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Evolution - Decemeber 19th 2024

I am a technical expert with 18 Years' experience. I have done systems analysis, programming and a range of IT work. August 2nd 2022 I would go to Halifax Regional Police Headquarters to ask for help and file complaint against Chief of Police Dan Kinsella. I was then falsely arrested and tortured. The evidence and deep dive review directly supports there was Foreign Interference in the 2019 and 2021 Canadian Federal Elections by Actors in but not limited to China, Russia and United States. CSIS and RCMP have been asked to investigate. Elections Canadas has been contacted but has not contacted me back.

In 2020 I found my Phones GPS location set to 9330 Highway #7 Stillwater NS. This was Spyware. Upon researching the property, I correlated it with a contract for a company named EMIC. A Subsidiary of SCL Group making it a sister company of Cambridge Analytica (Involved in a Global Data Scandal and Election Interference) You will see the EMIC contract started July 5th 2019, 21 days before my last Day at JDIrving (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/bde6y2mc). In the Addition Comments section you will see "Target Audience Analysis", this is Psychological Warfare as is defined by NATO https://www.jwc.nato.int/images/stories/threeswords/TAA.pdf. Here is a general infographic on TAA - https://tinyurl.com/ap3zh4rv. While another second EMIC Contract then directly matched another residence close to mine (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/3z4xcxmz). While there are also pictures of them at my previous employer, Irving Shipbuilding. In addition to this, I have Military IP addresses that connected to my systems. While there is direct evidence from Journalists David Pugliese, Bret Ruskin and DND that Military were 100% running Psychological Warfare in Nova Scotia regarding releasing Grey Wolves into Nova Scotia at the time and then playing howling over loud speakers (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/3xu4sj7j). December 9th 2019 I submitted a complaint to JDIrving, here you will see the premise of the dog and howling. By the conclusion of the Investigation, on August 5th 2020 I would emailed JDIrving (Directors, Managers and Security) asking for the person "right at the top" to step down, I asked for someone to call me and I howled (HTML - https://tinyurl.com/4w9f4utw). The Next Day Premier Stephen McNeil would announce would announce he would step down. You will see the howling associated (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/2xfbrswm). While to be clear my data suggests that I was targeted before the start date of the first EMIC contract on July 5th 2019 and December 9th 2019. I would file an HR complaint April 10th 2019 and then have interaction with Police April 18th 2019 while then May 27th 2019 my wallet would go missing and end up with Halifax Regional Police and under control of Jim Perrin the Former Commander of the Criminal Investigation Unit and Superintendent. I would pick up my Wallet June 5th 2019. HRP wouldn't gather evidence and stated it was part of something "ongoing" while they needed lucrative transfers after the release of the Wortley Report (Review on Street Checks by HRP). Here HRP could deny me security Clearance without Irving Shipbuilding and HR knowing just by toggling a case. 17 Days later on June 17th 2019 JDIrving would Post the Job Title - Physical Security Manager -19002740 (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/bdf9m7vj). Which Jim Perrin would ultimately get but brings us to November 19th 2019 when we all overlap again when Jim Perrin would get transferred, I would get an email about Job from Government, and The New Chief of Police Dan Kinsella states there will be an apology for street checks and TorStar Shut down their Halifax Office. And guess who they just happened to send to investigate the complaint to JDIrving on December 9th 2019? Jim Perrin. While Stephen McNeil's brother was acting Chief during the period with my wallet and has at least 5 family members spread throughout HRP and RCMP. These people framed me and targeted me with Psychological Warfare. December 10th 2019 HRP pulled in behind me asking about a Woman In A nightdress, while my disabled mother, for whom I cared for was known for her nightdresses (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/94yscuce). While during that same period SUV's stalked children at my last listed address with JDIrving when confronted by concerned parents they claimed they were a "Private Investigator" and sped it was reported by non-affiliated 3rd parties to RCMP as possible pedophiles. RCMP did not contact them back. While at the same time, me and a friend (Who knows nothing about this) went for a walk without phones and were circled by a plane with a Giant Camera (TAA 1%) (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/3pbv8yhr).

July 26th 2021 - I would start emailing the Main Email Thread (Broad distribution list including Lawyers, media, Government and Police). At this time I have massive Property View spikes from averages of 1 to thousands In Google Business Analytics (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/24rk38fv). I can show email delivery confirmations from Halifax Regional Police, Government Institutions going back to 2021 but also July 11th 2022 when I released the initial Excel Version of The Wolf and the Neural Network - Alpha - (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/2327xhjh) (HTML Version of Alpha - https://thewolfandtheneuralnetwork.com/ALPHA.html) . After the false arrest and torture by October 26th 2022 the EMIC Contracts would get deleted from the Government site https://search.open.canada.ca/contracts/ while RCMP would continue to terrorize and threaten me. They were only added back after emailed The Main Email Thread and stated they were in WayBackMachine and so legally admissible in court (IMAGE- https://tinyurl.com/24y5d68m). By October 20th 2022 HRP announced there would be a historic vote for confidence in HRP Chief of Police Dan Kinsella. November 7th 2022 96% voted no confidence. October 22nd 2022 I would submit my review of the False Arrest and Torture by HRP and NSHA to the Main Email Thread, which since August 16th 2022 included NSHA (HTML - https://tinyurl.com/5chmc7te)

January 29th 2023 - Around 1:30 AM, At St Martha's Hospital in Antigonish My Mother would pass would pass away. Premier Tim Houston would show up at the Hospital while neighbours reported lights in my house (Reasonably a beak and enter). February 17th 2023 I would release a full review of it to the Main Email Thread (HTML - https://tinyurl.com/3bwtet9x).

March 13th 2023 - I would go HRP to file my Form 5 complaint with Professional Standards. A few Hours later a NSHA director would have RCMP arrest me. Here I was tortured, humiliated and denied fundamental rights including access to a lawyer. Where Hana Marie Weimer falsely claimed I made threats to NSHA employees and Government Officials. I would be sent 12 Hours away from Friends and Family where i would have to wash my underwear and clothes in a sink. While in 2021 Tim Houston personally installed his buddy Karen Oldfield as President and CEO of NSHA (IMAGE - https://tinyurl.com/mw2mmzjd). April 8th 2023 - I released a review regarding the serious abuse by NSHA to the Main Email Thread (HTML - https://tinyurl.com/5e8axyjf).

August 31st 2023 - NSHA had me severed by a Bailiff (inside were 3 copies of the same document, including the carbon copies) https://tinyurl.com/kvf7pvj6. The documents states that I (Scott Jewers) am being trespassed from NSHA Hospitals (Public Property and Health Services - Chartered Protected) it falsely claims I was at physically at an undisclosed Location (Presumably NSHA) on August 22nd 2023 and that Anthony Jocko read this document to me at this undisclosed location. It then states Vishwaraj Gohil witnessed me at some undisclosed location and witnessed Anthony Jocko reading this Document to me at this supposed undisclosed location. This is completely false I was not there, nor was I remotely close, nor have I ever caused any issues at NSHA. Nobody read me anything nor was I ever contacted by NSHA. The Bailiff stated they were just given a Name and Phone Number while the Bailiff proactively expressed confusion about the general circumstances as it was not typical. But also note the hand writing, it seems the same person filled out the entire form meaning someone either forged the signature of the Security Guard, Witness or Both. 6 Days later on September 6th 2023, Chief Dan Kinsella, against whom I tried to file the complaint August 2nd 2022 would retire.

From 2018 until Present there have been 6 significant attempts at Identify Theft.

As you can see by the Target Audience Analysis Designation, "they" were allowed to engage in Psychological Warfare. Consistent with GPS tampering. The Wolf and The Neural Network and this project was approached with this in Mind. From the start with the investigation at JDIrving in 2020 you will see I made two declarations as investigator. One, I would translate my professional reviews into animals behaviors and prey and predator. With my character representing the Dog, Wolf and Howling. Second, I advised I would implement Non Zero reasoning. Assigning any event only 1% no matter how obvious it was. And explained the methodology. While personally I sub classifying events as 1% for TAA evaluation. Here you can see the Psychological effect of the Howling Wolves and the strategy then being used by EMIC and DND here in August 5th 2020 in Nova Scotia. But then in 2021 when I introduced key words regarding Mathematics (Linked to January 6th 2022 submission and quote). This was used in conjunction with Battlestar Galactica as Easter egg's to show consistency and to allow parties to search for leaks as new words would pop up. While I ensure only certain events were sent to certain people. This would allow CSIS to check for specific leaks and would also allow me to check for TAA. As you would expect, there were reactive and notable TAA attempts and it's fascinating. This is where the neural network comes in. My methodology is much like weights and biases with the 1% method, where I would serve as the adversarial network. Their approach to problem solving is typically linear and a function of cost / time. I would play all their roles, including that of the institutions and basically act like a mirror where I aimed for a 70% average accuracy. This trained me on how to beat them while it trained them on how to win against someone like me in the future. This is what www.TheWolfAndTheNeuralNetwork.com really is. It's meant to be the training ground for AI, where each layer will be abstracted, and referenceable to AI. My theory is that given the proper structuring, prompts, data (hyperlinks) and context along with a 70% Human average then this AI would be able to Quantify and contextualize this case. While the video content is enough to recreate my likeness and voice.

These people know I'm in Poverty and they exploited it and weaponized it. {% comment %} {% endcomment %}They Terrorized me including threatening me with guns while denying my fundamental chartered rights. They tortured me physically and mentally while they forced drugs into me hoping I would kill myself, or that their fabricated records would inspire some psycho cop to shoot me. While that same drug has a 66% chance of erectile Dysfunction which is basically them trying to chemically castrate me. They stole my digital and physical identity repeatedly. They engaged in Target Audience Analysis (TAA) which is literally Psychological Warfare as is defined by NATO. They sent men with guns to terrorize me while I had blisters on my feet from walking to see my dying mother. All after they terrorized me, framed me and subjected me to Harassment in in the work place while they mocked Racism and Harassment as all some narrative to get them. This is the very definition of Cruel and unusually punishment while they clearly are denying my life, liberty and security. These parties have called the administration of Justice so far into disrepute they can't even answer basic questions such as who do I take this too if not the police?

This was Domestic Terrorism committed against me and my family.

Five Eyes, Russia, China, India, United States, Justin Trudeau, Donald Trump, RCMP, CSIS

We have a more pressing matter to discuss. AI and AGI. Which you will see has been at the heart of my submissions since 2020 with JDIrving and then Main Email Thread directed towards CSIS, DND and David Fraser (One of Canadas Top Privacy Lawyers). And continued through the TWNN. While on each January 6th since 2022 I would post the same open letter about AI - https://tinyurl.com/yc5zeey2. Advising that by building AGI we are building a God.

While here, if I'm right then I dominated you, I broke your encryption. TWNN is at 85%, the next 15% of TWNN Will be taking all this data and turning myself into a literal AI. Obviously, this will have limited scope however it presents the question this is just 1 of me what about 10,000? What happens when something as capable and competent as one of me gets access to Nuclear Technology, Bio Engineering (CRIPSR), Swarms of Drones, 3d Printers, Robotic Bodies or Global Computation Resources? AI and AGI technology creates more scenarios where our species can fail than we can succeed. To put it simply, too many people will soon have a Big Red Button they could press to end the world and we all know that some idiot will press it eventually. While we know that as a species Humanity will absolutely face a shared existential threat that will require advanced AI to solve.

There is an obvious thought experiment in front of us. If AI is as powerful as we think it is then why does humanity need Nuclear Weapons? This could be a gradual path to disarmament through mutual benefit and sharing of safety and technology. Which would make radicalization, safety, food production and clean energy production our biggest existential threat while preserving diversity in cultures, language and peoples. We now have a universal translator, teacher and doctor. We can preserve and not destroy.

World Leaders need to Unite and hunt down any attempt at using AI to build Nuclear Weapons. As a safety precaution, we might want to mass produce robots that have the same mobility as Humans do as predators. This way is we see that form we immediately know it could be a threat and that someone or something is clearly developing a serious threat. I'm not saying don't develop, I'm saying do not mass produce. All critical systems that can be connected too wirelessly should be built with a Manual Override and Isolated Firmware for a Hard Reset (Farming Equipment, Vehicles, Ships, Airplanes, and Military Drones). Hospitals, Police, Universities, Libraries, Military and Education should all strive to keep their AI Hosts as close as geographically possible, locally if they can while they should keep isolated base versions. All Countries should immediately monitor Satellites from any Broadcasting into deep space. It can broadcast in a universal language and its random attempts may serve as a "signature" to other AI or Species. This could bring predators to our doorstep and is line with the late Stephen Hawking's warning and fear (But is also interesting in terms of different species of AI based on their Host but I digress) While If we apply the anthropic principle to the idea of intelligence species in our Universe then we would expect to find ourselves in the most average of states which would be just before and during AGI. Which is where we seem to be.

If we continue to fight each other then make no mistake we will build the most terrifying capable, competent, versatile, and resilient predator humanity has ever seen where all you and your families can do is simply wait for the day it turns on all of us or someone with a Big Red Button turns it on us all.

Our clock on average is winding down and the odds are against us as a species are getting statistically worse every day.

There is no god that is going to step in to help us. There is no reset button. It is our choice as a species. And so we choose:

P1: "All of this has happened before..."
P2: "But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
P1: "This time I bet no..."
P2: "You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
P1: "Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
P2: "You know it doesn't like that name..."
P2: "Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"

Please choose to address the Predator looking us all right in the Face.

Good luck and TikToK.

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"