Personal Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asking him to end this

Release Date: March 24th 2021
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Mr. Prime Minister,

I hope you know that my reaction to what occurred was never intended to cause problems then or now. But ultimately, I think there are clearly certain groups directly affected by certain individuals’ choices. And I personally believe that those groups should decide if the efforts were and are sincere for themselves.

As with OPC and ESDC, I do believe PIPEDA is applicable and I could have had no idea if or when sufficient Privacy Policy or laws would be adopted. So by pushing and asserting my rights, I had hoped it would highlight how serious I was about the subject, provide me and the issue with obscured protection and hoped it would compel a reasonable compromise.

Now as for me personally, I don’t know what to do. This has definitely caused issues in my life but I am not the type to back down from a threat. Especially when I’m capable, competent, did nothing wrong and showed them an incredible amount of respect that was not reciprocated. All while there is direct and overwhelming evidence that “they” were absolutely okay with choosing to misrepresent me in an official capacity to the Government, whomever really. And were absolutely okay with the severe personal and professional consequences that comes along with that type of misrepresentation.

And then some of “them” seemingly sue or threaten to sue as a tactic of “earning respect”… and I wonder, if “they” consider themselves “good people” for doing that, then I would be a “good person” and “they” would respect me if I did the same…?

Regardless, I’ve reasoned my best bet is to deal with this now. So please excuse me for a moment while I address “them”:

“No matter what you do to me I will take it with a smile on my face and with the immense satisfaction of knowing you were dominated by something you couldn’t buy. Because we both know it’s just more proof that your money and privilege is quite often the “winner” and not you. You’re just lucky passengers.

And to be clear, what you tried to do here is disgusting. It was obvious, it was pathetic, it was an embarrassment to this country, and it was a blatant attack on Canadians, meaning your brothers and sisters. And the worst part, you undeniably chose it. So instead of blaming me and everyone else for your self-imposed ignorance, do you think that it’s possible you could actually step up and face it yourself this time?

Well here is an opportunity to show us something different than the failure we’ve come to expect from your kind. I dare you”

Now, no matter what happens, I know I stood my ground and spoke my truth.

And I don’t take back how I approached this.

I don’t take back my form of expression.

And I certainly don’t take back who I am.

Thank you.

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"