First Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Kristen Holm (Psychiatrist at Mount Hope) while Second was September 20th 2023.

Release Date: March 24th 2023
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Complaint Form - Patient

Submitted on: 2023-03-24

Preferred Title: Mr.

First Name: Richard

Middle Name: Scott

Last Name: Jewers

Preferred name: Scott

Month: August

Day: 25

Year: 1987

Health Card Number: XXXXXXXXXX


Home phone: 9022209106

Full Mailing Address: 1625 South Shore Road, Ecum Secum B0J2K0

Apartment / Suite: 1625 South Shore Road, Ecum Secum

City or Town: Halifax

Province: Nova Scotia

Postal Code: b0j2k0

Doctor's First Name: Doctor

Doctor's Last Name: Holms

Facility or clinic where care was provided: Mount Hope

How long have you been/were you under the care of this doctor?: 9 days

Approximate Dates of Care: August 3rd - 12th 2022

Have the concerns been brought to the doctor's attention?: Yes

If yes, please provide any relevant information:: HRP Falsely Arrested me because i went there asking questions about Racism and the chiefs role in Postmedia and TorStar collusion. On top of stealing the Appolgy from the Black Community... They said "Oh were going to get you information to make a complaint" and just cam eback and arrested me....

They were well aware that HRP framed me. They we well aware of the relationships between Stephen McNeil and HRP. They were well aware they couldn't answer even basic questions about who i reported the issues to... She 100% lied, cheat and stole. She knew NSHA was in serious trouble because of how they handled it... And she went full blown MONSTER. The EVIDENCE IS INCREDIBLE... Neither RCMP, HRP or CSIS is refuting the evidence She even abused my severely disabled and sick mother...

This wasn't a mistake. this was Negligence. In fact this was Criminal Negligence and what she did was a Criminal Assault. This was a Massive breach of Trust. She committed Perjury...Because she knew she would have to file complaint against HRP... and her own Admitting Doctor... Because of the abuse of the admitting doctor, and my bookbag then being given to two non associated HRP Officers. I recorded her and its TERRIFYING.... she Cleary is trying to claim "Plausible Deniability". There is no "reasonable doubt".... there is only a Monster. And its name is doctor Holms.

Name of Healthcare Provider or Facility: QEII Emergency

City/Town: Halifax

Date attended: 08/02/2022

Name of Healthcare Provider or Facility: Moutn Hope

City/Town: Dartmouth

Date attended: 08/03/2022

Have you brought your concerns to the hospital authorities or law enforcement?: Yes

If yes, who?: RCMP, HRP and CSIS. And a case raised to NSHA... where NSHA refused to advise on my Book Bag. Or answer even basic questions.

Please explain your account of the incident. Include dates or approximate dates.: I went to HRP to ask questions. I submitted all my Data. I came well prepared. I laid out my case, and wanted to file a complaint. The Officers said "We don't investigate ourselves".... which is a LIE.... but we'll get you some information to contact Professional Services... they go inside and come back out and just arrest me... tell me I'm making stuff up. Which is an abject lie... I'm a researcher... everything was submitted and everything was public. AGIAN RCMP, HRP and CSIS are not refuting the evidence... but she decided it was wrong just to fit her FIXED and VIOLENT DELUSIOUS.

NSHA Staff then acted with incredible prejudice and bias... couldn't answer basic questions... degraded and humiliated me when I was calm, cool and collected the entire time. The word abuse doesn't do it justice... this was clear exploitation and humiliation of a vulnerable person...

Now Doctor Holms absolutely lied about all of it. She literally says she doesn't see a connection between Stephen McNeil and HRP.... when she was told Robin McNeil and Stephen McNeil are brothers. She told me I'm making up events, dates and connecting but couldn't specify ANYTHING because she knew she was wrong. She KNEW she had NO AUTHORITY WHAT SO EVER to make that decision and that was up to Police... which brings you back to the Question why didn't HRP just let me file a complaint!? Before arresting me!?... SHE ISNT THAT STUPID... SHE 100% KNEW and she tried to claim plausible deniability.

The facts are I'm a Global technical Expert... With Serious technical Background... she knows that but just decided my technical and security evaluations weren't valid because it fit HER DELUSIONS. She seen someone she thought she could exploit... she seen a vulnerable person and she turned into the Monster she really is... She couldn't control herself... She went STRAIGHT for violence so she could try to claim plausible deniability.... HOW SCOULD SHE HAVE KNOWN!?

She then forces drugs into me. Blaming me... When she couldn't even answer... who do I report this to? Why didn't HRP let me file a case? What's connections aren't there? WHAT DATES ARE RANDOM? What connections are random!? She knew my wallet was stolen and just happened to turn up with HRP (In the hands of these same people) but told me I was making it up... When ANY idiot would see it immediately.

WHILE I asked her repeatedly what did I do wrong!? She said it's not behavioral, it's the topic... Well isn't that why police have to investigate the Evidence of the topics? Yes it is... Any idiot would know that but she instead inflicted severe violence simply because didn't agree. It's delusional. Doctor Holms suffers from Violent Fixed Delusions where she thinks she is a technical and security expert but also judge, jury and executioner... Where if she simply doesn't agree... she believes violence is the only way.... I would say she has a serious mental illness.

She is a Monster and she knows what she did was wrong. While the entire time, I was calm, cool and collected...

This was Torture. In fact it was coercive torture. It was Criminal Negligence and what she did was a Criminal Assault.

Complaints have been submitted to RCMP, HRP, Human Rights Commission, NSHA, and Privacy Commissioner. I'm asking RCMP to formally charge Doctor Holms and NSHA Staff.

Witness Name: Can be provided later

Witness #2 Name: Can be provided later

Summary Point 1: Torture

Summary Point 2: Assault

Summary Point 3: Doctor Homs absolutely ied to cover up for HRP.... she knew she had to file complaint against her own Doctor, and then HRP.

Summary Point 4: She knew HRP was exploiting IPTA as arbitrary detention and to terrorize...

Summary Point 5: She called the Apology HISTORIC . But didn't know Stephen McNeil and Robin were brothers!?

Summary Point 6: She called the Apology HISTORIC but didn't know JIM PERRIN was also the Superintendent and commander and Robin chief when wallet stolen!?

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I declare that I am the person identified as the "complainant" on this form.: Checked

I understand that the College's complaint process is not anonymous and that my identity will be disclosed to the physician named in my complaint as directed by the Medical Act.: Checked

I understand that I should not discuss the complaint with the physician.: Checked

I understand that the relationship with my physician may change or end as a result of this complaint.: Checked

I will maintain respectful communication with the College, whether in writing, over the phone or in person.: Checked

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"