Submitted By: |
Scott Jewers (Pronoun and Preferred name is Daddy) - 902-220-9106 |
Subject: |
PC-23-0049 - Response to Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran Form 11 Submission July 7th 2024. Justifying my confusion and complaints against Mr. Jefferies in my Form 13 Response July 24th 2023. |
Date: |
April 5th 2024 |
This document is meant to be used in conjunction with my response to Patrick H Curran's decision and form HRP Professional Standards emailed me March 22nd 2024. Both my response to Patrick H Curran and this document were released April 5th 2024.
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I am a Systems Analyst and Programmer with over 18 years' experience. I've worked for research in Motion as an Escalation point for the BlackBerry Internet Service, Handheld software and BlackBerry Enterprise Server. I've worked for Dalhousie and then Irving Shipbuilding (Canadas National Shipbuilder) in production engineering.
All data was amalgamated in research project called "the Wolf and the Neural Network - ALPHA" which consists of 424 data Points, all fully hyperlinked and referenced by a Global technical Expert this was submitted to hundreds of parties including HRP, Lawyers, Media, RCMP and Government July 11th 2022. Which was 22 days before walking down to Halifax Regional Police on August 2nd 2022. Here are email delivery confirmations of being showing it was received by HRP. Direct Link -, but also show delivery confirmations going back to September 2021.
This document is produced to show the absolute non contestable fraud committed by Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran. It should be used in Tandem with the final response from Patrick Curran on March 22nd 2024 - Direct Link - . But also, the full chain of Form Responses can be found just above the Index in this document.
As this is part of a Global Security review then I will be frank in the introduction. It is my professional recommendation to CSIS and RCMP is that Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran are to be stripped of any and all security clearance for the remained of their lives and at very least charges of Fraud be laid.
On March 6th 2024 (Mail, Email and Facebook) and March 24th 2024 (Physically Dropped of Papers) RCMP and Crown Prosecutor have been asked requested to seek the following charges for Both Patrick H. Curran and Jonathan Jefferies, I am asking for no less than 4 Years in a Federal Prison, any and all cases handled by Jonathan Jefferies will be deferred to a 3rd Party review and all his victims notified. Ron Legere will be added to this list:
I'm also asking the Crown to Seek charges of Domestic Terrorism. And expect a detailed response on why not.
#cbcnews #CTVNews #citynews #postmedia #sheetharbour #JustinTrudeau #JagmeetSingh #PierrePoilievre #liberalpartyofcanada #NDP #ConservativeParty #conservativepartyofcanada #RCMP #CSIS #timhouston #cbcradio #bellmedia #TorontoStar #halifaxns #novascotia #globeandmail #Netflix #HBO #PrimeVideo #jeffbezos #MarkZuckerberg #elonmusk #BillGates
2) Videos were made covering these events and Individuals and Videos will produced from this document.All videos have also been posted to Facebook. This was done as to protect me from further retaliation from HRP, RCMP and NSHA.
3) On August 02nd, 2022, Scott Jewers attended the front entrance of the Halifax Regional Police headquarters located at 1975 Gottingen Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Jewers was insisting on speaking with Chief Dan Kinsella advising he had evidence that Halifax Regional Police had stolen his wallet in a conspiracy with JD Irving, and that Chief Kinsella was expecting him.Below are delivery confirmations confirming receipt of "The Wolf and the Neural Network - ALPHA" July 11th 2022 and confirms it was also sitting in HRP mailbox. In fact, I can confirm delivery confirmations from HRP going back to 2021. Proving I had given lots of notice to HRP, RCMP, CSIS, Lawyers and Government Officials. Their delivery confirmation stated HRP would reply in 7 days. However they did not, while I actually gave 22 days before walking down to HRP. While there were also other emails sent days and hours leading up to the event.
And what I said to HRP and the Arresting Officers regarding Dan Kinsella knowing about me coming down to HRP was that I would find it hard to believe he didn't know as I gave lots of warning. Which is objectively true. Here are the delivery confirmations Direct Link -
August 2nd 2022 I came with "The Wolf and the Neural Network - ALPHA" and when I asked officers to sit down and go through it and use those referenced dates, HRP arrested me and stated I gave no warning while here again Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran are again lying about it.
While note Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran never once reference my Freedom of Information request I had made two months prior. Or that my wallet was involved in something HRP themselves in 2019 stated was "Ongoing", and so reasonably involved in something illegal which I have a right to know about. While HRP stated my case was locked for someone else's privacy. But even more interesting is on the day I got my FOI request back from HRP June 23rd 2022, that same day the President of Irving Shipbuilding stepped down. A good example of TAA.
Emails were sent to these same addresses and same recipients, days and hours of walking down to HRP. I asked them to please respond or stop me. I clearly asked about arrests while asking to clarify provisions in the criminal code associated with Theft of Property in terms of citizen's arrest and the time frame. While as was directed in Legal Documentation, it stated to seek out clarification from an Officer. Which is what I did August 2nd 2022.
There were many other issues that had nothing to do with my wallet being reported and experienced. I found my GPS set 9330 Highway #7 Stillwater Nova Scotia. A serious federal crime. I then found pictures of the registered downer at Irving Shipbuilding, while they had signed certificates from the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. I then found contracts for EMIC, which is associated with Cambridge Analytica and Global Election interference. This was spyware. Direct Link -
But it gets worse, Valent Legal reported possible hacking and phishing regarding this core issue, as did another company Burchells LP (Similar name to Burchells LLP, another Law office referenced) had reported their phone system hacked and were shocked that it called me. Against serious federal crimes and possible attempts at identify theft. Direct Link -
Day's before walking down to HRP, my google Business Analytics spiked to thousands and went crazy (Property views in Google Maps by my house) Direct Link -
While the day of walking down to HRP, my google accounts, including Business Analytics were locked due to "suspicious behavior"... or hacking attempts. All serious indications of further hacking. All serious incidences of serious federal crimes. Direct Link -
All showing a very high level of situational awareness by all parties including CSIS, DND, RCMP and Halifax Regional Police.
Like I said, it would be hard to believe Dan Kinsella and HRP did not know I was walking down to HRP or my intentions. How would the Chief of Police not know someone was asking about Citizens arrest, and advising they are walking down to HRP? While if they thought I was a threat, any of these parties could have stopped me.
Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran are frauds.
4) "The initial complaint contained details of Mr Jewers making conspiracist claims about retired HRP member Superintendent Jim Perrin who currently works at JD Irving having him fired"This is absolutely demonstrably false. This is a direct fabrication by Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran and is a testament to their Delusional Psychosis. You will never find such an accusation anywhere. Jim Perrin, VP's, Directors, Myself did an investigation at Irving Shipbuilding early 2020 into Harassment. This was escalated to the Defense Minister and Top of the Federal and Provincial Government. How could Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran all get this basic fact wrong? It's simple it's because they are frauds trying to claim Plausible Deniability. The full email to Jonathan Jefferies can be found here April 3rd 2023 - Direct Link -
Ask yourself the basic question of how can Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran claim other HRP officers would never lie and misrepresent facts August 2nd 2022 While Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran are actively misrepresenting facts presented to them in writing by a global technical expert? While contacting me to clarify would only takes seconds! It's clear they will lie, cheat and steal and then blame everyone else while they pretend they are heroes and victims and quite frankly, it's disgusting.
This is extended to the fact that Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran didn't record, that hours after me submitting Form 5, at Halifax Regional Police on March 13th 2023, NSHA had me arrested and tortured and instead Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran fraudulently claim that my statements about NSHA applied to August 2nd 2022. While contacting me to clarify would only takes seconds. Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran never mentioned that soon after my false arrest and torture, we found out my mother who was severely mentally and physically ill, and of whom the primary caretaker was diagnosed with17CM tumor. She would pass away January 29th 2023. And on that morning, Premier Tim Houston showed up at the hospital. While neighbors reported lights in my house. Reasonably a break and enter.
This is direct, willful and not contestable proof of the pattern of abusive behavior and fraud expected from HRP and professional standards. It is direct proof of the kinds of Frauds and Monsters people like Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran will be when they think they can get away with it. And it makes me wonder how many other victims of theirs must exist. There is a basic line of questioning in this case that absolutely destroys Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere, Patrick Curran and those Officers.
How did my GPS get set to 9330 Highway #7 Stillwater NS? Why are there pictures of the registered owner at JDIrving? What are the associations with EMIC -> SCL group -> Cambridge Analytica (It was done by Spyware and directly ties to Global Election Interference)
There is no solution to the issue in which Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran keep their jobs. My recommendation to RMCP and CSIS is charges of Fraud for each with a minimum of 4 years in a federal prison not to exceed 15 years. While none of them is to ever hold security clearance again.
#cbcnews #CTVNews #citynews #postmedia #sheetharbour #JustinTrudeau #JagmeetSingh #PierrePoilievre #liberalpartyofcanada #NDP #ConservativeParty #conservativepartyofcanada #RCMP #CSIS #timhouston #cbcradio #bellmedia #TorontoStar #halifaxns #novascotia #globeandmail #Netflix #HBO #PrimeVideo #jeffbezos #MarkZuckerberg #elonmusk #BillGates
5) "Jewers provided a detailed email regarding his claims of conspiracies against him by NSHA, RCMP, Police Stalking Him, Jim Perrin, Media Outlets and being Falsely Arrested on August 02nd, 2022"
"He stated that while being assessed by the doctor, officer 5 walked into the room and called him by name and just stood there. He stated the Officer walked out of the room sat down and sat down with Officer 4. He stated that he felt it was not appropriate for the officers to be sitting outside the door. "
This is absolutely fraudulent slander and defamation by Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran. In my submission August 3rd 2022, October 22 2022, and then April 3rd 2023. I have never said it was inappropriate for Officers to be sitting outside of the room. I said it was inappropriate for the Emergency Mental Health doctor to be compelling me as a witness against myself and forcing me to talk about this especially given HRP called themselves a Conflict of Interest. The arresting HRP Officers themselves stated in no uncertain terms, they should not and cannot be trusted. Let's clarify the situation August 2nd and 3rd 2022:
Nancy murphy was the Original admitting doctor, basing this solely on the fraud of the arresting Officers while she denied me a lawyer and was told I was being denied a lawyer. Here is Nancy Murphy's herself admitting that her record is incomplete. The image can be found here - while she did this because HRP already pulled the trigger of Systemic Bias, so she treated me like meat for processing.
The Emergency Mental Health Doctor then based her Decision on Nancy Murphy's self-admitted incomplete record, where both their decisions were directly impacted by the false arrest, by the Arresting Officers which Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran removed from the complaint. Nancy Murphy didn't record that HRP called themselves a conflict of interest and instead stated I was found outside of HRP protesting which Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran knows is false. Nancy Murphy didn't record that I asked for a lawyer. Nancy Murphy claimed I lived with my parents which is false I cared for my physically and mentally disabled mother and we co-own a house meaning I'm a completely independent person. Nancy Murphy didn't record my credentials of over 18 years' experience, or that I was writing a book called "The Wolf and the Neural Network". Nancy Murphy claimed I said I currently working for Dalhousie and working for RCMP and CSIS. All Fraud. While Nancy Murphy and NSHA took my blood and did a CT scan while I repeatedly asked for lawyer and while NSHA, Nancy Murphy and Officer holding me repeatedly told me that I looked guilty if I didn't consent. The record is terrifying.
Now, When Officer 5 walked in, I was with the Emergency Mental Health doctor who based their decision and perception of me based on this fraudulent and self-admitted incomplete record of Nancy Murphy (Original Admitting Doctor). The Emergency Mental Health Doctor compelled me as a witness against myself and stated I would just be locked up if I didn't talk about it. And when I asked how appropriate that was about Police and forcing me to talk about this she then said "that sounds kind paranoid doesn't it"... She told me I wasn't denied a lawyer. And I said yes I was, how can you know what occurred the last 10 hours? The Emergency Mental Health doctor then straddled a door and mocked and humiliated me actively to my face and quite loudly with those two officers, and Officer 5, the last HRP officer I interacted with, and whom took my cuffs of DID LOVE IT... while she was basing their decision on Nancy Murphy's self-admitted incomplete record while HRP was given the assumption of Innocence, I was given the assumption of guilt. The complete opposite of the foundation of the Canadian Legal System.
Now only after admitting me and mocking and humiliating me The Emergency Mental Health Doctor then states I can use a phone to contact a lawyer. When I went out to ask for a Phone, Nancy Murphy (Original Admitting doctor one who admitted he record is incomplete) stated "Honey there is no phone". I was denied a lawyer 5 times over a 10+ hour's period. While the officer told me even if I could get a lawyer, they couldn't come talk to me. I even asked if habeas corpus could be applied as I am being denied a lawyer and the length of the detention was clearly excessive. 10 + hours in handcuffs.
But this is the best part. Under the care of Nancy Murphy and Emergency Mental Health Doctor, My Book bag -> Wallet - Financial Information - Identity Information and Health Card (Personal Health Information (PHI)) (Page 73 - Jewers_Medical Record Copy_12 Oct 2023.pdf) was involved in a Privacy Breach involving those very individuals. After the Emergency Mental Health doctor literally mocked me about asking basic Privacy Questions, while they admit their records are incomplete. While here Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran then goes on to mock me further and mispresent the facts and what I reported as to fit their own Delusional Psychosis. NSHA called me a liar about my book bag, but when searching through 180+ pages of notes I found Mount Hope staff notes confirm the serious privacy Breach of NSHA, Nancy Murphy and Emergency Mental Health Doctor. Which was not reported, and noted immediately in my short August 3rd 2022 submission.
Here is a detailed breakdown, including screenshots of Mount Hope staff confirming the Privacy Breach but also contents of my wallet, confirming PHI Breach occurred -
All of which supports that my book bag - wallet and PHI was involved in a serious unreported privacy Breach with NSHA. And if you read the submission, it was very reasonably sent with Two HRP Officers who overheard me talking about how much money JDIrving would pay to stay of Jail. Which Jonathan Jefferies intentionally goes on to completely misrepresent and slander in attempt to discredit them and me by claiming I woke up to the person who had my book bag standing over me. THIS IS FRAUD... I NEVER SAID THAT. It is a direct and intentional fabrication of Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran. But the best part is that the record supports that my Book bag was sent to Mount Hope before I had even seen the Emergency Mental Health Doctor. Really stop and appreciate how bad that is. Here is a quote from my Submission to Jonathan Jefferies April 3rd 2023 - :
"Now, when first speaking to the Admitting doctor. I asked about Privacy, The Admitting Doctor assured me anything I had said was between them and me. However, In the middle of discussion, Officer 5, who I had never met, and was under the impression I would be with Officer 4 until 6 am. This new Officer just walks into the room, says Scott and just stands there. But then awkwardly then goes into the room beside us, and sits right by the door with Officer 4. I simply asked how appropriate it was for that to occur, and that given they are right outside the door while given the complaint against them then I don't really feel comfortable discussing anything. The doctor said "That's kind of paranoid isn't it"... I said no, you're asking me questions that implicate these police and their superiors and given I'm saying they falsely arrested me, It's a rational thought while you (The doctor) said I should have a reasonable expectation of Privacy... This is where she says she is going to admit me... I was shocked. But then it gets much worse.
The Admitting doctor then goes to open it half way and straddles it. They LAUGH OUT LOUD and say to the two Officers sitting there "HAHAHAH HE THINKS YOU CAN HEAR HIM".... "HERE SCOTT TEST IT AND WELL SEE HAHAHAHA"... When I just asked how appropriate it was. But now Officer 4 and 5 were laughing. Officer 5 LOVED IT. Officer 5 and the Admitting Doctor were literally getting off on humiliating me, it brought them sincere Joy. I didn't not get that impression from Officer 4... But it's interesting seeing this police report, and knowing he said I hope I can "Trust" someone someday... But I remained cool, calm, collected and kind... I looked at her and calmly said "this is really inappropriate", I again asked for a lawyer, she lied and said I was never denied a lawyer, when, how could she know about the last 10 Hours. She said I could call one, I said okay then, for privacy I'd wait until the Officers and Her left, she said okay. Officer 5 then got up, came over to take my cuffs off and asked "do you have any questions for me", I looked in his eyes and shook my head no and softly said "man this isn't right". Officer 5 then YELLED IN MY FACE - "I ASKED DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR ME"... I said no, and Officer 5 took the cuffs off. No other Officer did anything like that. That person immediately degraded me as a human being while that Monster of an Admitting Doctor made it okay... I was just some retard. Think about this... the Officer was just told I was considered a Vulnerable Person and look how Officer 5 acted when they thought I was less than human they could get away with the abuse. I then went and asked for a Phone to contact a Lawyer, again Staff told me "Honey there is no phone"."
Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran absolutely misrepresented that reported set of events to fit their Delusional Psychosis. These people literally mocked and humiliated me while they caused a serious privacy breach of my PHI and denied me a lawyer. And here Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran absolutely lied about it as to directly mislead the reader and to retaliate against me. This is covered further and in more detail in section 4 of this document.
Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran are FRAUDS.
7) "Jewers also stated in his email that he had a backpack when arrested and that when he was admitted to hospital it ended up in another patient's custody. He claims that the patient, who also had been admitted to hospital, told him he was high on drugs and woke up hugging it, went through his wallet and was standing over him when he woke up."Jonathan Jefferies, Ron Legere and Patrick Curran are frauds and this statement is full blown slander and defamation. It was reasonably done as to specifically and proactively discredit me and the person who unprompted the next morning told me about my book bag early August 3rd 2022:
Submission to Jonathan Jefferies April 3rd 2023 -
"But it gets worse, much worse. Remember how I asked about Privacy? Well, then Under NSHA, HRP and that Admitting Doctors care, my book bag, which again had my wallet in it and had a giant sticker saying SCOTT, it appears to have ended up in custody of those two nonaffiliated HRP Officers who heard me ask "how much do you think JDIrving pays to stay out of Jail...1MIL, 10MIL, 100MIL?" And it made it to Mount Hope before I had even seen a Doctor... Nobody told me what happened. But In the Morning, the person who was in custody of those two nonaffiliated HRP officers came to me and said something like:
DUDE YOU CAN'T SPEAK AROUND POLICE LIKE THAT... I woke up messed up hugging your stuff and they went all through it... Do you want to rock paper scissors for one of the $20's"? (I had 2 $20's to which I obviously said no.)
This was reported immediately and to Doctor Holms. While that morning, as proof, on that large email thread I have going, I sent it out directly:
Jonathan Jefferies absolutely and intentionally misrepresented that. Where did I ever state that the person who reported my book bag was the same person standing over me? Nowhere. It's a fabrication by Jonathan Jefferies, its blatant Fraud. My book bag literally had a GIANT sticker on it saying "SCOTT" so if you see someone with a giant sticker on their book bag that said "SCOTT" what would you think their name was? Obviously Scott.
While to be clear, the man standing over me and touched my lower stomach inches above my penis was not the person who ended up with my book bag. When it occurred, I jumped back in the bed with my hands up in shock. It was just inches above my penis. The man then identified himself as a Doctor but there was no warning and it was extremely sudden. While any person would be shocked and concerned while regardless of excuse it was extremely inappropriate. I reported this behavior to Kristen Holm, Psychiatrist at Mount Hope and there is no reference to it in any of her notes because she knew how bad this was especially as she knew I was denied a lawyer, the events with my book bag, the mocking and humiliating me by the Emergency Mental Health doctor and incredible inconsistencies in the NSHA record. While here are note the notes about my Book bag -> Wallet - Financial Information - Identity Information and Health Card (Personal Health Information (PHI)) (Page 73 - Jewers_Medical Record Copy_12 Oct 2023.pdf). While the College and NSHA are also trying to cover up what occurred with my belongings and is a perfect example of NSHA and CPSNS (College) lying to cover up the incredible abuse ad failures of NSHA staff, along with Kristen Holm:
January 15th 2024 - "There is no evidence to suggest Dr. Murphy had anything to do with the transportation of your belongings to Mount Hope, or that this was done prior to you being transferred there." - (Jewers re Dr Murphy - Dismissed by Registrar with Advice - 15 Jan 24.pdf)
August 3rd 2022 - " the clients belongings including wallet was brought to the unit with the previous client mistakenly. Scotts brown leather wallet and contents as per valuables disclaimer are in the locked cabinet"
While again, regarding my General Admission. Here is the admitting doctor from NSHA, Nancy murphy admitting part of their fraud:
January 15th 2024 - "Dr. Murphy acknowledges that her documentation of the encounter was incomplete." (Admitting Doctor from QEII Emergency)