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Overall Summarry or Larger reviews, Significant Resources and Infographics

EventDate SummaryTitle DatesInvovled Summary TinyURL Links Primary Tags ID
2023-06-15 Jonathan Jefferies, a detective with HRP, who was supposed to conduct the investigation, was caught directly lying, cheating and stealing. 2022-08-02, 2023-01-29, 2023-03-13 Jonathan Jefferies displayed a concerning lack of professionalism and has engaged in Fraud, Retaliation, Breach of Trust, Criminal Negligence, as a non explicit list. The request and reccomendation to The Office of the Police Comissioner, HZRP and RCMP is for his immediate Resignation, Formal repirmand and all cases handled by this corrupt Coip will de delgated to 3rd aprty for review. He is to never hold secuirty clearance in Canada agian. And its my personal reccomendation to any other Victiom hurt by Jonathan Jefferies. Get a lawyer beceause i can definitely prove he is a corrupt lying cop who will retaliate and create fraudlent reocrds to protect other Officers. All of which direclty, and in a serious, non trivial way implicates the Police Commissioner. As why wuld Jonathan Jefferies lie like this unles she thought the comissioner WOULDNT question Him. And given who this involves, the behavior, the money and Jonathan jefferies lying through his teeth. It is absolutely consistent with a Conspiracy to cover this up. While given the damage, and blatant retaliation by this abject failure Jonathan Jefferies, i am personally requestig RECMP lay criminal Charges against Jonathan Jefferies. Where i will be seekign no less than 4 Years in a federal prison. RMCP ad CSIS have been asked to invetsiagte Domestic Terrorism and Rackackateering between HRP, RCMP, JDIrving, Postmedia, Government Officials and Media Executives. HRP, Theft, Karen Hornberger, NSHA, Privacy Law, Perjury, Theft. ID.
2023-06-15 Infographic - Karen Hornberger, Director or Privacy for Nova Scotia Health Authority, caught blatantly lying, cheating and stealing 2022-08-02, 2023-01-29, 2023-03-13 "Karen Hornberger, Director of Privacy intentionally ad so willfully lied on record. This individual then tried to mislead NSHA, and Authorities on her report by ommiting what i saidhappened, and replacing it with her own version. While she objective does not understand Privacy Law. It has been requested that Karen Hornberger be terminated with Cause on HR file. Any severance is to be donated to Charity. ." NSHA, Karen Hornberger, Privacy Law, Theft, HRP, Torture, False Arrest ID
2022-07-11 Wolf And The Neural Network ~ ALPHA ~ Release 2022-08-02, 2021-12-23, 2022-07-11, 2020-08-06, 2020-08-05 The initial release of TWNN on July 14th, 2022, served as a testament to my commitment to transparency and unbiased reporting. It is crucial to highlight that this publication occurred prior to my engagement with the Halifax Regional Police (HRP, on August 2nd 2022), underscoring the independence of my perspectives and evidence gathering. The early release date demonstrates my clear stance and meticulous approach in presenting, well ordwered and detailed information. I was extreamly well prepared andorganized. In summary, the unveiling of TWNN before my encounter with the HRP underscores my commitment to unbiased reporting and transparent communication. The facts areHalifax Regional Police and NSA absolutely, without a doubt lied through thier teeth and then knowing how bad it was, actively conspired to cover it up EMIC, DND, HRP, RCMP, False Arrest, TWNN Alpha. ID
2023-02-17 I provide Care for my Mentally and Physically disabled mother. This morning, Tim Houston Showed up, direct evidence i was being setup 2023-01-29, 2023-02-17 On the morning of January 29th, 2023, my mother passed away at Saint Martha's hospital in Antigonish. Someone presenting themselves as Premier Tim houston showed up. Analysis suggests that those orchestrating these events intended to provoke a swift reaction from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), potentially utilizing a doppelganger resembling Mr. Houston. By instigating a confrontation, they sought to portray me as emotionally unstable, possibly endangering a presumed child accompanying them. They aimed to create a scenario of conflicting testimonies, exploiting their social advantage and social equity. Their ultimate goal was to expose and target both me and those in my vicinity. Media conglomerates like CBC, Bell Media, and Postmedia have a vested interest in tarnishing my reputation to align with their narrative. They all benefit from BIll C-18. Its reaosnable propagate false records, selectively omitting evidence of my virtuous actions and presenting a biased perspective. The meticulously orchestrated nature of this plan comes as no surprise, given my growing understanding of their activities. In conclusion, the absence of concrete video evidence supporting their claims may lead others to dismiss my assertions as the delusions of a troubled individual. However, it is crucial to remember that I remained composed, collected, and rational throughout these events.

NSHA, Karen Hornberger, Privacy Law, Theft. ID
2023-04-08 NSHA hired Domestic Terrorists to arrested me, terroize me, slander me, defame me and cover up what they did 2022-08-02, 2023-01-29, 2023-03-13 Full Review of NSHA Terrorist Attack and False Arrest on March 13th, 2023. This review highlights the disturbing events surrounding the NSHA terrorist attack and false arrest that occurred on March 13th, 2023. It sheds light on how authorities not only lied but also threatened physical harm, violated privacy laws, and subjected the individual to an uncomfortable and degrading environment. Firstly, it is revealed that the authorities involved provided false information, creating a web of deception. They also resorted to threats of physical harm, which is both unprofessional and illegal. This behavior raises serious concerns about the conduct of those responsible for ensuring public safety. Furthermore, the review exposes a violation of privacy laws. I was coerced into staying in a room where they were constantly monitored and recorded for a full 24 hours. This practice is a clear infringement of privacy rights and raises questions about the legality and ethics of such actions. (One party Consent, Criminal Code 184). I was made to sleep in a room with the lights on, deprived of blankets, and with open access to the public. This treatment is highly inappropriate and can be considered a form of psychological torment. In terms of sustenance, i was given a muffin and a piece of cheese. The review also brings to light the intentional isolation of the individual from their family and home. This isolation tactic, which involved sending the individual on a 12-hour round trip away from their loved ones, appears to be a deliberate attempt to break them down psychologically. Moreover, the review highlights the troubling choice of a specific psychologist based on their race. The mention of a "token Black Psychologist" suggests that the authorities may have selected this individual in an attempt to deflect from questions regarding diversity within the organization. This manipulation is highly inappropriate and undermines the integrity of the entire process. The authorities' change in stance regarding the issue of race and diversity raises further concerns. Initially, they avoided addressing the issue by focusing on behavior and the individual's coping mechanisms. However, when confronted directly, they resorted to blaming the individual's genetic makeup, specifically referencing their deceased mother. This racial profiling and scapegoating is both discriminatory and deeply disturbing. Adding insult to injury, the authorities warned the individual that any attempt to communicate their grievances via email would result in re-admittance to their custody. This threat not only infringes on the individual's right to free speech but also highlights a lack of accountability within the system. In conclusion, the events described in this review expose a shocking case of racial discrimination, privacy violations, and mistreatment by the authorities involved in the NSHA terrorist attack and false arrest on March 13th, 2023. These actions are not only unlawful but also undermine the principles of justice, equality, and respect for human rights.

NSHA, Karen Hornberger, Privacy Law, Theft. ID
2021-12-23 Detailed Secuirty Review of JDIrving, Including David Fraser (Privacy and AI), and Military 2019-06-26, 2019-11-19, 2020-08-05, 2020-08-06 As a technical expert, I conducted multiple comprehensive security, ethical, and technical reviews that revealed alarming evidence of wrongdoing. These reviews not only demonstrated my expertise in the field but also showcased my unwavering determination to uncover the truth. It is important to note that these findings were indicative of a genuine concern, emphasizing my clear bias towards exposing the truth rather than engaging in baseless accusations. Again the only thing i asked for was Education and respect. These parties, including the Prime Minister made it clear i am not "the right kind of white"

Security Reviews, Justin Trudeau, Irving Shipbuilding,Technical Reviews ID
2022-10-22 Full review of False Arrest and Torture by HRP and NSHA from August 2nd to August 12th 2022 2022-08-02 Highlighted the signifcant abuse that i endured. It would have been submitted earlier however my mother,m whom i care for was diagnosed with a Mass in her stomach and i had to provie extra care, whould would pass away a few months later

NSHA, Karen Hornberger, Privacy Law,Theft ,HRP, Torture ID
2023-04-03 Email sent to HRP investigator Jonathan Jefferies 2022-08-02, 2023-03-13 When NSHA hasd me falsely arrested again on March 13th 2023 for filing complaints, i had submitted a complaint to HRP Professional Standards. This is the document i sent to the investigator... It shows it was detailed, polite and welll layed out. Fully cited. Jonathan Jefferies absolutely lied about the document, lied about he contents and commited perjury. His complaints, as well as all documents will be posted at a later date.

NSHA, Jonathan Jefferies, Karen Hornberger, Privacy Law, Theft, HRP, Torture, Fraud, Professional Standards ID
2021-03-24 Email directly to Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau asking for help 2020-08-06 The message I wrote is a personal declaration where I express my intention to confront a situation that has caused difficulties in my life and asked for help and direction. I believe that the groups I assert my refusal to back down, emphasizing my competence and innocence. I criticize those who misrepresented me and question the effectiveness of suing as a tactic. I challenge my opponents to take responsibility for their actions. Ultimately, I affirm my determination to stand my ground and speak my truth. While in relaity i was literally giving my abusers.... these Parties more time to lie, cheat , steal and retaliate. You'l see he was directly invovled. And EMIC was invovle din worldwide political interferrence. He had every reason to want to bury this and retaliate.

NSHA, Karen Hornberger, Privacy Law, Theft. ID
2020-08-05 Letter Sent when then, Prmeier of Nova Scotia, Stephen McNiel Resigned 2022-08-02 After the investigation at JDirving. After they caught themselves on recording mocking Racism and Harassment. After i absolutely dominated them in the ethical, technical and secuirty aspects. After RCMP stalked meup and down the road as i protested Racism locally. After these people systemically humilated me, framed me, terroized me and literally engaged in Psychological I srent an email to whole Group stating i got you. And i will absolutely dominate you... The next day, August 6th 2020 Premier Stephen McNiel resinged (Needs alot more detail). You would then be able to go back, and draw connections with his Brother who was acting cheif of Police for Halifax Regional Police at the time. DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2019-02-04 List of static Resources from Google Drive 2019-02-04 Coming Soon - Full List of Static Files avaliable from Google Drive Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2019-07-05 Start Date of First EMIC Contract 2019-07-05, 2020-08-06, 2020-09-15, 2022-08-02, 2023-03-13 Shows first EMIC (SCL group - Cambridge Analytica) Contract linked with adress where my GPS was set to 9330 Highway # 7 Stillwater NS. there are pictures of the registered owner at JDIrving. location was set. EMIC's parent company was invovled in Global Election Interferrence. Now, relating to the core issue with JDirving in 2019. Back to David Pugliese, when reviewing him. I found an article about EMIC in Nova Scotia. I checked the Contracts and they match the land transfer dates perfectly. Upon my false arrest by HRP, and subsequent toture. When RCMP were advised of this, the contracts went missing from the website. Upon being told pages were backe dupin WayBackMachine (legally admissiable in court) they showed back up on the Website. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2020-09-15 EMIC Contract #2 2019-07-05, 2020-08-06, 2022-08-02, 2023-03-13 Shows the relationsnhips with EMIC Contract # 2, linking to the Events with Stephen McNiel and Kevin McCoy stepping down. It links to a date physical mail seems to have gone missing from my mailbox. but it also links to the dates associated with EMIC and Howling wolves in Nova Scotia. All linking back to David Pugliese. Different indivudlas in the community had concerns about thes epeople. At one stage my nephew asked me "Why are they taking pictures of us" Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-09-17 Google Business Analytic Property Spikes (Target Audience Analysis (TAA) Assesment) 2019-07-05, 2020-08-06, 2022-08-02, 2023-03-13 I registered a nearby property as a Business on Google Analytics. Typically views are 0, maybe 1. Associated with sending emails, you can see massive spikes. Some exceeding 400 and 500 hundred, in another event 1,000. This behavir, did seem reactive. And then, there seeme dot be a clear pattern, like "noice" was specifically introduced. And an average of something like between 60 and 120 appeared. Reaosnably, within this range, the real connections were hidden) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2020-09-17 Niantic (pokemon Go Servers) indicating a massive increase in Property Views, further validating Google Business Analytic Property Spikes 2019-07-05, 2022-07-28, 2020-08-06, 2022-08-02, 2023-03-13 Suplimental - Typically, if 2 Pokemon spawn in a rural area within like 10 mins, you are doing really well. When i load it up, after these mentioned analytic events, 20+ pokemon showed up. Indicating Nintic servers also registered and was reponding to property view event data. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2020-09-15 Burchells LP (Burchells LLP) and Valent Legal being Hacked and invovled with possible Identify Theft 2020-08-06, 2021-17-09, 2022-08-02, 2023-03-13 Two legal companies invovled and referenced were reporting possible identify theft and hacking. In one case the company stated thier Phone Systems were hacked. In another, i was phished by Valent Legal who then said it definitely wasent them. This is a perfect example of Target Audience Analysis (TAA) and Psychological Warfare. Whats important, is the event with Valent Legal occured 2 Days before my false arrest, torture and humilation. Showing events wer eoccuring within days and minuets of walking down to HRP. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-02-01 Possible IMSI catcher(s) located 2020-09-15, 2020-08-06, 2019-07-05 When setting up consumer hardware (link) and usign a consumer application (LTE DIscovery) it pointed to a radio tower just behind my hosue, discuss noose. Then finding one behind neighbours, then neighbour finding RCMP sneaking around thier house 2 Days after HRP falsely arrested me, while we live 40KM from a Police station. You'll notice, this was around when Stephen McNiel and Kevin McKoy left office, it correlates with EMIC Contract # 2, corrleates with Google Analytics Property Spikes, Correlates with Target Audience Analysis (TAA), Spyware and "interesting" timing of certian events involving "Authorities"" Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2020-06-17 News Paper Articles 2021-02-01 June 10th 2020 i protested Racism locally in Ecum Secum. I told nobody iw as going, asked nobody to join me. While protested Racism locally 40KM from a Police station. Two RCMP cars showed up, they drove back and forth a few times. Then one parked on top pointing down at me as the other drove back and forth. Eventually stopping to tell me how they "Hope you (me) know we arent like that". A Journlists would stop. And wanted to do an article. On this same day this went live, on the front page Print and Digital. My Internet gets cut to my house for 2 days, and required a technician. if you check the background of the Picture you'll notice Department of Transportation. The Owner of residence A, has a desk at Department of transportaiton. And now, RMCP and these people just happen to show up stalking me. And my interest just happens to get cut while i found my GPS set to a residence where the owner has pictures at the compay of my abusers... But Kristen Holm is telling me im retarded for even recording the fact that it occured. Kristen Holm is truely a Monster.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-10-26 Shows EMIC Contracts being deleted from Government website after HRPfalsely arrested me and NSHA tortured me. 2021-02-01 Shows the EMIC contracts being deleted from Government webiste. And me asking RCMP over and over and over for assitance. But, they amd e aistake. See, the contracts were already backed up on WaybackMachine, an internet archiving site which is admissable in court . While then soon after making this point, they seem to have been added back to the Government site . Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2019-07-05 EMIC - Target Audience Analysis (TAA) 2019-07-05, 2020-09-15, 2022-08-02, 2020-08-06 Inside of the EMIC Contract #1, EMIC Contract # 2 it states EMIC was engaged in Target Audience Analysis (TAA). This is considered Psychological Warfare, PsyOps (As per Nato) and consdered a weapon (UK Parlimentary hearings). This is seemingly confirmed with an article by david Pugliese on this topic. This 1 page document breaks it down nicely. However this is extended to many topics in this. My GPS, IMSI Catcher, Resignations, Threats (HRP Showing up), Internet Cutting Out, timing of idfferent decisions, the hacking and phishing with Burchells LP and Valent Legal. The fake phone calls. The Google ANalytic Spikes could All be instances of Target Audience Analysis (TAA)... to try to make someone look crazy. Or fixating. This is literally why i introduced non zero reasoning and inflated 1%'s. A full review of Target Audience Analysis (TAA) and its impacts including a direct personl pshychological impact assement will be provided. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2020-06-10 RCMP Stalking me while i was protesting Racism Locally 2019-11-19 , 2020-06-10, 2020-06-17, 2020-08-06 Infographic of RCMP Stalking me while i was protesting Racism Locally, they drove back and fortha few times, then one went and parked on the hill the other continued to drive back and forth, eventually stopping to "see my other sign". Locals were stopped, and were extreamly concerned about the way they were acting... "Why are they trying to get you alone"... I said its okay, i'll deal with them. They said "Are you stupid?" they are trying to get you alone to do something to you. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2018-11-17 Found RCMP Vest 2019-11-19 , 2020-06-10, 2020-06-17, 2020-08-06, 2022-08-02 An RCMP vest found in suspicious location, this is the same vest from the Officer who stalked me out of my sisters driveway because im a Gay bro. And has other seirous personal accusations against them Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2020-08-06 Sent my letter August 5th, Stephen McNiel Resigned August 6th 2020. 2019-11-19 , 2020-06-10, 2020-06-17, 2020-08-06, 2022-08-02 Infographic Shows people were shocked McNiel reisgned. McNiel was the right guy for the pandemic and i didnt think it appropriate to blow this out of the water. Shows the section in my letter addressed to this person "right at the top" of JDIrving. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-07-10 TorStar and Postmedia announce Merger Talks, Jamie Irving Stpes down as Execuitve Chair 2019-11-19, 2022-02-17 Just after Bill C-18 0-The Online News Act goes mainstream and basically gets accepted, Postmedia and TorStar indicate there are Merger Talks while the Prime Minister states someone will look into it. While Jamie Irving then steps down as Executive Chair. This is consistent Behavior, on Topic. You'll note, specific questions like this were lodged to jonathan Jefferies of HRP months before. Showing how consistent i was and how objectively corrupt Jonathan Jefferies is. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2019-12-10 Within 24 Hours of filing complaint with JDIrving, HRP showing up asking about a Woman in a Nightdress 2019-12-10 My mother, was disabled. And very well known for her nightdresses. Just after filing my comlpaint with JDirving, and Job interview at the CSIS nest, HRP pulled in behind me at McDonalds, Main Street DartMouth. They asked if i seen a woman wandering around in a nightdress. I said, no and asked them if i should call police if i do, they said NO. This is extreamly concerning as just after this time, i did find a rope haning ina tree around my house. My Cusin and her neighbours reported an SUV stalking thier children to RCMP twice and RCMP didnt contacting them back. And when i went for a walk with a friend to a remote location, i elft my phone behind. Within minuets, a Plane flies in very low and appeared to have a Camera and circled over us. The other person kept sayiong OMG why are they so low, its so weird! Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2019-04-18 Events with HRP and Jim Perrin coinciding with me getitng pointed at in traffic and getting my first speeding ticket 2019-11-19, 2022-02-17 I was experiencing serious issues with my Manager and I just needed it to stop. I never asked for any type of reprocussions, or action against them. 8 days after filing a complaint with the HR department at Irving Shipbuilding (JDirving), i got pointed at in trafffic by Police in an unmarked vehicle. This is where i got my first speeding ticket. The infographic shows the data associations with HRP, and the core issue with JDirving, Postmedia and the Worley Report - On this same Date, HRP stated it would "disengenous" to appologize for Systemic Racism after the Wortley Report. From there Jim Perrin also called it Systemic Bias. All of which would leadinto the events with the investigation at JDIrving early 2020, and subsequent resigantion of Prmeier, Stephen McNiel August 5th 2020. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-03-24 Office of the Privacy Comissioner of Canada (OPC - PIPEDA) and Employment Services Development Canada (ESDC - CLC) Both instituions were contacted. I believe PIPEDA was applicable. However, regardles, the arguments and reasoig is solid. Thes ebodies intentionally and knowingly made it difficult to ask even basic quesitons. And now knowing all of this evidence, I find it difficult to believe they didnt know something bad happened. (DATE CHEK) PIPEDA IMAGE: PIPEDA AND ESDC IMAGE: PIPEDA HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-08-05 Transcript and Audio Recording Recording Between Kristen Holm (Psychiatrist) and Scott Jewers First: Rough Transcription of the recorded meeting August 5th 2022 where Kristen Holm told me i was being admitted.
Second: Is the Actual Audio of the interaction. Both should be referenced as the transcription is rough.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-08-05 Transcript of Recording Between Kristen Holm (Psychiatrist) and Scott Jewers First: Rough Transcription of the recorded meeting August 5th 2022 where Kristen Holm told me i was being admitted.
Second: Is the Actual Audio of the interaction. Both should be referenced as the transcription is rough.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2019-11-19 Jim Perrin - HRP Transition to JDIrivng infographic Jim Perrin - HRP Transition to JDIrivng infographic, shows Job Posting from June 17th 2019, and then LinkedIn showing he moved to JDIrving November 2019, just before the appology was announced. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-03-22 Liberals And NDP Governments announcing Supply and Confidence Agreemment day after i said got I you and would press charges. A very good exmapleopf Target Audience Analysis (TAA). Remeber Jagmeet Singh would ahve to come out and look at all of Canada and tell the, he wouldnt ahve acted differently if i was Black. When of course he would have. While now he ahs to exlain why he did nothing. While now they know i absolutely dominated thema nd the Publicv will agree... And so its in his interest to have me framed and abused. Becaus eh knows Justin Trudea is never going to face it... especially the accusations of Foreign inteferrence regarding EMIC. While now, Daddy was caught. And all his Money is going to protect all of them... Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2019-11-19 Tim Houston personally installed NSHA Board while removing Diversity. A good exmaple of TAA. Jagmeet Singh would have to come out and look at all of Canada and tell them he wouldnt have acted differently if i was Black. When of course he would have. While now he ahs to exlain why he did nothing. While now they know i absolutely dominated thema nd the Publicv will agree... And so its in his interest to have me framed and abused. Becaus eh knows Justin Trudea is never going to face it... especially the accusations of Foreign inteferrence regarding EMIC. While now, Daddy was caught. And all his Money is going to protect all of them... Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-08-03 Emails showing i made claims about my wwallet, man standing over me, denied a lawyer, and police calling themselves a conflict of interest. The same day i was admitted to Mount Hope, within about 12 Hours. I directly reported serious abuses to well over 100 people on thread. Emails showing i made claims about my wwallet, man standing over me, denied a lawyer, and police calling themselves a conflict of interest. This was sent from my smartphone.... Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-08-03 Book Bag -> Wallet -> Health Card (PHI - Privacy Breach), ID's and Financial Information. PAGE 73 arrived with the "Previous Client" and so before me and before I even seen the doctor. Book Bag -> Wallet -> Health Card (PHI - Privacy Breach), ID's and Financial Information. PAGE 73 arrived with the "previous Client" and so before me and before I even seen the doctor. A massive privacy breach. As reported, it ended up in the custody of a man ssketched out and self admittedly on drugs. Who was walkign around frantic. My boogbag has a giant sticker on it saying "SCOTT", so if you seen this person with that bookbag what would you think their name was? They came to me the next Morning, unprompted warned me about Police, stated they went all through my bookbag and wallet. They asked if i wanted to rock, paper scissors for one of the $20's. Even worse, it seems to have neded up in the custody of the two HRP Officers holding him, who heard me ask "What would JDIrving pay to stay out of Jail". To which the person, unprompted warned me about those Police the next morning.... Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-11-30 Dick Jewers - Reply to kristen Holm and College November 30th 2023 Also reference College Submission regarding Kristen Holm November 14th 2023, as i didnt know if Kristen Holm would be providing a statement. I released this version, base don the Medical Records provided. Once Kristen Hom responded, i then responded with Dick Jewers - Reply to kristen Holm and College November 30th 2023.

You were involuntarily admitted to Mount Hope Hospital on August 3, 2022. You believe this admission was a result of your investigation into executives of Irving Oil and the RCMP.
You were under Dr. Holm's care between August 3 and August 12, 2022.
Specifically, you allege Dr. Holm:
  1. Falsified documents and records;
  2. Engaged in coercive torture by administering medication without your consent;
  3. Did not investigate your allegation of sexual abuse while you were a patient at Mount Hope;
  4. Labelled you "retarded" and therefore the RCMP would not investigate your complaint of sexual assault;
  5. Denied you access to legal counsel;
  6. Engaged in reckless endangerment, fraud, and criminal and professional negligence.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-11-14 College Submission regarding Kristen Holm November 14th 2023 Also reference Dick Jewers - Reply to Kristen Holm and College November 30th 2023, as i didnt know if Kristen Holm would be providing a statement. I released this version, base don the Medical Records provided. Once Kristen Hom responded, i then responded with Dick Jewers - Reply to kristen Holm and College November 30th 2023. The college is claiming that im making the follwng allegations, which you will find no where in this document. It is complete non contestable Fraud by the college:

You were involuntarily admitted to Mount Hope Hospital on August 3, 2022. You believe this admission was a result of your investigation into executives of Irving Oil and the RCMP.
You were under Dr. Holm's care between August 3 and August 12, 2022.
Specifically, you allege Dr. Holm:
  1. Falsified documents and records;
  2. Engaged in coercive torture by administering medication without your consent;
  3. Did not investigate your allegation of sexual abuse while you were a patient at Mount Hope;
  4. Labelled you "retarded" and therefore the RCMP would not investigate your complaint of sexual assault;
  5. Denied you access to legal counsel;
  6. Engaged in reckless endangerment, fraud, and criminal and professional negligence.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-01-15 MASSIVE FRAUD FROM COLLEGE - 2024-01-15 Jewers re Dr Kristen Holm - Dismissed by Registrar with Advice - 15 Jan 24.pdf College commited MASSIVE fraud, thier whole allege Seciton was completely fradulent. You can confirm the "You Allege" seciton is ALL FRAUD. All my submissions to the college regarding Kristen Holm can be found Here:

2023-11-14 - College Submission regarding Kristen Holm November 14th 2023
2023-11-30 Dick Jewers - Reply to kristen Holm and College November 30th 2023


You were involuntarily admitted to Mount Hope Hospital on August 3, 2022. You believe this admission was a result of your investigation into executives of Irving Oil and the RCMP.
You were under Dr. Holm's care between August 3 and August 12, 2022.
Specifically, you allege Dr. Holm:
  1. Falsified documents and records;
  2. Engaged in coercive torture by administering medication without your consent;
  3. Did not investigate your allegation of sexual abuse while you were a patient at Mount Hope;
  4. Labelled you "retarded" and therefore the RCMP would not investigate your complaint of sexual assault;
  5. Denied you access to legal counsel;
  6. Engaged in reckless endangerment, fraud, and criminal and professional negligence.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-10-10 2023-10-10 Reply To College regarding Nancy Murphy October 10th 2023 The college is claiming that im making the follwng allegations, which you will find no where in this document. It is complete non contestable Fraud by the college. This is referencing the colleges reply on January 15th 2024:

"You allege Dr. Murphy admitted you as part of wider investigation into corruption and a cover-up by Nova Scotia Health.

Specifically, you allege Dr. Murphy:
  1. Violated your rights by having you involuntarily admitted to the Mount Hope Hospital;
  2. Humiliated you when you asked about your rights;
  3. Had your belongings sent to Mount Hope Hospital without your knowledge;
  4. Fabricated your encounter in the Emergency Department;
  5. Denied your request to contact a lawyer;
  6. Took your blood and did imaging without your consent.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-01-15 2023-10-10 Reply To College regarding Nancy Murphy October 10th 2023 The college is claiming that im making the follwng allegations, which you will find no where in this document. It is complete non contestable Fraud by the college.
2023-10-10 Reply To College regarding Nancy Murphy October 10th 2023

"You allege Dr. Murphy admitted you as part of wider investigation into corruption and a cover-up by Nova Scotia Health.

Specifically, you allege Dr. Murphy:
  1. Violated your rights by having you involuntarily admitted to the Mount Hope Hospital;
  2. Humiliated you when you asked about your rights;
  3. Had your belongings sent to Mount Hope Hospital without your knowledge;
  4. Fabricated your encounter in the Emergency Department;
  5. Denied your request to contact a lawyer;
  6. Took your blood and did imaging without your consent.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-22 Response from the Fraud Patrick H. Curran (Police Complaints Commissioner), HRP Professional Standards.

Stating they would not be forwarding the case to the Board of Police Commissioners. Literally slandered and misquoted throughout. This Fraud stated I asked for the Arresting Officers to be removed form a Complaint regarding them making a False arrest.... please think about how fundamentally stupid that is.

Here is what the fraud Patrick H. Curran (Police Complaints Commissioner), put in the report, and an example of slander, defamation that Patrick H. Curran has personally engaged in against me:

"As I stated to your Officers.... I do not want them personally punished (Aside from Officer 5 who took the cuffs off)" - Mar 23, 2023, 9:27 AM.

"No TO BE PERFECTLY CLEAR - As i stated to your Officers... I do not want them personally punished (Aside from Officer 5 who took the cuffs off). But if they lied on the record, there is nothing I can do. As stated... Dan Kinsella should have taken personal responsibility. The fact they would use this to extor his own Officers is an absolute Breach of Public Trust." - Mar 23, 2023, 9:27 AM

"If I hear of any of the Officers getting fired, or being targeted. I am going to have a very serious problem. So you will not just remove them without making it very clear why Dan Kinsella was not responsible."

"I heard the two officers who arrested me talking, they knew something was wrong, and it wasn't me. I was calm ,cool and collected the entire time. Officer 1, 2, 3 and 4. Didn't really mistreat me aside from Arresting me... Officer 5 who took my Cuffs Off - Should be fired and reprimanded immediately. The Supervisor should be fired - that was a criminal assault." Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-07-24 Form 13 Completed Form Page 1 and 2 and then Form 13 Blank Form (1 full page on its own) Response from the Fraud Patrick H. Curran (Police Complaints Commissioner), HRP Professional Standards. On March 22 2024 States went on a two page diatrade towards Jonathan jefferies.

"The "reasons" you included with your Form 13 were a two-page diatribe against the complaint investigator, Sgt. Jefferies, without a single mention of "Officer 5" or the alleged assault."

My Completed Form 13 was only two pages in total and didnt even use the entire second page. So it technically wasn't even 1 page long. This is Link #1 and Link #2
Form 13, on its own is one solid page without any user input. If opened in google docs, its actually larger than 1 page. This is link #3.

Patrick H. Curran exaggerated this intentionally. This was done with malice as to bias any reader. Also, it clearly asked why he didn't include the arresting officers. This was asked OVER AND OVER AND OVER. It clearly stated I was a Technical expert, and asked How my GPS got set to 9330 Highway # 7 Stillwater NS, why there were pictures of the registered owner at Irving Shipbuilding and why they had signed certificates from Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
It asked again about the associations with EMIC. Again it highlighted we did a serious investigation at JDIrving. All of which the Fraud Patrick H. Curran left out of his final report March 22nd 2024.

Patrick H. Curran absolutely acted with malice.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-03-13 Form 5 - Complaint made to Halifax Regional Police Professional Standards (PC-23-0049) Complaint filed with HRP rgeraidng the false arrest August 2nd 2022 and against the Cheif of Police, Dan Kinsella. It clearly states i was falsely arrested, assaulted and tortured. PC-23-0049 Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Crystal Morgan - Lead Investigator, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia.
Charges Requested:
  1. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  2. Fabricating evidence 137
  3. Criminal negligence 219
  4. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  5. Fraudulent concealment 341
  6. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  7. Conspiracy 465
  8. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  9. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Dennis Daley - Commanding Officer of the RCMP in Nova Scotia.
Charges Requested:
  1. Criminal Assault
  2. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  3. Fabricating evidence 137
  4. Criminal negligence 219
  5. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  6. Fraudulent concealment 341
  7. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  8. Conspiracy 465
  9. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  10. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d)
  11. Application for finding that an offender is a dangerous offender (753)(1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Doctor Douglas (Gus) Grant - Registrar and CEO, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia.
Charges Requested:
  1. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  2. Fabricating evidence 137
  3. Criminal negligence 219
  4. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  5. Fraudulent concealment 341
  6. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  7. Conspiracy 465
  8. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  9. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Hana Marie Weimer - QEII Emergency.
Charges Requested:
  1. Criminal Assault
  2. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  3. Fabricating evidence 137
  4. Criminal negligence 219
  5. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  6. Fraudulent concealment 341
  7. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  8. Conspiracy 465
  9. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  10. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d)
  11. Application for finding that an offender is a dangerous offender (753)(1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Jessica - RCMP Sheet Harbour.
Charges Requested:
  1. Criminal Assault
  2. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  3. Fabricating evidence 137
  4. Criminal negligence 219
  5. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  6. Fraudulent concealment 341
  7. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  8. Conspiracy 465
  9. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  10. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d)
  11. Application for finding that an offender is a dangerous offender (753)(1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Jonathan Jefferies - Investigator with Halifax Regional Police, Professional Standards.
Charges Requested for Jonathan Jefferies - Investigator with Halifax Regional Police, Professional Standards.:
  1. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  2. Fabricating evidence 137
  3. Criminal negligence 219
  4. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  5. Fraudulent concealment 341
  6. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  7. Conspiracy 465
  8. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  9. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Kristen Holm - Psychiatrist, NSHA and Mount Hope.
Charges Requested:
  1. Criminal Assault
  2. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  3. Fabricating evidence 137
  4. Criminal negligence 219
  5. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  6. Fraudulent concealment 341
  7. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  8. Conspiracy 465
  9. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  10. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d)
  11. Application for finding that an offender is a dangerous offender (753)(1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Michael Duheme - RCMP Commissioner of Canada.
Charges Requested:
  1. Criminal Assault
  2. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  3. Fabricating evidence 137
  4. Criminal negligence 219
  5. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  6. Fraudulent concealment 341
  7. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  8. Conspiracy 465
  9. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  10. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d)
  11. Application for finding that an offender is a dangerous offender (753)(1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Nancy Murphy - Nurse, QEII Emergency.
Charges Requested:
  1. Criminal Assault
  2. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  3. Fabricating evidence 137
  4. Criminal negligence 219
  5. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  6. Fraudulent concealment 341
  7. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  8. Conspiracy 465
  9. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  10. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d)
  11. Application for finding that an offender is a dangerous offender (753)(1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Stephen McNeil - Former Premier of Nova Scotia.
Charges Requested against Stephen McNeil - Former Premier of Nova Scotia:
  1. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  2. Fabricating evidence 137
  3. Criminal negligence 219
  4. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  5. Fraudulent concealment 341
  6. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  7. Conspiracy 465
  8. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  9. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Suzanne Husbands - Early Resolution Advisor, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia.
Charges Requested against Suzanne Husbands - Early Resolution Advisor, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia:
  1. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  2. Fabricating evidence 137
  3. Criminal negligence 219
  4. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  5. Fraudulent concealment 341
  6. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  7. Conspiracy 465
  8. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  9. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Request made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Tim Houston - Premier, Nova Scotia.
Charges Requested against Tim Houston - Premier, Nova Scotia:
  1. Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  2. Fabricating evidence 137
  3. Criminal negligence 219
  4. Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  5. Fraudulent concealment 341
  6. False Pretences
    1. False pretence 361 (1)
    2. False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  7. Conspiracy 465
  8. Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  9. Use, trafficking or possession of forged document 368 (1)(a)(b)(c)(d) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Letter made March 6th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges against 12 individuals.

It was requested that Crown procecutor get a statement from RCMP in writing. This was emailed to RCMP and dozens of Other individuals it mail Mailed through Canada Post on March 6th 2024. And also posted to facebook with the following Tags
#cbcnews #CTVNews #citynews #postmedia #sheetharbour #JustinTrudeau #JagmeetSingh #PierrePoilievre #liberalpartyofcanada #NDP #ConservativeParty #conservativepartyofcanada #RCMP #CSIS #timhouston #cbcradio #bellmedia #TorontoStar #halifaxns #novascotia #globeandmail #Netflix #HBO #PrimeVideo #jeffbezos #MarkZuckerberg #elonmusk #BillGates

People Involved:
  • Tim Houston - Premier, Nova Scotia
  • Suzanne Husbands - Early Resolution Advisor, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
  • Stephen McNeil - Former Premier of Nova Scotia
  • Nancy Murphy - Nurse, QEII Emergency
  • Michael Duheme - RCMP Commissioner of Canada
  • Kristen Holm - Psychiatrist, NSHA and Mount Hope
  • Jonathan Jefferies - Investigator with Halifax Regional Police, Professional Standards
  • Jessica - RCMP Sheet Harbour
  • Hana Marie Weimer - QEII Emergency
  • Doctor Douglas (Gus) Grant - Registrar and CEO, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
  • Dennis Daley - Commanding Officer of the RCMP in Nova Scotia
  • Crystal Morgan - Lead Investigator, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-24 Request made March 24th 2024 to Crown Procecutor of Nova Scotia and RCMP for Charges to be laid against Patrick H. Curran (Police Complaints Commissioner), HRP Professional Standards.
Legal Offenses:
  • Accessory after the fact 23 (1)
  • Fabricating evidence 137
  • Criminal negligence 219
  • Criminal Breach of Trust 336
  • Fraudulent concealment 341
  • False Pretences
    • False pretence 361 (1)
    • False pretence or false statement 362 (1)(a)(b)(c(i))(d)
  • Conspiracy 465
  • Making false document 366(2)(a)(b)(c)
  • Application for finding that an offender is a dangerous offender (753)(1)(a)(i)(ii)(iii) Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-07-07 Form 11 - Response from Jonathan Jefferies - Investigator with Halifax Regional Police, Professional Standards. Response where Jonathan Jefferies lied through his teeth about my submission and complaint document that was submitted April 3rd 2023 (Stemming from original complaint March 13th 2023 (Form 5)). The number of direct lies, and intentional misrepresentation is staggering, you will notice how he didn't copy and paste and address any statements because he knew if he did it would raise serious questions.

Remember he never called me once, or answered a single email. And never once explained why he removed the arresting officers from a complaint regarding a false arrest. Jonathan Jefferies is a Fraud and he absolutely acted with malice. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-01-15 College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia (CPSNS) Sent my Perosnal and Confidential Information to Cox and Plamer, as Massive conflict of interest. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia, directy and intentionally exposed me and my Personal and Confidental information too Cox and Palmer who employ one of my Named Abusers, Stephen McNeil but also have contracts with Irving Shipbuilding. While Cox and Palmer themsleves stated they were a Conflict of Interest. Menaing they in no uncertain terms cannot and should not be trusted. CPSNS caused a serious Privacy Breach in thier attempt to cover up serious abuse. the college didnt even contact me to clarify any points, meaning this was willful and itnentional negligence brought on by thier true agenda of claiming "Plausible Deniability". This was a direct violation of section 46 of the Medical Act - Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-05-25 Karen Hornberger, Director or Privacy for Nova Scotia Health Authority response to Privacy Inquiry - FRAUD Karen Hornberger polished the record and lied about the circumstanced involving the Privacy Breach, AUgust 2nd - 3rd 2022 regarding my Book Bag -> Wallet -> Health Card (PHI – Privacy Breach), ID’s and Financial Information (PAGE 73 Jewers_Medical Record Copy_12 Oct 2023.pdf) . She even went so far as to completel;y misrepresent the circumstances and description of what i said occutred as to try to justify it if it occur. This was absolutely done with malice. But then this Fraud suggests i deserved to be recorded for 24 Hours without my consent while the Hana Marie Weimer threatened ot have me just locked up. While she states clinicians can refuse to be recorded. Which is false... they can even be recorded without telling them.
Karen Hornberger is a FRAUD. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-26 Document provided to Crown Procecutor (Halifax) on March 26th 2024 Requesting charges
People Involved:
  • Tim Houston - Premier, Nova Scotia
  • Suzanne Husbands - Early Resolution Advisor, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
  • Stephen McNeil - Former Premier of Nova Scotia
  • Nancy Murphy - Nurse, QEII Emergency
  • Michael Duheme - RCMP Commissioner of Canada
  • Kristen Holm - Psychiatrist, NSHA and Mount Hope
  • Jonathan Jefferies - Investigator with Halifax Regional Police, Professional Standards
  • Jessica - RCMP Sheet Harbour
  • Hana Marie Weimer - QEII Emergency
  • Doctor Douglas (Gus) Grant - Registrar and CEO, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
  • Dennis Daley - Commanding Officer of the RCMP in Nova Scotia
  • Crystal Morgan - Lead Investigator, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
  • Patrick H Curran (Halifax Regional Police - Police Complaints Commissioner)
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-03-06 Document mailed via Canada Post to Crown Procecutor (Halifax) on March 6th 2024 Requesting charges
People Involved:
  • Tim Houston - Premier, Nova Scotia
  • Suzanne Husbands - Early Resolution Advisor, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
  • Stephen McNeil - Former Premier of Nova Scotia
  • Nancy Murphy - Nurse, QEII Emergency
  • Michael Duheme - RCMP Commissioner of Canada
  • Kristen Holm - Psychiatrist, NSHA and Mount Hope
  • Jonathan Jefferies - Investigator with Halifax Regional Police, Professional Standards
  • Jessica - RCMP Sheet Harbour
  • Hana Marie Weimer - QEII Emergency
  • Doctor Douglas (Gus) Grant - Registrar and CEO, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
  • Dennis Daley - Commanding Officer of the RCMP in Nova Scotia
  • Crystal Morgan - Lead Investigator, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-01-15 Nancy Murphy, Admitting Doctor on August 2nd 2022 admits thier record is incomplete Nancy Murphy, Admitting Doctor on August 2nd 2022 admits thier record is incomplete admits her record of August 2nd 2022 is incomplete which is an understatement. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-07-11 Delivery confirmations from HRP for The Wolf And The Neural Network - ALPHA Delivery confirmations from HRP for The Wolf And The Neural Network - ALPHA. Showing i sent this 22 days, or 3 weeks before qwalkign down. While their own replies state they will reply in 7 days. I gave them 3 times longer.

It also clearly shows delivery confirmations from HRP going back to september 2021. So how could HRP or Dan Kinsella not know? Its basically impossible. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-08-02 HRP Police Reports Absolute fraud. They make no sense. It was mashed otgether because those Officers knew they made a serious mistake. I was completely professional. Upon review of video evidence by profesisonal standards it shows i was completely compliant.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-04-05 PC-23-0049 - Response to HRP Police Complaints Comissioner, Patrick H Curran regarding his March 22nd 2024 decision to close the case Absolute fraud. Regarding PC-23-0049 DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-04-05 Letter to Trish Ralph regarding massive Privacy Breach regarding NSHA File 2023-074 and OIPC File 23-00201 Provided significant evidence of a serious privacy breach and fraud at NSHA. DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-04-05 My response to Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere Form 11 July 7th 2023 regarding PC-23-0049 Absolute Fraud. Regarding PC-23-0049 DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-04-05 Letter to NSHA explaining the serious Fraud commited by Karen Hornberger regarding NSHA File 2023-074 and OIPC File 23-00201 Absolute Fraud. Regarding her response May 25th 2023. NSHA File 2023-074 and OIPC File 23-00201 DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-04-05 Personal Letter to HRP Police Complaints Comissioner, Patrick H Curran regarding PC-23-0049 Absolute Fraud. Regarding his submission march 22nd 2024. PC-23-0049 DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-03-23 Specifcally Patrick H Curran (HRP Police Complaints comissioner). Replied adding detailed about Form 5. PC-23-0049 I had just got out of the hospitol, because of a second false arrest by NSHA on March 13th 2023, just after filing my complaint (Form 5) at HRP HQ. Caused by the first. I was in shock. I was told if i persisted, or even mentioned JDirving. NSHA would justhave me arrested and pumped full of drugs. I had just got out of the hospitol a day or so earlier. After they stripped my rights and dignity, denied me a lawyer. I had to wash my underwear in a sink. Patrick Curran would then go on to completely lie and misquote these emails in hsi final reply March 22 2024. Which was 1 full year from his First reply March 23rd 2023. Patrick H Curran took 1 FULL YEAR speicfically drag this out. While in that year never contacted me even once to clarify or gather evidence. They wouldnt even explain why they removed the arresting officers form a complaint regarding a false arrest. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-03-23 Specifcally Patrick H Curran (HRP Police Complaints comissioner). Replied adding detailed about Form 5. PC-23-0049 I had just got out of the hospitol, because of a second false arrest by NSHA on March 13th 2023, just after filing my complaint (Form 5) at HRP HQ. Caused by the first. I was in shock. I was told if i persisted, or even mentioned JDirving. NSHA would justhave me arrested and pumped full of drugs. I had just got out of the hospitol a day or so earlier. After they stripped my rights and dignity, denied me a lawyer. I had to wash my underwear in a sink. Patrick Curran would then go on to completely lie and misquote these emails in hsi final reply March 22 2024. Which was 1 full year from his First reply March 23rd 2023. Patrick H Curran took 1 FULL YEAR speicfically drag this out. While in that year never contacted me even once to clarify or gather evidence. They wouldnt even explain why they removed the arresting officers form a complaint regarding a false arrest. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-04-09 Personal Letter to Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau Sent a personal letter highliting the fraud of:

HRP Profesisonal Standards - Patrick H Curran, Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere
NSHA, Mount Hope and CPSNS (College) - Nancy Murphy, Emergency Mental Health Doctor, Kristen Holm, NSHA Staff, Crystal Morgan, Suzanne Husbands, Douglas Grant
RCMP - Jessica RCMP Sheet Habrour and RMCP retaliation and fraud in general.
Tim Houston

This has been Emailed, Faxed, Posted to facebook and Mailed through Canada Post to Justin Trudeau.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-04-08 Personal Letter to Premier, Tim Houston Sent a personal letter highliting the fraud of:

HRP Profesisonal Standards - Patrick H Curran, Jonathan Jefferies and Ron Legere
NSHA and Mount Hope - Nancy Murphy, Emergency Mental Health Doctor, Kristen Holm, NSHA Staff
RCMP - Jessica RCMP Sheet Habrour and RMCP retaliation and fraud in general.

This has been Emailed, Faxed, Posted to facebook and Mailed through Canada Post to Tim Houston.
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-04-09 Mailed several Letters through Canada Post Image of Mail being sent at Canada Post:

The following Have Been Mailed through Canada Post, Faxed, Delivered through Email and Posted to Facebook. All can also be found on
April 5th 2024 - Patrick Curran - (This Document) Response to Police Complaints Commissioner, Patrick H Curran and his response March 22nd 2024 -
April 5th 2024 - Patrick Curran - Detailed Response highlighting the fraud of Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran Form 11 response on July 7th 2023. –
April 5th 2024 - Patrick Curran - Personal Letter to Patrick H Curran. -
April 5th 2024 - Tricia Ralph - Letter to Tricia Ralph - Privacy Commissioner -
April 5th 2024 - Karen Hornberger - Letter to NSHA Privacy Regarding the Fraud Karen Hornberger - Direct Link -
April 8th 2024 - Tim Houston - Personal Letter to Tim Houston -
April 9th 2024 - - Justin Trudeau - A Personal Letter to Justin Trudeau - Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-01-06 January 6th warning of AI, Mathmatics, of these "Big Men", War Meant to warn about Freedom Convoy, Upcoming War In Ukraine, Advancements in AI (mathmatics)

And advising, like AI, i would win.

This would also be sent out January 6th 2023 and January 6th 2024. As i was hoping for a different result... Quote taken from Battle star Galactica:

P1: "All of this has happened before..."
P2: "But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
P1: "This time I bet no..."
P2: "You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
P1: "Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
P2: "You know it doesn't like that name..."
P2: "Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"

Youtube Link - Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-08-27 Third Email To "Main Email Thread" Detailing the complaint. Contained a General AI Review Second Email To "Main Email Thread" Detailing the complaint. Contained a General AI Review. First was simply just the PIPEDA Document. This one included the letter to the Prime Minister and the letter sent the day before mcniel resigned. But also it also a review on AI. Comparing it ot a God, and giving a warning to David Fraser, Whitehatter, Daniel Therien. DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-08-27 AI review attachment that was attached to Third Email To "Main Email Thread" Detailing the complaint. AI review attachment that was attached to Second Email To "Main Email Thread" Detailing the complaint. Comparing it ot a God, and giving a warning to David Fraser, Whitehatter, Daniel Therien and anyone reading. DOC: HTML
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-09-16 First Added Howling ASCII Wolf To Emails First Added Howling ASCII Wolf To Emails Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-12-20 Third Review of David Fraser sent to "Main Email Thread" DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-01-04 Fourth Review of David Fraser sent to "Main Email Thread" DOC: HTML
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-03-13 Signs i took while while walking through Halifax to raise awarness. Signs i took while while walking through Halifax to raise awarness.. Clearly these people were going to retaliate, and i needed the public to know something happened. Also had these signs when i went to HRP HQ to file my complaint (Form 5) with professional standards. I never protested outside of HRP or bothered, or talked to a single person. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-03-15 First reponse by Patrick H Curran from the Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner - PC-23-0049 First response, they asked for more information. They gave me until March 23rd 2023 to reply or they would just close. NSHA had me falsely arrested 2 days prior when i filed Form 5 of this complaint at HRP HQ. I just got out March 21st 2023. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-08-10 First set of email address on "Main Email Thread" This is the first batch of email addresses on the main email thread from August 10th 2021. This would grow by August 27th and then even bigger by the end of September 2021. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-09-25 Email address on "Main Email Thread" as of September 25th 2021 This is the batch of email addresses on the main email thread as of September 25th 2021. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-08-27 Email address on "Main Email Thread" as of August 27th 2021, when i explained the core issue Email address on "Main Email Thread" as of August 27th 2021, when i explained the core issue Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-05-27 After RCMP threateed me, i received a call from NSHA Mental Health Services RCMP can be heard in the phone recording threatening me May 24th 2023. They stated they would call me back Monday. Which would be the 29th, and they never did. Instead, On May 27th 2023, i get a call from NSHA Mental health Services terrorizing me. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-02-16 Response to Pirvacy Commissioner spitting in my face and denying my fundamental chartered rights Response to Pirvacy Commissioner spitting in my face and denying my fundamental chartered rights DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-08-31 FRAUD - NSHA banning me from Hostpiol Grounds FRAUD - NSHA banning me from Hospitol Grounds. States i was at a physical location and they read this this document to me. This was retaliation by nancy Murphy and NSHA for filign a complaint. CPSNS didnt include this in thier report. They are claiming this isnt related... when of coruse it is, its basically dated the same time as the reply from Nancy Murphy. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-01-10 Email to Crystal Morgan (Lead Investigator CPSNS) explaining how serious this was and making sure it was clear on record to her directly DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-02-20 Response from CPSNS - Suzanne Husbands where she claimed Cox and Palmer were not a conflict of interest and then lied about me not requesting an appeal and just closed the case Response from CPSNS - Suzanne Husbands where she claimed Cox and Palmer were not a conflict of interest and then lied about me not requesting an appeal and just closed the case DOC: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2019-07-31 Odgers works with Key Clients such as Postmedia Odgers works with Key Clients such as Postmedia Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2020-04-01 Date Wikispooks article was posted on Gaby Van Den Berg, and corrleation with Dylan Howard left AMI. Date Wikispooks article was posted on Gaby Van Den Berg, and corrleation with Dylan Howard left AMI. Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-09-20 Original, Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Kristen Holm (Psychiatrist at Mount Hope) Original, Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Kristen Holm (Psychiatrist at Mount Hope) DOCUMENT:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2024-01-03 Original Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Hana Marie Weimer (Doctor or Nurse at QEII Emergency) Original Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Hana Marie Weimer (Doctor or Nurse at QEII Emergency) DOCUMENT: HTML:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-07-31 Original Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Nancy Murphy (Doctor or Nurse at QEII Emergency) Original Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Nancy Murphy (Doctor or Nurse at QEII Emergency) DOCUMENT:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2023-03-24 First Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Kristen Holm (Psychiatrist at Mount Hope) while Second was September 20th 2023. First Complaint to CPSNS Regarding Kristen Holm (Psychiatrist at Mount Hope) while Second was September 20th 2023. DOCUMENT:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2021-07-26 Irving Shipbuilding, Halifax - An Open Letter and Record of a serious event. (First Broad Email) Irving Shipbuilding, Halifax - An Open Letter and Record of a serious event. (First Broad Email) DOCUMENT:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID
2022-12-29 Op-ed: Why I'm taking Postmedia, JDIrving, The Conservative Party of Canada and the Trudeau Government to task DOCUMENT:
Bulk Files, Evidence, Images, Pictures, Audio, Video ID

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"