Original Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Hana Marie Weimer (Doctor or Nurse at QEII Emergency)

Release Date: Janaury 3rd 2024
Original Document:Link
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Complaint Form - Patient

Submitted on: 2024-01-03

Preferred Title: Mr.

First Name: Richard

Middle Name: Scott

Last Name: Jewers

Preferred name: Scott

Month: August

Day: 25

Year: 1987

Health Card Number: XXXXXXXXXX

Email: jewers.scott@gmail.com

Home phone: 9022209106

Full Mailing Address: 1625 South Shore Road, Ecum Secum

Apartment / Suite: 1625 South Shore Road, Ecum Secum

City or Town: Halifax

Province: Nova Scotia

Postal Code: b0j2k0

Doctor's First Name: Hana

Doctor's Last Name: Wiemer

Facility or clinic where care was provided: QEII Emergency

Approximate Dates of Care: march 13th 2023

Have the concerns been brought to the doctor's attention?: No

Name of Healthcare Provider or Facility: Yarmouth Hospitol

Have you brought your concerns to the hospital authorities or law enforcement?: Yes

If yes, who?: RCMP, NSHA Board of Directors, Premier, CBC, CTV, Postmedia and at very least, 50 lawyers

Please explain your account of the incident. Include dates or approximate dates.: NSHA appears to have retaliated and had me arrested after filing complaint at Halifax Regional Police and making it clear i would be complaining about the doctors involved. As serious and quantified accusations were made.

Some of These individuals knew i was denied a lawyer, had incredible evidence, and knew the Police were saying this should be with them... but they and continued to strip my rights and dignity to protect the original abusers. What occurred March 13th 2023 was a violent crime against me. And quite possibly, a hate crime. And is a perfect example of how NSHA employees will; lie, cheat and steal as to hide thier incredible abuses.

March 13th 2023, i was down to Halifax Regional Police and filed a complaint, there are dozens of witnesses to how calm, cool and collected i was. Videos exist of how calm and responsible i was. When Police arrested me they said "We don't understand why they are making us do this". They being NSHA...

This stems back to August 2nd and 23rd 2022, when i was falsely arrested, there is an ongoing complaint regarding this. Where i was also denied a lawyer, and they failed to record the abuses. Audio recordings exist. While the events of August 2nd and 3rd 2022 proved i knew my rights and i was being denied a lawyer. And all this incredible well documented evidence existed.

I asked for their privacy policy, they would not provide it. I asked given the seriousness of the complaints, and that i was just at Halifax Regional Police to file a complaint if they would allow me to record. She refused and then unsurprisingly fabricated a fraudulent record while violently revictimizing me. And then tried to claim it was for "thier" privacy... its disgusting.

Given the serious abuse, a video was proactively made. Documents had also been submitted to NSHA highlighting the abuse and how serious it was.


Currently there is an Ongoing case with Crystal Morgan, this case is systemic of that interaction.

I'm asking for any and all medical records regarding that day. I also understand if the college does not wish to provide names, however i'm asking for a list of all individuals i interacted with that day. That can be labeled Person A, through B.

I would also like to complaint to extend to my stay in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.

As it stands, if the individual does not immediately take full responsibility for what they did then i will expect nothing less than them loosing thier license and face criminal investigation.

Know this.... NSHA retaliated because i was filing complaints against them.... while there is direct and non refutable evidence of them covering up incredible mistakes. NSHA kidnapped me, tortured and slandered me while they stripped me of my fundamental rights and dignity. Its disgusting...

Summary Point 1: Abuse, Slander, Torture, Fraud, Kidnapping

Additional documents are being sent by: Upload

Upload Your Documents: 2023-04-08-April-8th-2023-NSHA-Complaint.-Given-1-week-to-comply.docx

I declare that I am the person identified as the "complainant" on this form.: Checked

I understand that the College's complaint process is not anonymous and that my identity will be disclosed to the physician named in my complaint as directed by the Medical Act.: Checked

I understand that I should not discuss the complaint with the physician.: Checked

I understand that the relationship with my physician may change or end as a result of this complaint.: Checked

I will maintain respectful communication with the College, whether in writing, over the phone or in person.: Checked

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"