Review of Tim Houston showing up when mom died Januray 29th 2023

Release Date: February 17th 2023
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Please remember, I could have lied about the following. I didn't have to even mention this. But I promised to be honest about this and I know it places me in a lot of danger and gives them a lot of power over me but it's the right thing to do. Remember everything indicates the following is an end game play as too many nodes were exposed. Meaning, if you don't fall for it... They lose.

What Occurred

The Morning of January 29th 2023. My mother passed at approximately 1:18AM. I was calm, cool and collected. Yes, I was sad and had my moment. But I was generally prepared because I knew something would happen next. I was at Saint Martha's in Antigonish. My Mother had been there a few weeks, so these people knew where I was. Around the time she passed, I went outside to get some air, and went to my Car. As you can imagine there is basically nobody around, especially 1 AM on a Sunday Morning.

Now, I was going to send an email to this DL, saying she passed, and asking if they were all happy. But I recognized that obviously I was just upset, took a breath and went back towards the Hospital. There was a large Black Vehicle parked right in front of the doors. Meaning you would have to go right or left to go around it. The people had started to get out as I approached, as the passenger side was facing me, I noticed the person had a cloth sling, supporting their arm. They seemed to be moving slowly, and towards the front of the Vehicle. So, I decided, I would go around the other side, make it to the door first and press the Automatic Door button (As I usually do) but they made it to the door before me. It was an older man and a younger man. It was a very basic interaction, they held the door for me, and I thanked them and then did the same. And this is when I noticed it. I simply asked.... "Mr. Houston?" And the person said yes. I then said, "Scott Jewers", he said "Scott Jewers", looked down at the ground, I said have a good night, he said the same and I walked away.

I proceeded back to a family member. Told them, this is going to sound weird but was honest. Didn't make a big deal, or let it drive my behavior. I finished up at the hospital and left. I went to a friend's house close to Dartmouth, and stayed there until about Noon, the same day (January 29th 2023), and came back to Ecum Secum.

  • Someone who didn't know anything about this. Came to me the next day, and said that morning they thought they saw my mother's "spirit" moving around the house. I told them, I have a security light and they said they know but this was definitely moving around.
    • They knew nothing about the following event.
  • Someone who didn't know anything about my event, or with the lights in my house told me, someone random person came up to them when at a Store talking about "Canadian Intelligence Services".

So, what they would have done

They would have had RCMP react quickly under the guise of "just doing their jobs", no different than the Play made by HRP August 2nd 2022. In fact, they would try to say it's related, because the prior incident was just after my cousin had died. Which is an abject lie, it's because the Wolf and The Neural Network was released, and they had been given over 2 weeks. And it was clear they would retaliate and do something as I had figured so much out. Which is echoed by the failure of Doctor Holms to be objective. Clearly if she did this when it's so clear she was wrong she clearly would have done worse had they brought me in off the street. She was a critical part of their Extortion plan... if she falls they all fall. This would be a critical Play.

They knew I was at that hospital so what I would have done, is had someone that looked like Houston. So it would look like I would get mad at a random person. While it's important to note, they seemed to have someone with them, perhaps their Child which would make me look like some kind of loose cannon snapping at a random person and their "presumed kid". But just by saying anything they would use it against me immediately. "He said, she said" and their social equity would win. While they state I was "emotionally compromised".

While the next important factor here would then be the chain of custody in something like IPTA. They know who the next people are. Doctor Holms specifically knows how incredibly inappropriate that is. But it doesn't matter, because I'd only be able to explain that after the fact and so would have to expose all of them (And I promise you their conflict of interest is really bad). But also It would expose the Person who "seen the lights moving in my house" and the person who mentioned Canadian Intelligence Services. They want to expose me, and everyone around me as to target all of them... While it seems "they" deleted the EMIC contracts from the Government site. And have deleted other data making it intentionally harder for me to prove. And since they would arrest me, they would block access to my accounts which would mean blocking all access to immediate evidence. And just like Doctor Holms did, they would still torture me for not saying anything. Forcing me to give up details.

Think about it, it's obvious. RCMP is showing up here literally saying they are looking for a reason to charge me. Doctor Holms completely lied, her career is over and NSHA and its Board of Directors is facing massive liability.... This gets all the HRP and RCMP Officers off...It allows JDIrving to then try to justify the failed investigation, and can say that I'm just some guy with mental Illness while parties then try to claim I'm some mentally ill person slandering them. While they run that shit through the Media. Literally CBC, Bell Media and Postmedia have everything to gain by slandering me... if not they have to run against "their" narrative. Which brings us to their back propagated false records. Anything they gathered to attack the people around me. Anything that can make me look bad... 4 years but they won't show me trying to be a good person... only their Narrative... clearly prejudiced and biased. While they pretend they don't know.

Clearly, they knew where I was. And now, if I say something to this person at all it can be misinterpreted and so a video would exist. If I don't, a video doesn't exist. If I even walked down the same hallway the video would exist... Anyway they want to manipulate it. So. The only difficult task would be uploading a stitched video. And these people run Catch and Kill, Black Cube, CSIS, Billionaire Hedge Funds, Defense Contractors, DND, Media Conglomerates and worse.... if it can be done then these are exactly the people who can do it. While they have the Motive, The Opportunity and the Means. That is a Non Contestable Fact.

They already have video of me walking in and out alone. Changing the time stamp over a Video that doesn't move is Basic and stitching a video together is simple and Children do it. Meaning the biggest issues would be to ensure they had control of that Video. That's the only difficult part. Because, if it's blank, of course everyone would just say I'm crazy... and then if you did find the stitch, RCMP would still say "Well how could we know" pretending they couldn't have had reasonable doubt. Still allowing their plan to go ahead and terrorize me and my entire life. Even now they will try to call me paranoid for detailing it and being honest because it was always about how they were going to manipulate it.

It's a perfect plan... Too perfect. And when I figured it out the entire play, I almost clapped. Honestly, I would have expected nothing less...And if it was sincere then why hasn't someone contacted me? Because it wasn't sincere and they couldn't manipulate it because I didn't react. Everything is consistent.

Meaning that video won't exist. And all of you would default to crazy... When I was calm, cool and collected through all of this.


Putting that in my head and not following up is a form of Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

  • Will Brenda Lucki come out and tell everyone the date that Systemic Racism became Systemic Bias? No.
  • Will Jagmeet Singh come out and tell everyone he wouldn't have acted differently if I were a "POC"? No.
  • Will Pierre face Postmedia and JDIrving? No.
  • Will Justin Face the relationships linking to him? No.
  • Will Dan Kinsella face the relationships with Postmedia and JDIrving? No.
    • Will he "follow up in every single case"? No.
  • Will Doctor Holms face what she did?
    • This is Criminal Negligence at best kind of bad. While now, it's quite clear she knows the damage she is causing, meaning it's clearly intentional. Do you think they will all face it? No.
  • Will JDIrving face what they did? That they lied about the investigation? No.
  • RCMP was showing up here December 21st 2022, calling me a threat, making false accusations about me having a mental illness, not allowing me to file a complaint. While asking if I'm a threat to Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh, Two people who are like 1434 KMs away... when its clear I have never threatened anyone, when I don't even have a car, and my feet are full of blisters and bleeding from walking to see my mother... while I have the heat set to 15 and I'm shivering.... Do you think they are going to face that? No.
    • They are going to pretend to be the victim.
  • Will HRP face the false arrest, lying about the dates, not allowing me to file a complaint? No.
  • Will NSHA face what the admitting doctor did? Mocking me and humiliating me? No.
  • Will they all face that as I'm wiping blood away from my mother's mouth telling her how much I love her while they are planning on screwing me over again? No.

This is the mechanism of Systemic Bias that Leads to Systemic Racism. These people know they are doing things wrong but don't want to report it to their "Leadership" or "Daddy", so they need to cover up their behavior and blame everyone else while all of these parties will now pretend to be the victim. It's a national Embarrassment.

While I have no reason to lie. I could have easily not told this. This clearly hurts me and their behavior points to a video not existing. While checking for sincerity I gave 20 days and still nothing. Because to them I have to be just some little faggot dog or they have to face what they really are. They were trying to set me up.

And this time I will just lay on the floor while they torture me, blame me and claim there was nothing they can do.

Welcome to the real Canada.

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"