CPSNS Complaint against Kristen Holm Extending to Emergency Mental Health Doctor and NSHA Staff and NSHA Staff A. (Another submitted November 30th 2023)

Release Date: November 14th 2023
Original Document:Link
Document Tiny URL: https://tinyurl.com/y64869d6
HTML Tiny URL: https://tinyurl.com/32248hdc

Submitted By:

Scott Jewers


Complaint against Kristen Holm Extending to Emergency Mental Health Doctor and NSHA Staff and NSHA Staff A.


November 14th 2023

  1. Introduction
  2. Review of Record submitted by Kristen Holm - "God of the Gaps"
  3. Personal Message to College
  4. Personal Message to Kristen Holm
  5. Research Project - The Wolf and The Neural Network (TWNN)

This response is based off how Kristen Holm has presented her record of events to me so far. I will absolutely make adjustments and apologize if data is presented that contradicts anything I say here. I also maintain my Chartered rights, especially in regards to freedom of expression.

A video series consisting of 20 + videos has been created, covering the topics and interactions with the individuals. The Series is called, The Wolf and The Neural Network (TWNN) and a video will be created from this document.

  1. Credentials - 18 Years in technology. Degree in information technology and specializing in Database Management. Worked for research In Motion as a Systems Analyst and Escalation Point for BlackBerry Internet Service, Handheld software and BES software. I worked for Dalhousie and Irving Shipbuilding where I had two references on my file, one from director and another from Manager.
  2. Transparency - All evidence is Public. This is to expedite the process and make this fair to Kristen Holm. While everything can be fact checked at www.TheWolfAndTheNeuralNetwork.com
    1. With the Alpha Version, Submitted July 11th 2022. It was submitted as an excel file and now exists at https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/DreamAlpha.html
  3. HRP Police Report (regarding August 2nd 2022) - Supplied On Thread - PAGE 1 DIRECT LINK - https://tinyurl.com/5ydyzt42 - PAGE 2 DIRECT LINK - https://tinyurl.com/yc3r9uv5
  4. Report sent to NSHA October 22nd 2022 - Supplied On Thread - DIRECT LINK - https://tinyurl.com/29bmv67z
  5. Document from NSHA Banning me from Victoria General Dated August 22nd 2023 - Supplied on Thread - DIRECT LINK - https://tinyurl.com/yc82pd62
    1. And I never received it until August 31st 2023 and seems to be in retaliation and intimidation against me for submitting a complaint.
  6. Email sent August 3rd 2022 confirming I was consistent in my complaint topics. And maintained I was denied a lawyer. - Supplied On Thread - DIRECT LINK - https://tinyurl.com/3t3zdfky
  7. June 23rd 2023 - LINK - "Jamie Irving no longer head of board at Postmedia, owner of N.B. newspapers"
  8. September 6th 2023 - "Dan Kinsella, chief of Halifax Regional Police, announces retirement" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/28e82jtw.

Review of Record submitted by Kristen Holm ( Home )

I suspect the most reasonable strategy of Kristen Holm will be "god of the gaps". "Oh I was just playing devil's advocate", "I was just testing his delusions" and "I didn't mean it". While part of it will be claiming well he didn't tell me enough or he told me too much. And she will always win the he said she said game. And she will mount her defense around this.

First, we should address the underlying Bias of the Parties involved. It is non contestable that if even by economic consideration, it is in the shared interest of Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA), College, Kristen Holm for me to be "guilty". And without discussing it or "colluding" it's reasonable to assert that these parties also know that to be true. While they all know Halifax Regional Police (HRP) are going to refute this no matter what. And so to put this into context and illustrate using an incredible relative example. I will use a quote from Former CEO of Postmedia Paul Godfrey:

Video Link 6:10 a. "Look we understand the rules, the legal rules involving collusion" - Postmedia CEO Paul Godfrey on Torstar swap - https://youtu.be/UwIWpGWKzUQ?si=ffIDUYiMOBxEk7o_&t=370

While as another the tangible expressions of Systemic Bias is a quote directly from Kristen Holm herself when she says 4:16 - "Police, you know, honestly, they do that... they do that all the time. Right" . While the premise of "Grand Delusions" is solely because of the individuals and institutions involved which is basically saying that I'm Just Scott Jewers and I'm not them. I'm not the "right kind of white". A presumption of implicit guilt for me, and implicit innocence for "them". All while I think most people can relate to the sentiment that that NSHA and HRP would have never done this if my last name was McNeil, Trudeau or Irving.

While in terms of Facts and Evidence. The fact is The Wolf and The Neural Network (TWNN) was released as a Research Tool that was made to combat "Gods of The Gaps" Arguments and Bias used by all parties. And specifically shows how organized and prepared I actually was which immediately contradicts HRP, NSHA, and Kristen Holm claims and statements of me being "Disorganized". Right, Wrong or whatever percent. It's an effective, organized and logical delivery method. While in my reviews and Main Email Thread well before walking down to HRP I have explicitly stated over and over this is not all about me. While I directly admitted my bias meaning the fact is Kristen Holm and NSHA Staff were disorganized and unprepared.

  1. Kristen Holm - (3:08) - "It wasn't about your behavior, it was about what you were talking about."

The first step here is the mismatch between the NSHA record and HRP record. Nowhere in the HRP record does it say I was protesting. They all leave out that they called themselves a "Conflict of Interest" , stating they were getting me a paper to file a complaint with Professional Standards and just can back and arrested me. They also leave out that I deferred to amalgamated evidence, The Wolf and The Neural Network (TWNN). And asking about a Lawyer.

Now let's cover where we are at with Halifax Regional Police, NSHA Staff, NSHA Staff A, Emergency Mental Health Doctor and Kristen Holm. NSHA Staff and NSHA Staff A - Are claiming their actions were justified based on the subsequently admission by the Emergency Mental Health Doctor when the Emergency Mental Health Doctor based their decision on the self-admitted incomplete record of NSHA Staff A where there is also a massive mismatch between NSHA Staff and Halifax Regional Police records while they didn't record anything about the conflict of interest and me being denied a lawyer. This is while the Emergency Mental Health Doctor mocked and humiliated me for asking about Basic Privacy when unknown HRP Officer Walks in the room and Emergency Mental Health Doctor is forcing me to talk about this as they sat in the room beside us. Where that HRP Officer would then yell in my face. While NSHA Staff, NSHA Staff A and Emergency Mental Health Doctor and quite possibly Halifax Regional Police were all involved in a Privacy Breach regarding my Personal Health Information (PHI - Health Card) but also my Financial and Identify information contained within my book bag and then wallet PAGE 73 which ended up with a person clearly in distress, who completely unprompted the next day asked if I wanted to rock, paper, scissors for one of the $20's and warned me about Police. While Karen Hornberger of NSHA Privacy claims the events with my book bag didn't happen and just closed my case while basically calling me a liar while Karen Hornberger of NSHA Privacy made no mention of these incomplete records. Now in NSHA Audio Recording F on August 5th 2023 Kristen Holm states all she has is the record generated from NSHA Staff, NSHA Staff A and Emergency Mental Health Doctor while you see what their incredible failures while she explicitly states she didn't contact Halifax Regional Police to clarify or see if they wanted to stick with it, even knowing what occurred, even when her own nurse said "the points about conflict of interest were really good" . While Kristen Holm herself stated 4:16 - "Police, you know, honestly, they do that... they do that all the time. Right"... leaning on Halifax Regional Police for fair Evaluation (Implicit "guilt" for me, implicit "innocence" for them, no freedom of association). While Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) removed the Arresting HRP Officers from the complaint so they can't be questioned and wont explain why. All while Kristen Holm is clearly leaning on those Arresting HRP Officers and Halifax Regional Police for fair evaluation all while in the same statement Kristen Holm is claiming Halifax Regional Police would never do anything sketchy like that when they are doing exactly that. While then Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) on July 7th 2023 is directly claiming Kristen Holm reviewed the evidence regarding EMIC, Google Business Analytic Property View Spikes, being offered $50,000 for stories about my life and Burchells LP, Valent Legal, The Wolf and the Neural Network, Target Audience Analysis (TAA), resignations, threats towards my family etc. When you can see as a matter of fact on the record that Kristen Holm did not evaluate any of those topics or evidence as they were not discussed. While this Complaint regarding Kristen Holm was made to the College Late August 2023. So how could Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) know what Kristen Holm did or didn't review? He couldn't. Really Think about that. All while Kristen Holm clearly stated in the recording, Only Stephen McNeil, HRP, Investigation at JDIrving and My Wallet while given her blatant prejudice, bias and bigotry and her non-contestable gain she would have mentioned something like EMIC or GPS. Showing I only discussed the conflict of interest while I had extremely reasonable, well prepared, completely referenced evidence to support it. While I'm sure the College and Kristen Holm will agree that the College and Kristen Holm do not have the skills to evaluate the evidence and so would understand and appreciate my concerns with statements made by Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) basically stating he doesn't have to review any evidence, answer a basic question, or speak to me on the phone because Kristen Holm just said I was retarded and so there is "there is no doubt"... "NO DOUBT" what so ever that I am just retarded and all that evidence and witnesses is made up. While by their own records, completely independent of me it's clear nobody reviewed any evidence while serious abuse occurred towards me by Kristen Holm, NSHA and HRP. While this evidence is compelling to say the least.

Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) - "In regard to his allegation of being mistreated, there is no doubt that Mr Jewers was suffering from a mental health crisis at the time."

And what does Kristen Holm have to implicitly say about that?

Kristen Holm - 4:16 - "Police, you know, honestly, they do that... they do that all the time. Right".

But I'm the one who is retarded?

This is Systemic Failure at its finest. A perfect example of Systemic Disease. This is professional Negligence while there is a solid case for Criminal Negligence.

While now let's look at what Kristen Holm calls "collateral"... my physically and Mentally Disabled Mother and then Family Doctor. When Kristen Holm called them do you think she told them the Police said they were a conflict of interest, and were getting me papers to file a complaint with professional standards and then just came back and arrested me and that her colleagues denied me a lawyer and that I was mocked and humiliated as I sat there calmly? No. While I told Kristen Holm about how sick My Mother was especially recently and that something serious was going on and I told her she shouldn't be alone. When I was in the hospital, my mother fell and crushed the garbage can. Within days of my release Mom showed me the results from the Doctor and there was A 17 cm Mass. She thought I was only in the Hospital for 3 days when it was 10. My mother told me Kristen Holm lied to her, and when we listened to the recordings mom and I cried together... By September 2023, I was picking her up off the Floor while she was laying in her own excrement. She died January 29th 2023. While there were existing issues, including serious cognitive issues which can be independently verified by witnesses as well as medically verified. But the fact Kristen Holm is making me bring my family into this while she would blame a mentally and physically disabled woman all while Kristen Holm, this "Professional" helping everyone "live their best life" didn't even do a basic google search that would take 7 seconds while she took a dump, that was on topics or players she herself decided to call "Historic" and "Public" is SICK... But putting that aside, you really have to stop to appreciate the finer details here. And how sick this was. Kristen Holm knew I only knew two Phone Numbers While I wouldn't want to involve anyone else. So it was my Aunt whom you see defending me PAGE 80 in the record and my mother. Kristen Holm knew I had spoken to no one before she did, that I had been awake for almost 30+ Hours and I told her I couldn't reach anyone as I later found out it required a different phone to call long distance to Ecum Secum and when I did call it just rang. I told Kristen Holm and wanted to sleep. I thought since I was already in for the 72 Hours that I couldn't change it I went to sleep. I didn't think Kristen Holm would call and completely misrepresent and take advantage of my Mother like that. While here is a quote from my mother from 2019... "Scott... you, know they are going to use me against you right"... - Mom was with me in the car that dropped me off August 2nd 2022, she encouraged me to go and do what was right.

Now, Regarding the History and time frame, COVID and Global Pandemic (March 2020) was occurring directly in this time period and my Mother was VERY HIGH risk and nobody across the Globe knew how bad it would get from the Virus to Jobs. So I took care of her. And in this time I continued to educate myself. While lets be perfectly clear about what this record states... I never said I was doing this for DND, CSIS or Police. What I said was, I had intentions of going to work for Canada such as CSIS, RCMP and DND and help them catch some really bad people. But how could I if they framed? How could I use my skills to target minorities and vulnerable people? This is clearly stated on the Main Email Thread. And is supported by the Job interview at the CSIS nest on December 10th 2019.

While now let's directly quantify just some of the impact and Damage caused by the by the Blatant Negligence of NSHA Staff, NSHA Staff A, Emergency Mental Health Doctor and Kristen Holm. They created a fraudulent record that can be subpoenaed by these special interests, some of which have billions of dollars and can use this fraudulent record created by Kristen Holm as to justify their actions prior to August 2022. While 2 Days after admittance my neighbor found 2 RCMP behind their house with flashlights and had go out to confront them. We live 41KM from an RCMP station, in a rural area. While engaging RCMP and the Main Email Thread it appeared these Parties were deleting the EMIC Contracts from the Government site (October 2022 - added back after pointing out the were on WayBack Machine) all while RCMP said that because Kristen Holm said I was retarded so I don't get rights and wouldn't allow me to open a case as to hear evidence. While they continued to degrade, humiliate and intimidate me. While Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) is claiming Kristen Holm reviewed the evidence... it's all a big lie. A massive, steaming heap of Systemic Failure, Bigotry, prejudice and Bias.

Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) - July 7th 2023 - " Scott Jewers provided a link to a transcript that he says is from his meeting with the Psychologists at Mount Hope Hospital on August 05th, 2022. It is a partial transcript that includes a comment from the doctor advising him that he is making connections of things that are not connected and that it is a symptom of psychosis. The doctor advises him she is concerned for his wellbeing and is keeping him at the hospital and starting him on medication to deal with the psychosis. The doctor also advises him that they would force him to take medication if he refused due to her concern for him. The doctor also explains to Jewers that the reason the police brought him to the hospital was because they were concerned about him, and that it was not because of his behaviour, but what he was talking about . There is no mention from Jewers in this transcript of him mentioning inappropriate police conduct toward him or his backpack."

  1. Showing Jonathan Jefferies leaning on Kristen Holm. When Kristen Holms record doesn't show any of the evidence. Nor is she remotely qualified to review this evidence. While look at what she is covering up with the Mocking and Humiliating Me, me being denied a Lawyer, and with my Book Bag PAGE 73 being sent to Mount Hope before I seen the doctor... There is nothing about EMIC, Google Business Analytics Property Spikes, Valent or Burchells LLP. But claims, Kristen Holm reviewed it.

Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) - " Security video from HQ was reviewed which captures the officers attending and speaking with Jewers, who possessed a backpack at the time. The arrest was noneventful without any notable resistance or use of force by the officers."

  1. Confirms behavioral - I was calm, cool and collected the entire time. Including 10 + Hours in Handcuffs. Completely consistent with every recorded interaction.

Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) - "In regard to his allegation of being mistreated, there is no doubt that Mr Jewers was suffering from a mental health crisis at the time."

This shows exactly what these people are trying to do. They know they just have to lean their interest at very least 51% I in each other's favor. While they keep claiming Plausible Deniability and blaming everyone else while they pretend to be Heroes. While I had to do is shift their timing of the responses of Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) - July 7th 2023 and Kristen Holm - September 2023 to show their blame game doesn't match up. It's the very foundation of a quote such as:

Video Link 6:10 a. "Look we understand the rules, the legal rules involving collusion" - Postmedia CEO Paul Godfrey on Torstar swap - https://youtu.be/UwIWpGWKzUQ?si=ffIDUYiMOBxEk7o_&t=370

Which all brings us to an obvious, reasonable and extremely concerning question:

If HRP and NSHA did this in such an obvious case where I was, cool and collected and this prepared, then think what these parties would done if Police just brought me in off the street and made up a story, or were fed a false narrative by the "right kind of white"?

Given the evidence my best option was to walk down to Halifax Regional Police and be calm, cooperative, prepared and truthful. And on August 2nd 2022, I did exactly that. While even after Kristen Holm did this, I insisted Kristen Holm shouldn't have to lose her license but nobody contacted me and they retaliated more. Leaving us in our current situation where I'm ethically torn in how to proceed.

Which brings me to the Morning my mother died. January 29th 2023, when Tim Houston Showed up. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/3x3px4tz. They were trying to get me to react so they could retaliate. And everyone would have just believed them because they all stand to lose in this.

So. I think the best thing, is provide everyone with access to the same information. That way their choices are clear. So I've attached the Optional Layer 2 Layout. This document is the first version and is still undergoing heavy refactoring and is not meant for public release. Its meant to severe as a the middle link between Layer 1 -> Data Points to Layer 2 -> Layout into a Basic Fact Based Story. From there you can produce Layer 3 Products -> Reviews, Books, and Movies or use it for Training, reference and Education. And is part of the evolution and larger project scope of The Wolf and The Neural Network (TWNN).

While Remember it was Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards), Kristen Holm and NSHA Staff who decided NSHA and Kristen Holm should evaluate the evidence and are qualified to do so. So, then please reference the section below called " Research Project - The Wolf and the Neural Network ". If you state you should not be evaluating the evidence, then you make my point. If you defer to RCMP or HRP, you make my point. If you get the evidence wrong, you make my point.

I fully expect a detailed answer from the College on what I should have done and who I should have taken this to if not Police. Along with answers as to why staff lied on records, mocked humiliated and tortured me.


Kristen Holm decided this evidence should be evaluated by the College. HRP Investigator Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) stated in his official report that Kristen Holm reviewed the evidence and that I was retarded. When you see her record, she did not. While when asked about connections she only listed my wallet and Stephen McNeil, which is me directly explaining the conflict of interest. While If the College claims it cannot evaluate the Evidence then Kristen Holm should never have been evaluating the evidence. And if the College says I should have taken it to the Police, then consider what these "Professionals" did even in a semi-controlled circumstance. College, they wrote Hallucinations... WHAT THE HELL!? These people are Monsters who were on a witch Hunt as to literally twist, turn and manipulate. While they undeniably lied through the record and call themselves Heroes. It's disgusting. These Monsters Denied me a lawyer, mocked and humiliated me while they were involved in a Privacy Breach regarding my Book Bag - > Wallet -> Health Card (PHI). They didn't record what HRP did or said, or why I was contesting IPTA... All while is at their completely cool, calm and collected... think about that. While Kristen Holm was torturing me and going to torture me as to generate further Fraudulent Records of events and Names that my abusers can subpoena while she blames a physically and mentally disabled woman... The sheer negligence is staggering... absolutely staggering. And now these Monsters are blaming me because they can't face what abject failures they are... these People are real Monsters.

While look at the EMIC Contract #1 and EMIC Contract #2 with National Defense and Target Audience Analysis (TAA). My GPS Location was set to that residence 40KM away. This is Spyware. And given the contract designations they literally don't have to tell you what they did or they were involved and can legally lie to your face. While they all have very real reasons to want to cover up these issues with Systemic Racism. While Kristen Holm has now fabricated a fraudulent record that these special interests and my abusers can subpoena and one that JDIrving could then use to say it justifies some kind of Action in 2019. While it's extremely reasonable to state that Kristen Holm knew she would have file complaint against the previous Staff and would have to testify against Halifax Regional Police. That's why there are Consistent Omissions in these records. This is the very idea behind the foundations of such a quote:

Video Link 6:10 a. "Look we understand the rules, the legal rules involving collusion" - Postmedia CEO Paul Godfrey on Torstar swap - https://youtu.be/UwIWpGWKzUQ?si=ffIDUYiMOBxEk7o_&t=370

The fact is that this was never about me. This was a projection of Kristen Holm's inability to face her own over inflated sense of self-worth and self-importance while I paid price for her Violent Delusions. And I truly believe that if these recordings and video did not exist then Kristen Holm and NSHA Staff would have done horrible things they never thought they would do as to cover up for what they did.

And with my mother. Kristen Holm seen a mentally and physically disabled woman (just some retard) that Kristen Holm could lie to, exploit and then blame. And the damage Kristen Holm did to us and our relationship during her last 6 Months of her life can never be undone and there is no amount of apologizing that will ever make it alright.

Please think about my position. I have no mental health history, no history with Police, no history with violence what so ever. I don't believe in ghosts, demons, magic, alien abductions or religion. And I have credentials to back my skills. I was incredibly well prepared, and every record shows how cool, calm and collected I was including video and audio recordings. While it also shows how respectful I was to every Officer and Staff member even though they were stripping my rights and dignity. Even after being humiliated by NSHA Staff, denied a Lawyer, terrorized and tortured I still tried to be a good person. While there was direct evidence of serious events within months, days and hours of walking down to Halifax Regional Police. While at every stage I was calm and the record will show it. I sat Emergency for 10+ Hours in handcuffs, humiliated and was still completely cool, calm and collected the entire time. While those NSHA Staff systematically stripped my chartered rights and dignity in favor of their bigotry, prejudice and bias but I still treated them with respect. While it is a fact to hundreds of lawyers, government officials and Police Agencies that I had this incredible, well prepared evidence and admitted my bias showing the questions are extremely reasonable. So what else could I have done to defend myself from Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act (IPTA)? Absolutely nothing. Nothing I did would have stopped these Monsters because they were driven by Bigotry, prejudice and bias.

The fact is that My Admission to Mount Hope and Arrest under IPTA was not based on facts and Evidence which is what is required under IPTA. The facts are that IPTA was used specifically so I couldn't and wouldn't be able to provide facts and evidence. IPTA was used as form of Arbitrary Detention, Defamation and Coercive Aversion by Halifax Regional Police, Nova Scotia Health Authority and Kristen Holm. IPTA was used a form of Coercive Torture where Kristen Holm basically tried to chemically castrate me literally because she couldn't perform a 7 second google search while taking a poop while she is then blaming a sick mentally and physically disabled woman.

And these so called "mistakes" made by Kristen Holm were not small or victimless. They severely impact me and my life. And this wasn't one or two small instances of Negligence. This was broad and blatant instances of intentional Negligence by NSHA Staff, NSHA Staff A, The Emergency Mental Health Doctor and Kristen Holm. They all share responsibility for the Subsequent Humiliation, Defamation and Severe Systemic Violence used against me.

If Kristen Holm has not already admitted what she did then I will accept nothing less than Kristen Holm losing her license. And the case being deferred to RCMP for investigating of Criminal Negligence, Criminal Assault and Fraud.

Kristen Holm

You are the embodiment of Systemic Failure... I can only imagine what you would have done had I not created that video and if there weren't audio recordings. And the worst part of this is that you will still deny it because you can't face your own delusions which is terrifying and it makes me wonder how many other people have your violent delusions hurt. Either way Kristen I absolutely whole heartily believe that fundamentally you are a bad person and I believe the Public will agree. You're not the Victim or a Hero Kristen... you by every measure are the villain.

But that aside, the reality is that you have screwed their argument and seem to have validated mine. Right now, even with the resignations and retirements then by your record if I associated them, then you would call me retarded. You fixated on Stephen McNeil resigning the day after I sent my letter when I only assigned it a 1% and told you that wasn't even what this was about. But had I assumed that was just related you would have called me retarded...while you Kristen fixated on that so then you must be!? Isn't it funny how that works Kristen!?

And so if you think about it Kristen, you are admitting I did the right thing throughout. First, Kristen I never lied to you when I could have, I face that Delusional Monster that's inside you head on. I was honest about my family history. I gathered massive amounts of evidence and organized it while there are independent witnesses throughout. I did the proper Security, Ethical and Technical reviews. I kept it educational, never asked anyone to believe me and pleaded with people to be critical, never claimed this was all about me and I did my best to present the evidence as Data Points, avoid slander and actively present bias. I followed general mental health guidelines and I spoke with my Doctor throughout knowing it could hurt me while I offered full transparency and cooperation in the matter to authorities. I have no history of mental illness, history of any violence or past with police. And as you said in the recording this wasn't behavior 3:08 - "It wasn't about your behavior, it was about what you were talking about." while now you undeniably see the incredible and well organized evidence submitted which was also publically available at the time. While NSHA Records are an absolute inconsistent mess. While there were direct events and compelling evidence within Months, Days and Hours of walking to Halifax Regional Police. And when you met with me, you know I was calm, cool and collected even after thing I had gone through with NSHA Staff and being awake for almost 30+ Hours I held myself together extremely well. While The Wolf and The Neural Network (TWNN) is clearly a Technical, Ethical and Security research project as was stated.

And now all these Parties are all watching. EMIC, DND, RCMP, CSIS, Government, Lawyers, Prime Minister, Public, Media and Premier... And they know you are lying Kristen... while as you can see they screwed all of us. And their most reasonable play right now is for us to all fight each other as they use that as a distraction from "them" . It's reasonably what they tried with the deleting the EMIC Contract #1 and EMIC Contract #2 while justifying their inaction because you Kristen Holm fabricated a false record and called me retarded just as Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) also used your fabricated record to just call me retarded without due process. You know what this is Kristen... And this is " them ". So your answers, behaviors and interactions are all being evaluated and fed back into their Behavioral System and fueling systems such as Target Audience Analysis (TAA). While you can almost be sure "they" are betting on you following your predictable pattern of Systemic Bias, Prejudice, Violence and Bigotry. While regardless in the end "they" will still most definitely blame you while they pretend to be heroes. No different than what you tried with me...It's a vicious cycle Kristen... But now you have an advantage. The College also sees what they did while I've explained the Players, Board and Game. These players will be directly asked if they Trust you while I have a lot more including audio recordings just to make it extra interesting...

And so, I have just a few questions:

  1. EMIC
    1. Please comment on My GPS location being bet to Residence A.
      1. Technical - What do you believe to be the most likely cause? And can you provide a technical assessment and resources for your determination?
        1. Do you agree Spyware is the most reasonable conclusion?
      2. Target Audience Analysis (TAA) - What is TAA as you understand it?
        1. NATO - Given the levels of escalation outlined by NATO, Which level of TAA do you believe it was used in this case? <LINK>
      3. Behavioral - What would you personally have done had I given you this information?
        1. Extended to Google Business Analytic Property View Spikes and Phishing from Valent Legal. This shows there was never any sense of " client attorney privilege ".
          1. Who should a Canadian take this to if not Police?
      4. Procedural - Who should a Canadian take this too?
      5. Comments on Residence B?
        1. How would you feel if your nephew asked "Why are they taking pictures of us"?
  2. Behavioral - Please comment on using Wolf Analogies to describe Humans and or Human Behavior.
    1. EMIC - Was involved with Howling Wolves and Psychological Warfare. Can you comment on why they might choose wolves and howling sounds?
    2. David Vigneault - Canadas Spy Chief is using Wolf Analogies in regards to Human Behavior? (" Lone wolf " - " cry wolf "). Can you comment on why he may use wolves specifically?
      1. Can you comment on the Human Psychology when we call people animals?
    3. Scott Jewers - Used wolves and animal behavior to explain these topics.
  3. Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) - How do you feel that now Jonathan Jefferies has removed the Arresting Officers from the complaint?
    1. Jonathan Jefferies (HRP Professional Standards) is claiming you Kristen Holm and so the College are more qualified that police to review the evidence and that you Kristen Holm have already reviewed the evidence including EMIC, Valent Legal, Google Business Analytic Property View Spikes etc. when you know in fact you absolutely haven't? W
    2. Lawyer - How do you feel that I was denied a Lawyer and then only offered one after the Emergency Mental Health Doctor already admitted me, while mocking and humiliating me?
      1. Why did you not record this Kristen?
    3. Do you believe you are qualified to evaluate this evidence Kristen?
      1. Can you provide your qualifications?
  4. Procedural - There were significant events within Months, Days and Hours of walking down to Halifax Regional Police. Including, Hacking, Phishing, Identify Theft. Accounts being locked. Resignations when I get my Freedom of information request back...
    1. Who would you take this to if not Police?

Good Luck.

Research project - The Wolf and the Neural Network

Derived from Version "Waking from a Dream" and "Alpha" (Layer One)

Version 1 - November 9th 2023

This document is to act as a reference, evaluation, education and debate and is subject to change.

You can use the research tool www.TheWolfAndTheNeuralNetwork.com To Follow Along, check other events or Fact check.

Please know this is not meant to accuse anyone and this is clearly biased towards my perspective. The reader is urged to engage in critical thinking and use www.TheWolfAndTheNeuralNetwork.com and Google Search to find alternative articles and supporting information. Personally I was aiming for a 70% average while I believe I'm hitting 85% +. I don't believe in ghosts, demons, magic, alien abductions or religion. I maintain, I was not the protagonist, this was not all about me and It's likely I got caught up in something or " they" thought I was someone I wasn't and have provided significant evidence to support that. While in regards to the investigation with JDIrving no technical or quality information was ever challenged or anything like that.

Tiny URL is used to shorten web links (URL's), for example www.TheWolfAndTheNeuralNetwork.com -> https://tinyurl.com/yc8s25zy so if you search the link online it will automatically redirect you to the long link making it a lot easier for anyone reading from paper. While LINK will contain the direct long link and can be opened by Left Click, or by Holding CTRL on the keyboard and Clicking LINK. Or a more safe approach, Right click the LINK and choose Copy Hyperlink and then paste it into a Web Browser as to inspect it before visiting.

General Security Considerations - Privacy is key. And trusted VPN Services can reduce the number of ways your privacy can be breached. To put it simply your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can only see you connect to the VPN Provider, all traffic is then tunneled through their servers somewhere else in the world. However there is no 100% solution and does not address On Device issues and your best solution would be a tiered System. First assume any Device or any open or Public Wi-Fi is always compromised and then work backwards. From there, add layers of Protection - VPN - Anti Virus and Malware Protection - Education and Best Practices. I did not rely on any "secretive" systems such as Tor or DuckDuckGo. I would not want security services having to think I was intentionally or unreasonably hiding something. This also not meant to promote those services as they can also be extremely dangerous given someone has bad intentions and can create serious roadblocks for Authorities investigating serious and violent crimes. Which is part of the reason of using "On Device Investigation Tools (ODIT's) software such as Spyware when investigating high priority cases such as that with National Security and Defense.

So first I'll explain common connections between Postmedia and EMIC and then show their activity and involvement in Halifax, Nova Scotia through November 2018 until Present. I will present evidence of significant data spikes that seem to occur generally every six months, so roughly November 2018, May 2019, November 2019 and May 2020 and then resignation of Stephen McNeil on August 6th 2020. I will relates these activities to Smartphone Market Saturation, "Rise of Populism", AI, Spyware, Bill C-18 The Online News Act, Democracy, War, Target Audience Analysis (TAA), Systemic Bias, Systemic Racism and "Waking up Hate" . I will show how the data patterns between myself and Halifax Regional Police overlap 3 times in 2019 and then directly January 2020 during the Investigation with JDIrving. And how these stories came to overlap, and then how they scale up. While explaining why and how Halifax Regional Police came to be a "conflict of interest" and covering why they falsely arrested me August 2nd 2022.

EMIC - SCL Group - Cambridge Analytica

  1. DND - National Defense contract with EMIC for Target Audience Analysis (TAA). - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/mt3h666n
    1. EMIC - SCL Group - Cambridge Analytica - My GPS was set to Residence A. Over 40KM away, the EMIC Contracts Match Land Transfer records for Residence A while I have Military IP's interacting with my systems. While given this designation, these people can basically lie to everyone including police.
      1. EMIC Contracts - https://search.open.canada.ca/contracts/?sort=contract_date+desc&search_text=EMIC&page=1
        1. Residence A - EMIC Contract #1 - Infographic of Relationships, Land Transfer Dates and Associations with EMIC - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/448wz5hx
        2. Residence B - EMIC Contract #2 - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/2m46wezk
        3. While any Security Expert or Technologist will tell you the most reasonable cause of my GPS being set to Residence A is Spyware. While the data patterns and technological review also point to Spyware.
    2. NATO - Referring to Target Audience Analysis (TAA) as PsyOps - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/mtn5sv29
    3. "weapons grade communications tactics"-and the UK Government had to be told if it was going to be deployed in another country." - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/4su2pbka
    4. Video - "Ep 4 - Wolves in Nova Scotia? Nope, EMIC, Military , Cambridge Analytica Psychological Warfare TAA" - https://youtu.be/T_s3ZmkCQNk
  2. EMIC - SCL Group - Cambridge Analytica - SCL Group is the Parent Company of Cambridge Analytica which was involved in a Global "Scandal" which triggered Parliamentary Inquiries worldwide. Involving Machine Learning while they were also suspected of using Spyware. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/mvx7p7c8

Postmedia (66% Foreign Owned - American (Chatham Asset Management))

  1. David Pugliese (Postmedia Journalist) - JDIrving, DND and Privacy Commissioner. Serious issues in 2019. Commissioner found in Favor of Postmedia. This is the suspected core overlap between me and "them".
    1. SaltWire - Postmedia takes over for SaltWire in Halifax, Nova Scotia in March 2019.
  2. TorStar - 2018 through 2020 Postmedia and TorStar were under investigation for "Collusion" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/6b9rwvcn .
  3. Donald Trump (US Politics) - Pardoned Conrad Black (National Post -> Postmedia)
  4. Mark Norman. - Passive
    1. Doug Ford, Jason Kenney were leveraging Postmedia and their interests of Joining the "war Room".
  5. Video Link 6:10 a. "Look we understand the rules, the legal rules involving collusion" - Postmedia CEO Paul Godfrey on Torstar swap - YouTube - https://tinyurl.com/3hn8v7wn

Overlapping Data Patterns between Postmedia and EMIC

  1. David Pugliese (Postmedia Journalist) - I found the EMIC Contract #1 when investigating the Data Patterns associated with David Pugliese in 2019. The same one from 2019 that I said I think I got caught up in between David Pugliese, Postmedia, JDIrving and DND. Which will be covered later.
    1. David Pugliese confirmed in a Public Article that EMIC was working in Nova Scotia as part of a Military Propaganda for DND. As part of that program there was a letter that was leaked September 2020 using the Government of Nova Scotia Letter head stating they released Wolves back into Nova Scotia which caused some people to be concerned. While it turns out they even had plans of playing Wolf Sounds such as howling as to see how people would react. LINK - https://tinyurl.com/4nw9yfer
  2. Vice Admiral Mark Norman - Charges were stayed May 2019 where he said He had "a story to tell". While separately Spyware was suspected. This was being investigated by RCMP.
    1. Which is why then Considering EMIC and Residence A and the Previous Land Registry entry associated with Residence A of October 13th 2016 is so interesting, it happened Just after David Pecker joins Postmedia Canada Board (October 19th 2016). LINK - https://tinyurl.com/nhc46c7v. And then within 3 Months of this Event, Vice Admiral Mark Norman was removed from command while Spyware was suspected.
  3. Donald Trump (US Politics) - EMIC - SCL Group - Cambridge Analytica (Steve Bannon, Mercers) and Postmedia (David Pecker, Dylan Howard, Daniel Rotstein) both have Board Members whom have been formally charged by the US Justice Department or within the US Justice System in and around 2016 and since. With direct connections with Donald Trump (US Politics).
    1. JDIrving - " February 17, 2022 (TORONTO) - Postmedia Network Canada Corp. ("Postmedia" or the "Company") today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement with J. D. Irving, Limited ("JDI") to purchase all of the issued and outstanding shares of Brunswick News Inc. ("BNI")."- LINK - https://tinyurl.com/yrznt3ba.
      1. January 1st 2023 - "Jamie Irving, currently a director of Postmedia's Board, will become Executive Chair effective January 1, 2023, having joined Postmedia's Board in April, 2022. …" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/2p9t9k4v

Top Level Overview of Topics - (You can skip to Main Layout, and use this for reference)

Systemic Racism - All Parties, SCL Group (Board members), Postmedia, DND, RCMP, HRP, Government have Histories and public associations with Systemic Racism. While Bill C-18 - The Online News Act ties in the direct Interests of Local, National and Global Media. This will link back to release of the Wortley Report on March 27th 2019 - LINK - https://humanrights.novascotia.ca/streetchecks , regarding Halifax Regional Police and the process known as "Street Checks" being deemed as too clearly and disproportionately targeted the Black Community in Halifax, Nova Scotia which is consistent with Historical reported Accounts. But also data indicating targeting other Minorities. This is not a unique problem with Halifax Regional Police. And does not consider other factors, or statistics about violence, or crime rates. Or the very real threat Police Officers face. This is more about Fear, technology and a redistribution of Social Equity.

  1. Systemic Racism and Systemic Bias - Clearly there was severe Systemic Racism in Canada in our 150 Year history. More specifically within policing. While there is no doubt that there is a lot more to be done, it has gotten a lot better. And Canada, Canadians and Police should be proud of that. However, if you choose to call something Systemic Bias with any degree of certainty then your explanation should immediately and without hesitation answer the basic question of "what year did Systemic Racism become Systemic Bias in Canada?"

Google Business Analytics Property View Spikes - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/y52ayvpw. Tracks Property Views on registered Business. I registered the property next to me as a Farm. Given this is a rural area, the general property Views is usually 0 or 1. You will see a Massive Spike of over 400 in a Few days in September 2021 and Again July 2022 (A thousand in a Few Days) correlating from when I disclosed this August 2021 and then 2021 Canadian federal Election on September 20th 2021. The Spikes did not always respond to every email sent. From September 2021 a sub pattern seem to emerge it almost looked like A Random Number between 60 and 120. Or the very idea of it at least and is much clearer in the July 2022 entry. While if this were me, I would generate noise such as (random between 60 and 120) + (my actual connections). This would hide my true connections within the noise or random numbers between 60 and 120. Which is how it might look in say, a medium size town. With a few stores.

Target Audience Analysis (TAA) - PsyOps, Psychological warfare, Weapons Grade Communication Tactics. While the underlying Players, all have benefit from similar Tactics. This is part of why I implemented Non-Zero Reasoning. Which is similar to AI in terms of weights and biases, and generating useful 1's in Math. It starts out weak, but given the right Training Data it can become extremely sophisticated tool. And keeps you from over associating.

Main Email Thread - Started August 2021 - Behavioral Tracking - By sending to multiple people in the same domain you can see if an individual blocked you or a server. While many individuals such as Government Officials have Auto Replies. While others, enable Auto Replies based on Holidays or Vacations. While if you received an Auto reply, you know the message is in the inbox. Or if you receive a holiday auto reply for instance then other emails reasonably should have.

  1. Chartered Rights -There appear to be inconsistencies in Auto Replies from Government addresses. Indicating, some may have manually blocked me or have local spam filters. As government was not allowed to Block users on X (Then Twitter). <LINK> and raises the same questions about Emails. And points to Government IT and Security coming up with comprehensive "Spam" policies where they know exactly why someone is blocked, as opposed to Individual Government Officials making that decision.
  2. Fundamental Freedoms - Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
      1. (a) freedom of conscience and religion;
      2. (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
      3. (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
      4. (d) freedom of association.

The Wolf and the Neural Network -

Bill C-18 - The Online News Act - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/2edaxcyt - Bill Morneau, of the Liberal Government Announced Initial Support for Media Companies November 2018. As claimed by Government, up to 80% of Advertisement revenue had shifted into the hands of large Tech companies such as Google and Facebook and this shift and so loss in ad revenue is hurting News Outlets. Some estimates put the Yearly amount recovered under Bill C-18 - The Online News Act to be over $300 Million with the plan being to split the Money among registered Qualified Canadian Journalism Organizations*. In a lot of ways Bill C-18 - The Online News Act is setting the standard for other larger countries and states on how to implement similar Laws or Taxes and is being called fundamental to Democracy by Government. With large players like Postmedia, Bell Media (CTV), CBC and TorStar getting large percentages every year. And so this kind of money and guarantee inherently inflates the value Media companies. While then hypothetically if consolidated under a few companies, this industry could be reorganized and become profitable. By February 17th 2022 JDIrving had sold their Media Business to Postmedia while Jamie Irving would then go on to be Executive Director of Postmedia who would be leading the push for Bill C-18 - The Online News Act through 2023.

2016 - Smartphone Market Saturation, sales Level Out. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/bdftjtds. With News Papers announcing explicit support for candidates through 2015 and 2016. You can see the shift in News Content to Social Media. While the 2016 Presidential Election would involve Cambridge Analytica, Social Analyzing, Target Audience Analysis (TAA), Machine Learning. While In one sense, it's using "weapons grade communications tactics" on Social Media which bypasses traditional News Rooms and Journalists. While Conspiracy Theories and misinformation were running rampant. This will behavior will serve as an argument for Bill C-18 - The Online News Act, or some other form of action. More will come throughout.

  1. "When Brittany Kaiser gave evidence to us in the spring of 2018, she discussed the porous nature between the commercial, the political and defence work of SCL, and that prior to 2015, the ‘target audience analysis' (TAA) methodology was considered a weapon-"weapons grade communications tactics"-and the UK Government had to be told if it was going to be deployed in another country." - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/4su2pbka
    1. Propaganda - I wonder about the similarities between the release of News Papers, Radios or Television.

Which brings us back to November 2018 when Government Support for Media Companies was announced:

  1. Canadian Government -
    1. Bill Morneau Announced support for Media Companies which would ultimately lead to Bill C-18 - The Online News Act.
    2. China - "On December 1, 2018, Huawei's board deputy chair Meng Wanzhou was detained upon arrival at Vancouver International Airport by Canada Border Services Agency officers for questioning, which lasted three hours." - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/28nfmm3b.
  2. Scott - November 7th 2018 - The Job I eventually got at JDIrving gets posted. February 4th 2019 until July 26th 2019.
    1. November 13th 2018 - I would apply 6 days later.
  3. David Pugliese of Postmedia - November 8th 2018 - Seems to be the start of their Posting Pattern directed towards JDIrving, DND and Government.
  4. Jeff Bezos - November 8th 2018 - Allegedly the date Jeff Bezos was "Hacked", it was suspected they exploited a feature in WhatsApp used to atomically parse Messages Text Messages, they used this process to redirect to a malicious server which downloaded "Spyware" while Postmedia Executives suspected involved in different aspects and events at the time. Reasonably as a message to the rest of the world, and or advertising - If we can get to him, we can get to anyone. While it easily have been Psychological, perhaps the Infection made it look like it did something. While if the richest man in the world didn't know for 6 months then what about everyone else including Media, Military, Government and Corporations? "No thank you, Mr. Pecker" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/3jt86fje.
    1. Jamal Khashoggi - Associated with violent murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, sometimes posted for Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamal_Khashoggi.
      1. Pegasus - Infections Tracked by Citizens Lab to use in Canada, puts Black Cube operatives and interests in Canada late 2018 through February 2019. - LINK
      2. Black Cube - Direct data associations with former Postmedia executives and Donald Trump (US Politics).
      3. Citizen labs - "The Kingdom Came to Canada How Saudi-Linked Digital Espionage Reached Canadian Soil" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/2smu4mh9.
  5. Donald Trump (US Politics) - Wasn't doing well in Mid Terms - LINK - Donald Trump (US Politics) would go on to lose the 2020 US Presidential Election which would eventually lead to the 2021 Capitol Hill Riot, where a Mob of people broke into Parliament some with the intentions of hanging the Vice President, Mike Pence. Leading to being Donald Trump (US Politics) charged with trying to overturn the election. Along with other felonies relating to Hush Money Payments (former Postmedia executives), Tax evasion, Record keeping (National Securities Acts) and Fraud. Currently, the most notably as of November 4th 2023 will be the RICO case brought against Former US President, Donald Trump (US Politics) and 18 Co-Codefendants in Georgia. - LINK -
    1. Steve Bannon - does Munk debate on Populism in Toronto, Canada VS David Frum. Used the conditioned Term "deplorables" 7 times. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/358zjx4w.
      1. Stephen Harper - would then go on to create videos about Populism. And use the term "deplorables". January 28th 2019.
      2. Mike Roman -Treasurer of IDU <NAME> alongside former Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. Quote from article in 2019 - "If an election is worth winning, then there is someone willing to steal it." - Mike Roman - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/3j655cr3.
        1. February 2022 - While there is alleged evidence Mike Roman they may have been in Canada during the 2022 "Freedom Convoy". - LINK
  6. Competition Bureau - Was pushing its investigation into Collusion between TorStar and Postmedia. This relationship between these parties and Halifax, Nova Scotia is Bill C-18 - The Online News Act, March 15th 2019 when SaltWire became a client of Postmedia and when November 19th 2019 when TorStar shuts down its Halifax Office. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/6b9rwvcn .

February 4th 2019 until July 26th 2019 - I worked at Irving Shipbuilding and I had some serious issues with my Manager. April 10th 2019 I asked them to make it to stop. Now, during this period, I performed extremely well, and helped with different stuff, so people knew my name and that I was smart. I suspect some employees thought I was form Government or something. So they couldn't just fire me because that would be extremely suspicious. 8 Days later on April 18th 2019:

  1. Scott Jewers - I get pointed at in Traffic and I got my first speeding ticket.
  2. Halifax Regional Police - That's same day HRP and RCMP states in internal memos that it would be disingenuous to apologize for Street Checks (Wortley Report) at this time due to complexities involved in an Institutional Apology - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/2af6v9pw.
  3. Jim Perrin - Who was Commander, Criminal Investigation Unit and Superintendent of Halifax Regional Police refers to it as Systemic Bias in the Media but did not rule out an apology. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/4wnef9ew .

February 7th 2019 - Blog Post, on Medium from Jeff Bezos titled "No thank you, Mr. Pecker". The Same Pecker who had joined Postmedia Canada board in 2016.

  1. "Any personal embarrassment AMI could cause me takes a back seat because there's a much more important matter involved here. If in my position I can't stand up to this kind of extortion, how many people can?" - Jeff Bezos - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/3jt86fje.
    1. Was this an advertisement to everyone else - This could be seen as purely psychological, and or to send a message to anyone else. Meaning there was a Financial, Psychological, Physical and Violent aspect to their "Advertisement" involving these people and Spyware.

March 15th 2019 - SaltWire became a Client for Postmedia in March 2019. The first Article David Pugliese (Postmedia) posts appears to be March 15th 2019 and was titled "Federal ministries investigate after officials provide Irving Shipbuilding with information about Postmedia journalist" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/yzexd8mu . Interesting Posting Pattern notes are that this is the only article they did not clarify Postmedia in the Author Title and there is then a large 18 day gap until the next Article on SaltWire by David Pugliese Which would be " Irving says it threatened to sue journalist to protect government's shipbuilding reputation, but DND disputes company's story" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/mvvempnw . Putting their interests and Power on display right in Halifax, Nova Scotia basically immediately. While to be clear, David Pugliese states this was a "Postmedia" initiative and not just himself - " Irving's president briefed top federal officials on the company's plans to sue Postmedia after the news organization asked questions about potential problems with the multi-billion dollar Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship program, according to newly released documents.". While to continue the coincidental pattern, and overlap, David Pugliese also posted on my last day July 26th 2019 - " Irving briefed top federal officials on plans to sue Postmedia after government shared reporter's questions". - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/8kpuserh . While going back to November 7th 2018 when my Job was posted, they Next Day David Pugliese of Postmedia appears to start their Posting Pattern, Jeff Bezos received the text from MBS that was alleged was used to hack him while spyware was suspected. So I suspect DND and JDIrving reasoned something else was going on. While JDIrving would be worried about a leak and would also reasonably know about the credible threat of Spyware. While there were other coincidental overlaps. While from the perspective of Security Services and DND if I had seen that posting behavior, on top of the other data relationships with Postmedia and these other Players then I would agree it should be looked into. But this does not mean I agree with how they might have went about handling it.

  1. EMIC - While, note the individuals involved Jody Thomas, Senior Liberal Staff and Procurement Canada. Within Hours Government was briefed. This would have included the former Defense Minister, Harjit Sajjan and DND Directly. While it also states the Privy Council was notified. Reasonably reaching the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau but reasonably former Premier of Nova Scotia Stephen McNeil - LINK.
    1. Players - This will be important when discussing EMIC. As the Players are similar. Generally and consistently links the interests of these specific players, across the report.
  2. Scott Jewers - This is a Primary Concern where our Data Patterns, if even by coincidence overlap. I'm not saying they shared my name or anything like that It's about how these groups then responded, possible "contact points" and sets of events that then followed with Halifax Regional Police.

May 2019 - There is an interesting Overlap in Data between Players:

  1. NDP - Quote regarding Postmedia and Propaganda from Charlie Angus, Ethics Critic? For NDP, directed Towards Bill Morneau who reviled support for the Bill in November 2018.
    1. Charlie Angus - " If Postmedia is acting as a vehicle for paid propaganda content for a particular government and industry, it would make a mockery of the notion of independent journalism and should not be entitled to taxpayers funding," - LINK -
      1. Carbon Tax - Involving several western premiers. Allegedly part of Pro Oil, Anti Carbon Tax Initiatives and Narrative. McLean's Article November 7th 2018. - LINK - https://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/a-carbon-tax-just-try-them/
      2. Jason Kenney - Was defense Minister under Stephen Harper. Would know about certain "Assets" or Properties such as Residence A.
        1. Postmedia - Wanted to be part of former Alberta Premier Jason Kenney's "War Room".
      3. Doug Ford - Including allegedly trying to have his friend made commissioner of Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) late 2018.
        1. Postmedia - Different staff including Minister of Finance, Chief of Staff were significant members of Postmedia. <LINKS>
        2. Mark Norman - Direct relationships and data between with OPP and RCPM handling the case.
  2. China - May 16th 2019 - "N.S. premier returns from China, says talk is key to easing tensions "...Coincidentally, it was the same day the Chinese government formally arrested Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor and accused them of espionage....". Linking back to December 1st 2018.
    1. May 29th 2019 - "China's ambassador makes second trip to Nova Scotia, calls Premier McNeil a ‘great friend'" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/4mcu7d6w .
      1. Lu Shaye - "is a Chinese diplomat currently serving as Chinese Ambassador to France and Monaco. Lu is popularly referred to as a leading advocate of " wolf - warrior diplomacy ", which he has promoted" - LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lu_Shaye
      2. Wallet - Two days after my wallet went missing.
    2. Halifax, Nova Scotia - Placing these special interests directly in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  3. Scott Jewers - My Wallet goes missing. It turns up at Halifax Regional Police with them asking "you're sure you don't know where your wallet was found" and it's part of something "ongoing" while rejecting direct evidence.
    1. Jim Perrin (Halifax Regional Police) - It then appears the job Jim Perrin ultimately got at JDIrving would get posted June 17th 2019.
  4. Vice Admiral Mark Norman - Charges were stayed just after he said He had a story tell that he thinks Canadians will want to hear. All while Spyware was suspected.
    1. Postmedia - Which is why then Considering EMIC and Residence A and the Previous Land Registry entry associated with Residence A of October 13th 2016 is so interesting, it happened Just after David Pecker joins Postmedia Canada Board (October 19th 2016). LINK - https://tinyurl.com/nhc46c7v. And then within 3 Months of this Event, Vice Admiral, Mark Norman was removed from command while Spyware was suspected.
  5. Conrad Black (National Post -> Postmedia) - Pardoned by Donald Trump (US Politics).
    1. "Trump grants full pardon to former media baron Conrad Black" - LINK - https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/conrad-black-pardon-trump-1.5137985

July 5th 2020 - You get the start of EMIC contract # 1. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/448wz5hx

July 26th 2019 - 21 Days after the start of EMIC contract # 1 and on my last day, they offered me whatever I wanted but I told Human Resources I was a target of something. While I personally felt these people did something really bad. Consider if there is an open Case then I can be denied security clearance while rejecting someone this way means Human Resources and any employees wouldn't see it as "them" or Human Resources making the decision. So regardless if that was going to happen it's still an almost perfect way to hide it.

  1. David Pugliese - Posted an article directed on Irving on my last day " Irving briefed top federal officials on plans to sue Postmedia after government shared reporter's questions". - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/8kpuserh

November 19th 2019. I would have had my letter completed:

  1. Scott Jewers - I get an email about a job with Health Canada. Interview Date - December 10th 2019. This was at the CSIS nest (1%).
    1. EMIC - Thinking about this retroactively in terms of EMIC and these events then asking "did they know about my letter before I sent it?" is a very reasonable question.
  2. Jim Perrin - Got Transferred this Month to JDIrving. (Verified as November 2019 by their own LinkedIn). Then From discussion January 27th 2020, this appears to be roughly the day.
  3. Dan Kinsella - stated there would be an apology to the black community regarding "Street Checks" after they were ordered stopped after the release of the Wortley Report.
    1. November 29th 2019 - Dan Kinsella said "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case." - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/a6tyawra, regarding these very topics, which involved these very people.
  4. TorStar - Shuts down their Halifax Office. A few days later, Postmedia received their Application for Canadian Journalism Organization designation.
    1. Competition Bureau - TorStar and Postmedia were both under investigation for collusion. While both were also operating directly and specifically in Halifax, Nova Scotia in this same period. And both have shared interest in Bill C-18 - The Online News Act.

December 9th 2019 - Sent email to JDIrving Manager stating something serious happened. Asked to engage government.

December 10th 2019 - Was the date of my interview at the CSIS Nest. Within about 8 Hour later while on my way out of the city I had to stop at McDonalds, Main Street Dartmouth to put washer fluid in my car. Two Halifax Regional Police Officers, in the same vehicle pulled in behind me asking if I had seen a woman in a night dress. While my mentally and physically disabled mother was known for wearing nightdresses <LINK>. (1%) I would later find out much later, that during that same period a SUV was spotted several times near where my cousin and neighbors would take their kids to school, the Neighbor being worried cornered that suspicious person got out and said they were a Private investigator. To my understanding, out of concern of this suspicious person possibly being a pedophile, the neighbor reported this Behavior to RCMP twice and nobody contacted them back. (1%) There is also a recorded planecident (1%) while in this time general security tests also failed (1%). I did not associate these events at the time and associated only 1% to each and went about life.

  1. Non - Zero Reasoning - This process starts off really weak and ignorant but helps remove bias.
  2. December 12th 2019 - Director of Human Resources replied. Advising they would be in contact.

December 27th 2019 - Performed Heuristic Security Test. During the test, internet dropped.

January 14th 2020 - is the first time I heard about Jim Perrin or he showed up in my records while by January 20th 2020 I submitted a full security and ethical review on him and situation. It questioned how Jim Perrin Came to work at JDIrving, asked serious questions about Racism and Harassment in regards to his ability to conduct an impartial investigation. It was very direct however it was also very respectful. From there Meeting dates changed and we eventually met January 27th 2020.

January 27th 2020 - We met in person, at Irving Shipbuilding in Halifax with Jim Perrin and 3rd Party HR. I agreed to the meeting being audio recorded, and suspected as such under the "One Party Consent Law". The meeting we well and was respectful however in the meeting, they dismissed the importance and significance of Racism and Harassment while shamed me for asking a single basic question regarding it. At the start of the Beginning of the meeting I supplied a document outlining mistakes they and made with suggested corrections while providing a general behavioral assessment of how they might act in this meeting and before and after. While I would say given my disadvantage that I absolutely came out on the better side. From there I produced a Security, Ethical and Technical review of their 3rd Party HR whom generally failed while I was then oddly told I was never supposed to talk with the 3rd Party HR. While at all times technical advice was given on how to solve these and all issues. I stated the main concern was privacy and provided few details, no names and generalized all experiences and maintained how inappropriate it was and that it could appear that they were Phishing for names especially when it seemed so obvious. Given the failed reviews and their inability to produce or reference a Privacy Policy I stated I would provide no direct names or details. They stated I they would follow up in Two weeks and they did not. While they would later refer to this, so Harassment, Systemic Bias and Systemic Racism as basically all just some narrative to get " them ", or Police. A more detailed review submitted December 23rd 2021.

  1. January 4th 2020 - EMIC - twitter leak regarding Cambridge Analytica (Parent Company SCL Group -> EMIC)
  2. February 14th 2020 - Around what would be have been this supposed follow up date,
  3. There is also direct evidence that suggests they removed terms I mentioned in that meeting that appeared in Job postings that I advised were mentioned in my work. This was mentioned directly in Email sent to Director asking them to confirm on the record. "Hey XXXXX, I need to you do me a huge favor - as soon as possible and without question. This will help build trust between us."

February 25th 2020 - Irving Shipbuilding issued their response and ultimately they did not find in my favor which was not surprising, I generally contested but that was it. This came from VP of Human Resources, Jim Rennie. Decision aside, their actions also correlated with a possible phishing attempt consistent with a possible attempt noted in the recorded meeting January 27th 2020.

  1. PIPEDA - I would request Audio Recording and File Access Information under PIPEDA. They stated something like they were not in engaged in a Federal Work, Undertaking or Business meaning any work, undertaking or business that falls under federal jurisdiction. I didn't push it, while I contacted the Privacy Commissioner of Canada for clarity. They would defer to Employment Services Development Canada (ESDC) as they share resources in determining jurisprudence (Deciding Who or which parts of a Company is considered a Federal Work, Undertaking or Business).
    1. PIPEDA - LINK to Final Argument and evaluation.
  2. AI - As part of my reviews, I directly referenced and discussed Machine learning but also used Cambridge Analytica as an example. While form an educational perspective, in correspondence that I wanted to learn French and Math. While In general I advised of an abstract problem I was working on that I called the Hierarchy problem. Basically, the idea of traversing tree nodes to find a specific leaf hidden among the branches. And compared this to some basic work traversing files.
  3. Non-Zero Reasoning - Explained my percentage based approach to evidence and the investigation. Assigning a base chance of 17% of National Security Laws applying and provided direct references. I did not tell them, I had contacted DND or about the meeting. Basically if there was a one in 5 chance of you getting hit by a bus you would want to know right? I thought this approach to be respectful and educational.

March 11th 2020 - Global Pandemic (COVID) - " World Health Organization declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020 (First reported by China On 31 December 2019) Wuhan, China" - LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2

  1. Caregiver for My Physically and Mentally Disabled Mother - Until her Death in January 2023. Prior to working at JDIrving, I was providing care for my physically and mentally disabled mother for several years and took that time to educate myself. Due to her condition she was extremely vulnerable. Care homes were objectively unsafe and expensive. I took over a lot of duties of homecare at different times because we were worried about the virus. While global Job Markets crashed, I had a House to pay for and she was high risk. This was not the period to move to the city, to be locked in a Box with a deadly virus looming in the corridors while paying for all my bills for my house. While there were travel restrictions, so I wouldn't be able to come help her. All when I have a big yard, ocean and forest to access. While in this time I continued to educate myself.

May 25th 2020 - Events with George Floyd and public reaction to Police and Systemic Racism occurred while upon reflecting on my life, experiences and community. I felt I wanted to do something however due to the Global Pandemic (COVID) I couldn't go to the city so I spread awareness locally in Ecum Secum on June 10th 2020.

May 26th 2020 - " Torstar voted to sell the company to NordStar Capital On May 26, 2020, the board of Torstar voted to sell the company to NordStar Capital, an investment firm, for CA$52 million-making Torstar a privately held company.[79] The deal was expected to be approved by Torstar's shareholders and to close by the end of 2020." - LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torstar

June 10th 2020 - While Spreading Awareness regarding Systemic Racism. With just a sign and my dog, well off the road and bothering no one. Two RCMP Officers show up, first the drove by following each other, then drove back. One went and parked at the top of the hill pointing down at me, the other drove by a few times and eventually stopped - Infographic Link - https://tinyurl.com/mtfna7y8. Coincidentally a Journalist for Guysborough Journal also stopped and they wanted to do an article. At first I hesitated, but after speaking to friends and family then decided to do it. Based on the Data, it appears June 17th 2020 when that Article was posted in in News Paper and Online, my Internet Stopped working for two days. As you can imagine, if these special interest were involved and my face pops up online and front page of Printed and Digital Newspaper it might be shocking. PAGE 1 - https://tinyurl.com/2j4a3y5y and PAGE 2 - https://tinyurl.com/2d2x9x4x. While please know I did not advertise on Facebook and I didn't ask anyone to go with me or Join me. And I never once mentioned anything about this core issue to anyone definitely not the Journalist, I also didn't know it would be front Page.

  1. Interesting note, see the Department of Transportation truck in the background while the Owner of Residence A also appears to have a desk at Department of Transportation. while Google Maps showed heavy machinery in the yard of Residence A. As well as verbal record. <LINK>
  2. Full Questions and Answers

July 30th 2020 - David Fraser (Privacy Lawyer) and Darren Laur (host of The White Hatter) released a Video on YouTube. On this same day Kevin McCoy did a video with Steve Murphy on CTV News. Hosted on CTV Edmonton. Very basic and reasonable relationships. However this Video David Fraser (Privacy Lawyer), would be used as a reference and compared to a Security review Submitted December 23rd 2021. And is where the term "Daddy" was used on CTV News.

August 5th 2020 - Which leads to data association of me sending my letter (email) and former Premier, Stephen McNeil resigning the next day. I specially requested someone to contact me - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/ym44dhsc. If you review the PIPEDA stuff was roughed out and I would skip it as everything was reduced to a nice argument - <LINK>. While this involved the people " right at the top " of JDIrving, VP's, Directors, DND and Government.

  1. September 2020 - An interesting topic here is that in this letter you will see I made reference to "Dogs" and "Howling". By September 2020 this letter about Wolves and Wolf Sounds involving EMIC and DND gets leaked. "Still, they developed a scenario to test the loudspeakers by generating wolf noises , although the reason for selecting those types of sounds wasn't clear..." - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/3asztern.
    1. December 2019 - While going back to the letter December 2019 when I talked about "Dogs" and "Howling" and throughout the investigation I used animal behavior to explain human behavior.
  2. Bill Morneau - While as an Interesting Data Point is that Bill Morneau also resigned this Month allegedly in response to the WE Charity "scandal" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/4jrn87uj.
  3. EMIC - Contracts were approved by Jody Thomas, Harjit Sajjan and DND Staff so directly under The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/3yh5ra52.
    1. While going back to 2019 with David Pugliese, it involved these same people. And now, with a Premier resigning it would be hard to see how these people didn't know.
  4. Stephen McNeil - Another link this back to Halifax Regional Police through another way, former Premier, Stephen McNeil's brother Robin McNeil was Acting Chief for Halifax Regional Police during the time significant events occurred in 2019.
  5. RCMP - The McNeil Family is directly involved in both Halifax Regional Police and RCMP making the conflict of interest broad but also well-known publically available information. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/y6dyk96a.

February 4th 2021 - EMIC Contract #2 - Infographic Link - https://tinyurl.com/4cn8x974 - If you check the Land Registry Entries for Residence B, it matches 2 serious events associated with the main Pattern. First it shares a date of September 14th 2020 and then move forward 6 months from August 6th 2020 to February 4th and 5th 2021 when Kevin McCoy announces retirement and Stephen McNeil leaves office and then another EMIC Contract #2 and Residence B Event. While mail sent from Employment Services Development Canada seemingly went missing from my Mailbox. To add to this, around this same time there was evidence gathered regarding a possible IMSI catcher when setting up a cell repeater. What's so concerning here is if you jump forward to 2 days after August 2nd 2022 during my Illegal Captivity and Torture this is almost where my neighbor found 2 RCMP Officers outside, at night with flashlights and had to confront them. While checking the Google Business Analytics Property View Spikes, you can see the first of the massive spikes in property views occurring just after I emailed the Main Email Thread and the 2021 Canadian Federal Election.

March 2021 - I respect Stephen McNeil and we were in a pandemic and the last thing I would want to do is politically polarize racial issues and have Stephen McNeil, Jim Perrin or their Families Targeted. I also feared further polarization of the issue could be dangerous for Halifax Regional Police as it could cause hesitation. It could have been like throwing a gas can on a trashcan fire. So I followed guidelines laid out by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and Employment Services Development Canada while my mother and I dealt with the Pandemic.

  1. Federal Investigation - Another serious concern was that was an active investigation and I didn't want to directly interfere. This is part of why I wanted someone to contact me. That's why I went right to the top of the Government. It was either them, or it was someone or something really bad.

March 24th 2021 - I wrote an email to the Prime Minister asking for assistance. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/yc2rm46t through this period there were a few strange passive encounters with RCMP, while my Ex stated that RCMP stopped them twice and searched their car.

August 10th 2021 - I Started the Main Email Thread. Added all Political Parties, Lawyers and Media asking for Help (A Wolf). I tried to be broad and fair. I worried that if not, then Political Parties could polarize this or think I am showing a political preference. This way, it also can't be used if there was election interference, because all parties could have responded. While I did my best to minimize Racial Bias or Polarization. While I fully intended to end this if someone contacted me.

  1. David Fraser (Privacy Lawyer) - Around this time I sent a Basic email asking to Explain PIPEDA. Replied simply stating they were a "conflict of interest" . And that was that.
  2. Client Attorney Privilege - Spyware basically means this doesn't exists. Lawyers know a large company like JDIrving can crush them just by dragging it out. While many of the larger firms have contracts with or involving a mixture of The National Shipbuilding Project, Government and DND. Whereas for anyone else, by taking me as a client they would make themselves a " conflict of interests " if one of those contracts did come up.
    1. You will then see direct evidence of Targeting, Phishing, Identify Theft and or Hacking of Two Law Firms.

September 20th 2021 - You will see smaller but consistent Google Business Analytics Property View Spike right around this time. This was also the Day of the 2021 Canadian Federal Election - LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Canadian_federal_election in which the Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada were elected. After this date you see a more consistent Google Business Analytics Property View Spike pattern start to emerge. Steps were then taken to analyze and probe this behavior while another significant blip was logged approx. July 27th 2022. Based on my tests, the behavior was not responding to every email. You can also see delivery confirmations from Halifax Regional Police showing I openly included Law Enforcement and Asked for their Help. While I had also started reviews regarding AI. Implemented a general strategy, asked for education and I backed off while figuring someone would contact me.

  1. ASCII Wolf - As part of the signature, added a Howling ASCII Wolf - https://www.asciiart.eu/animals/wolves -> The Bottom One. A wolf, formed by typed, text characters. Approximately September 17th 2021, RCMP Called asking about They read the emails and said they didn't see a problem. But someone had a problem with the Howling. I offered full cooperation, offered to add them to the thread.
  2. Hierarchy Problem - Made general breakthrough in how I approached this. It involved counting, self-reference and the idea of the halting problem.

December 23 2021 - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/m6hrn5a9. I submitted a Broad Ethical, Technical and Security review. Issued general warning about TikTok and AI. Asked again for someone to contact me. Again no response. So I Issued a General review of "Freedom Convoy" and upcoming War while continuing to speak about AI which would soon become a global topic with products such as ChatGPT (November 30, 2022). Primary concerns were algorithms, radicalization and rapid advancement in Mathematics and Physics. While I believe that AI is at very least 1% of the consideration for Russia to engage in its war. I would say measuring direct and indirect, you would exceed 25%. While then factoring the state of society and its fractured state caused by Division in society about Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Women Rights and with Global Pandemic (COVID) redrawing supply lines and agreements with countries. While then with January 6th 2021 the Freedom Convoy roughly February 2022 being the expressions of conspiracy theories and hate brought on by the Saturation of The Smartphone Market, More "Rabbit Hole" or "feedback" algorithm and Platform radicalizing, While Advertisement revenue Shifting to platforms were mixed with News, Biased News And Conspiracy Theories. To make it worse, most people take a TLDR (To Long Didn't Read) approach, basing a lot of their opinion or discussion on the title. Not content. While, these Amalgamation Services are then running advanced Statistics and using AI to exploit, while also training their AI on their content. While this gave Conspiracy theorists and Hate the ability to find each other, and amplify. While now these new Amalgamation Services are competing with well-funded, well respected Canadian Journalists and Canadian News rooms. Which eventually leads to Bill C-18 -The Online News Act and highlights the importance in Democracy of having well-funded, fact checked News Sources and fact checked Social Media Platforms. And in fact, may be part of why these platforms are choosing to block news, so they can't be blamed or held responsible for the Mix and Match Content on their platforms and then radicalized output by their algorithms.

January 6th 2022 - Nobody replied. Main Email Thread. AI Discussion. BSG. But also talking about War in Europe, the "Freedom Convoy" and concerns about AI and what our Data Says about us but also speaks to Humanities struggle with the "God Delusion" caused by the many worlds approach to this. Where in the show, there is only one God - The Cylon God. Suggesting simulation theory, another Many Worlds approach. It doesn't mean anything or relay some personal belief. It's just that In general it's just a fun topic and good way to culturally express the point and make it relatable LINK while it references January 2021 Capitol Riot in the US and upcoming "Freedom Convoy" but also A war driven by technology. And asking, given promise of Power of AI will humans use it as our salvation or wage war? While it also raises the underlying concern of networked systems being hacked, a core premise of the story. While it also speaks to the repeating nature of such events and violence of January 6th 2021, and the predictable ripple and then wave these special interests could be riding on. My review was to end the Convoy immediately and stop treating each other like the enemy and get ready to face the real threat.

  1. "All of this has happened before..."
    1. "But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
  2. "This time I bet no..."
    1. "You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
  3. "Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
    1. "You know it doesn't like that name..."
    2. "Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"

February 11th 2022 - Me commenting on the "Racist" parade Convoy Protest. But to be fair, it's more like a Hate Parade. ...These are the times where you show you are a Leader, where you grow some actual "Balls", put aside your differences, unite as a government and destroy it... The fact is, this is just another solid example that "They" are the ones who keep this awful Racist and Hate filled Engine Running. And it's clear "they" think they can control Hate but the reality is, you can't control Hate, Hate controls you. That's why they gave into Hate because hate is easy and cheap. And it tells you something very specific about those individuals and their overall integrity. And I am done pretending it doesn't exist just so Daddy doesn't get uncomfortable. And to everyone else - unfortunately this is what part of Canada looks like right now, especially rural areas. And these people who should know better are turning it into a weapon they think they can control. When history shows us Hate only leads to Barbarism, Conflict and Instability. And the only way to control hate? WE MUST face it head on, WE MUST face it together and WE MUST not be intimidated.... 3 Days later, on February 14th 2022 the Emergency Act was invoked.

February 14th 2022 - The Emergency Act was invoked. This is not me saying my actions influenced it or caused it, but it's to relate to events and my general feelings and opinion. I absolutely agreed with it. And all this evidence, my person experiences and assessments supports this. There was and is a predator on our doorsteps... multiple... this was no time to chance something like that. This needed to be dealt with and our security services and military needed to know who was who, and what was what. See main email thread for more details.

February 17th 2022 - "Postmedia Network Canada Corp. ("Postmedia" or the "Company") today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement with J. D. Irving, Limited ("JDI")" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/yrznt3ba.

February 22nd 2022 - " On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that started in 2014. The invasion was the biggest attack on a European country since World War II." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine

March 21st 2022 - When I found out about Postmedia and JDIrving I did some research and found consistent data patterns with earlier reviews. I emailed the Main Email Thread and said I got them and if they didn't come forward I would pursue criminal charges. The next day Liberal Government and NDP announced Supply and Confidence Agreement - LINK - . While ultimately both Liberal Government and NDP would come to support Bill C-18 - The Online News Act.

  1. While I also joked sarcastically about this being a "Cartoon Nightmare". Which is part of The Wolf and the Neural Network and part of the reason behind the name of the current Stage "Waking from a Dream". But also a Reference to earlier AI "dreaming". Hence the Characters. Which are predominantly Animals, and I have dozens more. While it also Includes Music and Video reference used throughout and so it's called "Dream Resources". There are many ways to tell the same story from children to Adults. https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/DreamProject/DreamBoard.html

June 6th 2022- I started compiling The Wolf and the Neural Network. I did not want to write down details or anything before this. I had hoped someone would speak with me. These people know I could afford a lawyer.

June 9th 2022 - "Crown drops breach of trust case against bureaucrat over $700M shipbuilding deal leak" - LINK

  1. Mark Norman - This case was related to RCMP Investigation regarding events in 2019.
    1. Spyware - Afterwards, there would be a Parliamentary study done into RCMP use of Spyware around the week of August 8th 2022.

June 23rd 2022 - I received the response to the Freedom of Information request from Halifax Regional Police made May 31st 2022 regarding my wallet in May and June 2019. That same day I got the response back Kevin Mooney announced retirement from Irving Shipyard.

  1. That's two data associations with Irving Shipyard. While I believe Kevin McKoy and Kevin Mooney are both Americans.
    1. This isn't anything against them personally or doubting their capabilities.
      1. Russia - If Pro Russia while the majority of Canada condemns Russia how can you have this kind of view working on Canadas National Shipbuilder It's a very reasonable security and conflict of interest question.
      2. Conspiracy Theories - Different polarized groups have wild theories
      3. Foreign Nationals - Given they were from the US and the serious security concerns associated with

July 4th 2022 - This is around when I discovered EMIC Contract # 1 and then correlated the Land Transfer Dates of Residence A.

July 11th 2022 - I released the ALPHA version on of the research tool The Wolf and the Neural Network as an excel file on the Main Email Thread. Link to Email Image - <LINK> The main content Tab Page Can be found - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/DreamAlpha.html. There were several tabs, including one of Discovery Dates of Certain Important Data Points. You may wonder, why Excel. Well, I was worried that building my own system may be seen as an attack or weapon, or someone could claim malicious tracking software was embedded. While how you relay a large amount of contextual information to the right parties first? So, an Excel file that's sorted by dates and already has many built in functions. It's a basic search engine. Where almost every point has a reference. With the point being that anyone with decent skills could import that into a Data System and within Minuets check for patterns and consistencies within Tags. They could gather data at every End Point (LINK) and automatically expand the players and relationships. But also provides a pattern to bridge Security Services, The Public and this issue. And gives a slow burn as only certain parties know at first, so if an outside party found out somehow they could have only got it from one of the email addresses. It contained entries admitting my bias, denouncing " Conspiracy Theories" and urging Critical Thinking. - LINK

  1. Conspiracy Theories - There is just Data, Reasonable Parameters and Human Behavior. And there is objective value in intentionally creating a Conspiracy Theory. Especially, in regards to Political Opponents. This is where my concern for EMIC Comes in. There are concerning Data Patterns associated with Gaby Van Den Berg of EMIC, Existing Conspiracy Theory Websites and "Deep State" references while the publication dates seem to correlate with significant dates from former Postmedia executives and the Players fit. There is significant value, especially manipulating this politically. Cambridge Analytica was a major Global Issue, by leveraging this you could do the same but against the other side. This would be an advantageous move not only for Political Opponents but also State Actors. While there is always the very real concern about propaganda regarding " Stolen Elections ", " Conspiracy Theories" and " Deep State" that were and are being proliferated by former US President, Donald Trump. While Cambridge Analytica was used against him in 2016.
    1. EMIC - And Raises the questions of did I find my GPS location set to Residence A. Was that intentional and by who? Was someone trying to derail a Federal Investigation or create a Conspiracy Theory, or target DND? Was it a limitation or artifact from Spyware? Given Target Audience Analysis (TAA) Was I being manipulated and if so by who? Or was it just coincidental? All very valid questions.
  2. Social Economics - Here I stated I was basically poor and my cousin had just passed.
    1. I would have had at most another 6 months of strictly bills planned.

August 2nd 2022 - Within days of Going down to Halifax Regional Police you can see massive Property Spikes within Google Business Analytics. You can see the Delivery Confirmation of The Wolf and The Neural Network from Halifax Regional Police. The confirmation said they would reply within 7 days, they were given 22 days and as it was sent on the Main Email Thread it was also sent out broadly, to all these parties. From dozens of lawyers, government officials, media and other. With direct statements and reviews showing I never thought this was all about me, asked for critical thinking and never asked anyone to just support me. While then you see the Phishing Attempt from Valent Legal within days of the event. While what's interesting here, is you go back to September 2021 and there was a notable event with Burchells LP. On their own those blips would not be significant. But now seeing, two law firms targeted, the Google Business Analytics Spikes. My Google Email and Google Business accounts being locked that day all add make for a good point and question. But also show, serious activity was occurring right up to before walking down to Halifax Regional Police. Including Identify theft. I gave regular updates while requesting someone contact me. I was cool, calm and collected. I came prepared with evidence, and directly stated it appeared the chief had direct knowledge of the events regarding my wallet, and given the severity of the issues, would so be directly benefiting from the information. Asked the Officers, that due to it being theft of Property the laws are different in regards to time. Asked what a reasonable amount of time would be. But as the law states, you should seek out an Officer... and that's what I did I went right to Police, was forthcoming and completely cooperative. I fully researched and quantified my question, was accepting of them calling themselves a "conflict of interest" and waited as they said they would get a paper to file a complaint with professional standards and was going to leave. I was completely calm, cool and collected and there is video evidence of this. Halifax Regional Police then arrested me under IPTA (Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act). I would go on to be denied a Lawyer, Staff wouldn't record that Police called themselves a conflict of interest. My book bag was involved in PHI - Privacy Breach. Review submitted

  1. CSIS - Before walking down to Halifax Regional Police I stopped at the CSIS Nest and dropped of a USB that was only plugged in once in 2020 to back up my general data. Making it A PRIME target for Spyware. Given the evidence, I believed as a Canadian this was the right thing to do. And they have an obligation to protect this under National Security.
  2. Scott Jewers - Video regarding Police report. LINK -
    1. Video regarding NSHA and Kristin Holm. - LINK
    2. Video regarding HRP arrest - LINK -
  3. Dan Kinsella - Given I was walking down there, how did nobody notify? Why did nobody stop me if they thought I was a threat? At what point did he become aware during the 10 + hours in Handcuffs?
    1. November 19th 2019 - Dan Kinsella said "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case." - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/a6tyawra, regarding these very topics, which involved these very people.
  4. RCMP Spyware Inquiry - During my illegal Captivity and Torture there was a Parliamentary Study done on RCMP Use of Spyware. August 8th 2022 - "RCMP says it's not using controversial Pegasus spyware to covertly access cellphones" LINK - https://tinyurl.com/3k3mbj8z
  5. David Fraser (Privacy Lawyer) - During my illegal Captivity, August 8th 2022 was on CTV News discussing Spyware, linked same topics covered. - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/42tzhkwt. During my illegal Captivity and Torture at Mount Hope, David Fraser (Privacy Lawyer) is one of the only people I listed who could contact me and ask anything about me.
    1. Moby Dick -- I was reading Moby Dick before these events while then reading it while watching this on the news. The reason this is important... One of the Characters is Starbuck - LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Moby-Dick_characters Starbuck was a character in Battle Star Galactica. At one stage another Battle Star showed up, called Pegasus. A take on dictatorship and Authoritarianism. - LINK - https://galactica.fandom.com/wiki/Battlestar_Pegasus
      1. Pegasus - Made by NSO Group and is currently the Most well know name of Spyware - LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegasus_(spyware)
      2. Easter egg - And Throwback to January 6th 2022.
  6. Valent Legal - Social Economics.
    1. July 11th 2022 - I stated I was poor, Valent Legal was the only person I had personally contacted (they did not contact me back). While I stated Email me so I could check headers, while they are a Pay if we win.
      1. Phishing - The perfect target of a Phishing Attack.
  7. TAA, PsyOps and Psychological Warfare - Now, if this was me. Here is what I would do if I were "them" even if this is hypothetical - It's to these peoples advantage to make me look paranoid or, over associate. Which was part of why I used a 1% method. While also, these people have clearly developed a psychological profile of me. They must know I will check things to at least X degree. They know the Systemic Bias against me so the events don't need to be small, they just need to seem frivolous. For instance my internet cutting out. At first glance, the social stigma attached to that is incredible. But now, we see the events with Burchells LP being hacked, events with Valent legal. The Google Business Analytic Property Spikes. GPS at Residence A. And other events. And when you see the Data Points amalgamated, it makes a lot of sense. So then consider:
    1. Google Account Region Changing - At different times, especially in 2022. My YouTube and Google search would switch regions DE, BR, AU. I was using NordVPN at the time but was connected to Montreal. Interesting enough, upon tracking down the ISP, it lead to what seemed like an abandoned house in Google Maps. Now this could be nothing, but could also be a good example about how servers and services can reroute traffic, and so make it then subject that countries Privacy Laws. While also possibly redirecting you to unsecured links in those regions. I did a review on this behavior and topic, on Main Email Thread directed towards David Fraser (Privacy Lawyer) in January 2023.
      1. October 17th 2022 - There is a logged entry of DE but there were probably 10 or so that I noticed. But to make it even more interesting, and pertinent to their Narrative of framing me before I noticed the EMIC Contracts October 26th 2022. Records seem to indicate between September 1st 2022 and October 26th 2022. They were added back however coincidence, non-related or not. It was added back after I informed them that it seemed someone had already archived the contract pages on WayBack Machine) - https://archive.org/web/ and this is admissible in court and would require subpoena to remove.
    2. Failed General Security tests - December 27th 2019, performed Heuristic Security Test. During the test, internet dropped.

While any Security Expert or Technologist will tell you the most reasonable cause of my GPS being set to Residence A is Spyware. While had someone gained access to my accounts "they" could have easily sent emails as me and it may have been almost impossible to prove it wasn't me. So think about my perspective leading up to August 2nd 2022. Upon release of The Wolf and The Neural Network (TWNN) on July 11th 2022 all above Parties, and entities on thread would know that I knew while the other parties including media knew that I knew. And so they would have to make a move. While I am poor making me ripe for Social and Economic exploitation. Consider that there is an instance where someone appeared to offer me $50,000 for stories about my life. While quite clearly "they" didn't come forward which is consistent with the expected response of hide this, frame me and discredit me. While there is considerable evidence of questionable behavior with my wallet in May 2019. The concerns are directly inflated by the Phishing and Identify Theft regarding Valent Legal and Burchells LP and Google Business Analytic Property View Spikes. While then after my Illegal Captivity and Torture (August 2nd 2022) it appeared "they" tried to delete the EMIC Contract # 1 and EMIC Contract # 2 from the government site October 2022 - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/3hzcyp2k While then RCMP but also HRP telling me that because Kristin Holm said I was retarded that I don't get rights while they continued severe harassment towards me. While it is non contestable that all these Parties, RCMP, HRP, DND, CSIS, Government, JDIrving, Postmedia, EMIC and Media would all reasonably have shared interest in me being framed From Harassment, Systemic Racism, Spyware, through Bill C-18 - The Online News Act. While now NSHA shares that same interest.

  1. Client Attorney Privilege - Given EMIC, all the stalking, my GPS being set to Residence A... then at what point did I ever have "Client Attorney Privilege"? It's reasonable to say I never did. And reflects fears relayed by Lawyers.
    1. JDIrving - When Lawyers hear that name, they panic. This is on top of Canadian Tax Dollars are being used to block a Canadian.
    2. Valent Legal - I only contacted one person personally, because I knew of them from another Job. They worked at Valent Legal. And it seems they were targeted.
  2. NSHA - Stripped my rights, fabricated false records. Denied me a lawyer as they mocked and humiliated me.

Which all brings us to an obvious and extremely concerning question:

If HRP and NSHA did this in such an obvious case where I was, cool and collected and this prepared, then think what these parties would done if Police just brought me in off the street and made up a story, or were fed a false narrative by the "right kind of white"?

Given the evidence my best option was to walk down to Halifax Regional Police and be calm, cooperative, prepared and truthful. And on August 2nd 2022, I did exactly that.

(There is much more evidence and other events during these time frames and much more to added but this keeps it short enough to illustrate the evidence and general direction.)

August 16th 2022 - Emailed Main Email Thread. While NSHA was added, advised Kristin Holm should not have to lose her license because of this. Stated I would be sending out a full review, however with the events of my Mother, I had to put this off.

October 17th 2022 - "unprecedented" Vote - 'They don't feel supported': Halifax police members to vote on confidence in police chief (Dan Kinsella) - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/4xte67b8

  1. August 2nd 2022 - I can't say what is or isn't related. Only data. But on August 2nd 2022, when at Halifax regional Police they had me call dispatch so I suspect this would have gone out.

October 22nd 2022 - Submitted my written review of the Arrest and then interactions with HRP, NSHA and events at Mount hope - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/5ee2knde

November 30, 2022 - Release of ChatGPT. Massive Public exposure to AI and so investment. Furthering the discussion on AI, disinformation and Math / Physics concerns.

December 2022 - RCMP Showed up. Caught them looking around the side of house, and into car through windows. Stated they were basically looking for a reason to charge me. During this period, I have the heat set to 16. I'm worried about my mother, and had blisters all over my feet from walking to see her. I asked RCMP who investigates this. They said they didn't know. Again because Kristin Holm and NSHA said I was retarded and fabricated false records, I don't get rights.

  1. Lawyers - An Officer asked if I spoke with a Lawyer when check what they did with the Lawyers. These Officers could not possibly process that. The whole thing is a trap because the other side knows these Officers don't have the tools to process that. And it's not strictly the Officers fault, their leadership was clearly exploiting them.
    1. July 11th 2022 - I specifically said I was poor so these parties know I have no money and what I do have is going to my situation with my Mother. While they have actively deleted Evidence...
  2. Extortion Engine - This can easily been seen as an attempt for "them" to Bias and weaponize the RCMP. You would send both sides Sheet Harbour and Sherbrook (each 40KM Away). Don't educate them and tell them I'm crazy. First they know their reports will lean towards this disposition which is additive. While if one of them makes a mistake, and does something it's their word against mine. And once they bought into the extortion engine, they are in for life. Promotions, Bonuses, and favors...And RCMP Leadership knows this. It's basically like placing a bounty on my head.

January 29th 2023 - leads us to the Question of Morning my Mother died, and why Premier, Tim Houston showed up. It's extremely reasonable to assert that these people were going to frame me. I waited until February 17th 2023 Engaged Main Email Thread - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/2ssx5r96 but still nobody contacted me. Consistent with them trying to get some sort of reaction. Think about it... They already lied on Police records, generated false medical records and deleted evidence. Media and RCMP would have 100% sold their story... Their whole goal would be to take attention away from Bill C-18 - The Online News Act and the core issues and shared shame involving Systemic Racism. They all had shared interest in framing me. There are direct recordings of calls with RCMP where when discussing the violence threatened against me, someone in the background immediately says "Good".

  1. Note two separate witnesses to events at the same time. Parties did not know about each other's events.
    1. Lights in House - One seeing lights in my house and thought it was my mother's "spirit" or "ghost".
    2. CSIS - Another having someone come up them and talk about CSIS.

February 27th 2023 - TikTok Ban on Government devices. LINK - https://tinyurl.com/y7aad7z8. Which related or not is still consistent with my reviews on TikTok. Several Governments would also discuss Public Bans.

June 23rd 2023 - LINK - "Jamie Irving no longer head of board at Postmedia, owner of N.B. newspapers"

September 6th 2023 - "Dan Kinsella, chief of Halifax Regional Police, announces retirement" - LINK - https://tinyurl.com/28e82jtw.

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"