Video Video

The Wolf And The Neural Network
Waking From A Dream

Release Date: June 30th 2023
109 Days (March 13th 2023) after NSHA retaliated and had me arrested after i filed complaint with HRP Professional Stadards, at HRP HQ. Where they slandered me, denied me a lawyer, denied my right to record. They advised me, i had to talk about it or i would just be locked up.
27 Days (May 24th 2023) after the Audio Recorded threats from RCMP after asking them for help and reporting serious abuse, including a possible sexual assault.

"All of this has happened before..."
"But the question remains... does all this have to happen again...?"
"This time I bet no..."
"You know I've never known you to play the optimist, why the change of heart?"
"Mathematics... law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough eventually something surprising might occur... that too is in god's plan."
"You know it doesn't like that name..."
"Silly me... Silly... Silly... Me"