you know that! We could have discussions for days!

So the fact is - This is a serious issue and then to have their HR department protecting them, and having that mindset going into the more serious defense phase!?

This is a recipe for worst case scenario!

Now - did you get a warrant for a Canadian and ignore Non-Canadians? Because that's really serious. And I'm betting that's what occurred.

And if you are looking at me and not them then your system has failed Canadians, Canada and Yourselves here.

And I hope whatever judge approves / reviews this gives you a healthy "slap" to the back the head.

Jordan / HR -

· Do you like what Jim stood for?

· This is what other employees and I deserved?

· Do you think this was fair?

· Do you like the fact you all clearly violated my rights as a Canadian?

· Does that make you feel good as a fellow human?

And I have a feeling you know that there is something specific you can do right now.

Think really hard - this has not been investigated properly, you have the facts now and now you know there is much more to the story and I've amalgamated a lot and I know how to find what else I'll need, with or without you folks.

And the fact is you folks have a Zero Tolerance Policy that was clearly violated and these people were protected for personal gain and still are!

This is way more than enough for you to contact the Government or Launch an investigation. And this person "right at the top", Jimmy P and Mr. Rennie can't stop you.

You have absolutely no argument for not having a free choice in all of this.

You can prove what both agreed with and allowed! This includes a fully quantified Conflict Of Interest and RROSH. You also have clear legal precedent on which to base your complaint - I've highlighted it for you!

So if you don't agree then - perfect reasonable grounds!

Please really think about your choice here!

Irving's - This isn't a disease? You think this person was fair? Do you think that I wasn't appropriate and justified in asking Jim those questions?

I was trying to do the right thing by asking those Questions.

So what did your Fancy Cars, Jets, Education, Lawyers get you this time? It got you owned by a Dog in the woods.

So Look at your system - it got owned when I was an Employee, and again now. It's a theme and it should tell you there is something very wrong with that system and the people behind it!

And I'll be very straight forward:

If you defend what happened then you actively choose to fail Canada and Canadians directly- and there is no lower form of shame - you took Canadians Money and Trust and then turned your Backs on us out of convenience.

All to further personal Interests.

And know this - if any employees were ever let go just because they could comment on this this - don't think there won't be a very long discussion to be had - you want to be very sure they didn't get "let go" and if they did then you want to proactively fix the issue - because if you don't I will make sure every single one of them has a voice against you.

Just as I won't stop until all of your Employees have their Privacy Rights.

That's a promise.

Person "right at the top" - AroooooOOooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo - I think you can hear it echoing now?

So what now?

I bet you didn't think I'd get this close did you?

Well fact is I'm now I'm almost "on your door step" and if I can help it, this time there are going to be some 3rd Parties standing behind me. And lots and lots of sharp facts and now there are strong legal arguments on the table that Legal can't ignore.

All these new tools for everyone to use against you.

And do you think I can't hold all of them accountable just as I will you?

All from Monday December 9th 2019 8:00 PM - Initial Email to Shipyard.docx

"And I sent a very clear message in my first HR meeting about how I was being treated, all I needed was cooperation and I would not be talked to like a dog or be treated like one.

Well now you got a dog and I am looking right at YOU.

And I hope you like the sound of coherent, intellectual and informed howling because it's going to be loud. And I'll make sure it resonates between the cubicles, the bulkheads and the halls. Just for you.

And when the other dogs hear it - I hope they start howling too.

They have every right and reason to.

And know this - I faced one side of your bully personality already. And this time ill face the other side head on… but this time, I'm more educated on what a Narcissist is, this time… I have a pocket full of sharp facts right out of the gate, this time I have a stunning technical account and for extra points I've got a pretty darn good memory and I remember faces, times and events really well. I understand how technology works and I've got the fact that you people fumbled this multiple times not just with me.

And I am all in.

So if you want to drag everybody into this. Then we'll do it because in the end it's the right thing to do.

And I'd really rather not - it's your choice and to me, it shows nothing but your clear disregard and contempt for the people affected - when you can just accept responsibility for your failure.

So, know this - this is absolutely not going to disappear. The magic money wand you are so privileged to waving around isn't going to work.

And now …you will all have to blatantly look in someone's face and lie, misrepresent and bully and harass me and others further …Straight to Canadas face for that matter.

And then what - throw Audra or some other people to the sharks to protect yourself again? Blame everyone else but you?

Go ahead - but this time you won't be able to hide it.

This time, you will all be accountable.

And There will be absolutely no negotiating, compromise or concessions.

I have not lied to you once and I will not lie to you now.

If you wish to test my resolve - then we shall test it together".

I am telling you... Yield now or I will strap a collar on your neck and parade you through the streets howling:


(No physical only intellectual discussion and metaphors)

Jodi -Now do you still think I was distasteful pointing out Jims past? The Missing Evidence Statements and false statements? And Then the Privacy Violations?

You must see Jim now? You must see what they did here and what you allowed? If you don't feel shame right now then I legit feel bad for you as a human, this late in your life and with your experience, I have no doubt that you know exactly what these people did and why they did it. And you basically helped them.

So it appears that you sold me and everyone else out so you could ease your own fear and take home a big pay check… quick and easy right? I wonder… What did they pay you for your complacency in this Charade?

All while I did my due diligence as a Canadian and Professional for free. And I did it respectfully given then circumstances and in accordance with Law.

Which you didn't do but was also your responsibility! You are welcome!

But honestly where were you!? Did you raise any concerns about this yourself? You didn't know any of this? You couldn't reason at least some of what I was saying was reasonable?

Did you even know about Jims past before going in? Did you do any privacy research yourself?

Regardless - I think you actively knew something was wrong and you made a bad decision.

So I ask respectfully given a generalized scenario, not this specific one - Consider a hypothetical person - an Attractive, Wealthy, Married-Straight White Person who does not want to Question Systemic Racism in general and Quantified Systemic Harassment in two separate cases. When fully spelled out for them and many examples given, they completely ignore how relative the points are to the whole current situation.

Think, what would it mean if they never contact the other party, and never raise an internal concern about the conflict of interest (RROSH) and rejects any and all ideas regarding Privacy Expectations?

What would that mean about that person?

I'm wonder if that person tells themselves…. "It's more complicated than that" … trying to explain and excuse this all away instead of doing the right thing and facing their own shame…

I wonder how that's any different than Jim and his "Someone else is accountable" approach to life.

…. It's something to think about isn't it Jodi?

Anyways, for you in this situation - you can still help me, yourself and Canada here. Irving does not own you. No legal Contract can remove your obligation to protect Canadians Rights, you still have a civil responsibility to raise your concerns! And you have clear justification to protect any of those workers at the shipyard or anyone involved in this.

Security - You intentionally violated the privacy rights of your Employees that you are supposed to protect. You just stood back and assumed didn't you… Just like Jim? But who is accountable for that failure in the end? You don't think the people who just sit back and assume are to blame also?

Jim is and was at LEAST a legal threat which clearly evolved into a clear security threat! This person "right at the top" and these failed leaders are absolutely both.

And this level of failure and number of occurrences is absolutely a threat to National Security and the fact is these people and this system are not fit to represent Canada and absolutely is not fit to protect Canadians and our interests!

Legal - Out of good faith I give Legal Full permission to view my PIPEDA complaint!

What now… am I starting to form a proper definition of culpability for you?

…Do you know the "One Party Consent" Law in Canada and do you know Irving states Privacy is not expected here, they set that precedent!

So what now, under that law - I guess I could just let anyone listen to anything I might have and Legal agrees that's fair? So if I have something - Maybe I'll just release it all to the public, or as new evidence when I want?

So Irving doesn't deserve to defend themselves against any records? They have no rights to privacy? How are you going to argue you all have privacy rights but I don't?

And do you want to argue that Jim is not a Conflict Of Interest and RROSH? He didn't contact me once! Not one question except badgering me to get me to say I'm an Engineer when I never did or have. And the recent public response to his kind and his false statements about missing evidence? You don't think that further validates my concern? At very least it confirms he would lie about evidence to deceive the public all to protect his employer's interests!

And what about the Legal reasoning between companies requiring contracts?

Oh and my PIPEDA request was in before you closed the case and as closing the case required informing me. So you will defend keeping the case closed when there was a valid legal request made and my argument and approach is and was backed by legal precedent? You know I have a legal right to challenge that information!

And now you see the clear legal reasoning regarding the Canada Labor Code in my PIPEDA request here.

Friday December 20 2019 1:05 AM - jordan2.docx (3323) "I wonder if your legal team is only arguing one side when they know this isn't one sided. Do we choose technicalities or Human Decency? Humans make the arguments in this type of scenario, its non-binary reasoning. And the educated ones can make a huge difference with little effort. Technicalities by their nature exist for all sides."….

Monday January 20th 2020 7:27AM - jordan 5.docx (12390) (Directed at legal)

"I do not want to hurt the Shipyards Integrity, so please don't make me keep doing this!

It's time to pick a side.

If not, it's very likely you will be nudged into a side - awkwardly and uncomfortably where you are left to defend certain actions or inactions.

Would you rather partial control or chaos?

I'm offering you cooperation and a way to resolve this.

Remove this person "right at the top" before this gets too loud.

And please get a real meeting going - you know what I mean"

So here it is - I'm handing it you! - This gives you all a path Privacy Rights and Protections and You don't have to argue only one side! And this is clearly a blatant tipping point.

So consider,

· I can't make good on what I say?

· I won't stick with it?

· The public will back you in suing a Canadian?

· The Government will back you in suing a Canadian?

· Do you think these people won't make more mistakes?

· Do you think these people didn't already make more mistakes?

· Can you define Zero Tolerance Policy?

· What else do I have?

o It's been awhile and I've had a lot of time to think

o I'll give you a hint out of good faith… one of the things I have… it invalidates your coaching as a solution. Period.

· What happens when I get my data through PIPEDA?

· My actions are backed my Legal Federal precedent as were my requests - are you going to say I'm just making this all up or my requests were illogical?

· Do you really want to defend Jim as not being a Conflict of interest or RROSH?

· What happens when others involved get their Privacy Rights? I'm sure their Data was sent between provinces as well?

And please understand this, this isn't even the Second Phase and never was, that's a whole other "Bucket of fun" ready to go when needed. And when I get access to real Resources… I don't care if this takes years… I'll consider this practice for later on in life, I'll enjoy learning the legal aspect… how else would I get practical experience?

So it's time to Remove this person "right at the top" and Implement Privacy Policy and Protocol for all your employees. From there it's time to get a real meeting going:

I maintain my right to individual impact of Harassment, Privacy and Breach of Trust by any and all individuals involved.

I maintain my right to individual impact of Harassment, Privacy and Breach of Trust by Irving Shipbuilding and JD Irving as Companies.

Harjit - So what now? Do you want to watch me completely dominate them? That's what you want?

Because everything inside of me wants too…. for what they did to me and others while I was there and the constant technical failures. But then…. Jim….

And they clearly shamed me for asking the Hard Questions about Systemic Racism and Systemic Harassment like there was something wrong with me - well what now?

These are the same questions that our Prime Minister said he wants answered!

Halifax, Canada and the World have sent the same message loud and clear!

And with all due respect…

Would you honestly tell me you don't want to Look in Jims face and ask him About Systemic Racism, Systemic Harassment and the missing Evidence Statements? You wouldn't want to watch his face to see if he lies to you and watch him squirm trying to explain it all away like it was nothing?

…And personally I want you to know that I really did not want it to come to this and I didn't plan this part of it, I had ideas, strategies and other information but… I never expected to find so many failures and some of them so blatant and then to send Jim, of all people. I would have honestly ended this with a quick meeting and reassurances!

But think about this - if I can point out this many failures within this Narrow Window how can you not wonder what other failures there were and are? It actually scares me at this point.

And then I'm seeing the Shipyard sending work to other countries to what… hide these failures? When I know very well Canadians could fix them! Like, this honestly doesn't concern you?

We could be educating Canadians, building Canadian Talent and solidifying the essence of our National Shipbuilding strategy into our professional identity as a Country.

But Instead we as a Country what? Protect and pay these failed "Leaders" who use, abuse and hide their failures!

When the fact is that this level of collective and consistent failure is beyond the word failure. It's a National embarrassment.

Now I feel I have provided you an adequate and quantified definition of Systemic Harassment and I formally and respectfully ask for you to end it.

From there, I would like to formally request a meeting to ensure this is being investigated and resolved.

I maintain my right to individual impact of Harassment, Privacy and Breach of Trust by any and all individuals involved.

I maintain my right to individual impact of Harassment, Privacy and Breach of Trust by Irving Shipbuilding and JD Irving as Companies.

Audra - I told you I would hold them all accountable. We don't need to involve anyone else to resolve this, you just have to help with a simple thing - if you know of ANY of my personal information, emails, or recordings were sent outside of the province in any way, this includes to the Government - through any type of Mirroring, or through any form outlined in "Another PIPEDA Request - I'd suggest everyone read this!" - You now have a legal responsibility and clear legal justification to inform the Privacy Officer:

"All businesses that operate in Canada and handle personal information that crosses provincial or national borders are subject to PIPEDA regardless of which province or territory they are based in."

The Technical - For all those following from previous documents

See what's happening with COVID and the tracking / contact tracing? This will all be done through machine learning and will be done through Canadian Servers such as BlackBerry as we can't route personal Canadian details through the states using 3rd parties - its unethical knowing how US laws are written as it Canadian Laws to allow that to happen!

This is a whole privacy discussion to be had, quite similar to one we discussed about Jodi. Friday January 31st 2020 3:28 PM - Jordan 7 Serious Security Concerns.docx (7792)

Regardless, we will use machine learning to understand how the virus transfers and why such Specific Social factors and virus specific factors interact. This will allow them to predict people's movements and hotspots. Add layers about why it spreads so easy in certain areas (Door Knobs, hand blowers, poor ventilation - a lot of stores are just general carbon copies) and the system can become quite powerful and tell us much more specifically where to add extra precautions and test theories.

If could even calculate density say at a beach, and see if the virus actually transmitted outdoors (GPS / Cell cords) can reasonably be placed on a beach. And they could correlate all this data with weather, and outdoor / indoor temperature variations.

But also would point out controversial but useful information such as Race, "Gender" or Religion. Or you could feed it specific known social factors, such as generally how far a culture stands apart, or how they show affection / greetings or accessibility to masks. But also factor larger average household sizes found in different demographics. Adding in shipping details, and new "focal points"…

And[Scott1] now what if we factored in how quickly society reacted - whys and how's - that creates new data for the system to consider.

Not only does it provide hard position details and information but it builds a Psychological profile of individuals, groups, communities and eventually a country!

It's amazingly powerful if stacked properly.

But the flip side is that this same data could be used to spread the (A) Virus. And even the Algorithm used is worth a lot!

And perhaps not for COVID but something else, later on. And what if it's hacked / monitored while it's running? What that might be worth? Do you all think it's worth $0?

You all think it wouldn't be alluring to a foreign country or Hacker group to want that kind of data?

It's like the premise of a James Bond movie, the Data extracted from the global COVID Pandemic was used to build a super simulation that accurately predicts and adjusts as society responds. It would predict what to do and where to hit next to maximize spread before a country can react. And then mislead the public using Social Engineering tactics on the internet, or steer dissent towards a desired state by making calculated, statistical choices that are seemingly random. (Look how Media Control Narrative - not a discussion on good or bad), as a bonus maybe it could hack certain technology and IOT, use AI drone / swarm dispersion. Kind of cool.

Regardless, Machine Learning is a great way to tackle this issue. Also Check out Folding At Home, or Einstein At Home, principles similar to this can be used and enhanced with more powerful AI / Machine Learning systems.

But also a side note, the founder of BlackBerry, Mike Lazaridis was a big investor in D-Wave, a quantum computing company based out of Canada, a big player in that Game. And this may be an interesting opportunity to engage this technology and id assume this is where some big questions are being asked - and hopefully they are. My understanding is that we haven't really been able to build logic gates to ask abstract questions from these systems, meaning the questions we can ask are still basic however with this specific problem and direct funding I wonder what could be done…

And just so you all know… all this technology information, before this and after is to provide evidence of Technical Proficiency as I have no other way. and the length is too show I'm determined and not going to stop and that this isn't just Random topics, it's all related to even what I worked on while there and the underlying technical issues which we haven't gotten too.


"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"