Review of Nancy Murphy, Kristen Holm and HRP False Arrest And Torture by NSHA and HRP August 2nd through 12th 2022

Release Date: October 22nd 2022
Original Document: Link
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LINK To Audio Recording and Rough Transcript of Doctor Holms

I was admitted the morning of August 3rd 2020. I was released August 12th 2020. No charges were laid and no "diagnosis" made.

Citizen's Arrest (Back to Top)

Department of Justice - What You Need to Know About Making a Citizen's Arrest

Level 1

Doesn't exclude the Chief of Police or Police in general.

Dan Kinsella said "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case." In regards to these issues and those involved. While this directly involves that EXACT situation because he knows it will raise questions about him. Meaning he is benefiting from the theft of my wallet and stolen identity every single day. While also protecting the people who did this.

November 19th 2019 -

o Dan Kinsella Announced an Apology for the black Community (in response to the Wortley report). Jim Perrin gets transferred to JDIrving.

o Postmedia gets their Journalistic Accreditation and

o I get an email about a Job from Health Canada...And then HRP showing up making veiled threats on December 10th 2019...

The Wolf and the Neural Network (Timelines) proves I absolutely took great care in identifying involved parties. While this thread shows that I Clearly asked dozens of lawyers, Government Officials, Police and Media to clarify.

And to that, HRP as Police have an obligation to hear and record a complaint especially as it included Private entities outside of Police. And so, who else do I take this too if not the Police?

Level 2 - Level 1 must be true, if not then Dan Kinsella was setup to fail. However November 19th 2019 links Kinsella. While HRP showed up December 10th 2019 while Kinsella was Chief. It's reasonable to assume Dan Kinsella is well aware of this issue. In fact some of his gestures to dismiss Polygraphs and asking or 2 million dollars may be direct jabs at my indication to take a Public Polygraph and Suggestion of a Donation of 2 Million in October 2019.

While it's clear he must know he is benefitting from that theft. If not, then why not clarify? And why contradict "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case."

All this data has been submitted for almost a Year to this Thread, it's impossible for HRP to not know about this... Meaning it's an ongoing conspiracy.

Level 3 -

Dan Kinsella got confirmed as HRP Chief, He came from Ontario the same Day after Jason Kenny was signed back on as Premier. <LINK>

Postmedia wanted to join Jason Kenny's "War Room" through early 2019... Which launches war on anyone disagreeing with their "Energy Agenda" which benefits oil producers and those involved in that business.

Alberta Politicians, JDIrving and Postmedia are aligned in their views on Oil, media and Energy... JDIrving ultimately sold their Media business too.... Postmedia.

o July 31st 2020 - Now, explains the videos July 31st 2020 with Kevin McKoy and CTV which were directed at Edmonton, Alberta...

o July 31st 2020 - The YouTube Video between David Fraser and Darren Laur on the same day as CTV video Links RCMP, Vancouver PD and HRP.

Postmedia needed their Journalistic Accreditation as to legitimize their efforts... Which they got on November 19th 2019, the same day Dan Kinsella said there would be an Apology to the Black Community...

While the events of the Wortley Report happened through the end of 2018 and 2019 directly alongside the events with David Pugliese (A Postmedia reporter) and these Other 3rd Parties.

"I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case."

Level 4 - Some of these people involved Supported Tyrants, known Racists and even Serial Rapists. They supported a violent insurrection attempt to overthrow democracy. Some of these people cheered on White Supremists and Helped install Judges who want to nullify Interracial Marriage, Abolish Gay Marriage and Strip Women's Rights. While they actively supported a War Tyrant and the mass murder of thousands of people... which is a complete and catastrophic contradiction to the Very nature and Heart of the reason that Dan Kinsella was Chosen as Police Chief.

And if there is even a 1% chance Dan Kinsella conspired, or was installed by some of these suspected Parties such as Postmedia, or State Actors then it could absolutely constitute a seditious conspiracy. And it should absolutely be investigated by CSIS. Not only for our Internal Integrity but anyone outwards looking in... You will be found.

"I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case."

Starting the Day and Driving From Ecum Secum to Dartmouth (Back to Top)

It was raining that day. I was wearing very simple shorts and a muscle shirt. My hair was longer, uncut and I had a short beard. I had my old Fishing Backpack on. I had multiple places to stay. It was all planned out before coming to the city. I had $40 dollars Cash in my wallet to make it clear I could get food and anywhere I wanted to go. I made it very clear I was heading to HRP, the Question I wanted Answered and I gave very regular updates as to not come off as threatening. I got dropped off by The Bridge Terminal in Dartmouth. I proceeded across the bridge. My first stop was at CSIS to drop of a phone and USB and then headed towards HRP.

That Morning my Google account was locked. Implying they knew I was going but didn't stop me... Basically, Entrapment.

Arriving at HRP (Back to Top)

When I arrived at HRP, I provided regular updates on my way to HRP, I had places to stay, cash for food and fare while was wearing basic non-concealing clothing. I didn't stand around, I went right to the front desk and was clear about the premise of the complaint and issue. I went inside and Spoke to the Woman at the Window. Advised I was there to arrest Dan Kinsella for his involvement with the theft of My Wallet and provided my ID. She advised me to use the Phone to Notify Dispatch, I did as she asked and was very clear about it. I took a towel out of my Bag and sat down inside and waited for officers to come (it was raining that day). Two officers showed up, asked me if I'd like to talk in a room or outside. Advised there was fine as it wasn't busy and it was raining out. We spoke a Bit and then someone came in, we decided it would be best to just step outside. There was never any conflict, or interfering with anyone or any operation. It was reasonable. And I even stayed clearly off to the side as to not interfere. We spoke, I advised I actually did notify HRP and they have been on thread for Months. I Asked about Citizens Arrest and Property which are valid and contextual questions. I maintained that yes it's a lot of Data but I did submit it weeks ago while the officers agreed that the Case regarding my wallet being locked was not typical. One officer said "Well that sounds more like JDIrving" and I said "Okay well are you going to investigate them?" and they changed the subject immediately...

They called their supervisor and we continued to talk. I made it clear it was symbolic and I was looking for a statement from HRP, the supervisor said they don't give Statements. The supervisor asked me about how I got there and about dates. When I listed the Date about Jim Perrin and His Job Posting from JDIrving they said something like "Well you got that one right on the head"... and the Supervisors demeanor changed... from there they discussed Professional Services whom investigate Police. She didn't even try to gather evidence when she knew serious crimes were being reported... I asked if it was okay to take a drink of water from my book bag - she said "Slowly", I again advised I would be okay with them searching my bag. This was the third Time. They refused.

The supervisor said they were going to go inside and get me information to contact professional services whom investigate police and to speak with the two officers. In that period we had a general discussion. The supervisor came out and said she would like to speak with the two officers and asked me to wait there so I did. They did not ask me to leave. While the Supervisor specially asked me to stay. The Supervisor did not return with any of the information she stated. They then just walked over and arrested me with no warning, no discussion, and no alternative.

While I have the right to file a police complaint and for HRP to assist me and they have the obligation to hear the complaint. And as you can see, serious crimes were being reported...

The entire time I was compliant, cooperative and respectful. I was on Public property, not interfering with anyone, or anything. I wasn't blocking any entrances while it's clear I had places to stay. I was calm cool and collected the entire time. And I asked calmly "Why are you doing this" "What did I do", "I was going to leave when you gave me the information..."... The Supervisor made different things up about "Random Dates", saying I didn't notify them. They said I refused to leave... she was getting me information... It was all a lie. They said I wouldn't agree to a voluntary psychiatric assessment.It was all a lie... I did not make a scene, never yelled, never resisted, and I never once degraded anyone. It was quite clear they were lying and framing me...

I asked if anyone contacted Dan Kinsella... Because I don't think this is the way he wanted to handle this... And said I don't think this sends the right message. They told me no.

Dan Kinsella said "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case."

We then departed for QEII Emergency.

QEII Emergency (Back to Top)

I heard the officers talking behind their car... they knew there was something wrong and it's wasn't me. They absolutely had reasonable doubt.

I spent 8 - 10 hours in handcuffs. I was calm the entire time. I told them how humiliating this feels and mentioned how inappropriate it now that they are parading me through emergency like a criminal. Aside from Falsely Arresting Me, HRP Officer 1 and HRP Officer 2 at no point degraded me and I never felt unsafe with them. As I told the Officers I was not there or trick them or to cause them career issues personally and asked them to just not lie on the record. I was later transferred to HRP Officer 3 they never degraded me and never made me feel unsafe. Officer 4 was very interesting... They had interesting perspectives and never made me feel unsafe or directly degraded me however while waiting with HRP Officer 4 I was put in an MRI machine and had my blood taken to which The Officer and Staff suggested that I looked guilty for asking about the appropriateness when I made it clear I was being expedited out of convenience. I told Officer 4 it was clear they were just going to admit me or they wouldn't be making me get an MRI without seeing a Doctor. I had made it clear that I did feel this was an Arbitrary Detention, the length of time was very clearly excessive and I asked twice if "Habeas Corpus" would be applied. I was told that even if I got a lawyer, they wouldn't be able to come speak with me. And was told there wasn't a phone anyway...

Not, Two HRP Officers Holding Person A came into the ER and were seated just a few chairs down. I Asked Officer 4 that as a police officer they must see people do bad things in exchange for almost nothing all the time... and asked how much Money do they think JDIrving would pay to stay out of Jail?. 100,000, 1,000,000, 10,000,000.... 100,000,000? You could see Officer 4 Day Dream a Bit anyone would... One of The Officers Holding Person A kept looking at me...

My book bag then seems to have ended up in the custody of those two HRP Officers Holding Person A. SUPRISE

It was very clear this approached with bias and prejudice. HRP was effectively allowed to Order and MRI and Blood Work. While I was being expressed out of convenience and not my rights, due process or dignity as a human being. The times of the medical tests, along with security footage will confirm it

Other than that conversation between Officer 1,2,3,4 was general and respectful conversation. As stated I was not there for those Officers while it wasn't fair that their leadership put them in this position.

o Dan Kinsella said "I, as chief, will take personal responsibility and follow up in every case."

Psychologically and Professionally Degraded By "Admitting Doctor" and Officer 5. (Back to Top)

While waiting for the Doctor came in, I was speaking with Officer 4. I said you know what she is going to do... She is going to say "Well it's late and we think its best..." (Because they did the MRI and Blood without speaking to me.)

The "Doctor" asked me what's going on... I explained I did nothing wrong and I was just falsely arrested and being arbitrarily detained and explained the conflict of interest. I asked if the record and our discussion would be confidential, she said it was. She told me they are saying I'm making up dates... I told her I was a skilled person and that I'm not making up dates and I didn't cause any problems. I said you can verify these on your phone and she said "I'm not here to fact check" and was very rude...

During this meeting, a new officer, without even announcing came through the second door and immediately said "Scott", and then walked through into the room beside us with Officer 4. That's 5 HRP Different Officers... I asked how appropriate it was that two Officers were sitting there listening to me and just walking into the room... And she said extremely rudely "That sounds kind of PARANOID doesn't it?"

It was literally a well-founded and appropriate question and completely within context of the complaint and in line with the confidentially assured in the beginning.

o While the foundation was about the theft of my wallet by HRP and Now being brought in under a false arrest... They are my rights... how is that Paranoid!?

How could I be paranoid if I'm doing all of this, I walked down to CSIS and then HRP? This entire thread... It doesn't make any sense... absolutely 0 sense.

When who do I take this to if not the Police!?

The "Admitting Doctor" then proceeds to go to the door, almost straddle it and proceeds to mock me with Officer 5 about me asking if it was appropriate having 2 officers be sitting next to us listening this conversation... Officer 4 did laugh at it... The Doctor proceeded to almost straddle the door and say "HERE TEST IT SCOTT". "See THEY can't hear you"... I obviously did not engage and if you watch the video you can see me look to the corner in disbelief. And I again asked for a Lawyer while the "Admitting Doctor" claimed I hadn't been denied a Lawyer or a phone which is a lie. And to that point how could the admitting doctor know what I was denied in the last 10 Hours?

The Doctor Left and Officer 5 fulfilled their only role - They asked me if I had any Questions to which I replied with something like "This isn't right" and he said "I ASKED IF YOU had any questions" before he would take the cuffs off... I clearly said no. And the admitting doctor absolutely made that behavior okay.

Once this Officer left, I asked a Nurse and Security Guard for a phone to call a Lawyer and again was confirmed by Both the Nurse and Security Guard "There is no Phone". This was consistent...

And I also learned my book bag was "Already taken over". And appears to have been taken by the 2 Officers who were Holding Person and whom heard the question to Officer 4 about how much JDIrving would pay to stay out of jail well before I ever seen a doctor...

The admitting doctor should absolutely face serious professional repercussions.

Arriving at Mount Hope (Back to Top)

It was very early morning and My Book bag was already there waiting for me.... From my understanding it was sent well before I even seen a doctor. And staff did not inform me about what happened. My roommate was talkative and we talked for a few hours while there were people opening the doors and sticking their heads in... And when I did doze off much later on I woke up with a Man Standing over me who immediately touches my stomach... I WAS SHOCKED. Apparently he was a doctor but it was very alarming and there was no warning. I wasn't able to reach any of my family as the phone wouldn't dial out because the only 2 numbers I knew were Long distance which I eventually learned I had to use a different Phone. In the Morning when everyone was up, Person A came to me about my book bag. From my understanding, Person A was transferred to Mount Hope by the 2 HRP Officers who heard me talking about JDIrving paying millions of dollars to not go to jail. Person A told me that they went through my bag, including my Wallet and my ID's and asked if I wanted to "Rock, Paper, and scissors for one of the $20's". To which I obviously did not agree... I was in the middle of calling my mother to tell her where I was and what happened but was interrupted with the meeting with Doctor Holmes and a Nurse. I figured they were going to let me out so I just hung up before it connected.

First meeting with Doctor Holmes - August 3rd 2022 (Back to Top)

Our first meeting was after me being awake for like 30+ Hours. After a false arrest. I had told her that I had no yet spoken to my family and I thought they were going to let me go or least call my family to tell them the accusation against me... I was clearly sleep deprived, falsely arrested, imprisoned, Humiliated and confused.... but I still kept it together and was calm, cool and collected... and I made it clear that this was HRP using IPTA as arbitrary detention.

She asked about the details. She asked about the evidence, I provided her with Basics which could have been verified easily. I told her about My Book bag, the admitting doctor, waking up with shit on the sheets and The "Doctor" standing over me. I told her about the conflict of interest, about McNeil and His Family and Police Relations. And doing this to me was indignant. I told her about the admitting doctor, my book bag and being denied a lawyer. I told her I don't believe in ghosts, demons, religion, alien abductions or Conspiracy theories. I told her I approached this statistically, and assigned only assigned 1% to the general event with McNeil and it was the combination of these 1% events... She was told this was all backed over 400 data points. I told her I'm a technical expert and about my back ground... While she was told how extremely inappropriate and dangerous it was to delegate my rights...

But she didn't let me go and told me I needed to stay for the 72 Hours outlined in the IPTA.

And let's be clear here... At its core any human being would be irritated, concerned and confused if they were in my shoes, especially given what happened to me... but I was calm, cool and collected. I was respectful, cooperative and truthful. Every time I was truthful, she tried to use it against me to feed her delusional confirmation bias...

The second meeting with Doctor Holmes - Recording and Transcript. (Back to Top)

Audio Recorded conversation. (Web Link)

Transcript (Web Link) (Copy and paste if you have issues)

Doctor Holmes immediately made it clear she made a decision about a "Delusion" and inflicting severe violence on me when she only met me for about 15 - 20 minutes. While her own nurse stated "the point about the conflict of interest was good" as any half rational person would know it's completely valid which should have prompted her to as least verify basic data regarding events she decided to call "historic". While as you hear Doctor Holmes couldn't at all explain how I met IPTA Admitting criteria when she legally has to. Doctor Holmes wouldn't and couldn't even tell me what the admitting doctor and Police said as for me to defend myself. She didn't even tell me the drug she was going to force into me or go over the side effects... While I have no history of violence, mental health issues or legal issues. She clearly couldn't even understand who the Shipyard was or who was involved. While she couldn't see a relationship between HRP and McNeil when...

March 27th 2019 - Robin McNeil and Stephen McNeil are brothers... Robin McNeil was Acting Police Chief for HRP in 2019 after Jean Michael Blaise retired after the Wortley report. Jim Perrin was Commander of the Criminal Investigation Unit and Superintendent with HRP... Making both of them the top Tanking Officers at HRP when my wallet was stolen.

April 18th 2019 - There were specific communications regarding the need for additional steps (transfers) obviously speaking about Jim Perrin and me getting pointed out in traffic by Police in traffic. 8 days after HR complaint.

May 27th 2019 - My wallet and then JDIrving, Postmedia and HRP timing. And just happening to get a Job at JDIrving, 12 Days after my wallet. But JDIrving has a public spat with Postmedia (About possibly leaked information). And Jim Perrin having full control over me getting a Job because of the circumstances...

November 19th 2019 -

o Dan Kinsella Announced an Apology for the black Community (in response to the Wortley report),

o Postmedia gets their Journalistic Accreditation and

o I get an email about a Job from Health Canada...And then HRP showing up December 10th 2019...

o Jim Perrin gets transferred to JDIrving.

January 20th 2020 - Jim Perrin just happening to be the one JDIrving hired and now just happens to be who JDIrving sent to investigate...

August 5th 2020 - The whole letter sent August 5th 2020 the day before McNeil resigned...

Doctor Holmes chose to fixate on McNeil when I told her I only assigned a 1% chance likeliness to this specific event but she chose to fixate on that 1% and clearly didn't even verify basics of something she herself decided to call "historic"... when She was told about his family. Her own nurse said the point about conflicts of interest were good... So I was genuinely confused and a bit scared about why she was acting like that.... It was clear I absolutely could not trust that person... And her telling me she is "Helping me live my best life" is horrifying...... Nooooooooooooo..... This was all about her and her own delusions about her overinflated sense of self-worth and self-importance... She was feeding her own ego extreme confirmation bias as justification to torture a Canadian... That is a sick person... Doctor Homes is sick...

And it's absolutely disgusting that I have to give Doctor Holmes a basic history lesson and she still can't even mange when being spoon fed...

To prove I only assigned 1%....This doesn't include all the GPS information, the Land Transfers, EMIC Contracts, Police Harassment, Postmedia correlations, Technical Work, Recordings, Letters, many witnesses, personal events, other abstracted dates and players... But also in one of my papers to the Shipyard in 2020 I spoke of the general method to approach bias and called it non-zero reasoning....

Current Standing (Back to Top)

Make no mistake here, this was always going to come to a Psychologist. Otherwise they would have to investigate themselves...

So to all of you, you see all this chain, evidence and recipients... whom else would I file a complaint with if not the Police!? I had to go to Police... And look what they did... HRP lied, cheat and stole as a basic expected function of their everyday operations. And I bet very few of you are surprised...Which means the real question for everyone is what do you think they could have done if they just picked me up off the street and had more time to plan something like that!? And I had suspected a general play like this on December 10th 2019 and June 10th 2020 when I was Protesting Racism and RCMP showed up intimidating and trying to get me alone... Which is why I very clearly agreed throughout to speak with and IMPARTIAL and nonaffiliated Psychologist Public and Government issued while I offered transparency throughout including very specifically on November 23rd 2019... I submitted a signed Hard Copy Document regarding it on January 27th 2020 and then digitally January 29th 2020. While reiterating it again here on thread December 23rd 2021. Which I why I took extra steps around August 5th 2020 and didn't make assumptions throughout while it can be verified that this connection with McNeil won't show up anywhere or be talked about until much later on. And as you can hear, there was nothing else was discussed just those fundamentals regarding 2020 because she dismissed evidence and facts. While she clearly couldn't even [process basic public data... Regardless, Doctor Holmes confirmed that what I did in 2020 was right as had I assumed August 6th 2020 (McNeil resigning) was related then Doctor Holmes would have called me "Delusional" when ironically the most logical and likely argument from the other side will be "Didn't you get the hint when XXX happened on August 6th 2020?".... Which is why on August 5th 2020 I clearly asked someone to contact me. And to that, Doctor Holmes fixated on 1% that she knew nothing about but she herself called "Historic" which is mind boggling in terms of negligence... She also decided that she knows more than a technical expert, while she made advanced legal determinations.... while she objectively couldn't explain at all how I met IPTA Admitting Criteria while she also jumped to severe violence within 20 minutes. It was a catastrophic failure... And she absolutely did it because she knew she would have to file a complaint against HRP, the Admitting Doctor and staff... While she would have to testify. And just like HRP did when asked "So are you going to investigate JDIrving"... It was a basic social economic attack on me... it was cheaper and easier. And this level of negligence should absolutely be considered criminal.

And as for both HRP and Doctor Homes. It's quite clear I did tell 200+ people including HRP, RCMP, Multiple Institutions and Media that I was going days in advance. I basically begged them to clarify, I gave them all my data and RCMP said they could see the thread back in September 2021. But nobody contacted me... While as far as I can see my questions about Citizens Arrest were clearly within context and are valid questions and I seemed to have followed the Citizens Arrest Guidelines quite well and respectfully and even presented myself for search as to ease any doubts. While The HRP Supervisor seemed to confirm the date about Jim Perrin and the Job Posting with JDIrving and so how could they not know that Robin McNeil and Stephen McNeil are brothers, the Wortley report, and Apology November 19th 2019 and My wallet? But then couldn't figure it out in 10 Hours? But to take that further... I heard the officers talking behind their car and they knew something was wrong and they knew they had reasonable doubt, but didn't do anything or the next 10 hours!? When you all see this chain, evidence and recipients... whom else would I file a complaint with if not the Police!? THE POLICE! And to take this further...My Google Account got locked the morning of August 2nd 2022. While all of them are on thread. So how could "They" argue "They" thought I was some kind of threat? They can't because they could have stopped me at any stage while I encouraged them to stop me while I offered full cooperation and provided incredible evidence, even said they can search my bag 3 times. So is that not entrapment? Is those Officers lying Perjury? And then is walking me through emergency in handcuffs and exposing me to all those people and staff not Defamation? Yea, it was. And it was absolutely intentional as to frame me further... and they failed and with what I was able to gather it only ensures I will absolutely win.

And this is where the Alpha Version of The Wolf and the Neural Network comes in. It provides a way to interface All the Data and verify consistency. Currently it already refutes their claims. While it proves all these resources are publically available. While now it has another Pivotal and Inevitable character "The Psychologist" which also links HRP and RCMP from 2019 until now. So I can figure out who knew what and when... a powerful tool. This along with Some New Data Points, Google Analytics, Clarified Story Lines, Easter Eggs and A Few Structural updates mean a much more stable Version is around the corner. While this is nowhere close to all the information I have...

I told you all that I would dominate them while I begged and pleaded them not to make me do this...

While I never lied to you, never cheated and never stole... I faced myself and who I am. And I never tried to trick anyone... I delivered in absolutely every area that I said I would right down to a war... and I am nowhere close to finished.

RCMP - Now you have shown up twice while ignoring detailed information which is on top of direct RCMP intimidation in 2020, through 2021 and then the failures to act since September 2021. While the evidence directly suggests I was being framed by HRP, RCMP and Special interests. When who else would I take this too but Police? And look what Police did... So what do I do RCMP!?

I told you in September 2021 their goal was to make us fight each other... They don't want us looking at them. That's why they set those Officers and Doctor Holmes up to fail. They wanted to kick start an extortion engine and they knew they could hold this over the Officers. They knew Doctor Holmes self-interest would make her lie and obscure the real issue... And then they would use NSHA as a shield. It's a basic extortion engine and it's the same thing these people "Right at the top" of JDIrving originally engaged in...

But then to have your officer show up here and say "can't you see why someone might think you have a mental illness" and then tell me they haven't checked any evidence... not even the pretty little picture I made... When it ell them just some they step back shocked and then change their story to "Well maybe you aren't supposed to know"... It's a basic Extortion engine... they are proactively covering up for each other.

So RCMP. Going forward any further visits by RCMP will be seen as clear instances of Intimidation, Criminal Harassment, Trespassing, Defamation, Breach of Trust and Unreasonable search and seizure. And I will pursue criminal charges.

So to be clear if you show up here, I will comply, remain kind and be completely cooperative just as I have. But it will be fully expected that your officers will be able to clearly answer ALL questions regarding the facts, timeline and evidence submitted. You'll be able to perfectly explain why RCMP didn't contact me over a year ago, the GPS location being set to Stillwater, EMIC, Postmedia, JDIrving, and Police Harassment, My Wallet, stalking and threats towards me, my family, children, disabled people and cancer patients over the last 3 years.

And I would like to remind RCMP once more that all interactions are being recorded for the Public Record. And each visit will generate an Email to this Distribution List including NSHA which means RCMP and NSHA will be choosing to put themselves in this loop.

Thank you and have a great day.

Doctor Holmes (Back to Top) - You literally engaged in coercive torture based on incredible prejudice and bias. You looked at my hair, clothes and perceived social status and completely prejudged. If last name was McNeil, Trudeau or Irving you would never have done what you did... that's why you didn't file a complaint because they have the right last name... And you did it because you knew you would have to file a complaint against HRP, reprimand the admitting doctor and likely testify which opens NSHA and Mount Hope up to litigation... And to prove your incredible prejudice and bias... You literally said facts and evidence don't matter... And you absolutely stripped my freedom of association and freedom of expression... It was a blatant Social Economic attack... it was cheaper and easier. You know I have no history, have a solid background and was being extremely rational and cooperative... And you thought you could just get away with it...

But to me this is the best part... I bet now you'll want a lawyer, you'll want to sit down and talk about facts and evidence listed here and you'll claim HRP lied and tricked you all while you'll even use my work, evidence and skills that you dismissed as to defend yourself... All of which you didn't afford me. All while it was actually you, the admitting doctor and HRP who clearly fabricated dates and evidence as to support your own delusions about your own overinflated sense of self-worth and self-importance... While in contrast, the record clearly shows that I came with mountains of evidence and was clam cool and collected. While I have dealt with this for 3 years and have been hunted like an animal, slandered, framed, and terrorized.... But I have never suggested Violence. While you personally jumped to severe violence which was basically coercive torture within 20 minutes just because you casually didn't agree with someone... But you claim I'm the delusional one? No... You are delusional and you meet much more of the admitting criteria of IPTA than I ever did.

Make no mistake...your failure here is Legendary. And because of your delusions I now hold your Career, Reputation and License in my hands.

So here is how this goes... I was never out go get you or NSHA but you personally chose to be a Monster...While I do my best to try to be a generally good person ... So I'm going to give you and NSHA 3 Business Days to come forward, face the ramifications and do the right thing. And if you admit your failure then I promise to you and NSHA that I will be fair about this... But let me be crystal clear....if you do not come forward, are even 1 second late or you if you lie, push back or blame me and or my family... then I'm going to crush your career and reputation into a fine powder and I will absolutely pursue Criminal charges against you. While the record will clearly show that it will be you and NSHA who gave me no other choice but to defend myself.

I hope you have a great Day J

NSHA Board of Directors (Back to Top) - As I said. I don't have anything against NSHA or Mental Health Support. And you'll see in the record that I have done a General Audit of Every Institution I have come in contact with.

And just think about this ... As a legal question... who else do I go to but Police!? I have to legally go to the Police... And look what they did, look what Doctor Holmes did... absolutely catastrophic systemic failure.

And where is my presumption of innocence? I was guilty until proven innocent by people who made it clear they had no intentions of making any effort to prove me innocent. And whom knew they were going to face professional repercussions for their abuse... While they knew they were basing their fundamentals on a massive conflict of interest... They both actively dismissed evidence, facts, and discussion just because they didn't agree... I had absolutely no chartered rights. While the Admitting Doctor got actual joy out of mocking, humiliating and degrading me. And her attitude was and is absolutely a Public Safety concern.

Think about this... basic religion can't be proven, there are hundreds... but do they tell those people they are delusional!? Well id don't believe in ghosts, religions, demons, alien abductions or conspiracy theories. I come with tremendous evidence, a very specific issue. Massive amount of documentation and work... But I'm "Delusional"? No your doctors were objectively useless... to the point of extreme negligence. And the fact is HRP abused IPTA as to have NSHA facilitate an arbitrary detention, coercive torture and coercive aversion. HRP lied and NSHA gobbled it up without question and acted with extreme prejudice as they absolutely dismissed all of my fundamental Human rights and chartered rights. HRP had 10 Hours, they chose to let you people fail... they wanted to hurt NSHA and use your personal interests against me... THEY USED YOU and have now stigmatized IPTA, NSHA and Mount Hope...

NSHA... You need to provide a detailed outline of how I met IPTA admitting criteria. Doctor Holes absolutely did not. And as it stands was this not coercive torture?

Ethically and constitutionally... Why was I put into the MRI machine and had my blood taken without seeing a Doctor first? Would this not imply HRP ordered those tests and that I Was being expressed through out of convenience?

Why were my belongings sent to Mount Hope before I ever seen a doctor?

o It seems my book bag "magically" ended up with those two other officers... Where did my book bag go and was the breach reported?

Please explain the actions of the Admitting Doctor, please explain why they degraded and humiliated me. Explain why I wad denied a Lawyer for 10 Hours...

o As stated I want all security footage.

How did Doctor Holmes not know any of this!? It's shocking...

o Her own nurse said the points about conflict of interest were really good... because any even slightly reasonable person would know that...

ยง Note: If there are not clear dates on her accusations, notes and statements then you are in a lot of trouble...

While understand this NSHA. Any further "Wellness Checks" on behalf of NSHA will be seen as criminal negligence, slander, defamation, intimidation and Unreasonable Search and seizure (Further Phishing). And each check will only lead to a new email being generated to this thread which means NSHA and RCMP will be choosing to put themselves in this loop while actively choosing to ignore detailed evidence.

I hope you have a great day.

Dalhousie And other Universities (Psychology Departments) (Back to Top) - You can hear Doctor Holmes... it's terrifying. I honestly thought that kind of failure was reserved for Horror Movies...

And it's pretty clear to everyone that I was never going to get fair representation... so Imagine if they had more time to plan that and just picked me up on the street!? And look at the violence, bias and prejudice that Doctor Holmes incompetence has subjected me too... this isn't right.

So, I'm asking if your professors and students would like to do the psychological audit. You can bring as many students as you want. It's on your terms and in your environment, I'll sign a waiver. And I'll be open about everything.

My only condition is that it will all be made public.

Justin Trudeau (Back to Top) - Bro. You need to make a statement on this because I'm not going to stop. So it's a matter of when and not if. Currently the extortion engine is so bad they are having Canadians tortured and setting up their own Officers to fail...

You need to issue a statement or have someone contact me directly within 72 Hours... Please we have to end this.

CSIS (Back to Top) - You will schedule a meeting between me and David Vigneault within 72 Hours. Thank you.

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"