Security Review - JDIrving and Irving Shipbuilding

Release Date: December 23rd 2021
Original Document: Link
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  1. General Disclaimers
  2. The Suspected Plan: Use Police to Extort and Intimidate Employees and I (February 4th 2019 to November 19th 2019)
  3. The Suspected Plan: Buy a 3HR, set a "Trap" and Craft a "Story" (November 19 2020 to March 5th 2020)
  4. The Suspected Plan: To Intimidate and Extort (March 5th 2020 to - June 10th 2020 (And Rope Incident) - August 5th 2020 and Onward)
  5. Pushing the Privacy Discussion: Bridging OPC, ESDC, Irving Shipbuilding On Thread (October 29 2020)
  6. Extended Security Review of Jim Perrin (Investigator)
  7. Extended Security Review of Jodi Posavad (3HR)
  8. Jim Perrin, Jodi Possavad, Scott Jewers - Recorded Meeting January 27th 2020 1PM
  9. Proof I was Always wanting to Speak with Irving Shipbuilding Quietly and Tried too
  10. Quotes from Other Letters
  1. Proof of initially contacting OPC and ESDC

Personal Letters

  1. Resources
    1. Significant Events
    2. Quotes from Other Letters
    3. DFTS

General Disclaimers

The Suspected Plan - Use Police to Extort and Intimidate (February 4th 2019 - November 19th 2019) (Back to Index)

Introduction - I'm not saying this was all to deal with me, or about me. I suspect this was a General Plan that spiraled out of control. I'll highlight how my role inside it was manipulated and how that seems to have evolved with time.

Now i had this written long ago, short forms, long forms... detailed technical bits... it's hard to choose what to put in, edit it all and then deal with the stress and realities...And I'm not a writer.... So yes this is crude but I am so stressed right now... the best I can do is just drop this sloppy mess and deal with it from there because if I don't... I honestly may have a heart attack because of the stress this has brought me.

Say these out loud: "The wrong people can't hear about this", "You need someone like me here", "and Don't say anything these people will come after you". Fear, Fear, Fear from employees and Managers.

February 4th 2019 - Introduction to the "Pack" - My Start Date, Production Engineering - Back End System Support. 6 Month contract.

  • There was a Pack History - I didn't cause this, it was there before me and directly affected me in the same way. And I never wanted to change anything, just help and put answers on the record in my context. I wasn't there to cause trouble, I just wanted to learn, that's really it and I just asked for basic respect and cooperation.
  • March 27th 2019: Historical Injustice - Expensive "shuffles" were needed after release of Wortly Report. It was deemed illegal and basically racist, this echoed anecdotal records and reports made for years. It was ordered to immediately stop and it was permanently banned in Nova Scotia October 18, 2019 . This was a serious societal event. For some sides this was a step forward, others this was a step sideways.
  • Expressing Potential - In this period I had helped "Them" with some projects and showed I could help with a lot, at very least I could educate. This would have sent ripples out about me. And employees were aware. Now you have a serious problem, you can't terminate an employee without serious questions being asked. And if i quit there would be questions... It didn't matter what I did, they were going to hunt me.

April 10th 2019 - Approx When I had my HR meeting - Regarding my Disposition and "Issues" - I was very professional, and expressed some issues. And stated I could still work with them, I just needed cooperation. I was kind of annoyed but I had no issues with anyone. The HR person laughed light heartedly about me washing my cup I'm told by HR I'm not allowed to even really defend myself or I'll be fired, I went back to work and this person yelled in my face, spit hit the table. Someone had to stop them....

  • "Their" Perspective - Regardless of me, having a skilled person or people starts to show contrast between how it was and how it could be. This along with reported issues and the history, causes a problem for these "people right at the top'', they need full control over their "Master Plan". They needed to Buy Silence.

March 27th 2019 :

May 28th 2020 (Approx) - Tricking the Dog and Creating the Perfect Extortion Tool

    • Situational Awareness - Job Postings after June 5 12:47 PM 2019 that then seem "related" to my "position", I have manually searched and tried to find all records, these are the only ones I found!:
      • June 8th 2019 4:45 PM - 30461078
      • June 15th 2019 6:45 AM - 30521702
      • July 15th 2019 5:02 PM - 30797801
      • Also included was the possibility of replacing or complimenting some of my existing Managers functions.
      • It's awfully convenient timing isn't it? And this was consistent with comments made by internal Managers and VPs. This was planned.
      • This was a setup!
  • Covering your Tracks - It's almost the perfect plan, with almost no trail, it fits the mould and all the timestamps support it. And now they can use HRP to silence anyone.

July 26th 20219 to November 19 2019

From November 19th 2019 Onward.

The Suspected Plan: Buy a 3HR, Manipulate the "Record" and Craft a new "Story" ( November 19 2020 to March 5th 2020) (Back to Index)

November 19 2020

  • Shuffling the Pack , The Coordinated Dance.
    • Job Interview Capitol Health at CSIS Building - They couldn't wait forever. And so my interview was offered and the exchange went forward. Now this letter was always being typed weeks before this date and was almost ready to go, the timing was suspicious.
      • I now believe they knew about this letter was coming, it was being typed well before this, and the Union was pressuring them.
    • Fake Apology from HRP - Police Announcement and then Fake Apology
    • November 22nd 2019 and December 7th 2019 when I sent my letters to DND. I didn't not receive a response and advised I'd do it myself.
      • I never asked for a cage or a collar, I asked for respect and cooperation.

December 9th 2019 - Part of The Letter I sent to the Shipyard

December 12 2019 -

January 12th 2020 to February 10th 2020

  • The Lure:
    • They had not contacted me for 30 Days, so I sent an email stating how inappropriate it was that nobody had contacted me. And I felt like I was being labeled a threat, the Director assured me that was not the case.... Cleary it was LOL
    • January 14th 2020 - The first mention of Jim Perrin (Investigator) in my record.
    • January 20th 2020 - I submit a steamy and well detailed security review of Jim Perrin (Investigator) . He absolutely failed. While I highlighted this exact possibility of such a plan! While making my feelings on Racism, Homophobia, and Misogyny and Hate very clear. And stated how inappropriate this choice was given the diversity of employees but stressed how serious it was if this person (An interrogation expert) was ever alone with anyone. I also voiced my support for the Police but made it clear there was a problem, and this would get them sued. The Proposed Meeting dates were changed.
  • The Wolves will Circle:
    • January 27th 2020 1PM. - The Recorded Meeting at Halifax Shipyard.
    • The 3HR was revealed to be Jodi Posavad (3HR) who absolutely failed their Technical and Security review. This is when she tried to Phish me with her HR Card.
    • I represented myself and openly consented to it being recorded. I handled myself well. These "professionals" tried to Phish Employee names, try to get me to make false claims, while they brush off serious questions about how appropriate this is, and deny any expectations of Privacy Policy, in fact mocked me for thinking employees should have Privacy or their names protected. They didn't have any questions for me... This recording has been requested under PIPEDA many times.

February 10th 2020 (Supposed To be "Statement Day") to February 25th 2020:

  • Denial, Rejection and Isolation (Psychological):
    • I had to contact Jim twice, with Jordan stating he knew nothing about a "statement" and Jodi never contacted me back (jim shut the recording off to tell me 2 weeks). Jordan never contacted me back about them deleting Terms from Jobs Postings that were mentioned in the recorded meetings. While Jim Perrin (Investigator) mocked me and basically told me if I didn't give up names it didn't happen.
    • I requested a privacy policy many times before this point, all rejected. He called this whole thing, and my mistrust of them all some Narrative... while this person was bought and sold, literally a corrupt Cop. Hunting down employees, blaming me and everyone else.
    • I was told I was never intended to speak to the 3HR and they work for "Them". Then why give me the 3HR card?
      • To Phish others and expose them to these Personal Interests.
      • This is consistent with them *apparently* creating new LinkedIn Profiles after me mentioning Linkedin and their 700 followers (Because it logs who looked, PHISING)
    • I asked Jim about Speaking to police to see what my options were, he laughed about Police assisting anything. Which makes me feel Jim Perrin (Investigator) contacted Local officers, and furthers my concerns about June 10th 2020 and me be stalked by RCMP.
    • Jim Perrin (Investigator) said this was all some narrative, none of this is real! He isn't accountable, the people above him are! With Jim insisting he is From JDIrving and they are a Private company and so mocked me about CSIS laws when in communications
      • I only assigned a 6% chance, with direct links and definitions highlighted. "Hey there is a 1 in 17 chance you will get hit by a car". I was detailed, and upfront about the speculation, provided percent's for justification and detailed my approach. How is that unreasonable and paranoid? It wasn't Paranoid It's extremely accurate and responsible.
        • But also I had walked into the local CSIS nest December 10th 2019, which I never did tell them. Its why I warned them LOL
  • You'll see my security and technical reviews were valid. I also submitted details on HR handling templates and resources on how to handle these issues in the future and tried to protect the Shipyard and employees. I brought it! While they stabbed me in the back, hunted other employees, lied and slandered me.
  • February 21 2020 3:45 PM - I submitted my PIPEDA Request before the Case was closed using the Official PIPEDA Template with explicit requests to contact their Privacy officer and Clarify.

February 25th 2020:

  • Finalizing the Story:
    • Now, they never asked me any questions in our meeting, and never contacted me. I suspect this is because "They" didn't want to have to change the record. This was all bought and sealed before it started. And if they call me, they need to make an entry, it's not the same if I call them. It's sneaky and shows you, they really knew what they were doing and coordinated.
    • And Now Jim Perrin (Investigator) can tell Jodi Posavad (3HR) anything. Especially if "They" have control over her mailbox.
  • The Horizontal Howl, Selling The Story:
    • So Now Jim Perrin (Investigator) , Jodi Posavad (3HR) , and "They" will be banking on nobody seeing the Video from the Shipyard, or Hearing the Audio recording. Which would show I was very professional.
    • So Now, Directors, Internal HR, Government, CSIS, Business Community, Union, Employees and Media only hear the story that Jim Perrin (Investigator) , Jodi Posavad (3HR) Billionaires and all the Resources and Social Equity backing them Craft, Spin and manipulate. This will become evident July 30th 2020.
    • This was clearly a Plan to sell to the Wider Halifax Business, Legal and Media Communities. But also to the Union and Employees.
      • Anyone could see that, the fact they were so confident tells you they all knew and were conspiring.
    • Think about how devastating them putting I am not credible on that paper is, and literally slandering me to the Provincial and Federal Government - It was done as a Terror Attack, to flex how far everyone would let them go - Check the Reviews they are SOLID, I was right about Jim, Provided them with Templates and Education. I even educated them on CSIS laws. But they had no problem slandering me affecting Federal and Provincial Jobs, This affects local Jobs and makes me a massive conflict of interest to local companies working on these projects or looking to work on them.
      • This On top of me being hunted by Police. Basically if I did work in the city, they are hunting stealing my wallet and worse so they would have extorted me or worse. This was full blown terror attack on me. Financially, Professionally, Psychological and Physical.
  • And it's very likely this person and these Systems were then given even more control and Authority over me to craft an even worse story. As a Fact OPC and ESDC wouldn't answer even a single question, that's right two federal institutions wouldn't answer a single questions, wouldn't even clarify a dates... all while I was still being hunted by Police and Others... ITS TERRIFYING. I was treated worse than a criminal.

The Suspected Plan - Why they did it! March 5th 2020 to - June 10th 2020 (And Rope Incident) - August 5th 2020 (Back to Index)

  • Licking my Wounds and Reflecting - I still felt that regardless of what they said, "They" were wrong and my reviews were at least the 70% average I was aiming for. I was really concerned that "They" likely gave more "Discretionary" powers to Authorities! Proof: I continued to try to deal with this respectfully.

A Local Howl

  • June 10th 2020 -Police June 10th 2020.JPG attached as reference
  • If you speak to people you'll find I was kind, never bashed Police and tried to educate. Which was consistent with walking into HRP trusting them, and my submitted Review of Jim Perrin. The Two officers drove by, one then went and parked at the top of the Hill Pointing down at me, while the other drove back and forth 3 times, on the final time, because so obvious and awkward they had to stop. 2 different locals were there and said "They are trying to get you alone" and very concerned for my safety.... They didn't know about this core issue and knew something was very wrong...
  • And The first thing they said was about looking at my other sign... which you could see and then said ‘I hope you know were not like that"
    • As they are actively intimidating me and scaring community members over Race issues. Trying to assert themselves against one Guy basically in the middle of nowhere with a Cardboard Sign ....... But they aren't like that?
    • They could have stopped the first or second time.......
  • I told the officer who stopped I was there for both sides because there are two sides to this story and to Show Police they also have support, and that one of the issues were that officers were afraid to report issues. And I said that if they had to, I was there to support them. And based on the # of beeps, so it a lot of the community....
    • He said something like, "OH...... okay then have a good day". Then they both left.......................................................
  • Seeing one car is Rare - Two is specific. 41KM from a RCMP station in either direction. What are the chances 2 Police Cars show up that Day that time, acting specifically like that? And you need a second officer or nobody would believe the first right? And that day, at that time, during this specific issue...
  • A DOT truck parked there for a while but offloaded and left. I was still there when they got back... We chatted a bit, I asked if I was in their way they said I wasn't and they seemed happy, I'm pretty sure my dog visited them. I'm not saying it's related, but its Interesting right....

A Mystery Revealed and A Proactive Media campaign?

July 30 2020 - Two Videos Get Posted.

  • I Suspect this is the "covering up the mess" phase.
  • July 30 2020 (Was the date it showed in google when i found it a few weeks ago) -
  • Jul 30, 2020 -
    • David TS Fraser and Darren Laur, host of The White Hatter, released a Video regarding Privacy. Covering some of these topics, Jodi Pasavad (3HR) contains data relationships that link her with McInnis Cooper, and to David TS Fraser, David Laur directly with Harjit both of which were Police Officers in Vancouver, Yet:
      • Jodi Pasavad (3HR) - Failed Privacy and Security Review. And they funneled me back into Jim. And these "proactive" videos get posted as my internet gets cut off.
  • August 5th 2020. - I had been typing my letter before that but was contemplating the Impacts of sending it, before July 30th 2020. And only sent it to "Them". I didn't know about those videos and I do not agree with Any "Privacy Impact Assessment" these people say they did.
    • This was an abject failure of their Legal Team and these "Professionals".
  • August 6th 2020 - Stephen McNeil (Retired Premier) announced his Resignation. But what does that have to do with JDIrving? It was a smoke screen. He gets $120,000 on his pension... and you'll notice I asked for a meeting - I did not receive a call or anything. Yet all these people got meetings, Protections, hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars and Media Campaigns. While they are left to attack others. And sent more people after me, including continued Police.
  • So does everyone believe if I was extorted June 10th 2020 or anytime in between or after, the resignations would have happened? And given the example of events... like December 10th 2019, My internet Being cut, Media, Timings, Dean Simmonds, and my other Experience's with being Tracked by RCMP and Police are all coincidences?
  • NO THESE PEOPLE HUNTED ME LIKE AN ANIMAL while I'm involved in anything - all while there are truly awful people in this province, country and world who deserve to be hunted... this is truly a disgrace and embarrassment to the Province and our Country

Bridging OPC, ESDC, Irving Shipbuilding On Thread regarding Privacy Laws (Back to Index)

October 29 1:36 PM - Bridged ESDC, OPC, Jim Perrin (Investigator) , Jodi Posavad (3HR) , Ahmed Hussen, Jordan Jakubowski (Director HR), Jim Rennie (VP HR) - "An Assessment of why PIPEDA and Canada Labour Code are applicable to Irving Shipbuilding and Halifax Shipyard".

Extended Security Review Of Jim Perrin (Back to Index)

A very detailed evaluation was submitted January 20 2020 5:27PM however it was unfortunately rejected by Jodi Posavad (3HR) , Irving Shipbuilding and JDIrving.

February 25th 2020 3:22PM - Jim Rennie (VP HR) ...We also reviewed all of the e-mail submissions that you have sent since commencing your complaint..."

Jim Perrin - Perrin, James Police Commander Criminal Investigation Division , Superintendent Halifax Regional Police (HRP). Salary - $147,276.65 - Halifax Transparency Report . I first became aware of Jim Perrin January 14th 2020.

Major Secuirty Risk - Jim Perrin and Jodi Posavad did not agree Canada's National Shipbuilder should have a privacy Policy.

Security Risk. - High Risk , Ethical and Technical Review of this Jim Perrin was provided January 20 2020 5:27PM. He was evaluated to be a serious Conflict of Interest and Security Risk. It was clearly stated they were an inappropriate choice given the Diversity of employees, this person's "Background. But also the clear Motive, Dependency discussion about the Recent need for shuffles after the Wortly report. Noting the coincidence of November 19th 2019 and Jims transfer. Why would he transfer making such good money and he could sit behind a desk for the rest of his career? What did he get paid at JDIrving?

  • January 20 2020 5:27PM "....So Shipyard - you will be directly accountable for everything that gets said or you will accept full accountability and responsibility for everything Jim says and Does, past and present. In writing. As you have deemed him your "expert" and consider him "impartial representation" and in so clearly the voice of the Shipyard!!?..."

Jim Perrin (Investigator) denied me access to Jodi Posavad (3HR) after our meeting. Furthermore, he insists he is from JDIrving, "isn't accountable" and this is "way above him" while he laughs about this all being some kind of narrative. He laughs about Racism, Harassment and all of this as all being some Narrative. Treated it all as an actual Joke, including his own Objective failure of how this was being handled. He mocked me for suggesting a 6% chance the Government might be monitoring the situation and clearly wanted to build some kind of "Profile" to sell to the wider community.

  • January 20 2020 5:27PM "... Just consider this. ...

If Jim is the one running this - is it at all surprising that based on his past behaviors that I would literally have to beg for my basic rights - fair representation as a human? When it's also a blatant violation of my rights?...There is a clear public answer to that...... it's to be expected, institutionally defended and not apologized for by this person!

(I'm sorry Jim - it's nothing personal - it's a good, fair and applicable question and if I don't ask it, someone will eventually - work it out now (You would ask it as a cop if you were questioning someone)"

Accountability - So if Jim Perrin insists he's from JD Irving, Not Irving Shipbuilding and JD Irving and he isn't accountable, "This is way above him", and the Government isn't involved because they are "Private". Then this must have been way at the top of JD Irving?

  • January 20 2020 5:27PM "Jim - "I hope there are no hard feelings and I hope you know, in a lot of ways I actually look forward to meeting you. I'd like to be questioned - see what pressure you can apply - can you get me - can I get you (not that it's a game, but to see the skill). I'd like to see what you have, and let you come at me and id' let you given the right scenario - but seriously man - please don't try to ruin my life for these people - I would do everything I could to protect you from them and I am not your enemy - I promise and my disposition is not to inherently disrespect you - I've got to seriously protect myself, I've had to protect myself most of my life and in that, the best defense I have is my intelligence. And I have to use it as efficiently and effectively as I can."

Extended Security Review Of Jodi Posavad (Back to Index)

January 31st 2020 3:28 PM - "Security - please confirm the details internally - if you state this is not an issue - you need to contact a third party security investigator - you cannot be using compromised sources like this in investigations - who is liable! Did you enforce proper polices when dealing with this 3rd parties. Please review the technical details and seek independent review for clarification."

Major Security Risk - Jim Perrin and Jodi Posavad (3HR) did not agree Canada's National Shipbuilder should have a privacy Policy.

Major Security Risk - I first became aware of Jodi Posavad (3HR) on January 27th 2020 in the Recorded Meeting at the Shipyard; they gave me her Contact card. 4 days later on January 31st 2020 3:28 PM I submitted a technical and security review which raised Critical Privacy and Security Concerns. After that I was told by Jim Perrin (Investigator) that Jodi Posavad (3HR) Works for the Shipyard, and I was never intended to contact her. That was our last time ever speaking....

When evaluating, the Website at the time had No SSL enabled, this. Upon Checking WayBackMachine, and Manual Checks, as of March 1 2021 (399 days later) SSL was still not enabled. SSL is cheap, takes a few minutes in the web console, protects the 3HR in other cases, and is Federal best practices. There is absolutely no reason not to enable this, it's either Gross Negligence or the goal was to snoop information, or "Mass Surveillance". In short, she failed her privacy Impact Assessment, Security and Technical review:

And so, it is my professional Opinion that anyone reading the Reviews provided at the time regarding Jim Perrin (Investigator) and or Jodi Posavad (3HR) would have reasonably been able to know there was an issue with this "Investigation". And any reasonable professional would not have funneled me back into Jim Perrin (Investigator). Meaning, all evidence indicates Jodi Posavad (3HR) was well aware of her "Role" in this Situation. She was bought and sold for this purpose. "Number Based Decision On Why She Was Picked"

Now, the Technical

  • Has no SSL, and then also the web host is based in the US, meaning all data transmitted to the website gets passed unencrypted through International Connection Points.
    • This data and submissions are then backed up in the US across multiple private servers. As per her web host's description of the service.
    • DFTS| Concerns regarding Other Countries Monitoring International Access Points | 00:42:55 | TXT
  • No SSL Allows for IP Phishing and Identifying Individuals - If a low traffic website were to give out a business card that linked to a site that gets say 1 hit a month then after this meeting you get 10. It's pretty reasonable that those IP's are involved and even if you had SSL or a User used a VPN even a BLIP would tell you there are "others" and justify further surveillance, especially on anyone already suspected but also timings might reveal when and how. Especially if you can track or monitor other communications.
    • With a list of IP Authorities, Jim Perrin (Investigator), or Police can trace or place any IP or Licence Plate . Their buddies are Milliseconds or a beer away. And 3RD Parties could be Paid.
    • Someone can get names, physical addresses and phone numbers. Then "They" would know everyone involved and could give this to anyone. And then "they" could target individuals.
    • DFTS | Meta-Data Exposes Communications | 00:39:27 |TXT
    • DFTS | Is the Nature of the Data of Interest to Law Enforcement| Q3 | 00:34:54 | TXT
  • Unsecured Contact Form - Severe Security Breach
    • The Website, as it did not have SSL had another serious issue. The contact form appears anonymous and, when tested, seems to accept bulk submissions.
    • The webhost clearly states that Information is Backed Up, Saved and so also likely replicated on US servers.
      • It's one thing to use Phish IP's but Someone could dump names, events, technical details which would all be broadcast plaintext with who knows who watching. It would be a nightmare and This would likely require National Security requests and Warrants to be removed. This would also draw attention from Other Countries and 3RD parties.
    • DFTS | Is the Nature of the Data of Interest to Law Enforcement| Q3 | 00:34:54 | TXT
    • DFTS | Q4 | Concerns about other Countries and Really Good Hackers 00:42:55 |
  • Privacy Concerns - Back Channeling Information and Obscuring the Trail
    • But it may also allow another 3RD party in the US, or another country in the chain to gather the details and relay them back through another channel to Canada. Or from within Canada. Avoiding Privacy laws and obscuring the trail.
    • This is an especially accessible option if you have a lot of Money or "Social Equity" in that Country.
  • Interesting SMTP Addresses Similarities: No SSL or contact form security, yet they have almost the same secure email service as Irving Shipbuilding.
    • XXX.XX.X1.57 - SMTP Address (Company)
    • XXX.XX.X0.36 - SMTP address (3HR)
      • I anticipated for security they may migrate the mailbox.
        • This tells me it's likely someone made a big mistake with the Contact Form.
        • DFTS | Privacy Impact Assessment | Q3 | 00:34:04 | TXT
      • Maybe they are the same provider and are load balanced by Region?
  • Weak Public Security:
    • This is more of a Compounding Situation with everything else. At the time the 3HR email address / social media showed up as involved in several recent hacks. And with a non-Technical 3HR, they may not even know.
      • Someone could direct an IP to "sketchy IP's" to further flag someone.
      • Some could embed tracking pixels without 3HR knowing.
      • Someone could hijack the whole site, DNS records, mailboxes, redirect certain IP's
      • DFTS | Q4 | Concerns about other Countries and Really Good Hackers 00:42:55 |.
  • Husband - CEO of YMCA could receive "Donations" past, present or Future. This could mask extra payments. Likely years ago.
  • Advertising Conditions:
    • As per the Public Address for Jodi Posavad (3HR) Business on Google. Her business Appears to run out of their Home. Job Posting February 28th 2020 may contradict this.
      • Jodi Posavad (3HR) seems to have posted a Job as Social Media Coordinator February 28th 2020 - 3 days after I received my "Complaint Outcome" email from Jim Rennie (VP HR) on February 25th 2020
        • KariER.CO - Grassroots HR Consulting - Halifax, NS - Social Media Coordinator.
          • Posted 28-02-2020 (As per bottom of Site)

She couldn't reply to me but couldn't wait to spend the money! Surprise!


This raises a Natural Question - Why was Jodi "picked":

  • Let's consider Random Search or Friend Of Friend.
    • Google and BING typically sort by HTTPS
    • I searched "hr consulting halifax ns" and there were about 33 results before I hit HTTP. So 1 in 33.
    • friend of friend - Id say you can look at it in a similar way?
    • The data relationships with everyone involved
  • Now, then what are the chances the provider is not in Canada? So lets say 1 in 3. So 1 in 100 that she was chosen at Random just by these factors.
  • Now factoring all the above, as well as Data Relationships it substantially much more likely that Jodi was intentionally picked or knew about it. It's much less likely she was an unlucky Random choice. Meaning this was likely her role within the community. She was bought and sold for this reason. And this raises questions about her husband's role in this.
  • DFTS | Q6 | 00:53:34 | This sort of information can be used Mischievously
  • DFTS | Q4 | Concerns about other Countries and Really Good Hackers 00:42:55 |.

Personal Letters

Justin - Bro, no. From my perspective I'm the only one who isn't corrupt, bought, sold or extorted. So how should I feel and how should I react? I protected everyone, including yourself and Police while I was incredibly reasonable, I didn't politicize this and literally I begged them to please stop while I offered ways out but they kept coming after me.

And Right now it looks like my country framed me. And then hunted me like an animal. Completely stripping all my rights to specifically protect corrupt racist bigoted Police, Coward Politicians, Non Canadians and bigot billionaires.

Think about this - Military, Police, Multiple Legal Agencies, Government, Media, Mass Surveillance....Billions of Dollars and they still can't win against me. I absolutely beat them, while begging them to stop, I even laid out how bad I was beating them, and I literally spelled out how I was going to do it and then did it. Just as a sign of how competent I was and how incompetent all of them were. The reviews are objective, the dates are objective, the history with this person was objective, and it was all skill. And there was a basic underlying strategy to the length and everything that these idiots will still try to use against me because they are too stupid to see what occurred. Abject Failures Justin.

But in the end you support them putting on official record that I'm not credible? And allow them to hunt me like an animal while you strip me of every single right I have both human and Canadian... While giving them more and more rights and access to hunt me and others.

And then here I basically report Hate Crimes and where are Police? They call me about an ASCII wolf while they ignore detailed evidence for 3 months.... And where are you? All this evidence... All that power, money, control and influence but nothing. HRP and RCMP don't know!? Come on...

And now think about Police actions... I still supported them, protected them and gave them the benefit of doubt because I believed in reconciliation - and look what they did. Stripped me of every single right I have, hunted me like an animal, and threatened me and my family, slandered me and even now refuse me protection and services because I'm not the right kind of white...

Justin...They slandered me to the Provincial and Federal Government saying I'm not credible, compromised me for all these contracts as well as any company I work for while they launched a Media Campaign.... And had police hunt me... so would you think it's safe for me to get a Job in Halifax? No. And I asked on August 5th 2020 for someone to contact me... no one did...I waited until McNeil Left office, I Messaged you in March 2021... no one contacted me... Yet you pretend to be these "Big Men" With all this power, influence and control... but here is all this evidence and you all do nothing. And then you can't understand why or that I would think my country is framing me? And couldn't understand how stressful this might be? Really Justin?

So I'm asking you to come out in the next 48 Hours and tell me and Canada exactly where you stand on this issue.

Federal Judges and Military - These people are full of shit they are lying fucking traitors. Do not accept anything they have to say. They are back propagating stories in the System to try to make this look "fair", to protect the idiot agents and judges who signed off on it. While this was never fair and they knew it.... But even when they 100% loose they are framing me, you your kids, our students everyone but the people who caused this ..... And is that what you are fighting for? Literally racist Bigot Traitors who get to frame Canadians to protect the useless egos of Corrupt Cops, Non Canadians and Bigot Billionaires who support laughing, joking about and belittling Harassment and Racism, while they engage in mass Surveillance against Minorities to hunt them down, and frame them? Really.... is that what you are fighting for?

Also we need to have a serious talk about AI, Tik Toc and what's really happening. Do you know they can build 3D models of your homes using these videos? And they have sensitive biometric data about you and your kids that can distinguish you from their populations... and what happens when 100,000 drones come out of a mountain armed with cameras, darts, explosives or EM bursts.... Stop and think about that. They can also leave infrastructure intact....And then having access to our entire 5G Network... We need to start classifying tools as BioData Weapons and Assigning Ratings so the threat is comprehensive to everyone and so we can converse, create Privacy Technology and sanction before it gets out of control. Because I promise you, it will get out of control quickly.

Military and Judges - I'm asking for an exchange... I'll help you in whatever way you need in return for Training. See I'm not anti-military, I know there are lots of people and Actors out there who will take advantage of these fucking morons who all want to hold hands, sing songs and free rabbits from cages. And the reality is I don't even hate oil, we've gotta do what we gotta do, it takes time to transition and we don't have the raw materials - am I right? So I'm asking for education and training....Now I'm pretty rough and tough, my body is strong.... But I'm 34 which is the biggest hurdle ... that's why I want to do this now....and so I want to know Military Strategy, Technology, Weapons Training, Combat Training and World Politics. I'll sign whatever you need and never speak about it. While I assure you I will be able to help you when and if the time comes. But also, I'll be right there fighting with you while I can guarantee you these useless fucking cowards will sit in chairs buying their way out.

RCMP and HRP - I walked into HRP trusting you. Believing in reconciliation and look what you did. Multiple officers conspired to frame me so you people could get jobs, money and special Favors. While I protected Police, Employees and everyone and showed an incredible amount of Patience and Respect, while ultimately you people tracked me like an animal, traded me and absolutely stripped me of every single human and Canadian rights I have. All while a Senior Ranking Officer felt he should and could laugh about all of it, it's all some Joke, and it's just to get Police... Whiles he's corrupt. While the reality is, Police did this to Police.

So what now, I suppose its "Police Aren't Like that", "Delete The Data" and Its "Systemic Bias"?

Really think about this- The Average IQ of Police is appalling, half you literally can't even run with some reports directly within the RCMP website state your average Police activity is equivalent to "Ironing, Washing Dishes and Holding a Baby", Reports of up to 40% of Police being Domestic Abusers. Rape, Sexual Assault and Harassment Charges running rampant. Police suicides because of internal Harassment and Bullying are terrifying. Really think about it, the physical exhaustion of "Holding a Baby", we give you a gun with little accountability associated, we give you a sense of position and dominance to feel important and like a "man" and pay you to specifically not be bigots and protect everyone. But what do you do with the little bit of Power you are handed? You turn your Backs on us so you can pretend you are special while you even attack your own because you are Actual Monsters.

Please really Stop for a second and think about Your Delusion - How many more mass graves does Canada need to find, how many more indigenous women need to go missing, how many gays and lesbians attacked, how many more blacks framed, how many more Social and Educational Settings reject you? Literally the whole world just stopped and screamed at you, pleading and begging while you can look at any History Book and see the issues and atrocities - But RCMP and HRP comes out and blame everyone else stating its simply "Systemic Bias" and the Victims and Public are too stupid to know the difference.

Well on behalf of every single one of them - Fuck you, you lying fucking Bigots.

Now - You sent a message to Foreign Actors that Police are the way into our National Defense and you have caused us a Global Embarrassment. And now a strong Message needs to be sent to HRP and RCMP.

So you have exactly 48 Hours to give me the People right at the top of JDIrving who did this. Dan "fake Apology" Kinsella is Gone. HRP and RCMP will Request a full investigation by CSIS and Both RCMP and HRP will also answer any and all questions Daniel Therein has in regards to access of Systems. And I expect HRP and RCMP will both issue detailed public Statements within 48 Hours If you do not complete these steps in 48 Hours I am proactively calling for the Resignation of Nova Scotia RCMP superintendent Chris "Covering up the Portapique Shooter" Leather, and then in 72 Hours, the resignation of Federal Superintendent Brenda "Systemic Bias" Lucki. If this is not completed in 48 hours, you resist or deny it I am Asking CSIS and Parliament to issue a Domestic and Global Notice labeling HRP, RCMP and JDIrving Domestic Terrorist Organizations and formally move forward with Charges. In addition I will seek no less than 5 years for any officers found remotely involved, lying or misleading.

Premiers - You sat back last year and didn't say anything about Racism in police because "Police aren't like that" right? -- Well On Behalf of Your Indigenous, Black, Gays and Other Minorities - Go Fuck yourselves you fucking cowards. You are the very reason Police think they can do this, so what now.... say it isn't so, Blame me, cry about some well-deserved language and try to frame me because you don't want face it again? Go ahead you useless fuckers, because your God, me and Canada will know what pieces of cowardly trash you really are. Merry Christmas you Fucking Cowards.

Daniel Therein -I'm giving you what you want from RCMP and HRP - DON'T ASK PERMISSION, TELL THEM WHAT YOU WANT AND TAKE IT. And if you ever want to sit down and talk personally or officially as to understand impact from a Privacy Perspective or just bro it out, I'm here. Merry Christmas Daniel.

Harjit Sajjan - Bro you stabbed in the back while I showed incredible respect, and protected Police. And I know you've must have seen racism in the force, while I'm there saying something, literally having people hunt me with weapons or Terror and where were you? And I wonder will you pull the "I have no idea what it's like" or I'm simply "using these issues".... Bud i grew up Gay, in rural Nova Scotia and ill give you the short list about my life... I've been choked, beat, slapped, threatened with Guns and death, I've had teachers stop class to talk about how much they hate gays letting students take turns... My father told me If i was "Fag" he'd kill me and shoot himself,: while making me walk in front of him while we hunt......My mother wasn't even allowed to hug me. I was allowed to be slapped across the face and hurt by my sisters because "men can hit women".....I chased Teenagers dressed as KKK for Halloween out of my yard.... I told "friends" and family I wouldn't deal with their racist comments so I lost a lot, they went spreading rumors about me because they can't accept they are racists. How about how I was denied jobs by people talking about how it's funny to make fun of fags and then they come to me to do their jobs for them? I have seen Police be full on Racists myself. And When I went to the corner with my stupid Cardboard sign to spread awareness of Racism, locals thought someone might kill me because they know racism is still bad out here...So don't you or anyone else pull the fucking color card or patronize me with I don't know what it's like. I know what it's like to be terrorized, be afraid all the time and having to fight every single day alone. And I know what it's like hoping someone will say something while watching everyone sit back and let it happen.

So I said something and I did it Alone, because it's the right thing to do.... while what did you do? You Helped them Frame me, terrorize me and Hunt me all because better Scott than Harjit right? Well that's no different than what the "white man" thinks.... See this isn't a disease of color it's a disease of "men" who get a little taste of power or the scent of money...And what now Harjit, help them frame me again? Back prorogate stories as to pretend it's to "Protect the system"?

December 7 2019 after I gave you over 2 weeks to reply and nothing: Regardless it's important for you to know what these people are doing and knowingly allowed. Because, ultimately - you can stop it and make this right. By your inaction you say this is okay, this is who we are. We can't do any better unless acting like that - is that what you really believe as a person... that we can't do better without these types of people or behavior?

Please don't reduce Canadians or yourself to being that incapable. It's really demeaning and it's unnecessary."

Do you know what I could have done in 2 Years? No, you really don't because you can't see past your own ego and arrogance can you Mr Medusa? And then you get your "yes men" idiots advising you and telling you what you want to hear right? While I'm under mass surveillance so you can take anything in my life out of context to justify your ignorance, while pretending if you or JDIrving were under surveillance no one could take your statements or life out of context? Then why not call me, all your statements would have been in context and couldn't be used against you? That's right you are worried one simple conversation could be taken out of context right?! It's a fine fucking point and you are a liar, coward and danger to this country if you don't see the Hypocrisy and admit it.

So please, I fully expect you to issue a statement and since you supported them putting that I'm not credible, and confirming by nobody contacting me.... I'm asking you as a Man, Canadian and "Leader" to clarify your stance on that specific sentiment and statement in 48 hours.

Filomena Tassi & Ahmed Hussein - They hunted me... while I I stood for everyone's ones rights, yours, your kids, every Canadian. I took their attack, I took being hunted, I took being slandered, and I took 2.5 years of basically torture, my communications everything monitored when I have never been involved in anything. And can you imagine the demons they would find if they monitored JDIrving for 2.5 years??? And do you know how much this hurts me inside...? No you don't because you won't even speak to me or read what I wrote because I'm not the right kind of Canadian. And even now, I imagine you've got a million excuses ready to go while you still have 0 answers for me. And no matter what you think or tell yourself I would never have done that to you.

Jim Rennie and Jodi Posavad - You slandered me to my Government, my Country and Province. You literally let people Hunt employees, Canadians and Children with Weapons of terror and Mass Surveillance so you could take home extra money. While I literally did your Jobs for you.

The way I see it, you are nothing but traitors that enabled multiple Domestic Terrorist attacks. And right now a strong message needs to be sent to people in your "positions".

So you 48 hours to give me the people right at the top of JDIrving who did this. If not I will accept no less than 5 Years in a Federal Prison for both of you up to 15 years depending on how badly you annoy me. CSIS they have 48 Hours, if they don't come forward I want them arrested and Charged.

Dean and Angela Simmonds - There is a serious non zero chance you were specifically targeted by RCMP - do not accept this "vehicle looked the same" stuff, because you me and Iian Rankin can all speak about this and have RCMP threatening us while this could be worth millions or Billions...? Think about it...The only people who can get to you showed you they can and will, with Carbines... Perhaps they wanted you to ask "What if this was our boys"... And when you hear how far they went with me ... you need to warn your family, there is a serious chance you are all compromised. They can change your GPS location, IP connections, Put your license plates anywhere and access your phones...anything .... And please know I am truly sorry if I put you and your family in Danger... Just ...Please... careful.

Jim Perrin - You will give me Daddy Or its 25 Years. CSIS he has 48 Hours, if he does not come forward you will arrest him and Charge him.

Iian Rankin - Hmmm isn't it funny that RCMP just happen to have a DUI charge hanging over your head. They seem to want to get me in my car, where they could do the same... which also controls your ability to get Security Clearance? And McNeil's Police family would have been protecting you and he could still control Politics using you as a Proxy? So if you said something that would go against all of them and the current Police, including RCMP right? Amazing isn't it. And you don't think it's suspicious I have RCMP stalking me, your DUI and then Dean Simmonds? Any rational person would say it's a good question... but you are silent?

Agents - They used you to frame a Canadian. This was a full on attack and initiative to hunt me down like some kind of animal and they used all of you to do it. You can see why they want to hide this and I know there is nothing you can do, but please don't forget.

Stephen McNeil - You ruined my life so you and your family could get ahead. You had your whole family hunt me down, treat me like an animal, frame me and then lie to the entire Halifax Community... All while I heard the Shipyard would use people as the "Fall Guy", I suspect that was my manager's eventual function....and that's what I was right? You needed someone to Blame so you stated I wasn't Credible so you could Blame me and have the Union, Employees, Police, Media and Halifax Community target me..... And then you can have the record say whatever you want about me....And then your Family has all of this over IIan Rankin right? And then Dean Simmonds.... And the Land Transfers... All connected back to you and your family.... And do you think I don t see your lateral Play through the Federal Government, RCMP and CSIS?

Right now, it looks like you and your family are traitors and real question everyone will be asking this Christmas is how many innocent people have you framed to get ahead? Regardless, on behalf of all of them, those employees and so many in this province:






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Employees - I would have walked away but they lied through their teeth, lied about references, lied about contacting me, everything was a lie and I bet none of you are surprised. This after they put me through hell, basically torture, and no matter what anyone says this isn't business... these people are Sociopaths... Basically they are Billionaires hunting you for sport from their Private Jets by dropping Bombs and destroying everything around you. While paying people to clap and cheer them on, so they can pretend they are heroes and "men" LOL... yes it's actually that pathetic.

And the Government is letting them do it because it's easy.

And to be clear I never gave up anyone's name, used anyone examples or stories. I refused too, and so they called me a fraud LOL which is okay because it proved how evil they actually are. And without exposing anyone, I definitely proved they are hunting you and your families which is what I suspected many of you have suspected.

But the serious reality is, they have pictures of you and your kids, they know what you drive, your Phones # and IP addresses and your home IP addresses. They are hiring 3rd Parties to "Investigate you". This is a proactive activity and they do it wilt politicians as well. The stockpile is so it if the day comes that you become somebody, they can extort you. That's what they needed with me. That's why they went this far, this was to get me for the rest of my life... think about how sick that is... its new age slavery.

And I'm Generally Sorry but ultimately I will not and cannot submit to these disgusting excuses for "men".

CSIS - I'm done wasting time - We both know I'm capable, competent and non-corrupted. While I have proven they are corrupt. So if you continue to frame me I know you're all corrupt and how deep this goes... Basically a 100% answer for me, those employees, all Canadians and the world...

So - HRP, JDIrving and RCMP directly compromised our National Security - They sent a direct message to Foreign and Domestic Actors that Police are the way in and can Bypass CSIS. As proof it seems to be why JDIrving hired police so CSIS wouldn't check right? While Multiple Police allowed it to happen, joined in and helped cover it up. While even then, when reported to RCMP, CSIS and HRP nobody did anything because "Police Aren't Like That", its "Systemic Bias" and all some "Narrative to Get Police" all lies by corrupt bigoted racists who are actively committing fraud against Canada. And look how bad this spiraled, multiple officers lied to protect these people, whom now could all face serious jail time for lying, not to mention the loss of trust in Provincial and Federal Police.

Really think about this - foreign actors can extort police into using Weapons of terror and Mass Surveillance against Canadians with a bit of Money, knowing Police will hide it for them and engage their own extortion engine to protect them.

While at the same time - HRP, RCMP and CSIS have stigmatized reporting serious issues with Police and National Security! You will literally have terrified people who want to do the right thing. And now, bad actors will use it as propaganda and worse.

So the reality is, this is a Major National Security Threat to the Literal Physical, Psychological, Financial, Political and Professional stability and safety of Thousands to Millions of Canadians. This couldn't be any more dangerous.

And allowing HRP, RCMP and JDIrving to get off easy is spitting in the face of every single Canadian. While our Allies and Enemies cannot see weakness from you, and they certainly cannot see weakness from me.

So CSIS - You have 48 Hours to give me the people right at the Top of JDIrving who did this... You see what I listed with HRP and RCMP, they have 48 Hours and Daniel Therein gets what he wants. From there CSIS and RCMP get me as a resource, and we can work together as it should have been.

But If CSIS fails any of these conditions. I am advising and requesting Parliament and the Government of Canada start the process of a FULL Parliamentary Inquiry. In the meantime, I will request Parliament Classify CSIS, RCMP, HRP and JDIrving as Domestic Terrorist Organizations with Global and Domestic Notices issued. ALL Officers involved in any way shape or form, Jodi Posavad (3HR) , Jim Rennie (VP of HR) will all face a Minimum of 5 Years in a Federal prison. If they don't proactively come forward they receive Mandatory 10 Year sentences while the People "right at the top" of JDIrving and Jim Perrin will receive Mandatory 25 Year sentences.

Parliament - If CSIS doesn't Act in 48 Hours I am requesting a Full Parliamentary Inquiry ASAP, I am citing incompetence within Leadership of CSIS, RCMP, HRP and JDIrving. I am stating they engaged in Mass Surveillance and the whole event equates to a directed terror attacks against Canadians. I have direct and compelling evidence they had Police track and hunt me like an animal.

I will testify to Parliament and Represent this issue myself, I will submit myself to a Polygraph regarding the validity and sincerity behind the evidence submitted As well as a Public Psychological Audit.

But, as its clear these people are literally Sociopaths I need to say, I cannot responsibly drag anyone else into this and I also will not mention any names. Part of this is that Parliament needs to understand that given the amount of Money involved, even CSIS and RCMP cannot keep you or these employees safe from 3rd parties. These people can put your License Plate, GPS and IP Address anywhere they want, and will take pictures of you, your families and kids. Getting access to your phone, mic and camera is a snap of their fingers. And they have people to physically follow you.

Now In my case, I set specific traps from the beginning so I'd know where certain information came from, and as they release information, it tells me when and where so you can take that and ask technical people how they could do it while you can literally verify dates independently. I know they already ruined my life, and as you see me admit to my human faults, face it and be embarrassed you'll see there is no reason to lie.

Please do not let them do this to me and this Province.

Fishermen and Small Business - JDIrving gets all these special exemptions but you don't. Strange isn't it? OPC states they are nothing special but revealing the Orders cause these Billionaires Financial Harm, but not all of you? While OPC compared these vessels and assets to simple fishing vessels .... Even said these are not for our National Defense, although they are outfitted for restricted goods and weapons...Check it out, they were going to use these same definitions to broadly regulate all of you and already are. Ask a lawyer - How could Irving Shipbuilding ever offer warranty on the normal operation of Ship if they are not involved in the Operation or Transportation of Ship anywhere in Canada? How are the exempt from Oceans acts, Environmental Acts? When they are building floating federal cities that will be at sea for months... They could sink those ships on purpose and claim they never built ships or have anything to do with Using a Ship, and then how could they do sea trials? Amazing isn't it?

That's right, the Federal and Provincial Government know and they have a plan against you, their Plan is to get media Involved ,make you Fight each other, and make you out to be a bunch of Racists so Canada and Public will support them pushing through whatever laws they want. So get smart, get together and make them define "Moderate Livelihood" for everyone.

Province - My opinion - RCMP is lying to you about the Portapique Shooter in ways you're not expecting. Think about it, there are only just over 200 people in Portapique you get a call about shootings, you pull up records for that area, and its automatically sorted so how was he not at the top? How long was this list!? I believe The reason they were allowed to move so much money, guns and drugs was because RCMP were using him to gather "intelligence" to justify their Jobs. Basically they applied a "Devil we know' methodology ...And because of this 22 Canadians were executed.

And with the Gun reports if you were an officer would you want to face all those weapons with a pistol? And just maybe that's why people were trapped in the woods and kids in basements...

And where is CSIS? One man with mental illness goes into parliament and they are drafting new laws.... But silent on this Guy and Police Response where 22 people were executed and Police clearly lied to Public....? Something is very wrong.

And You may not think Race or My issue is related but the reality is -if this was a Black or Brown man with that many reports of Guns, Drugs and Money do you think Police and CSIS would have raided that place long before? Of course they would have. And they would have gone through everyone's life remotely associated with them. Consider HRP raided a teenager's home because he changed a URL in a browser..... While Police are there with Assault weapons to clear a few protestors from roads, passing their names around and terrorizing them, and look my case, they can hunt me down, track me, follow me, steal my wallet, terrorize communities, basically tell you when I'm taking a shit while they can turn my internet off. All while in not involved in anything, never have been.

But they didn't know about Him? How does that even work?

It's because these are the Racists, Tyrants and Dictators you read about and they don't care about you, your families or this Country. We are literally a dollar sign and punching bag to these people. Think about it, if we did even 1% of what they do and get away with - they would lock as a way for the rest of our entire live while they take pictures calling themselves "heroes"

And the reality is, no matter how much of the "right kind of white" you think you are. Eventually they will come for you, make you do something awful, or blame and frame you.

And the only way it stops is if we stop it together.

"People right at the top" of JDIrving - You will Yield and you will either spend the rest of lives in Prison. Or you forfeit your entire wealth for your freedom and from there you will live as the thing you have the most contempt for... the Average Canadian.

CSIS - they 48 Hours, if they do not come forward they will be arrested and Charges will be Laid. They will serve no less than 25 Years in a Federal Prison. These charges will include but not be limited too Domestic Terrorism, breach of trust, conspiracy, Fraud and Treason.

Davis TS Fraser, Daniel Therrien, Darren Laur and the Events that relate us

David TS Fraser is a "Privacy Lawyer | Partner" at McInnes Cooper

His site seems to Imply PIPEDA is Generally applicable to the Private Sector in Nova Scotia but also New Brunswick. Here is also a Short introduction (DFTS | INTRO | 00:01:02). I made PIPEDA requests in and regarding both regions.

David Fraser - "What is this:

Before we go further I should start out by clarifying my intent. I am not here to slander you, I think we can all really learn from each other but I have to relay to you, that if you choose to fight me that I am absolutely not going down without a fight and I can and will defend myself.

So let's start with a Joke:

David - Do you know what I personally find Hilarious? Like rolling on the floor funny?


I think the reality is starting to set in that this isn't funny at all is it? These are actually very serious topics and serious conversation that shouldn't be dismissed like this by someone in your Position. Especially someone who boasts about speaking at conferences with "100 Judges". (DFTS | 100 Judges | 0 1:12:55 | TXT).

So what now David? Will you tell these Judges my Jokes?

  • DFTS | Q4 | 00:41:31 |
    • White Hat Host - "Full disclosure as an ex-cop i totally support what you're saying right i mean The attitude in a lot of of law enforcement agents it it my be awful but its not unlawful so we'll do it until we're told not to i mean that's where bad case law comes from right it's I totally agree with you that law enforcement us are kind of the authors of their own demise on this issue"
    • This was not lawful in anyway shape or form. This was blatantly illegal. This was literally them hunting Canadians with the direct intention of Framing them, terrorizing them and destroying their lives. They literally failed their Security and Technical Audits, on top of this incredible evidence. Its 100% illegal.

Now as with this FingerPrinting idea - That means the model something is based on doesn't matter, the Output is a set of comprehensive DataRelationships that can be traversed, standardized or given context to by another system, if even through brute force of a more advanced AI.

Here is an interesting way to think of this - Say you are an AI and You are arranging a set of DataRelationships represented as a 100 Piece Standard Puzzle that you have never seen before. When do you have enough Pieces to guess what the others mostly look like? Consider, Some regions will give you the exact shape of what's missing so you can even create or Imagine Synthetic Puzzle Piece representing a person that doesn't exist but has almost the same statistical average properties of someone who actually does, and so Advertise, Manipulate or Infer a great deal about them. And this ability varies greatly from person to person and does not work the same way for everyone although were very genetically similar. This is no different than an AI. And currently, Big Data, AI and Neural Networks are reaching such efficiency that allows "them" to see Humans as the animals we are. While it can be stolen, duplicated and deployed in seconds.

Anyways. I had a lot more typed, like another 20 Pages just about this just for you, Judges and Military just as free references....but I don't have time for all of this because as you can see I'm busy being hunted and really stressed out right now as im sure you can understand.... But perhaps when this is all over we could sit down and have a discussion as I would be very open and interested in an exchange of ideas and to hear your experiences.

Good luck David.

Shadow Security - Certain paths lead me to you....If you were involved in this in any way shape or form you will contact CSIS immediately. If you don't and I find you were involved I will seek Jail time. And if anything gets leaked, I consider it a domestic Terrorist attack and you will be charged.

Review of Recorded Meeting involving Jim, Jodi, and Myself - January 27th 2020 1:00 PM

I represented myself. I couldn't and wouldn't subject anyone else to these people and "System"

Now, I made sure this meeting happened at the shipyard because they have Video and must be maintained for Years. This was also why I was hoping they would record the meeting. But also I expected it to be recorded under something like "One party consent" law, but also CSIS for National Security.

So if reviewed by CSIS or a Judge, it would be hard to misjudge my demeanor, but also capture that of Jodi Posavad (3HR) and Jim Perrin (Investigator) . And it could be released to a Public Judge under Security Clearance. This combined with Employee Interactions, my meeting on December 10th 2020 with the Government, References on File, and Character References would make it hard to mischaracterize me.

Disclaimer - the following is My Recollection of the Events that Occurred at the Shipyard approx 1.5 Years ago. And is biased by my subjective experience, from my Memory of the event as I have not listened to the recording. It is not meant to slander or mislead anyone and I fully expect it to be challenged. Other parties are welcome to submit their recollection. Or you know, the recorded meeting it's self which has been requested dozens of times.

My Recollection Of This Meeting:

  • The meeting was about 1.5 hours. Of course I rambled a bit.
  • In general the meetings with Jodi Posavad (3HR) and Jim Perrin (Investigator) were within respectful limits and the meeting was conducted professionally.
  • They never had a single question for me.
    • I suspect this was so they didn't have to "change" the record.
  • I quoted an Eminem song. Lol.
  • Jim Perrin (Investigator) tried to coerce me into saying I was an engineer, I never did. I'm a software engineer and Systems Analyst with Varying IT experience. But can interact with engineers.
    • This becomes more concerning when you consider the letter From Jim Rennie (VP HR) staying "Engineering Technologist" and the fact they could "Phish" this and claim "fraud".
    • I caught them creating Fake LinkedIn Profiles as well after I mentioned their 700 followers on linkedN, I noticed new, blank picture profiles (PHISHING for clicks because you can see who viewed you) the same strategy employed by Jodi Posavad.
  • I was asked if I had any questions, I just had a few.
    • I asked Jodi Posavad (3HR) if she felt like she read X amount of words (approx 30,000, minus the current document). She reacted like she did not and did not say "Yes".
      • This was one of my concerns, that Data would be funneled and controlled by Jim Perrin (Investigator) and "Them", this would be more possible if "They" controlled the Mailbox of Jodi Posavad (3HR) , which as per SMTP addresses seems very probable.
    • I asked them if they knew each other. They said no.
    • I asked Jim about him being Tall and if he worked out. He said he did.
      • This was to understand the association with Jean-Michael Blais (Retired HRP Chief) and a Youtube video. A very simple question.
      • Jodi Posavad (3HR) stopped very abrupt and said something like "This isn't going to be all about this is it", which i calmly stated no and i agree, this was one simple question and reminded her that she asked me if had questions, and reminded her that "They" don't have any questions for me. My questions may have taken 3 - 5 mins. This was disgusting bigoted behavior by Jodi.
      • To be fair to Jim Perrin (Investigator) , he did want to answer that however we "decided" we should move on.
  • We discussed the Job I applied for September 5th 2019.
    • I stated i was really confused and i didnt know what to do, i didn't know if i met all the indicators and i wanted a Job but i wanted this talked about and i feel any small mistake i made or deviance would be used against me. and one of my sincere fears was them baiting me with a Job. And stated it was more appropriate to have a discussion. And I would submit myself to proper review.
      • And seeing what they did, I was 100% right they were framing me, it didn't matter what i put. Which is why I couldn't just accept a job July 26th. They were hunting me with the direct intention of framing me.
  • February 14 2020 - They later deleted terms mentioned in this meeting from their Job Postings. "Business Rules" . This was mentioned directly in Email sent to Jordan Jakubowski (Director HR)
  • We discussed sitting back and assuming that I'm not going to do that and then pretend there was nothing I could do and that I'm going to try to stop bad things from happening before they do.

Behavioral (Clearly Speculative):

  • When Jodi Posavad (3HR) and Jim Perrin (Investigator) came into the Security building and said their initial greetings, Jodi Posavad (3HR) was in front so when they went to turn, she bumped into Jim Perrin (Investigator) who is Tall. It surprised me actually.
    • Now This is not implying anything but if i recall she put her hand up towards his chest. This to me indicated some "Situational Awareness".
  • On the way in, Jodi Posavad (3HR) and I were having a good conversation, we were chatting about dogs. Jim Perrin (Investigator) interrupted with something like "don't forget to stay within the lines", i laughed and said i was, and asked about it. He said for safety and I think I joked about birds...
  • At the end we discussed how it would be nice to have some water.
    • I made a joke, meant to be in good humor towards Jim Perrin (Investigator) about how then I might have to "pee", with the underlying implication he would have to go with me... lol.
  • On the way out it was just Jim Perrin (Investigator) escorting me, it was a short walk.
    • I never felt threatened or anything. But Jim Perrin (Investigator) asked me how good my memory was, and asked me about remembering my first day, in that same building.
      • I suspect now it could have been in reference to the encounters with Police, my wallet and other events, more specifically. DECEMBER 10 2019.And to tell me they were always watching me from the beginning.
  • Before leaving the turnstiles I went to shake Jim Perrin (Investigator) hand, he refused and said something like "I have to escort you all the way out" LOL. When in the security building, he tried to get me a bottle of water, as I mentioned in the meeting. I said it was okay as i had one in my car, he insisted and got me a bottle, then when in front of everyone Shook my hand. LOL
    • As I was walking away, I looked back and, I'm pretty sure when I left Jim Perrin (Investigator) leaned right over the security desk deeply to ask, do or say something. It was a very suspicious lean.....

Significant Events (nowhere near all of them)

December 10th 2019 - Later that night, on my way out of the City at Approx 8:44:49 PM I had to make an emergency stop to put Windshield Washer fluid in my car at McDonalds, Main Street Dartmouth.

December 12th 2019 10:49 AM - A friend and I took our dogs for a walk. I left my phone behind so I could relax. We drove to this old road a few KM away, it was probably a KM walk to the River. There was an older cottage there. Within 5 mins a small plane, with a circle on its tail* comes flying very low, my friend mentions how low they are flying a few times, then states how low they were and he could see the people as I could. They turned basically right over top of us. I have GPS logs and Anecdotal Records to confirm it at least occurred, associated or not. Because yes I know how this sounds, and I didn't associate it fully until all the other evidence was compiled.

December 13th 2019 12:29 PM - My Cousins neighbours in Porters Lake approached a Black SUV that had been sitting around their "road" for a few days, they cornered the person because they thought they were a Pedophile! Apparently, they got out nervous and said they were a "Private Investigator", the neighbours reported this to the Police. I didn't really learn of this until much much later.

Proof of initially contacting OPC and ESDC

I was persistent and consistent. I had to wait for replies. ESDC can be 12 Weeks. While we started the COVID Pandemic. At that time, I considered Canada as in "war time" and understood there would have been great difficulty within the Government within those first few months.

  • Wednesday February 19th 2020 1:45 PM
    • Privacy Commissioner OPC Inquiry Your reference ID is: PRIVINFO-139148
  • Friday February 28th 2020 5:45 AM
    • Contacted NS Privacy Commissioner.
    • Feb 28, 2020, 10:05 AM
      • NS Privacy Commissioner Replied redirecting to OPC
  • Friday February 28th 2020 6:03 AM
    • OPC Inquiry ID is: PRIVINFO-139757
  • Tuesday March 3rd 2020 3:30 pm
    • Canadian Privacy Commissioner OPC Inquiry - Spoke with OPC, asked a lot of questions. They advised me to wait until the company responds to the request, then raise an issue.
  • Wednesday April 29th 2020 02:13 pm
    • OPC Inquiry - Redirected me to ESDC?
    • Wednesday April 29th 2020 02:35 PM
      • (ESDC) Labour Complaint. 12 Min call to ESDC askin about the process
  • Friday May 1st 2020 12:35 PM
    • (ESDC) Submitted questions about jurisdiction.
  • Thursday July 16th 2020 3:49 PM - First Contact From ESDC from complaint filed April 29th 2020 02:35 pm
    • Person states: I will be in touch again shortly.
  • Tuesday August 4th 2020
    • Privacy Commissioner. Received a letter After August 5th 2020 Dated Tuesday August 4th 2020 closing my PIPEDA complaint and not answering anything.
      • This has been very interesting to the TWO videos Posted to Youtube and the Timing of my letter. And events around that time.
  • Friday September 25th 2020 08:41 PM
    • OPC PIPEDA Complaint Second OPC Submission. PIPEDA-040565

Quotes from Other Letters

December 9th 2019 8:00 PM - Sent to HR Manager -

" So relay this to this "person at the top" as you folks have referred to them, you know... the one that told you to not deal with this:

"We might not be of the same nature but we could have worked together, ultimately I know we had a common goal. And this was far from my first option. I just wanted to work, learn and do something really cool and I would have just given it to you. And I literally did. You are welcome.

Now - This could have been largely avoided just by showing some genuine respect and having someone talk to me. You had every opportunity and resource to do so. I assumed you would be partially reasonable - but now I know that was a mistake.

Think about this - Would you let people fail like this and treat you like you allowed me to be treated? No - you'd make it known it was a bad decision wouldn't you? I mean, look at what you did to me, I worked hard and I made some substantial contributions and just because I won't submit to Harassment - look at what you chose for me? Would you consider this respect?

No - you would recognize what this is immediately if done to you in the wild - wouldn't you? This is someone trying to step on my throat and assert their dominance. Completely independent from fact, just cause or rationality.

And you think I didn't or don't recognize that? And why ...because I didn't react how you thought? And because I don't need to use your tactics to get results?

See... we both made mistakes in underestimating each other and this one was yours.

See I didn't just want a job, I never just wanted a job handed to me and didn't want money and don't want money. And I'm definitely not some anarchist or hold that type of mentality. See my motivations are different than most - I wanted to gauge my skill and I worked hard to do so but had to spend a massive amount of head time and incurred a fair amount of stress working around the offensive and unnecessary roadblock (<NAME REMOVED>) you created and facilitated.

All I wanted was a proper evaluation of my skills, <NAME REMOVED> was clearly compromised and <THEY> didn't have the skills or full competencies to provide this - and that's a fact. I wanted to see how my knowledge scaled globally and I wanted to know I wasn't going to spend my life under someone who defines intelligence as learning some IDE, interface or static process. Or because they can regurgitate process or just because they speak a bit on business lingo and got handed a job. And not under another person who doesn't have any actual generative skills or knowledge about security. Someone who can provide real value. Someone I could have and real productive technical conversation with. Someone who can teach me and leverage me...Or was it you know was just a bunch of stagnant and unmotivated "professionals"??

And you know what I found lurking instead? A disease.

And you had to keep going didn't you? Keep attacking me and wasting my time - You wanted the whole cake, because that's what you deserve isn't it? That's what you are so used to getting right? So why not go for it, let's chew up all that cake and replicate - make more of you - right? More disease?


I'm holding you 100% culpable for this persons actions and I have every right to do so, with facts and direct evidence and I can connect a lot of dots - I'm not intimidated by your money, influence, legal threats or petty threats as I am quite confident in my technical abilities and the technical account and I reasonably tried to resolve and report this, the record will show this - you are the one that failed this country and those employees - not me.

And I sent a very clear message in my first HR meeting about how I was being treated, all I needed was cooperation and I would not be talked to like a dog or be treated like one.

Well now you got a dog and I am looking right at YOU.

And I hope you like the sound of coherent, intellectual and informed howling because it's going to be loud. And I'll make sure it resonates between the cubicles, the bulkheads and the halls. Just for you.

And when the other dogs hear it - I hope they start howling too.

They have every right and reason to.

And know this - I faced one side of your bully personality already. And this time ill face the other side head on... but this time, I'm more educated on what a Narcissist is, this time... I have a pocket full of sharp facts right out of the gate, this time I have a stunning technical account and for extra points I've got a pretty darn good memory and I remember faces, times and events really well. I understand how technology works and I've got the fact that you people fumbled this multiple times not just with me.

And I am all in.

So if you want to drag everybody into this. Then we'll do it because in the end it's the right thing to do.

And id really rather not - it's your choice and to me, it shows nothing but your clear disregard and contempt for the people affected - when you can just accept responsibility for your failure.

So, know this - this is absolutely not going to disappear. The magic money wand you are so privileged to waving around isn't going to work.

And now will all have to blatantly look in someone's face and lie, misrepresent and bully and harass me and others further ...Straight to Canadas face for that matter.

And then what - throw Audra or some other people to the sharks to protect yourself again? Blame everyone else but you?

Go ahead - but this time you won't be able to hide it.

This time, you will all be accountable.

And There will be absolutely no negotiating, compromise or concessions.

I have not lied to you once and I will not lie to you now.

If you wish to test my resolve - then we shall test it together"

I will be sending this letter out broadly to Government Parties (indiscriminately), representatives and Departments on: Thursday December 12th 2019 at approximately 8 AM (AST).

I hope you all have a great day and happy holidays!!"

December 12th 2019 10:49 AM - "I want to make sure that a final opportunity to take a full account of events has again been provided. To this I will make myself avaliable for meeting in halifax tomorrow 9 am until 330pm.illl sign what's needed to discuss this matter and ensure it's all been dealt with and will be investigated. To that ive delayed sending this out until 330 pm tomorrow afternoon to accommodate. "

December 13th 2019 12:29 PM Received from Jordan Jakubowski (Director HR) - "I don't believe we met during your time here with Shipbuilding. I wanted to let you know the email and document your produced in regards to your concerns during your employment have been escalated to me. They have both been reviewed and I've engaged with our security and legal departments and an internal review is underway. "

December 20th 2019 1:05 PM- Sent to Jordan Jakubowski (Director HR) " And I want to be clear to everyone - This issue was ALWAYS going to be discussed in some capacity.

My attempts at discretion were me being naive and too trusting, I didn't fully account for these people's self-interests and self-preservation, I expected honesty and decency especially after what happened and how I helped them. But I understand what went wrong this time and I can guarantee you my behavior will adjust going forward in life.

But maybe, it was also important for me to personally see this happen and what will happen? We just watched literal systemic failure occur and I sit here wondering:

  • What will you all do when someone gives you a bunch of tools and justification to correct something we all know was wrong and shouldn't have happened?
  • I wonder what people will do to protect themselves ahead of others? What will you let each other do? What will you learn about each other?
  • I wonder what you collectively and individually will choose for me.
  • I wonder what fate you'll think my conscience deserves? What is your judgement?
  • I wonder what this person "right at the top" and others will allow to happen to me? I wonder what they would suggest right now and I wonder how you all would feel about it? Would you want them to be able to enforce their direct will if they could?
  • I wonder if your legal team is only arguing one side when they know this isn't one sided. Do we choose technicalities or Human Decency? Humans make the arguments in this type of scenario, its non-binary reasoning. And the educated ones can make a huge difference with little effort. Technicalities by their nature exist for all sides.
  • What do you all think is better for the Shipyard? Was this the best we can do for Canada?
  • If this was someone other than this person "right at the top" do you think that makes my request of them resigning any more or any less reasonable?
  • Given my request of this person resigning. If you had a button in front of you that would allow you to all anonymously vote without any repercussion to yourselves - what would choose here? Now would you be hesitant to make that same decision if you didn't have that anonymous button?
  • What would you have done here?

This is a collective effort, collective response and collective responsibility.

These are the questions you folks are both asking and answering here.

And how you answer these questions will have very serious impacts on my life.

So I sincerely hope you all give this some real consideration.

I promise you all I will continue to."

January 12th 2020 5:26 PM - Sent to Jordan Jakubowski (Director HR)

"...It's been 30 Days and you have not provided me any resource, assurance, direction or any type of actual reciprocated cooperation.

I'm finding this to be quite degrading and directly insulting. And I believe any person looking at it would agree, no information in 30 days?

In fact - the only thing you've done is stated this is an allegation. Which ironically, is the only allegation being made? My data is based on facts, witness es and almost half a novel (And not even close to everything I have).

Yours would be based on what? I'm not trying to be rude but... literal incompetency if you are unable to confirm this by now, or it's by your choice of inaction which is still incredibly inappropriate and might constitute a cover up on its own. And this will only serve as further motivation...."

January 14th 2020 5:00 PM - Received From Jordan Jakubowski (Director HR) "I've received your email. I understand you are looking for resolution on this matter. It is not our practice to provide to updates during the course of an investigation. I can confirm the investigation is ongoing and not yet completed. It is not our intention for you to feel disrespected by the process. Please understand these situations do take time.

You will be hearing shortly from our security investigator, Jim Perrin who will in touch to arrange a meeting with you."

January 29th 2020 3:56 PM - - Psychological Attestation - A hard copy was signed and provided January 27th 2019. This still stands:

"And I would like it know that at any time that it's requested of me I will submit myself for a Public Psychological Audit to be made available for public record - meaning the results shared to the public for them to decide - by an impartial nonaffiliated Psychologist.

I also agree to a Government issued Psychologist perform an assessment but only in addition to the above mentioned public audit by an impartial nonaffiliated Psychologist."

Friday February 14th 2020 12:31 PM - Sent to Jordan Jakubowski (Director HR)"...Now - they told me i would have a statement On Monday February 10th and i didn't. I did however receive a Job notification From Irving, stating there was a new posting for PLM Systems Engineer: - Feb 10, 2020 This is where they changed it! It no longer appears to be in there!For reference - it's still in the data Manager posting! ..."

February 21 2020 3:45 PM - "Hi Folks, As stated in my letter - this does not invalidate my previous HR requests at ALL.

This is to supplement it and provide the Shipyard with factual act / law based reference.

I have requested my HR record quite clearly 40 days ago.

Please Engage the Privacy Officer and supply this information as per process.

Thank you and have a great day!"

Proof I was always wanting to speak with Irving Shipbuilding Quietly and Tried too

Mind you, I was right, the evidence absolutely supports that they were Phishing me and targeting me. And had a whole "Plan" of intimidation ready to go, employees knew it, HR knew, everyone knew it.

  • July 26th 2019 - My Last Day
    • I stated I was a Target and i didnt know what to do. I tried to do the right thing with my mother and there was a right thing here but i didn't know what to do. And I couldn't just take a Job, it wasn't right and something was very wrong.
      • I was told someone would contact me in a week. I was never contacted.
      • They said i had two references on my File then later i was told "We don't give out references". Meaning I would have to rely on internal jobs or "trust" if they didn't just disappear if the Government asked.
      • I had a lot going on the next day. I had a parade, food, and community events. I was trying to be discreet, I didn't want to go into details in email, it's irresponsible, insecure and a Massive Security risk. I also didn't want it leaked or anyone targeted. This needed to be discussed securely and discretely.
  • Wednesday August 7th 2019 8:23 AM
    • Sent email to HR Manager - Sent email stating i had a good week off (As we discussed) as was interested in the opportunities we had discussed
    • I had seen Job postings that had terms I used in my term. but I couldn't just apply, this needed to be talked about and I felt like they were Phising me!
      • This is a complex issue and should never be shared through email, especially personal or over the phone.
  • Thursday August 8th 2019 09:32 am
    • I called the HR Manager - Called reiterating what I said in the email.
      • I cannot and will not be descriptive over the phone. That is a massive security risk, Digital, Physical, Psychological and Professional. Not to mention could compromise National Defense if it's manipulated.
  • Tuesday August 20th 2019 08:42
    • I called the HR Manager - That day i took my aunt to her DR apt in New Glasgow, i left a voice message from a Mcdonalds Parking lot. I was upset and shaky in voice, i didn't swear or anything but i made it clear i was troubled by how they were acting.
  • Friday August 23rd 2019 09:16 am
    • Called the HR Manager - No answer, this is why i tried the Cell
    • Friday August 23rd 2019 09:22 am
      • I called the HR Manager - Finally got the HR Manager on the Phone, this is where things went really bad, the HR Manager advised again to apply for a Job.
      • The HR Manager stated this thing with X has to end! I asked about what was said to me and the sum of actions as being considered Fraud, and expressed how concerned I was! And then asked "What do i do"!?!
        • She said that they did an investigation and can't tell me because it's confidential. She stated she would investigate and contact me in 2 weeks. And go ahead and apply for a Job.
        • I was never contacted.
        • Clearly they always planned for that and I wonder if she knew they had Police hunt me...
  • Thursday September 5th 2019 2:40 PM
    • Main Shipbuilding Complaint PLM Systems Engineer-19003481 at Irving Shipbuilding- This was one of the most confusing and stressful moments of my life.
      • The ethical question kept me awake and bothered me. I talked to my aunt, my family and friends about it and how inappropriate it was. I maintained that it seemed like they were trying to get me to apply for a Job, without recording the issue.
        • And then I am denied, so if I file a complaint it looks like I'm complaining about not getting a Job. This is Basic extortion.
      • And ultimately this sentiment was absolutely consistent with the actions and utility of Jim Perrin (Investigator) and the timeline presented.
  • Friday September 13th 2019 11:56 am
    • Audra Main Shipbuilding Complaint Left voice message stating i did apply but insisted this still has to be talked about, i didn't care if i got a Job something was very wrong.
  • Friday November 22nd 2019 1:33 PM
    • Harjit Sajjan (Defense Minister) at DND email address asking for assistance, this letter was not just sudden, i had been writing this for a few weeks. And honestly, based on everything I see now, they were watching and knew it was coming.


  1. DFTS-00:00:00 TXT

DFTS will link you to a description

Time 00:00:00 will be the video

TXT will link to the manual text translation I performed. - Jul 30, 2020 (Channel: The White Hatter) Darren Laur


DFTS | Q1 | 00:10:15 | TXT

DFTS | Q2 | 00:20:46 | TXT

DFTS | Q3 | 00:27:55 | TXT

DFTS | Q4 | 00:39:25 | TXT

DFTS | Q5 | 00:46:09 TXT

DFTS | Q6 | 00:51:16 TXT

DFTS | Q7 | 00:59:31 TXT

DFTS | Q8 | 00:55:35 TXT

Special Time Stamps

DFTS | Q3 | AI is Only as Good as the Model Its Based On | 00:31:00 | TXT

DFTS | Privacy Impact Assessment | Q3 | 00:34:04 | TXT

DFTS | Laughing about Mass Surveillance | Q3 | 00:34:27 | TXT

DFTS| Concerns about Diversity and Privacy | Q3| 00:35:30 | TXT

DFTS | International Connection Points | Q3 | 00:34:42 | TXT

DFTS | Is the Nature of the Data of Interest to Law Enforcement| Q3 | 00:34:54 | TXT

DFTS | Meta-Data Exposes Communications | 00:39:27 |TXT

DFTS| Concerns regarding Other Countries Monitoring International Access Points | 00:42:55 | TXT


DFTS | 100 Judges and Conferences | 01:12:55 | TXT

DFTS | Final | 1:10:54 Page 148 - Davis TS Fraser - His Yearbook 89'

    • DFTS | Q3 | 00: If i was a lawyer dealing with for example security certificates and those sorts of with immigration practice- never put data in the cloud, sort of information about people who might have ties. (Diversity)"

DFTS Manual Text Translations

** Please note not all these quotes will be used, these are being amalgamated for upcoming review **

** I did my best to translate, it's not my intention to slander David Fraser, simply apply what I believe to be relative context to this situation. I tried to capture the stammer and phrasing intentionally**

  • DFTS | INTRO | 00:00:00 - White Hat Host - "And i've been looking forward to this interview uh i found myself a legal scholar and expert in the area of everything to do with privacy the internet social media and the law here in Canada his name is David Fraser and were going to be talking to him next"
    • DFTS | INTRO | 00:00:35 - White Hat Host - "A Lot of people don't know this but i was born and raised there for 10 years i'm a fellow bluenoser" (Halifax)
  • DFTS | INTRO | 00:00:50 - White Hat Host - "I am so thankful and honored you accepted my Invitation for the interview today, can you maybe share with everybody who you are? What your Background is and how did you get involved in this very interesting field of law "
    • DFTS | INTRO | 00:01:02 - David Fraser - "Sure yeah im a partner with a law firm called McInnis Cooper it's one of the top 20 in terms of size law firms in Canada headquartered in Halifax um i had always had very strong nerdish geekish tendencies, early adopter to technology on the internet from the very beginning back uh uh back before when it was gopher and things like that ....
  • DFTS | Q3 | 00:28 - White Hat Host - "I think im support of the students association"
    • David Fraser - "Yeah well i think i largely am and and one of the things that that's just so interesting about this area of law is that its not overly prescriptive it's based on essentially what is reasonable in the circumstances so a university not to single out the University of Ottawa but a university can Collect information personal information from students without consent because public sector Privacy Laws are not consent Based as long as its reasonable and it's related to
    • White Hat Host - "Can you just repeat that again what you just said"
    • David Fraser - yeah so our Public Sector privacy laws the ones that govern Government, municipalities, Universities, Schools and Hospitals aren't based on consent it's not like going to the Bank where you sign a privacy policy and all that sort of stuff it's based on what's reasonable like is it reasonably necessary for a legitimate operating program of the University to Collect this information and if the Answer is yes then they can collect it and they can only us it for those purposes or for purposes that are reasonably related to it so so the the interesting discussion is in whether it's reasonable and proportionate
      • DFTS | Q3 | 00:29:29 - is it reasonable to assume that you have to supervise students to such an extent to prevent cheating that you like they have to be micromanaged on an individual student basis and then obviously where they're not going to be in a classroom is it reasonable to use technology to do that and then it started and this is one of the great interesting conversations about technology .. It's not that the person has to do the Exam, like my Son did some of his Exams sitting with his Webcam on on Zoom everybody else was on zoom and the teacher could see so you weren't consulting with other books and other stuff like that which was pretty Akin to the normal practice in a classroom right and but what's benign proposed is a technology that replaces the teacher and or the "proctor" or the invigilator or whatever you want to call them and replaces it with some sort of Artificial Intelligence that is somehow scanning or analyzing you and then making decisions about you and reporting you Narcing you out to the uh to the to your prof or something like that uh where there is probably going to be an assumption that because the computer said you might be cheating is that there would be an assumption that you were cheating.
    • DFTS | Q3 | 00:30:49 - White Hat Host - "Yeah just on that David i mean a good example is what if a Student has ADHD i mean you know or they're AI can't can't it's not to the point where it can can make that to put context into that right "
    • AI software Question - reasonable and proportionate
    • DFTS | Q3 | 00:31:00 - David Fraser -"Yeah Yeah absolutely and and so AI is only as good as as the the model that it's based on and so if does take into account kids with ADHD it doesn't take into account when i think about an answer maybe i stare up at the ceiling and formulate my answer and then they're going to the others who kind of outline it who kind of sketch it out and and so there's always going to be issues when you use automated tools in to make either make actual decisions or to inform decisions um and we need to make sure that those tools are right and are not unfairly used it;s the same kind of questions that come up with facial recognition if you put facial recognition on a downtown street and the cops can say oh well were going to compare it against the database of mugshots and bad guys um well they're not accurate enough "
  • DFTS | Q3 | 00:33:14 - White Hat Host - "Now the Bigger question because Canada is one of the Leaders when it comes to understanding keep it data in our country with some exceptions right and you know Primarily because of that Patriot Act in the US so isn't it a question here as well is what is UFO doing with the data like where is it being stored, how it's being stored , who has access to it"
    • DFTS | Q3 | 00:33:31 - David Fraser - "Yeah well the bigger question is what is your contractor doing with it because UFO we know what rules UFO is subject to um and and
      • DFTS | Q3 | 00:33:40 - um and so and not a insignificant amount of my practice deals with kind of cross border data transfers and and issues like this so the only legal impediments that exist to Cross Border data Transfers in Canada are actually the Public Sector Privacy Laws of British Columbia and Nova Scotia no other jurisdiction kind of prohibits cross-border data transfers um most other provinces requiring and federally require essentially a...??????
      • DFTS | Q3 | 00:34:04 - Privacy Impact Assessment - to say look wa...what impact does jurisdiction have on the privacy, security and integrity of this particular information. And the fact that this this information is being stored in the US (face shrug) That actually doesn't concern me a whole lot given the Nature of the information"
      • DFTS | Q3 | 00:34:27 - A whole lot of people imagine the the USA patriot act has created this massive data vacuum to hoover us massive amounts of information and most of the hoovering that was happening what actually illegal (huh - laugh) was was the US National Security Agency kind of hacking
      • DFTS | Q3 | 00:34:42 - hacking into backbones and stuff like that or eavesdropping on international connection points. Which is something Canada does as well that's we have an nsa we have a patriot act most people don't know that. But in this sort of situation i always ask what's the nature of the information (neck scratch) and is it something that would actually be of interest to law enforcement And so what a whole bunch of english 101 students in ottawa look like or how their eyes twitch and is it something that actually would be of interest to anybody Frankly. Other than someone wants to create a model on what students look like when their cheating or not cheating now if it was registration information for the University i would be a little bit more concerned"
      • DFTS | Q3 | 00:35:20 - Now If it was registration information for the university I would be a little bit more concerned.
  • DFTS | Q3 | 00:35:30 -
  • DFTS | Q3 | 00:38:50 -
    • "bringing the uh the privacy people, and kind of the "social sciences people" into the same room with the technologies* while our technologies are being developed. So that we're not losing sight of the humans that are going to be using it. And the impacts that these sorts of things might have on the individual users but also on society as a whole. "
  • DFTS | Q4 | 00:39:27 -
    • "To increase privacy, many social media platforms are moving to end-to-end encryption. This move however comes with controversy especially when it comes to the criminal element taking advantage of this move. What are your thoughts, is it all or nothing or can there be a balance that allows law enforcement access with a court order"End to end encryption makes it difficult for law enforcement. "
  • Trying to get access to massive amounts of information about individuals who are not involved in any criminality whatsoever and that creates a fair amount of pressure to do that.
  • DFTS | Q4 | 00:41:31 -
    • White Hat Host - "Full disclosure as an ex-cop i totally support what you're saying right i mean The attitude in a lot of of law enforcement agents it it my be awful but its not unlawful so we'll do it until we're told not to i mean that's where bad case law comes from right it's I totally agree with you that law enforcement us are kind of the authors of their own demise on this issue"
  • DFTS | Q4 | 00:42:39 -
    • They are also getting buried in more data than they ever had access to in in history and so police are getting production orders for tower dumps un in in some places in Ontario where it involves getting information about tens of thousands of people where one person in that pile of tens of thousands of people is the one person you suspect of robbing that Jewelry Store buy you're getting the information about tens of thousands of other people because its digital and you can just kind of get an order requiring the telco to hander over the information about every customer that was within a mile with their cell phone and in a city that's that's a large number of people
    • DFTS | Q4 | 00:42:39 uh they still have access "Meta-data tells you as much about the.. the communications as the the content of communications"
  • DFTS | Q4 | 00:42:55 | Concerns Other countries Monitoring International Access Points | -
    • The reality is that uh according to every technologist that i've heard from You cannot build in a back door that will not be exploited"because we're not simply concerned about US law enforcement were concerned about chinese we're concerned about india we're concerned about iraqi, were concerned about and a whole lot of really really good hackers "...

"you see one of the new helicopters going by yep uh always interesting here on halifax the halifax harbour".

and and so we're concerned about an increasingly sophisticated level of bad guys that arn't just state actors but were also increasingly concerned about more state actors who are out there looking for looking for information so like some of the largest hacks that we've seen uh that have resulted in in the kind of exfiltration of personal information one of the big ones was against the us government departments really information about tens of thousands if not millions of veterans uh that was taken none of them have suffered identity theft as a result it's because it was the chinese government that likely took it and uh everybody that i've spoken too within those platforms are really concerned about abuse on those platforms are really concerned about particularly child sexual abuse material that might be shared on those platforms and for but certainly there have been some negative portrayals of these companies willingness to put in place measures, pretty well if you take a photo and you upload it on facebook or you put it in your google drive account that photo is

DFTS | Q4 | 00:44:33 - FINGERPRINTED and and matched against a database of of known child sexual abuse imagry like every single image and um thats just the reality now now they do that under US law and if they find it they'll report it to Canadian law enforcement if its if its a Canadian account.

DFTS | Q4 | 00:44:50 um the tools that they put in place again going back to the massive the number of photos that are posted everyday on instagram, the number of videos that go up on YouTube there is no way of of individually with a Human Being kind of Moderating this this sort of stuff um and the volume is is just simply going to going to increase and you know

DFTS | Q4 | 00:45:12 there may in fact be ways of still doing electronic checks for example on your device even with end-to-end encryption and and that would be an interesting kind of technology to to explore but certainly if encryption were outlawed or backdoors were required that would significantly compromise the security of all of our Systems and could you put in place a rule that says "oh well your communications with your bank can be encrypted but if you use facebook messenger, WhatsApp, it can't be encrypted. <Face shrug> And i'm a lawyer i'm concerned about the confidentiality of my communications with my with my clients um and i need to have access to secure tools

    • DFTS | Q5 | 00:45:55 - "Its its and it's right you can look at like a self inflicted wound with the way that you said it i mean not just law enforcement but agencies that have three letters in them dea fbi you know the other ones nsa you know. I mean we we inflicted that ourselves" - white hat host
  • 46:10 COVID Tracking Apps -
  • "The reality is that people are using search engines as phone books and whatever comes up is going to reflect upon the person who is doing it uh and it's going to reflect on their employer, and so it really does make sense now in the employment context or in the the hiring context you want to tell people yes we're going to do this also told people who are looking for jobs be careful kinda what's out there that can reflect on you."
  • DFTS | Q6 | 00:53:34
    • "and so this sort of information can be used Mischievously uh it can be used quite maliciously and so what i'm getting at it that every time any time a..a..anytime time an organization collects personal information whether it's for their own purposes or for somebody else they need to put in place the processes to make sure that information is kept secure, is only used for those purposes and its particularly challenging where you have government requiring businesses to collect information on their behalf"
  • DFTS | Final | 1:10:22 -
    • "I'd always tell people Be mindful about the data trail you're leaving behind because whether you're whether you're intending to or not you are creating a digital portfolio. <heh> that that will be available to to others so you talked about using a throw away kind of email address on dating apps absolutely don't uh don;t use your real name on your profiles if your under the age of 18 or even over, do you want to be professionally associated with that i'm i'm uh i i look on my bookshelf here and i have yearbooks from uh from when i was in in high school i'm glad they don't exist online. <Host laughs> other kind of photographs as well and i think that is something we'll have to reckon with"
  • DFTS | Final | 1:11:09 -
    • "But it will also be interesting because i've also heard from others who say well 15 Years from now everybody will have embarassing things on the internet so so whoever's going to be hiring you is going to be in exactly the same position that you are as well and so it might actually be interesting to see will our level of acceptance actually go up will our uh being judgey and judgemental will that diminish um you know one"
  • DFTS | Final | 1:12:55 -
    • "we'll i think that yeah the law often law represents society society but it kind of lags behind and so that's just inherent and then that always has been inherent but kind of as technology as society as expectations move more quickly are keeping up that well enough um and one thing that i find very kind of gratifying in that area is that so i often speak at conferences for Judges to talk about kind social media and the law of privacy and things like that uh and when i first started doing that when i would ask people like who has a twitter account who has a facebook account in the room you can have 100 Judges in the room and only a couple would raise their hand for twitter and much more for facebook because they wanted to see pictures of their grandkids and uh but we we have seen in the last number of years a significant number of retirements from the bench and a significant number of appointments to the bench and so people they're not quite digital natives bt they're people who at least through most of their professional lives have had a computer on their desk and have and so the so number of people who are aware of have technology and impact on young people because if their in their 50's when they get appointed as a judge they have kids that recently gone through that so there there's i think a much better appreciation of these sorts of issues and i teach at internet media law at Dalhousie <cough> Law School and its hilarious sometimes to go back to the older cases that are still influential but where the judge has to kind of explain what the internet is us and now trying to find a family court judgement that doesn't include the word facebook or instagram and we're in we're just in a different in a different environment and so i think that they've uh they've had to keep up um and and they're doing their best i tend to think that it's i'm not a fan of just changing laws in order to keep up with the technology i much prefer principles based laws they're resilient. Where the same principle can be used into the future "

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"