** This is of my own volition. Examples were generalized and no employee names were given. No technical or physical details about any ships were ever debated or challenged, this is not what this is about in anyway **
Canada has given me a lot, it has given me the freedom to be me, live as me and to speak my mind as me. And From the bottom of my heart – thank you so much.
And I just want everyone to know I tried to do the “Right thing” for everyone... including "them". And the reason this is just coming out now is because I didn’t want to exploit the issues, the situation or the people. I reasoned that these are sensitive social issues during a pandemic and the wrong words could literally translate into infections and or deaths. So instead of escalating, I reasoned it was most responsible to step back, let all sides cool down and give the people who can change things time to speak with their own conscience. While at the same time I continued a deep and difficult conversation with myself about who I am, my faults, the kind of person I have been and the kind of person I want to be. And although I anticipate I will incur consequences for this, I have also seen the consequences of inaction and assuming. And when I consider what they did here, what changes a system like that? I honestly don't know... but I can say it's not a single event and that inaction will likely lead to it repeating.
Throughout this process I was extremely transparent and as this was intended to correct the issues "they" were provided with training material, technical and social engineering reviews, templates, some well deserved ranting and time. And as there is no formal process or reference for this type of event then I figured the best I could do is aim for what I feel is a "70% average" while expecting to stumble, be wrong and embarrass myself. Below is an outer shell of this interaction:
Scott Jewers - 9022209106